Orkestra’s profile
120 Days of Summer (more or less)
Hey there !
I admit that I didn't strongly commit to come here and review my backlog activity the last few months but, hey, aren't the last days of October as good as any time to make it up for my delayed posts ?
When I last wrote back in June I had lots of ideas about game I were going to play and unexpectedly I did play most of what I was willing to (I beat Four Last Things from my ABC-Challenge as well as Crossing Souls that was gifted to me a while back ; I also played a bit of Moonlighter although definitively not enough considering how good the game is!)
Considering three months have passed since my last post I don't have a lot of beaten games to report compared to my average rate of completion (but you know, holidays, vacations and friends happened...) and I indulged in way to many gifts and sales... meaning : I added so many games to my backlog I even lost tracks of many of those... Shame, I know, but a good reason to get back to work !
Games I played since June
Crossing Souls
8 hours playtime
20 of 32 achievements
3 hours playtime
11 of 13 achievements
Seasons after Fall
10 hours playtime
16 of 21 achievements
Four Last Things
2 hours playtime
16 of 17 achievements
2 hours playtime
no achievements
9 hours playtime
21 of 37 achievements
3 hours playtime
18 of 27 achievements
33 hours playtime
30 of 30 achievements
20 hours playtime
22 of 41 achievements
7 hours playtime
11 of 57 achievements
20 hours playtime
9 of 64 achievements
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
363 hours playtime
312 of 403 achievements
At the end of the month, there's 240 games (+15 since June !) on my steam account.
- 131 Beaten (55%) (+1% since last month)
- 90 never played (38%)
- 14 unfinished (6%)
- 5 won't play (2%)
What's next ?
I have so many games I want to play that it's hard to say for sure but I'd really like to make some progress on my ABC Challenge, that means Grow Up is on my list for November: Not on my ABC List but Moonlighter is still a game that I'd like to play in November: I left it after a few hours of having a lot of fun playing it... I really look forward to get back to it.
I'm not sure I'll find time to play any of these two games though, as my priority is always to play games that were gifted to me and I won a lot recently (don't get me wrong, I'm glad !) : Figment and Iconoclasts fall into the "gifts" category and shouldn't be too problematic to beat ; I've been digging myself into La-Mulana in October and should be close enough to beat it and maybe starta new addiction with La-Mulana 2 which I won a few weeks ago.
It's a hard life winning great games, haha!
Last but not least I fell again into The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirht+ trap ("addiction" is a more accurate description)... In the past, I completed the first Binding of Isaac and Rebirth but I quit after all was reset with the release of Afterbirth (or was it Afterbirth+?) ; I didn't want to beat all those challenges again and played goal-less for a time and eventually quit the game. I got back to it a few weeks ago just before they announced another big bunch of new stuff coming soon... Life's a bitch! But I started a new save and I'm focusing on beating every boss with every character and without bothering with the challenges. We'll see what happens when the new release is out.
See you in less than three month hopefully ;)
Gifted to me
33 hours, 30 of 30 achievements
Games I bought
33 hours, 30 of 30 achievements
There's not really a lot of thing to say about Celeste : it's beautiful, the storyline is a nice add-up to an amazing gameplay and level-desing and the OST is great. It's definitively one of the best game I've played so far this year at least. The end.
If you want to know a bit more, let's divide the world in three categories :
- Category 1 - those who don't like platformers : first, there must be something wrong with you... How can you dislike the greatest kind of game there is ?! Two, I'm not sure why you reading this, clearly Celeste is not a game for you.
- Category 2 - those who love platformers, especially when they're hardcore : first, there must be something wrong with you... How can you be such a masochist ?! Two, I'm not sure why you reading this, clearly Celeste is perfect for you and you should already have read it everywhere, you should be playing it right now and forever, it's the best hardcore platformer created since Super Meat Boy at least ! The three best words to describe it are : Perfect, Perfect and Perfect.
- Category 3 - those who like platformers but are afraid of hardcore difficulty : I would really advise to give it a try. Celeste is so good it would be a shame to not play it if you think that it may be your kind of game... And the main part of the game is challenging, yes, but manageable I think for everyone who have played and liked a platformer before.
Now that you have every keys in hands to decide if Celeste is a game for you, I think you should buy it anyway. Listen to me, it's perfect. PERFECT. PERFECT!!! AAAAAaaaaaargh!
An "action"-adventure game in big, chunky, very-well-done black and white pixel graphics that obviously draws a lot of its inspiration from Zelda: Link's Awakening
You found a sword and now you suffer from a curse that let you die every 60 seconds. Oh no ! Thankfully, you'll respawn in your house after each death and the game will have save every item you'd have unlock before your death. You'll have to run against time to find new items that will help you unlock new paths and discover new checkpoints to progress in the game and try to beat the curse.
It's a weird mechanic and it sounds rather artificial (or too "videogamey") but it works fairly well in game and it's pretty fun
The world is quite small but lively and enjoyable, the devs created lovely characters for you to meet (I want to marry the lighthouse turtle!) and it's a lot of fun to explore, fight and die miserabily just before a new checkpoint or key item of the game
Minit isn't perfect though. It's short, very short, which souldn't be an issue as long as you know it before buying it, but it feels like it should have been more than what it is. The end is very abrupt unfortunately and left me in a bad state of "I whish there was more"...
Of course that last impression doesn't utterly ternish the overall good experience I had while playing but I felt like it should be noted.
A solid adventure game walking in the steps of the old 2D Zelda games.
The game is quite pretty and the monsters and friendly animals' design caught my eye too; gameplay-wise the fights aren't really difficult but they're fun and it's about the same thing for the puzzles. For the most part it's a very casual game where you'll find your fun by exploring and discovering the world the game is set in/ It's pretty linear but there's a lot of little bits and things to search for and discover in every new area you'll unlock as well as new abilities to backtrack and access parts of the world you couldn't before.
It took me about 8 hours to reach the end with a feeling of having seen most of the game content. I know that there's still a lot of things that I didn't discovered which should be enough for the completionist out there to draw out the most of the game during a few extra-hours of gameplay !
In short : a very nice game !
Beaten in a little bit less than 3 hours. The game is made of three big levels that you can explore at any time (even though there's clearly a preferable order to do so ; but that means that you can skip a puzzle for some time if you're stuck). You'll have to beat every puzzle of these three worlds in order to gain access to the last level, a tiny bit shorter than the previous ones and a little bit more based on platforming than puzzle (not hardcore platforming though).
Semblance is a puzzle-platformer where your character can hit some walls/floors/ceiling in order to create new platforms to stand on and jump from to access the orbs you'll need to access the endgame. As you'll make progress in the game you'll discover new interesting mechanics that I won't spoil here. Just know that the game as enough mechanics to keep you interested all along (well... if it wasn't the case in a 3 hours long game...)
