Nariel’s profile
I had a….epic time….
I see myself out
My non-steam backlog is progressing really well, but my Gamepass sub is running out soon.
Don’t know yet if I will get it again.
PC Building sim was kinda fun, but I am honestly not a big sim guy.
But since I got it for free, I wanted to give it a try.
According to their news they update the game all the time, but the best GPU's I had for use were the 1070 ti and the 980?
Dunno if better ones unlocked a lot later or epic didnt get updated or if the update didnt include new GPUs or whatever.
But it felt kinda lame to use "outdated" parts.
All in all still a good game, especially if you are into sims
Hand of Fate 2 was really fun
Had quite some differences to 1, some good some bad.
I like that you could have allies in fights, but in some missions the difficulty was way too high, or the side objective way too luck based
but all in all it did was HoF1 did and it was good at it
Shapez was kinda addicting
At first I was kinda bored, it then wanted to solve all the new Shapez and get further
In the end I played till I reached free play
Sometimes the game gave me a headache, but certainly a great game for puzzle fans
Rising Hell in one word: short
Died quickly on my first run, then on my second run after figuring out the controls I beat the game. Took me about an hour.
Of course you could go for different characters or high scores.
But for that the game is not fun/repayable enough for me.
F. I. S. T. could have been a awesome metroidvenia. The gameplay part is all there.
But it's mostly plagued by technical difficulties, the story is also not the strongest part of the game. The ending is also kinda open, maybe set up for a sequel? Which is questionable if that will happen with the little success the game had.
All in all I enjoyed the game, but with a little more polish it could have been something great
Ni no kuni was a well made game, some little things bothered me
like they advertise with Gibli, but the total gibli cutscenes were maybe 20 minutes? Not much thats for sure.
All in all still a good game
Casette beasts is a though cookie for me
On one hand it's a great game
on the other hand there was so much little stuff that bothered me, which added up.
In the end I set the difficulty to easy and breezed through it, cause I wanted to see the end.
All in all a solid game for sure though
Metal Unit was…. alright I guess
The story was nothing special, it was there…
The combat at start is pretty basic, but with rarer equipment it can get pretty crazy
on the other hand later enemies get pretty crazy too
All in all, it's alright
Out of line was a very basic puzzle platformer
no real thinking required, not much platforming required
not much anything required
Maybe nice if you need something simple and relaxing
Time to sum up the last few months on Gamepass!
Plus my first (free) GoG game.
It was quite a fun little game.
Tian ding is basically Taiwanese robin hood with a little magical twist.
Combat was alright, graphics look great.
All in all a good game
Really good story with one or two plottwists I didnt expect.
The oveaheat mechanic took a bit to get used to
But all in old it's a solid turn based combat.
Beautiful pixel graphics, beautiful musics
If you like oldschool JRPGS, you will like this one.
Oh well what to say here.
Goofy hero, fun villians. A story is there too.
It's a rhytmn game, I suck at rhytmn games, but I still managed to beat it.
Had a blast with the game and can only recommend it.
It's a yakuza, but turn based!
I really enjoyed the combat, but I gotta say the difficulty is higher than in other yakuza games, there will be times where you have to grind levels to progress.
Besides that Kazuga seems to be a good main after Kiryu.
He might be a bit dumb, but he has the heart at the right place.
I craved a Metroidvenia.
This game scratched the itch a bit.
it's not bad, but very basic.
And it's especially very slow, bothersome slow at times.
It was bearable since the game is short, but it's not a great game.
A post is really overdue for me!
A okay-ish 3D collectathon.
Not much story as usual for those games
The controls are a bit slugish, I decided to endure the game since it's a short game.
Overall decent.
What to say about this nice little adventure.
I am personally not a fan of a game with several endings where you have to search for the correct one.
But this story was really good and it has nice gravity falls vibes.
I think Metroidvenia might be my favorite genre nowadays.
I would not say this one is one of the best metroidvenia out there.
But it's decent in every aspect.
If you don't expect too much, you can really have fun with this game.
Some highs and lows there.
Some plot twists I liked, some I didnt like.
Hard to say more without spoiling the story.
Overall I enjoyed it, even if it was not the best game.
turns music on
Great game, some parts felt more like a unnecessary filler, but still a great game.
