Unfinished 177 games

Game Achievements Playtime
10 Second Ninja X
0% (0 of 12) 29 minutes
11-11 Memories Retold SteamGifts Wins
0% (0 of 50) about 5 hours
A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher
0% (0 of 10) 27 minutes
A Long Way Down
12% (1 of 9) about 1 hour
A Story About My Uncle
0% (0 of 15) about 4 hours
Absolute Drift SteamGifts Wins
15% (3 of 20) about 1 hour
Agent A: A puzzle in disguise
20% (6 of 30) about 2 hours
8% (2 of 25) about 1 hour
Another Brick in The Mall Overall Priorities This Year's Priorities
6% (3 of 52) about 27 hours
Archeo: Shinar
6% (2 of 34) 11 minutes
0% (0 of 50) about 7 hours
4% (1 of 26) about 2 hours
Bad North
37% (4 of 11) about 2 hours
BattleBlock Theater
30% (9 of 30) about 9 hours
27% (34 of 128) about 141 hours
0% (0 of 50) about 2 hours
Big Pharma
12% (3 of 25) about 8 hours
Black The Fall
8% (1 of 14) about 4 hours
Bomber Crew
47% (14 of 30) about 13 hours
24% (5 of 21) about 4 hours
Braveland Pirate
8% (2 of 26) about 2 hours
Brawlout SteamGifts Wins
3% (1 of 37) 42 minutes
Bridge Constructor Portal
47% (12 of 26) about 26 hours
Brigador: Up-Armored Edition Overall Priorities
4% (2 of 65) about 4 hours
Burnin' Rubber 5 HD SteamGifts Wins
0% (0 of 12) about 3 hours
Cities: Skylines Overall Priorities
1% (1 of 127) about 2 hours
0% (0 of 50) about 1 hour
0% (0 of 12) about 4 hours
Concrete Jungle
24% (3 of 13) about 9 hours
Conga Master
24% (10 of 42) about 5 hours
Crazy Machines 3
3% (1 of 41) about 6 hours
Crazy Taxi
0% (0 of 12) 18 minutes
Cyber Hook
28% (6 of 22) 30 minutes
Dead Man's Draw
70% (14 of 20) about 31 hours
Deck Adventurers - Origins
5% (1 of 20) about 1 hour
16% (27 of 179) about 4 hours
Dex SteamGifts Wins
4% (1 of 32) about 6 hours
17% (5 of 31) about 7 hours
Divide by Sheep
16% (3 of 19) about 2 hours
Divinity: Original Sin 2
3% (2 of 97) about 53 hours
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
4% (2 of 54) about 14 hours
Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive Overall Priorities
0% (0 of 25) about 4 hours
Doodle Derby
5% (1 of 20) 13 minutes
Door Kickers
26% (11 of 43) about 5 hours
Door Kickers: Action Squad
2% (1 of 51) 15 minutes
Drive!Drive!Drive! SteamGifts Wins
65% (13 of 20) about 1 hour
Dub Dash
7% (2 of 30) 11 minutes
Duck Game
6% (1 of 18) about 6 hours
2% (1 of 58) 36 minutes
Escape Goat 2
0% (0 of 16) about 6 hours
16% (2 of 13) 36 minutes
EXAPUNKS Overall Priorities This Year's Priorities
7% (1 of 16) about 13 hours
Fantasy Versus
6% (1 of 19) about 3 hours
0% (0 of 12) 44 minutes
Flashing Lights
21 minutes
For The King SteamGifts Wins
21% (16 of 78) about 11 hours
0% (0 of 24) about 4 hours
35% (28 of 81) about 29 hours
Fort Triumph
8% (2 of 27) 41 minutes
FRAMED Collection
12% (2 of 18) about 2 hours
24% (27 of 115) about 73 hours
Frozen Synapse
7% (1 of 16) about 5 hours
Future Proof
6% (1 of 17) 30 minutes
5% (2 of 46) about 5 hours
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved
27% (8 of 30) about 8 hours
21% (14 of 67) about 6 hours
Going Under
5% (1 of 23) about 3 hours
Golf With Your Friends
16% (13 of 83) about 2 hours
4% (2 of 60) about 5 hours
GRIP: Combat Racing This Year's Priorities
51% (18 of 35) about 19 hours
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition Overall Priorities
12% (7 of 63) about 7 hours
10% (4 of 42) about 9 hours
Halcyon 6: Lightspeed Edition
4% (3 of 82) about 7 hours
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy
23% (8 of 35) about 8 hours
Hand of Fate 2 This Year's Priorities
32% (31 of 99) about 52 hours
Hello Neighbor Overall Priorities
0% (0 of 17) 32 minutes
Horizon Chase Turbo
9% (4 of 48) about 43 hours
Hotshot Racing
6% (3 of 53) about 1 hour
27% (9 of 34) about 4 hours
Infinite Air with Mark McMorris Overall Priorities
15% (6 of 41) 31 minutes
Iris and the giant
19% (3 of 16) about 7 hours
I’m not a Monster
6% (5 of 88) about 1 hour
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
16% (6 of 38) about 1 hour
KickBeat Steam Edition
24% (10 of 42) about 8 hours
L.A. Noire
15% (9 of 60) about 6 hours
LEGO® Jurassic World This Year's Priorities
5% (2 of 49) about 1 hour
Mainlining Overall Priorities
about 4 hours
Memetown USA
23 minutes
Mercenary Kings SteamGifts Wins