Once again, I found it pretty easy, but I still had to pause and think for a bit on some of the 2nd and 3rd levels' puzzle.
As long as you acknowledge that Semblance is a short and casual game, if you're still interested, you're in for a very fine experience!
I'm not sold. The story doesn't make any sense, the game is very blend gameplay-wise : not good enough as a platformer, not hard enough as a puzzle-game, the levels are mostly empty and it's never clear what you should be doing.
I used a guide a few time and it helped me go through the game without thinking too much about the lacks of Seasons After Fall but now that I'm thinking about it a few weeks after beating the game I really don't see why I would advise anyone to play it : yes, you could think that the beautiful graphics might make it up for the lousy gameplay and storyline but it turns out that after backtracking for the millionth time across the levels without noticing any variety in the landscape you'll find everything pretty boring…
That's a shame…
Yes, it's true that the ten or so animated 90's cutscenes are very nice. Everything else in the games goes from okay to quite bad : the pixel-art graphics are far from perfect (a lot of copy-pasting, everything is too static (isn't that ironic?) and the sound design doesn't really stand out.
The storyline is, as you'd expect, full of 80's and 90's references (Back to the Future, Stephen King, Terminator and whatnot), unfortunately they also kept every bad cliché of that era : jokes about fat people, girls, geeks, confederates flags in the trailer park… The different playable characters are a group of friend with "Together… Always!" as a motto but they keep being extremely mean to each other and I couldn't feel attach to any of them at any point because of that. Their conversations never sound right and the game suffers from lazy writing all along.
Gameplay wise, it's not utterly bad but it's not very good either. The fights felt sloppy, the platforming is not one of the game strong side, the level design is dull and once again the puzzles are way too easy to be any fun.
TLDR : don't play that game…
Sethian is a weird game. Basically you have landed on a planet (Sethian) where it seems that civilization once existed but has now disappeared. your in front of a weird computer-interface with alien-symbols as a keyboard and you have to try to communicate with an AI, trying to understand what happened there.
It's a game for linguists, interpreters or translators maybe. You'll have to get the grammar basic rules then you'll have to discuss with the computer and ask him about symbols that you haven't translated yet to understand their meaning.
After a while, you should be fluent enough to have a real-talk with the AI and understand a bit of lore.
Promising and very interesting during the first few minutes of the game I soon realized that learning grammar wasn't much fun for me. I decided to follow a guide because I was still curious about the lore but close to the end I was stuck again. I think I suffered from a bug keeping me from unlocking new lines for the AI… I had to read about the end in my guide…
Sethian clearly isn't for everyone and it would be hard for me to recommend it. Still, it's a very unusual experience I think and it was enough to keep me interested… it definitively won't be true for everyone...
A magnificent and absurd point & click that ends in less than two hours ? It's perfect for someone like me who usually aren't a big fan of this kind of game : the puzzles are funny and not so illogical and even when they are the world is tiny enough that you don't have to go round and round not knowing what to do for too long.
I'd almost regret that the game is so short !
The huge strength of Four Last Things are its amazing graphics made of cut and animated paintings from the Renaissance-era : it's vivid, beautiful, funny and that should be enough in itself to make you play the game just for the joy of admiring this animated masterpiece !
When it comes to Dark Souls, first of the name, there's no way I'm unbiased : this is one of the best game I played in my entire life. It's so perfect I don't even know what to say about it…
Let's be honest though, Dark Souls Remastered is mostly just Dark Souls patched for bugs and with a renewal of interest for online playing (at least around the time it was launched). This means that Dark Souls Remastered is still one of the greatest game ever made, in my always moderate opinion, but is it worth it for someone who already played Prepare to Die Edition ?
Honestly I'm not sure. I loved to be able to easily play online and find people to play with but I don't know how long this will last. I bought it has an excuse to play Dark Souls again (as if I needed one…) and I can't say that it was a reasonable choice. Still, have I already stated that it's one of the greatest game ever made ?
For those who never played Dark Souls and think that they might like it… I think it's a shame that this Remastered version costs twice as much as the old one used to be…
Is Dark Souls worth 40$ though ? Definitively…
Well, I'm not sure what to say about this Remaster. One thing is for sure : Dark Souls and its DLC is one of the greatest game ever made and in the end, that the only thing that matters for me.
Far above the melee
33 hours, 30 of 30 achievements
Honorable mention
Hey there !
June has not been a very good month regarding my backlog assassination: I added a lot of games to my backlog, didn't manage to finish half of them (some I didn't really launch more than half an hour... Shame on me!) and even though I still beat a few games, I didn't make any progress on my ABC Challenge...
I'm pretty sure I won't be able to play much in July or August but at least I'll try not to add to much...
On the bright side I beat some really nice games and among those I didn't beat yet I really enjoyed the few hours I spent on Moonlighter and I'm looking forward to being able to enjoy it again as soon as I'll have some free time! Same thing for Dark Souls: Remastered: it's been a lot of fun playing Dark Souls online after all those hours spent all alone on the original one (I completed and played hundreds of hours on the original version and I just stopped playing the Remastered because my controller died... I need to buy a new one!)
Games I played this month
The Swords of Ditto
7 hours playtime
9 of 20 achievements
Yoku's Island Express
11 hours playtime
30 of 31 achievements
2 hours playtime
10 of 13 achievements
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
5 hours playtime
10 of 13 achievements
49 minutes playtime
592 of 3094 achievements
ISLANDS: Non-Places
1 hour playtime
no achievements
20 hours playtime
22 of 41 achievements
7 hours playtime
11 of 57 achievements
Crossing Souls
4 hours playtime
8 of 32 achievements
At the end of the month, there's 225 games (+10 since last month) on my steam account.
- 122 Beaten (54%) (+1% since last month)
- 82 never played (36%)
- 17 unfinished (8%)
- 4 won't play (2%)
What's next ?
I'll copy/paste most of what I wrote last month:
I'd like to keep working on my ABC Challenge (starting with Four Last Things, which still seems deliciously absurd !). Apart from that, I suppose that I'll try playing some of the games I added to my backlog in June (Moonlighter, obviously, and I'd like to beat Crossing Souls as it was gifted to me)...
See you next month !
Gifted to me
Games I bought
Yoku's Island Express
11 hours, 30 of 31 achievements
Weird combination of pinball and metroidvania: Great game!
Wonderboy: The Dragon's Trap
5 hours, 10 of 13 achievements
Amazingly well made remake but the gameplay sadly didn't seem as good to me
ISLANDS: Non-Places
1 hours, no achievements
Series of cute and weird scenes, can't say it's a game though...
20 hours, 22 of 41 achievements
Feels great to play with an active online community after all those years!
7 hours, 11 of 57 achievements
Great gameplay and very good take on the "rogue-lite"-genre!