The saddest part for me was the I couldnt enjoy the music after a huddle up cause the fight was over too fast.
They should have continued the music after you win, till the song is over.
The last game of the Kiryiu saga ( as far as I know)
Personally the first few chapters were a bit too slow for my taste.
But towards middle/end the whole thing really picked up the pace and got interesting.
Combat, games, sidequests were typical yakuza, not much to say there.
Guess who forgot to post his gamepass stuff?
Yep that’s me.
But I also managed to reach 70% completed on steam!
Okay Gamepass:
Okay, in general I wouldn't say this is a bad game.
I had quite a bit of fun with it,
but when a puzzle can soft lock your entire run and you have to restart halfway in, just cause you are stuck behind a puzzle?
That sucks big time.
After that I dropped the game and didn't pick it up again.
I finished one story run on the normal difficulty.
It feels like there is another ending to it, but I didnt bother to look for it.
In terms of gameplay it's fun, but nothing special, I wouldnt want to spend too much time on it.
So for the short while I played it, it was nice.
Damn this was fun!
I expected something like Pikmin, but was surprised with a 3D platformer.
The "Pikmin" are basically just abilities that help you in different ways to solve puzzles or platform around the area.
It's a really sweet mix of platforming, collecting and a touch of Pikmin.
The only tiny little -, it would have been nice if they would show missables with the goggles, but I managed to find everything naturally.
This one is hard to judge for me.
I had mixed feelings through the whole game.
I like the art and the setting, the whole beat'em up gameplay isnt really deep, the level up and equip mechanics are nice, it's a lot of repeating….
In the end I played through the whole game, I had fun, but it isn't that great of a game.
Probably more fun in co-op(offline only)
This game is weirdly fun.
I was just curious but in the end I kept playing and playing.
Till I finished the first half of the story? I moved the whole way up, but didnt want to bother with moving back down.
It's one of those games I would say "try the demo", either you get stuck with it or you don't.
I had a blast with this!
The Tim Burton-ish setting is awesome, the story feels kind of unique, the gameplay is fun.
You have a sort of action based combat, but you draw your equipment as a type of consumable cards.
Stuff to collect, monster to fight, a story to enjoy with a good atmosphere!
A short one this time, since I was busy with other stuff.
Also Microsoft introduced Ubisoft games in Gamepass, now I have to handle the Ubi Launcher too!
This was my first Assassins Creed….
I liked the Open World quests and exploration.
The Story and the environment was subpar for my taste.
But since I liked the gameplay in general, I have high hopes for Odyssey and Valhalla(which will hopefully arrive on steam)
Awesome music, awesome visuals, good gameplay.
The only thing I can complain about that some parts involve a bit of RNG, which can become frustrating if you have to try several times.
But overall an incredible game.
Just dont know if I would want to play Unravel 2 alone, considering that it's a coop focused game
Didnt write a post in a long time
so time to catch up!
Nice relaxing adventure
nothing special
but short enough to be a pleasant experience
I struggled more with this puzzle game, that I would like to admit
The game itself is decent.
Just not a big thing for me
I really enjoyed this time game!
I have no clue about Record of Lodoss War, so I cant say too much about the story.
Which I understood about it was okay.
But the gameplay is great.
Metroidvenia might be my favorite genre nowadays, and this game scratched all my itches.
A Beautiful nature planet get's overtaken by a black slime called the gunk.
First half of the game you mostly run around sucking up the gunk, later there are some enemies you have to deal with.
Most of the time you platform, collect materials and enjoy the scenery
no goty, but an okay game for what it is
Very creative puzzler with light platforming elements.
I got a lot more than I expected from it.
Solid game, if it fits your tastes
A very enjoable mix of platformer/metroidvenia and pokemon.
But sadly the last dungeon killed the fun due to an insane difficulty spike
I think they adjusted that a bit by now, but it was a pain for me.
I am not a big fan of horror.
But this game builds a nice athmoshere without relying on jump scares or gore.
The story it tells is really interesting and till the very end hard to expect what happens.
I really enjoyed weeb souls.
Just in the later part of the game, the church area was such a labyrinth, it was a real pain.
If you like souls-likes, you should give this a try.
This is a pretty good roguelite.
You explore the almost never ending temple with a lot of monsters, bosses and nice mechanics
I didnt bother to go for the true ending
but I enjoyed the the trip to the normal ending.