0% (0 of 26) about 8 hours
0% (0 of 18) 39 minutes
19% (5 of 27) about 9 hours
25% (5 of 20) about 17 hours
Moto Racer 4 SteamGifts Wins
4% (2 of 50) about 4 hours
40% (9 of 23) about 7 hours
Moving Out
3% (1 of 38) 18 minutes
My Friend Pedro
4% (1 of 30) 19 minutes
No Man's Sky
70% (19 of 27) about 99 hours
Octahedron: Transfixed Edition
3% (1 of 35) about 3 hours
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
4% (1 of 27) 7 minutes
12% (4 of 34) about 7 hours
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
8% (4 of 57) about 2 hours
2% (1 of 50) about 1 hour
0% (0 of 34) about 53 hours
Path of Giants
24% (4 of 17) about 1 hour
Peggle Deluxe
0 minutes
23% (6 of 27) about 4 hours
Phantom Doctrine This Year's Priorities
5% (2 of 47) about 11 hours
8% (3 of 40) 24 minutes
Pool Nation Overall Priorities
20% (4 of 20) about 9 hours
Pool Panic SteamGifts Wins
16% (5 of 32) about 8 hours
Popup Dungeon
5% (3 of 65) about 29 hours
27% (6 of 23) about 3 hours
Quantum Conundrum Overall Priorities
8% (2 of 25) about 1 hour
Quantum League
0 minutes
Radio Commander Overall Priorities SteamGifts Wins This Year's Priorities
3% (1 of 49) 40 minutes
RaidersSphere4th Overall Priorities This Year's Priorities
about 6 hours
28 minutes
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Overall Priorities This Year's Priorities
8% (4 of 57) about 7 hours
Redout: Enhanced Edition Overall Priorities
12% (4 of 34) about 4 hours
12% (14 of 123) about 5 hours
Remember Me
2% (1 of 50) about 5 hours
Renegade Ops
7% (1 of 16) 26 minutes
Resort Boss: Golf Overall Priorities SteamGifts Wins This Year's Priorities
3% (1 of 38) about 5 hours
Reverse Crawl
17% (3 of 18) 24 minutes
Road Redemption
28% (15 of 55) about 14 hours
Road to Ballhalla
10% (2 of 21) about 3 hours
0% (0 of 45) 17 minutes
Sam & Max: Season One
about 1 hour
Sanctum 2
22% (11 of 50) about 25 hours
3% (1 of 48) about 5 hours
7% (3 of 46) about 6 hours
17% (2 of 12) about 1 hour
Sonic Adventure™ 2 SteamGifts Wins
7% (1 of 15) about 1 hour
Space Run
30% (9 of 30) about 14 hours
Star Trek™: Starfleet Academy
18 minutes
Starbound SteamGifts Wins
8% (4 of 51) 35 minutes
Starpoint Gemini 2
10% (5 of 52) about 5 hours
Stealth Inc 2
9% (1 of 12) about 5 hours
Stories: The Path of Destinies
17% (6 of 37) about 6 hours
Streets of Rogue
10% (5 of 52) about 8 hours
24% (4 of 17) about 62 hours
Super Inefficient Golf
50% (14 of 28) 40 minutes
Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
10% (2 of 22) about 5 hours
Super Time Force Ultra
0% (0 of 33) about 4 hours
22% (21 of 98) about 5 hours
System Crash
3% (1 of 35) 12 minutes
Tactical Breach Wizards Playtest
about 1 hour
Tavern Tycoon
6% (1 of 17) 9 minutes
The Flame in the Flood Overall Priorities
0% (0 of 36) about 5 hours
The Free Ones
6% (1 of 18) about 6 hours
The Frosts: First Ones
10% (3 of 30) 12 minutes
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
4% (1 of 32) about 4 hours
The Wild Eight
16% (4 of 25) 38 minutes
Thomas Was Alone
26% (9 of 35) about 2 hours
TimeShift SteamGifts Wins
11 minutes
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
3% (1 of 49) 11 minutes
Total Tank Simulator
3% (1 of 47) 30 minutes
Total War: SHOGUN 2
1% (1 of 106) about 1 hour
Tower of Time
2% (1 of 77) 23 minutes
Tracks - The Train Set Game
7% (1 of 15) 3 minutes
Train Valley 2
14% (14 of 104) about 13 hours
TRON 2.0
about 2 hours
35% (7 of 20) about 6 hours
14% (2 of 15) about 5 hours
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition Overall Priorities
37% (13 of 36) about 43 hours
Vertical Drop Heroes HD
20% (6 of 30) 23 minutes
Void Bastards Overall Priorities
13% (3 of 24) 26 minutes
42% (10 of 24) about 8 hours
WARSAW RISING: City of Heroes
0% (0 of 42) about 7 hours
Westerado: Double Barreled
2% (1 of 79) about 5 hours
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong SteamGifts Wins
45% (18 of 40) about 14 hours
Whispers of a Machine SteamGifts Wins
8% (2 of 25) about 9 hours
44% (38 of 88) about 103 hours
XIII - Classic
28 minutes
Yoku's Island Express
13% (4 of 31) about 5 hours
Yooka-Laylee SteamGifts Wins This Year's Priorities
57% (20 of 35) about 18 hours
You Must Build A Boat
25% (3 of 12) about 4 hours