Yes, The Swords of Ditto is a crazy good-looking game and yes, overall, the gameplay is quite nice even though the fights are a bit slow for me and the puzzles really too easy to solve ; but after the first few hours into the game, you'll notice it suffers from way to many flaws to be enjoyable in the long term.
The two main issues IMO are the permadeath and other rogue-lite mechanics, and the limited amount of time you're given to reach the end of the game.
After your character wakes up, you have four game-days before you're forced to go and try to kill the main villain. Four days during which you're supposed to explore four specific dungeons to collects trinkets and destroy crystals in order to weaken the final boss before you encounter her. The timer is set to go on as you're exploring the outside world (but it pauses when you enter a dungeon) which tends to force the player to go from one dungeon to the other as fast as possible. A big flaw as you totally loose that experience of exploration and discoveries that you could find in a Zelda-game for example. The level-design is also quite poor, I think, and you can access every part of the world right at the beginning of the game : no mysterious mountain, no build-up set around a unapproachable area, not a lot of excitement...
Another issue: the permadeath. Every time you'll die, 100 years pass and a new champion emerges. And every time you're forced to watch and read through the same introduction and the same speech by your "mentor" and all this really adds to the frustration of dying just a few seconds before.
But the height of disappointment for this game comes from the procedural level-design: everything lacks diversity, everything is bland, you'll end-up looking for the same two trinkets every time you'll start with a new hero and basically I really felt like I was always doing the same thing...
The game is not really hard but permadeath makes it extremely frustrating to die near the end-game as a run can be quite long (about 2 hours I'd say) ; I pushed myself to complete at least one run (which I did) and now I'm done, I really don't care about exploring anymore or getting the true ending: it's a shame that such a nice game at first glance could have been wasted by so many bad game-design ideas...
Yoku's Island Express
11 hours, 30 of 31 achievements
Weird combination of pinball and metroidvania: Great game!
What a nice game!
I never heard about Yoku's Island Express before I found it in the "New and Trending" steam-list and I bought it on a sudden impulse as the Soundtrack from the trailer and the graphic-design reminded me of Donkey Kong Country Returns ; turns out that Yoku's Island overall tone is a bit darker than what I expected but it really made a strong impression on me!
You play some kind of dung-beetle (always with it's dung ball), the new postman of Mokumana's Island ; soon, you'll learn that this island is not the paradise you were expected and you're going to have to fix that.
What make this game so interesting is its weird combination of a metroidvania and a pinball game using bumpers to send the dung-ball you're always carrying (and you with it) on higher or farther grounds. The game isn't really difficult and I suppose that hardcore-pinball-games-fans shouldn't consider Yoku's Island as a potential fix for their addiction, but it could really do it for those who'd like to explore an extremely enjoyable universe by unusual means
There's not so much more I can say about this game: I wasn't expecting anything and I was super pleased with what I discovered! This is by far the game of the month for me !
Pan-Pan is a puzzle game set in a tiny open-world where you'll be looking for a way to repair and relaunch your spaceship after you crashed. There's not a lot I can say about it even though I really enjoyed the game: it's beautiful, the soundtrack is great and the puzzles are good. I really recommend playing it but you should know that it's very short (about 90 minutes maybe) as you might want to wait a sale to get it. But get it at some point, I really enjoyed it!
Wonderboy: The Dragon's Trap
5 hours, 10 of 13 achievements
Amazingly well made remake but the gameplay sadly didn't seem as good to me
Another beautiful game I've been willing to play for quite some time now.
I never played any WonderBoy game before (I grew up with Nintendo instead of Sega, haha !) but anyone can see at first glance that the team that remade the game did an amazing job! It's a pleasure to be able to switch so easily from new-graphics and soundtrack to old-school graphics and soundtrack and that's a good way to see what an improvement they made on the graphic design! There is new details everywhere, the world and characters are beautifully drawn and animated, everything looks great!
I must say that I'm not that sold gameplay-wise though... I don't think they changed anything in the remake compared to the original version and I wouldn't say the game is bad but the level-design felt a bit dull to me and the way that our character(s) jump just didn't feel exactly right.
The thing is I was expecting something more "plateformy" but the emphasis is more on exploration and fighting monsters. It's some kind of lite-metroidvania and now that I think of it, the way the game organized somewhat resemble the Shantae series (or rather the Shantae series resemble WonderBoy: The Dragon Trap, I guess). I still enjoyed playing WonderBoy and I guess that a lot of people would enjoy it even more than I did (as it's certainly hasn't been acclaimed for so long by mistake) but it's not exactly my kind of game.
Well, what can I say, I got CCCP CALLS! as a gift but it was obviously a joke as the game is really more of an achievement spam than an actual game. Well, it's a mach-3, a bad one, with a bad-taste USSR theme, bad coding and no credits at the end of the game (a proof of modesty from the devs ?)
ISLANDS: Non-Places
1 hours, no achievements
Series of cute and weird scenes, can't say it's a game though...
One could ask "Is ISLANDS: Non-Places a game?" and I'm not sure I would say "yes", it's more of a series of peculiar scenes you can interact with. You're not exactly playing Islands but it is somehow bewitching, the atmosphere is really nice and I enjoyed unfolding every little part of the picture but you really have to be in a contemplating mood to enjoy the experience. At least I can say I enjoyed "playing" through Islands, it took me about an hour to see everything and it was just enough.
Hey there !
I know that my April's post is late but I didn't manage to finish it before May and then vacations and friends happened, which means no time for writing nor playing video games. So instead of a review for May, you get this late post !
As you can see below, I went kinda Berserk with games that I added to my backlog the last two months : shame on me ! To be honnest I'm particularly guilty about For the King as I swore that I would stop buying rogue-lite... There may be a few exceptions in the future (Into the Breach I'm looking at you) but For the King shouldn't have been one of those... It's supposed to be very good though and I'll do my best to not get too addicted, I promise ! Haha !
Added to the backlog (April + May)
0 hours playtime
0 of 15 achievements
0 hours playtime
0 of 10 achievements
Spec Ops: The Line
8 hours playtime
34 of 50 achievements
Open Sorcery
78 minutes playtime
6 of 35 achievements
5 hours playtime
6 of 17 achievements
0 hours playtime
0 of 22 achievements
For The King
18 minutes playtime
0 of 60 achievements
Stick Fight: The Game
0 minutes playtime
0 of 28 achievements
The Norwood Suite
0 minutes playtime
0 of 17 achievements
The Swords of Ditto
5 hours playtime
5 of 20 achievements
Games I played this month
3 hours playtime
11 of 12 achievements
80 Days
4 hours playtime
7 of 35 achievements
Dominique Pamplemousse
1 hours playtime
no achievements
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
6 hours playtime
25 of 44 achievements
Scanner Sombre
2 hours playtime
no achievements
4 hours playtime
18 of 30 achievements
Elliot Quest
12 hours playtime
8 of 22 achievements
5 hours playtime
6 of 17 achievements
Spec Ops: The Line
8 hours playtime
34 of 50 achievements
The Swords of Ditto
5 hours playtime
5 of 20 achievements
Open Sorcery
78 minutes playtime
6 of 35 achievements
At the end of the month, there's 215 games (+9 since last month) on my steam account.