At first I was tempted to drop the game several times.
but due to my crave for metroidvenia games I eventually pulled through
and I would say the journey I got out of it was worth it.
The game is kinda weird, but if you give it a chance, its really worth it
This game is hard to describe
it's weird, it's fun and even more weird.
but it never gets boring due to the many forms you can change into and the many dungeons to explore
This was my first dragon quest game.
And I really enjoyed it.
It scratches every jrpg itch there is.
The game has what I always enjoyed about final fantasy.
It's a great jrpg, simple as that.
This game is though, really though.
As I noticed how though the game is, I honestly turned the rookie mode on.
This made the game enjoyable, half of the skulls is useless, but when you get a good skull
Damn it makes fun to run around and kill the enemies.
it's also a roguelite game, so if you struggle and die, your next run wil be like 0,1% easier.
This game feels so much like Hades, its incredible
almost every aspect of the gameplay feels like hades.
Just the story and grahpics are different.
But damn, it feels like hades
For me, this was by far the weakest Yakuza
the jump from the remaked 2 to the remaster 3 was pretty rough
But the roughest part was the boring story.
It also makes no real diffrence for the whole thing called Yakuza
well….it was okay
A very refreshing up after the down I had from Yakuza 3
It nicely picks up all the previus yakuzas and answeres some open questions.
I also liked the new combat styles from the other characters.
This one was pretty rough for me.
The first chapter was so slow and made it hard for me to enjoy it.
The start of the next chapter just continued to drag on but it got finally better when I reached the mountain area.
The third chapter was a real enjoyable breeze, the dancing that came and everything was super enjoyable.
the fourth chapter finally had some more action. Just hat new char was not really to my liking.
And well the final chapter……it was epic as usual
it's a yakuza game
it's good
but for me probably one of the worse one
…..I bet because it doesnt have enough majima
For once I managed to find someone to play a coop game with (Hi Cat wave)
This game is a blast, good platforming, good puzzles. Funny story, very funny and good story.
It simply ticks all boxes.
Most puzzles are really focused to cooperate, so a voice chat is basically a must.
The only thing which was a bit of a bummer, that there was no option to turn off the split screen, which I would have preffered for over the net coop.
Nice little puzzler in which you play with your perception to mostly change sizes of objects.
Gameplay is really nothing impressive here.
I considered dropping it twice in that short time of the game.
But the nice story and the voice acting actually made me pull through.
Would probably have worked better as audio book
Ahhh yes Forza Horizon 5…..
I had a lot of fun with this game.
Didn't play racing games for a long time, but…
… if you look past the single player expierence, the multiplayer is sadly still riddled with bugs.
The season list is also still riddled with bugs
I finished all the base races and the "story" and counted the game completed for me.
Kinda sad they have such a big problem with bugs.
This one was hard to gauge for me.
Everyone compared it to paper mario, but the only paper mario I played was origami king.
And the combat and simliar had nothing in common with it.
I guess I lacked nostalgia for that part.
it was still a good and fun turn based RPG with reaction/tming based attacks.
The story overall was nice but took too long to get interesting,
but I would not rate it 5/5.
Still good though
I really had a blast with all 3 Yakuza games, sadly I skimmed through the side quests and ignored the minigames since I was on a timer.
All 3 games are leaving gamepass this month so I tried my best to finish them in time (which I did)
But the main story and the side quests I played were super interest and fun, especially majima is always good for a laugh.
The combat was varried and fast enough to keep it interesting enough
All good games
(copied from Yakuza 0)
I really had a blast with all 3 Yakuza games, sadly I skimmed through the side quests and ignored the minigames since I was on a timer.
All 3 games are leaving gamepass this month so I tried my best to finish them in time (which I did)
But the main story and the side quests I played were super interest and fun, especially majima is always good for a laugh.
The combat was varried and fast enough to keep it interesting enough
All good games
(copied from Yakuza 0)
I really had a blast with all 3 Yakuza games, sadly I skimmed through the side quests and ignored the minigames since I was on a timer.
All 3 games are leaving gamepass this month so I tried my best to finish them in time (which I did)
But the main story and the side quests I played were super interest and fun, especially majima is always good for a laugh.
The combat was varried and fast enough to keep it interesting enough
All good games
I am really split on this one, it's a nice game.