- 115 Beaten (53%) (+2% since last month)
- 82 never played (38%)
- 14 unfinished (7%)
- 4 won't play (2%)
What's next ?
I'd like to keep working on my ABC Challenge (starting with Four Last Things, which seems deliciously absurd !). Apart from that, I suppose that I'll try playing some of the games I added to my backlog in April and May... SOMA or Absolver should be among the first of those but I'll also try to finish at least one playthrough of The Swords of Ditto
See you next month !
ABC Challenge
3 hours, 11 of 12 achievements
There's a reason this game has receive so much praise over the years!
It took an ABC Challenge to force me into finishing Braid at last and it was great ! It's been lurking in my backlog for so many years, patiently waiting for me to finally dive into it... I don't know why I let it wait for so long as I never heard anything but praise about this game.
Maybe it's because of the art... I always thought it was beautifull but unsettling at the same time... I did launch Braid a few times over the years but never went past a few of the first minutes of the game. I'm glad I persevered this time because it is definitively a great game!
All the puzzles are really good, all the mechanics diverse and I'v rarely saw them elsewhere (if ever), even so many years after the release of the game. One thing though : I wish it would have take me a couple more hours to finish it!
Yes, the atmosphere of the game is kind of weird but Braid deserves that you give it a chance to catch you. If you're like me and still couldn't find the motivation to play it for real until today, don't wait anymore : it's a great game and every puzzle-game enthusiast should have played it!
"On our first attempt, I knew we would have to make with some discomfort, yes, but I didn't not picture all the troubles we would experienced ! My mater and I, we overcome thirst and hunger, we survived an encounter with a very special sea monster and unexpectedly had to assume the charges of a midwife in the middle of a perilous landing operation ; but in spite of all our small victories, we ended up short on our bet as it took us 83 days to complete a round trip around the world that Mr Fogg stated he could beat under 80 days..."
"But despair did not fall on us and we eventually made it ! On our second attempt at this trip around the world, we reached London again after only 70 days of travel !"
Borrowing a lot from Jules Verne (obviously), this mostly narrative is a mouthful of historical, literary and other cultural hints and it's a real pleasure to search for those and spot something you weren't expecting (James Cameron's Titanic, maybe ?) ! It helps create a vivid universe and fills your trip with great memories !
The game is fairly easy and I don't think that it involves any random event that might have help you to keep playing the game again and again but is it really an issue ? I don't think so because after you manage to beat the game for the first time you can still try to get better and beat your score, but what seems even more appealing to me : you'll want to take your time and go visit as many places as you can on the map and experience every little reference that you can find !
Maybe not right after beating the game once, but I'm pretty sure that 80 days is a game that you can play on the long run, every time you got a few minutes and want to get a bit of the treats that the dev' have made for you.
A really good experience for me, I'll definitively play it again sometime !
Dominique Pamplemousse is a really short Point & Click, quite easy and straightforward which stands out as it is a Musical (every dialogue is sang) and because of it's clay animation graphics. Those two facts were enough to make me want to look at it
Unfortunately, despite a story that is totally fine, you'll quickly start to feel annoyed by the songs, far too repetitive (there's only one - short - theme for each character) and not really inspired (try to sing about your life to your friends, it will probably seem a lot like the songs in Dominique Pamplemousse...)
As for the graphics, I'd say that it's a nice touch even though nothing really amazed me.
In the end, even though the game is really cheap, I would not advise you to buy it. It's really not convincing. On the other hand, if it was already waiting in your backlog, give it a try, it's really short and the unusual twists of the game might be enough to convince you...
Elliot Quest looks a lot like Zelda 2 (side scrolling 2D action plate-former in the dungeons, looking for new abilities that serves as keys to open new paths into the world) and even though it's not really a bad game, one can't help but think that it really should have been a lot more polished: the difficulty isn't really well balanced (most of the Bosses are fairly easy to beat but some lesser enemies are extremely though to beat or avoid...), the objectives could be far more explicit, the UI more user-friendly (mapping the triggers to switch between our inventory objects for example) and it would not have hurt to work a bit more on the graphics because the sprites seem to "flat"...
To be clear: I kept going from enjoying the game to being frustrated by what I think are silly mistakes of game-design that could have been easily corrected...
Other games
Humble Bundle recently offered Spec Ops for free on their website and I thought it would be a good opportunity to play a TPS, a type of game I only play once every few years... usually in coop with friends. And they said the story was cool!
I'm really bad with shooters. I kept dying and dying. Now I know why I enjoy those more when I play with friends: they make it up for my mistakes! Despite my lack of skill, I still quite enjoyed playing Spec Ops, having to switch between weapons depending on what type of ammo I could find was nice and the action was just enough for me. Once again, I only play TPS once every 4 years maybe, and Spec Ops seemed, gameplay wise, like a good one to me (or at least, an average one)...
What did not fit my expectations was the story. It really felt kind of cheesy to me. The fact that the only way to get through the game is by killing about everyone makes it's "anti-war" message far less memorable to me... Yes, it might be nice, for once, to play a shooter where your characters is not considered a hero (and might even be a bad guy), but it's not as impacting when you're forced to become a bad guy...
I might have been more enthusiastic about this game if I played it when it was released but after all those years I was clearly expecting to much from the scenario... I'd advise you, if you wanted to discover Spec Ops, to play it expecting an average-TPS; who knows, maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Open Sorcery is a "visual" novel (it mostly looks like lines of code) which let you embody a "Magic Software" made of fire and created to protect a small portion of its surroundings (a school, a rest home, the houses of its two creators) as an antivirus would protect a computer.
Trying to exorcise the humans under our protection we encounter other spirits and our meetings with them will help us evolve towards a being more conscious of itself which will impact our relationship with our human creators...
You can go through an entire run in less than one hour but as usual in this type of game the real story will unfold as you replay the game and choose to act differently than you did during your previous run. Even though I didn't go through all the possibilities yet I can say that the story is really nice and unusual.
I would definitively recommend those of you who like Visual Novels to take a look at Open Sorcery: not the most ambitious game I played this month but a really nice one nonetheless...
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse has the same ups and downs as its predecessor Risky's Revenge
I think that the game really suffers from the way you travel the world: a succession of levels that you enter from a hub. For a metroidvania game, I think it's harder to get a good impression of the world, more difficult to remember where were the paths that you couldn't enter or the items that you couldn't reach... And so you wander and wander, mostly in vain...
The fact that the levels are divided between very good dungeons but mostly annoying outside areas is another issue of this wandering without any clear goal...
Among the plus are the dungeons (very nice level design) and the bosses that are mostly very cool to fight but for me, it's not enough to save Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. Risky's Revenge earned a 14/20, I don't think that The Pirate's Curse deserves more than a 12...
It took me about 2 hours to beat Scanner Sombre and thanks goodness I knew it was supposed to be short because I would never have finished it otherwise...
As many I supposed, the unusual graphics are what drove me to the game; unfortunately, it's the only thing that I'll remember from this game.
As it turns out Scanner Sombre is an extremely basic walking simulator. In fact, walking is the only thing you'll do in this game and after 20 minutes you just don't care anymore about the unusual graphics as everything looks the same all along your playthrough. You're note even exploring as the world is not open at all, you'll only be walking the straightforward path to the end of the game and the through the bits of a disappointing story that you'll uncover during your walk...
In the end, Scanner Sombre should never have been anything else than a technical demo. If you've seen the trailer, you've seen it all. And if you still want to see more of the game, keep your money and watch a Let's play, this game is not worth your time...
A very short J-RPG/Visual Novel in which you play to characters, one of whose has the ability to uncover the lies of the person she's speaking to and to eat those lies. In fact this character belongs to the Dragon's race (despite the fact that she looks like a young girl) and every dragon possess a specific ability.
The game is divided in three chapters in which, after a simple investigation, you'll be searching for lies, fighting them in order to understand what's happening and finally beat a boss at the end of every of the three chapters.
What makes LiEat enjoyable is the peculiar universe it's set in, the PNJ dialogues and of course, the relationship between the two playable characters. If your allergic to anime-cliché, you can forget this game, otherwise, this is a really nice game that will nicely entertain you during the three or four hours that your playthrough should last.
March(ing on the backlog)
Hey there !
Once again, March has been a great month for me in the fight against the backlog ! I beat all the games I wanted to play last month and more ! I'm glad because the coming months might not be as good in terms of gaming (but exciting for a lot of other reasons, so that's okay!)
I think I owe a few thanks to Ankantha for providing useful resources to create BLAEO post layouts, as well as thanks to Kubikill for providing a great tool : the BLAEO Generators ! I took a lot from them to create a layout for this post and I used my first tab layout ! Thanks a lot !
At the end of February, I decided that I would start my first ABC Challenge ever and manage to beat two games out of it since then. It made me realize that it might be quite hard to clear 27 games on my list before the end of the year, as I was planning to, because I don't want this challenge to turn into a burden by keeping me from playing other games. Don't get me wrong, I'm not quitting just yet ! But it might just take me a little bit more time than expected to finish my list, that's all !
At least the challenge keeps me from adding too many games to my backlog ! Yes, I got four more (short) games in my steam account, but I didn't give in to World of Final Fantasy's Humble store sale, so that's a win, right ? Right ? When would I have find any time to play that anyway !
Added to the backlog this month
Alwa's Awakening
10 hours playtime
10 of 15 achievements
Environmental Station Alpha
11 hours playtime
no achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 17 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 30 achievements
Not that bad, is it ? I already beat two of the four games I added to my backlog this month, one of the remaining game (Xeodrifter) is filling the X-gap that used to be in my ABC Challenge, and the last one (LiEat) is the first game on my list of games to play in April. AND it seems to be short... !
Great !
Well, I hope April will be as good as march, because the Humble Indie Bundle 19 is really tempting... And who knows what the next Humble Monthly will be. Aaaargh ! Resisting the dark force of the backlog isn't always easy !
Games I played this month
1001 Spikes
12 hours playtime
8 of 25 achievements
9 hours playtime
22 of 22 achievements
Samorost 3
4 hours playtime
15 of 30 achievements
Treasure Adventure World
20 hours playtime
26 of 27 achievements
4 hours playtime
5 of 13 achievements
Alwa's Awakening
10 hours playtime
10 of 15 achievements
4 hours playtime
18 of 26 achievements
9 hours playtime
29 of 39 achievements
Environmental Station Alpha
11 hours playtime
no achievements
At the end of the month, there's 206 games (+4 since last month) on my steam account.
- 105 Beaten (51%) (+3% since last month)
- 86 never played (42%)
- 11 unfinished (5%)
- 4 won't play(2%)
I finally beat more than 50% of my backlog !! Next goal : 60% ! About 20 more games to go !
What's next ?
Obviously I'm going to keep going on my ABC Challenge and even though I might not play any game after April 21st because of friends visiting, I'm still hoping I can beat at least three games from this challenge. It might be a matter of what game will make it up for the C missing in my ABC Challenge's list... And I want to beat LiEat too.
I'm also joining a mini challenge-me event on another website. So, let's see what will be chosen for me !
Games that were gifted to me
I got into ENIGMA: not having a single idea of what the game was. Turns out it's a Visual Novel, a type of game I'm not very familiar with. I must say that I really enjoyed the experience and might dive a bit more into the Visual Novel genre in the future. Of course, it's consists mostly of reading texts for hours and even though there are more than 20 endings, there are really few moments where you're offered a choice but I really felt for the story which is quite melancholic and surprisingly unsettling sometimes. It reminded me of times when I was watching anime.
For those wondering, no boobs in ENIGMA:, but you'd still have to adhere to the Japanese anime style if you want to enjoy the game. It reminded me of times when I was watching a lot of those and I must admit that it's a nice feeling !
If you want to play the game, I recommend downloading the "enhanced graphic" assets.
I Looooved it ! The game has some flaws : the controls and animations are a little bit stiff but soon as you get use to that there's a real feeling of liberty and discovering lots of different environments. The focus is more on exploring and puzzles than on fighting, which is, in my own opinion, a good thing. The Bosses' fights are really well done and different one from another ! The game might be described as a Metroidvania (because you explore and must find new items/upgrades to get access to some new places) but it made me feel more like I was playing a Zelda game.
Treasure Adventure World really owns the "Adventure" of its title ! A great game !
Samorost 3
4 hours of playtime, 15 of 30 achievements
Lovely, vivid world ! - Monthly Challenge "Lucky Number 3"
I was a bit reluctant before playing it because even though I really like the first two Samorost, I'm stuck in a Love-Hate relationship with Point & Click at the moment. Lucky for me, Samorost 3 falls into the "Love" category ! Jackpot for the Samorost series then !
To say a few words about the game : it's extremely cute, the atmosphere, sound-design and OST, the animations, everything is a pleasure to watch, everything is very lively. The puzzles aren't too far-fetched and you can solve most of them without having to wander between 53 screens not knowing what you should do next, so, well done game ! I'm glad I gave it a try in the end !