But it just so happens to release with really simliar games and just can't measure up to, for example, Hades.
I think my biggest problem was to stay interested in the game.
The Game barely has any story and that does not help.
This game is an awesome adventure!
Not much to say here without spoiling anything.
A little bit of platforming, a little bit of "simon says" and a lot of epical astro music
I really loved the trun based combat on this one
I would have enjoyed a bit more story in total
But how the combat played out with the skills and breaking the enemies and all was awesome
Didn't expect such a challenge from the final boss though.
Sadly the achievements for this game are broken.
The game were fun but, especially riding doggy!
But it got a bit worse cause how the wall jump is done.
Would have loved more levels with the dog though.
Awesome music!
Awesome visuals!
Awesome battle mechanics!
…..sadly the story falls super short. It really didn't help the story that there were 8 seperate stories without any connection to each other.
and split in chapters mixed inbetween.
But the most frustrating part for me was, that they introduce battle mechanics and the optinal hard bosses at the end just block them all.
All the optional stuff they built it just the way to be annoying.
It's Psychonauts!
After a long time a sequel.
I really enjoyed the Story and the gameplay.
short review 10/10
I didn't expect much from this game, but I really had my share of fun.
The only ting that fell short for me, was the character selection.
Since you basically only play one character actively, I always used the Main Character.
But the gameplay was fun and quirky, the story was nice.
Love this game! Awesome atmosphere.
And I am really into cardgames like this.
This was a first for me to have a cardgame with a open map in which you can walk around.
I personally still fought every enemy on the map for the rewards.
The only thing I could complain about, is that a lot of story related stuff is tied to chance encounters.
For example I finished the game and still have not encountered the seamstress.
I have a really hard time judging here.
since the game get's removed, I really rushed it.
Knowing that there is a lot of optional stuff and NG+ it feels a bit like I am missing a bit
But my goal was to finish the main story and I finished that.
The story was really good and became more epic with each part.
Aside from that it felt like a typical Tales of(JRPG). I also tuned down the difficulty to easy to save time on grinding and fight times.
A really charming story wrapped in a walking simulator.
The contrast between the dark and light visuals were really nice.
But it was good the game wasn't too long.
The lack of gameplay started to get boring
Well, well.
This was my first "Torchlight", so I can't say it's not "Torchlight"
But the game still feels not that great. A lot of stuff feels like it was supossed to be a MMO but got scraped midway
I would say it's okay, at best.
This game was really a bag of mixed feelings for me.
I do not like first-person games at all, but Supraland pushed all the right buttons beside of that.
I really enjoyed it, the collecting, the exploring, the puzzles.
it's really a fun game
A really fun twist for the Darksiders games!
I played the game alone (Want to buy friends)
But it was still very enjoyable.
the "Metroidvenia" part with a chapter select was a bit awkward and seemed forced
but otherwise from that the prequel story was also very interesting
Darksiders 4 when?
This was my first Shantae game.
and the first thought that came to me: They are damn good at making you visit the same level 100 times.
Also it felt a bit like Monster Boy to me with the dances.
It was a really fun game, but a few more levels would not have hurt.
I did not play the DLCs cause I did not feel like paying for them on EA Desktop.
Furi was at times really frustrating.
The enemies signal an attack but attack a bit later, so you are too early with the block
it's all just learning when every enemy actually attacks.
Besides of that it had some really nice Boss Fights and interesting Story.
It was kinda nice to get back into a racing game after years.
It did not have too much beside racing to get me confused.
But the optional Microtransactions were a bit bothersome.
"Yay I found a nice car!"….go to the store to purchase it…..
Besides of that when I reached the top3 it was a bit of a grind for the last ones.
But I really licked to explore the map to find cars
1537 | games |
20% | never played |
0% | unfinished |
3% | beaten |
70% | completed |
6% | won't play |
- Gifts 66
- Won on Steamgifts - Unbundled 28
- Won on SteamGifts 151
- Bought with Steamwallet 159
- Bought on Humble BTA/T3 or Monthly 56
- Bought on Humble for 1$ 112
- Traded 35
- Bought on Fanatical 48
- Bought on Groupees 10
- Bought on Indiegala 60
- Tremor 78
- Free Games 41
- Remasters 33
- Final Fantasy! 24
- Bron's Picks 15