Definitively one of the best games I played this month ! It's a retro, slow-paced platformer with a big die & retry component.
You'll have to master the two jumps (one low, one high) to get through precise platforming stages, and you'll die a lot while trying to understand what path the game wants you to follow. It almost feel like a puzzle-platformer game sometimes. You should know that there is a huge peak of difficulty in the fourth world but even there 1001 Spikes is never unfair and you can only blame yourself for the traps you don't manage to avoid.
I know there's a lot of those retro-styled games nowadays but f you like platformers you should really look into 1001 Spikes, it a great and truly rewarding game !
A few years before I played Aragami, I had a lot of fun playing the first three Metal Gear Solid ; partly because I loved the cheesy, over the top storyline, partly because the gameplay just felt perfect. Since then, I did not play any other stealth game and I had some issues taking my first steps in Aragami...
Obviously, because the game is set in a fantasized feudal Japan, there's no radar here, which was really helpful when playing any of the MGS games... And the camera sometimes makes it hard to have a proper look around to see what could spot you.
It got me a bit frustrated at first but then I got used to it (and of course, it helps that the game, even in "normal" difficulty mode, is quite easy) and I must say that I quite enjoyed playing Aragami ! It's true that the storyline lacks subtlety and is not really fascinating but the cell-shaded world is really good looking and it's quite fun to play a ninja, teleporting from shadow to shadow and taking down dumb and short-sighted guards. You unlock a few useful and fun abilities as you go and feel more and more confident as you get to the end of the game.
Even though I can't say I didn't fall head over heels in love with the game, it's been a nice playthrough.
4 hours of playtime, 18 of 26 achievements
Good narrative game with an unusual atmosphere - ABC Challenge (bonus)
Ossuary was in the "bonus" list of my ABC Challenge : it was supposed to stand in for one of my missing letters for the challenge. But as I added Xeodrifter to the backlog, thus filling up one of those letter's gap, I decided to take Ossuary out of my bonus list and to play it right away. It was in my backlog for soooo long I don't even remember how it got there, probably thanks to one of the early Humble Bundle... ! Once again, good pick !
It is one of those games that totally look like they could have been made in RPG-maker and that you would pass without even looking at them but you'd be wrong ! For starters, I don't think it's been made in RPG-maker, and then, it really has a very peculiar atmosphere and you can tell it's been a really personal project from its creator. You died (or something) and suddenly appear in Hell were you're going to explore and discover various factions, each claiming that they have the solution to make up for the sins of this place's inhabitants : "using" each of the 7 sins onto the characters you'll be talking to, you'll force them to reveal their true motives.
Ossuary is a short and really nice narrative game which sets an unusual atmosphere and shouldn't be overlooked !
Other games I played
It took me four hours to reach an ending : I enjoyed the first two of them and was annoyed playing through the last two hours. Yes, taking your first steps into this Tinder-like role playing game will feel silly and fun, but after some time the goals that the game was setting for me just weren't enough to keep me interested as every reign seemed more or less the same as the last one...
I understand that you'll need to have a good knowledge of the whole "deck" if you're looking to reign for a long long time, hence the repetitiveness of the game to ensure your ability to choose wisely ; but a few hours in the game and the lack of variety just felt too boring to me...
Alwa's Awakening is a metroidvania-puzzle-platformer which can be quite fun to play but never really shines and unfortunately suffers a whole lot of flaws...
- Our character is slow, which was not that bad at first but started to get on my nerves later in my playthrough when I had to walk through large portions of the map.
- There's not enough upgrades ! Only 3 different abilities plus one upgrade level for two of them... Those abilities are used to solve puzzles which are kind of all the same and they allow you to trace your way through the world (without making it faster as you go though, unlike most metroidvanias...)
- Controls would feel a lot better if you could use your abilities by pressing B on your controller instead of UP+X... It's to easy for your finger to slip from UP to RIGHT making you fall to your death...
- Last but not least : Illusory walls. Way too many of them, even on the normal path to reach the end... I wandered for two hours before understanding that there was a door I needed to enter that as completely hidden by a waterfall.
It's a shame that Alwa's Awakening didn't manage to get those things right because it could have been a really nice game (not a masterpiece, but an enjoyable game). Instead of that I'm stuck with memories of imperfection that could have easily corrected for most of them...
Ouch ! Saying a few words about Environmental Station Alpha just after the previous review will seem hard on Alwa's Awakening but it took me about the same amount of time to beat the two games and still ESA feels so much more fulfilling !
It's rich, there's a great variety of environments ; you can find a lot of new abilities (the Hookshot ! :love: !) that actually are not only keys to new areas but upgrades that make it easier and faster to travel across the world ; the game provides a true sens of exploring and getting lost, with a lot of optional rooms/upgrades/bosses.
Environmental Station Alpha isn't a perfect game though. In some rooms you're likely to experience some readability issues (can I walk on this ? Is it an actual wall ?) but the world is huge and those issues not so abundant. And I'm not very fond of the soundtrack even though some "tracks" are really good (but some really seemed like a copy-paste of a Final Fantasy VII track... not that it is a bad thing in itself but... it was weird).
The game (in "normal" mode) is quite hard, especially when you're getting to the end or attempting to get an optional upgrade (but then... it's optional.) (and though, getting that upgrade would make your life easier for the following challenges...). Most of the time, I had no problem with it, but I must say that some rooms seemed filled with to many traps to me... That's one of the reason why I won't try to get the best ending, but I had a lot of fun playing through a casual run of the game and I really recommend Environmental Station Alpha to whoever likes metroidvanias !
0ABC Challenge : It’s easy as 1 2 3 !
Hey there !
I'm starting my first ABC Challenge this month ! I'm very excited and I wanted to share the list of games I plan to play for this challenge. I envision this as a way for me to play games that wouldn't be my first picks when choosing something I want to play, but I won't restrain myself from playing any other game on the side.
I hope that I'll manage to get through all the games on this list before the end of the year.
While I was preparing this list I noticed that I didn't own any game with titles starting by a C, I, J, K, Q, W, X or a Z... That's a lot missing ! Well, when I'll get to this point I'll either buy a game of my wishlist that fits (Iconoclasts, West of Loathing, etc.) and play it right away, or I'll just pick any game from the "backup" list that I'm also publishing here.
0ABC Challenge
1001 Spikes
12 hours playtime
8 of 25 achievements
9 hours playtime
29 of 39 achievements
3 hours playtime
11 of 12 achievements
C (bonus list: 80 Days)
4 hours playtime
7 of 35 achievements
Dominique Pamplemousse
1 hours playtime
no achievements
Elliot Quest
12 hours playtime
8 of 22 achievements
Four Last Things
0 hours playtime
0 of 17 achievements
Grow Up
0 hours playtime
0 of 18 achievements
Her Story
0 hours playtime
0 of 13 achievements
0 hours playtime
no achievements
0 hours playtime
no achievements
0 hours playtime
no achievements
Last Word
0 hours playtime
0 of 13 achievements
Momodora: Reverie under the Moonlight
0 hours playtime
0 of 9 achievements
0 hours playtime
1 of 25 achievements
0 hours playtime
0 of 27 achievements
Passpartout: The Starving Artist
1 hours playtime
6 of 25 achievements
0 hours playtime
no achievements
Resident Evil HD Remaster
0 hours playtime
0 of 44 achievements
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™
0 hours playtime
0 of 50 achievements
Tetrobot and Co.
0 hours playtime
7 of 30 achievements
Uurnog Uurnlimited
0 hours playtime
no achievements
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
0 hours playtime
0 of 34 achievements
Watch Me Jump
0 hours playtime
0 of 9 achievements
0 hours playtime
0 of 17 achievements
Year Walk
0 hours playtime
0 of 10 achievements
0 hours playtime
no achievements
Backup List
Right now my main list is short of 8 games. I will use this backup list of 8 games to fill-up for the "missing letters" once I get to one of them and update this post to let you know which game I picked.
80 Days
4 hours playtime
7 of 35 achievements
Escape Goat 2
0 hours playtime
0 of 16 achievements
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
0 hours playtime
0 of 60 achievements
Lovely Planet Arcade
0 hours playtime
0 of 9 achievements
Soulcaster: Part I & II
0 hours playtime
0 of 16 achievements
Styx: Master of Shadows
0 hours playtime
0 of 16 achievements
Definitively one of the best games I played this month [march]!
It's a retro, slow-paced plateformer with a big die & retry component. You'll have to master the two jumps (one low, one high) to get through precise platforming stages, and you'll die a lot while trying to understand what path the game wants you to follow.
It almost feel like a puzzle-platformer game sometimes. You should know that there is a huge peak of difficulty in the fourth world but even there 1001 Spikes is never unfair and you can only blame yourself for the traps you don't manage to avoid. I know there's a lot of those retro-styled games nowadays but f you like platformers you should really look into 1001 Spikes, it a great and truly rewarding game !
A few years before I played Aragami, I had a lot of fun playing the first three Metal Gear Solid ; partly because I loved the cheesy, over the top storyline, partly because the gameplay just felt perfect. Since then, I did not play any other stealth game and I had some issues taking my first steps in Aragami...
Obviously, because the game is set in a fantasized feudal Japan, there's no radar here, which was really helpful when playing any of the MGS games... And the camera sometimes makes it hard to have a proper look around to see what could spot you. It got me a bit frustrated at first but then I got used to it (and of course, it helps that the game, even in "normal" difficulty mode, is quite easy) and I must say that I quite enjoyed playing Aragami!
It's true that the storyline lacks subtlety and is not really fascinating but the cell-shaded world is really good looking and it's quite fun to play a ninja, teleporting from shadow to shadow and taking down dumb and short-sighted guards. You unlock a few useful and fun abilities as you go and feel more and more confident as you get to the end of the game. Even though I can't say I didn't fall head over heels in love with the game, it's been a nice playthrough.
3 hours, 11 of 12 achievements
There's a reason this game has receive so much praise over the years!
It took an ABC Challenge to force me into finishing Braid at last and it was great ! It's been lurking in my backlog for so many years, patiently waiting for me to finally dive into it... I don't know why I let it wait for so long as I never heard anything but praise about this game.
Maybe it's because of the art... I always thought it was beautifull but unsettling at the same time... I did launch Braid a few times over the years but never went past a few of the first minutes of the game. I'm glad I persevered this time because it is definitively a great game!
All the puzzles are really good, all the mechanics diverse and I'v rarely saw them elsewhere (if ever), even so many years after the release of the game. One thing though : I wish it would have take me a couple more hours to finish it!
Yes, the atmosphere of the game is kind of weird but Braid deserves that you give it a chance to catch you. If you're like me and still couldn't find the motivation to play it for real until today, don't wait anymore : it's a great game and every puzzle-game enthusiast should have played it!
"On our first attempt, I knew we would have to make with some discomfort, yes, but I didn't not picture all the troubles we would experienced ! My mater and I, we overcome thirst and hunger, we survived an encounter with a very special sea monster and unexpectedly had to assume the charges of a midwife in the middle of a perilous landing operation ; but in spite of all our small victories, we ended up short on our bet as it took us 83 days to complete a round trip around the world that Mr Fogg stated he could beat under 80 days..."
"But despair did not fall on us and we eventually made it ! On our second attempt at this trip around the world, we reached London again after only 70 days of travel !"
Borrowing a lot from Jules Verne (obviously), this mostly narrative is a mouthful of historical, literary and other cultural hints and it's a real pleasure to search for those and spot something you weren't expecting (James Cameron's Titanic, maybe ?) ! It helps create a vivid universe and fills your trip with great memories !
The game is fairly easy and I don't think that it involves any random event that might have help you to keep playing the game again and again but is it really an issue ? I don't think so because after you manage to beat the game for the first time you can still try to get better and beat your score, but what seems even more appealing to me : you'll want to take your time and go visit as many places as you can on the map and experience every little reference that you can find !
Maybe not right after beating the game once, but I'm pretty sure that 80 days is a game that you can play on the long run, every time you got a few minutes and want to get a bit of the treats that the dev' have made for you.
A really good experience for me, I'll definitively play it again sometime !
Dominique Pamplemousse is a really short Point & Click, quite easy and straightforward which stands out as it is a Musical (every dialogue is sang) and because of it's clay animation graphics. Those two facts were enough to make me want to look at it
Unfortunately, despite a story that is totally fine, you'll quickly start to feel annoyed by the songs, far too repetitive (there's only one - short - theme for each character) and not really inspired (try to sing about your life to your friends, it will probably seem a lot like the songs in Dominique Pamplemousse...)
As for the graphics, I'd say that it's a nice touch even though nothing really amazed me.
In the end, even though the game is really cheap, I would not advise you to buy it. It's really not convincing. On the other hand, if it was already waiting in your backlog, give it a try, it's really short and the unusual twists of the game might be enough to convince you...
Elliot Quest looks a lot like Zelda 2 (side scrolling 2D action plate-former in the dungeons, looking for new abilities that serves as keys to open new paths into the world) and even though it's not really a bad game, one can't help but think that it really should have been a lot more polished: the difficulty isn't really well balanced (most of the Bosses are fairly easy to beat but some lesser enemies are extremely though to beat or avoid...), the objectives could be far more explicit, the UI more user-friendly (mapping the triggers to switch between our inventory objects for example) and it would not have hurt to work a bit more on the graphics because the sprites seem to "flat"...
To be clear: I kept going from enjoying the game to being frustrated by what I think are silly mistakes of game-design that could have been easily corrected...
February : Turning my backlog into pisces !
Hey there !
It’s my first time writing down anything here but February has been a great month for me in terms of backlog fighting and I thought it would be a good opportunity to start posting here (as well as practicing and, hopefully, improving my skills in English, hehe !). I actually enrolled in another “fight your backlog”-event elsewhere on the web and managed to reach the end of 7 of the 9 games that were chosen for me !
[CPC] Backlog Event :
Blocks that Matter
6 hours playtime
13 of 32 achievements
7 hours playtime
0 of 12 achievements
Grow Home
3 hours playtime
6 of 26 achievements
2 hours playtime
5 of 12 achievements
Stories Untold
3 hours playtime
10 of 13 achievements
4 hours playtime
12 of 12 achievements
SteamWorld Heist
16 hours playtime
19 of 47 achievements
The Banner Saga 2
0 hours playtime
0 of 55 achievements
Grim Fandango Remastered
2 hours playtime
6 of 47 achievements
Overall impressions
On the didn’t-go-so-well side, I didn’t launch The Banner Saga 2 at all because I wasn’t in a mood for a visual novel (not even for a VN with a tactical twist) but it’s not a big deal as I’ll definitively play it someday. I’m a tiny bit sad that I had to abandon Grim Fandango and kick it out of my backlog but even though I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the game it felt really sloooooow and it became somewhat painful to come and go in search of non instinctive resolutions for loony puzzles… too slow and too painful for a game I would have played for more than 10 hours if I had persisted to the end anyway !
Machinarium suffers the same P&C issues as Grim Fandango but it’s way quicker to go through it and the beautifully drawn 2D environments make up for some of those issues. I’m definitively not a big fan of P&C games but Machinarium proved me that I can still enjoy one of those from time to time.
I forced myself through Blocks that Matter which suffers from the first-game-syndrome : not a terrible game but with a lot of tiny mistakes damaging for the overall experience. It made me curious about its sequel Tetrobot & Co. which also lurks in my backlog and will hopefully have corrected some of Blocks that Matter mistakes.
Owlboy and Stories Untold were the two BIG setbacks of the event for me. The first one (Owlboy) because I had wanted to play it for so long and had so many expectations that it really felt like a hard fall when I discovered it’s only an average game and not the hit I wanted it to be ; the second one (Stories Untold) really made me have mixed feelings : I felt in love with it during the three first chapters of the game that set a great atmosphere but the fourth and last chapter ruined it for me by its lack of subtlety and the way it forced me to play through all the driving and accident phase…
Fortunately I had a better experience with ABZÛ which was extremely quiet, peaceful, relaxing and most of the time beautiful !
I really enjoyed my time on SteamWorld Heist too : it created a very nice world and some cool characters and I felt great blasting my way through pirate-robots’ spaceships ! Really a great sequel to SteamWorld Dig in a very different gameplay style and a great game. I’m not a big fan of tacticals usually but the twist of putting the camera sideways instead of on top of the action made it for me !
Last but not least, Grow Home was a amazing pick for me ! Though I had heard a lot about this game I never really build any expectations about it so it felt like a great discovery when I actually played it ! Jumping and flying from more than 2000 feet high, climbing, searching for crystals, everything felt like a perfect playground ! I strongly recommend anyone to play it.
Other games I played this month :
JumpJet Rex
3 hours playtime
15 of 51 achievements
Secrets of Rætikon
2 hours playtime
6 of 19 achievements
2 hours playtime
12 of 12 achievements
The Mooseman
2 hours playtime
9 of 15 achievements
Overall impressions
JumpJet Rex was gifted to me. It is a “plateformer” where you, a space-dino, have to trace your way through deadly spikes and more or less agressive monsters with the help of your jetpack. At the end of every level you get up to three stars (one for completed the stage and another one if you do it without dying or if you do it within the allowed time) and my goal was to finish at least every stage without dying which I did. I wouldn’t say it’s the best game I played but it’s still a nice plateformer and it catched me trying to go as fast as I could most of the time which is something I usually like when playing this kind of game.
I also got Secrets of Rætikon as a gift and I was very close to quit it after only one hour into it. In the end I’m glad I gave it another chance because it’s a really nice game once you get a better understanding of what your supposed to do (there is not really any explanation) and after you unlock a few shorcuts. The interaction with NPC, foes & the world are quite nice but the physics can be messy and I got stuck in a wall right before returning the last shard I was supposed to get… I had to watch the (very weird) ending on Youtube but I still consider the game finished !
Got Toren on barter : it had intrigued me for ages with its nice “thumbnail-art” but I didn’t approach it without a little bit of apprehension as the game got a lot of negative reviews on steam. Turns out that it’s a very clumsy game with weak gameplay and too much of blurry camera effects but those issues shouldn’t prevent you to enjoy the great tone sets by the game : it really made me think of Shadow of the Colossus and Ico at some point (well, Toren’s not as good a those, but there’s something anyway…) and the fact that it’s very short (it took me less than 2 hours to complete it) and really easy makes up for most of the problems the game have.
Finally : The Mooseman ! A 2D-walking-simulator/P&C narrating a story about myths of the region of Perm (Russia). I played it with my partner who went to study Russian in Perm for 6 months when she was in college. Once again, the gameplay isn’t really that interesting and the translation is not really good (neither in French or in English) but the art is really nice and the ambiance is great.
What’s next ?
I’m not sure I’ll be able to finish as many games in March than in February but I’ll do my best.
I already know that I want to play ENIGMA: and Treasure Adventure World, two games that I got as gifts.
I’d also like to play Samorost 3 as my participation to the monthly theme of March Lucky Number Three (“Trilogies: Play one or more titles from a trilogy.”) and I’m starting my ABC Challenge (which is really a 0ABC Challenge) starting with a number (1001 Spikes) before jumping to actual letters. I’ll post a list of games I plan to play for this challenge later this week, stay tuned ! ;)
0 hours playtime
0 of 22 achievements
Treasure Adventure World
0 hours playtime
0 of 27 achievements
Samorost 3
0 hours playtime
0 of 30 achievements
1001 Spikes
83 minutes playtime
1 of 25 achievements
As a way to remember, I’m starting this month with 202 games on my steam account.
- 97 Beaten (48%)
- 90 never played (45%)
- 12 unfinished (6%)
- 3 won't play(1%)
That was a long post ! I hope there’s not too much gibberish and that I’ll be able to post a monthly report of my progress fighting my backlog in the future !
289 | games (+3 not categorized yet) |
26% | never played |
3% | unfinished |
56% | beaten |
3% | completed |
12% | won't play |
- [CPC] Backlog event 21
- CPC_Gifts 24
- Multi 11
- Also On LINUX 134
- Early access 3
- A retenter ? 7
- A retenter ? 0
- Bad_Proton 9