Beaten 402 games

Game Achievements Playtime
-KLAUS- Won on SteamGifts
85% (35 of 41) about 10 hours
about 7 hours
60 Parsecs! Won on SteamGifts
77% (34 of 44) about 10 hours
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek Won on SteamGifts
84% (16 of 19) about 3 hours
911 Operator Won on SteamGifts
88% (16 of 18) about 14 hours
A Story About My Uncle
7% (1 of 15) about 6 hours
A-Gents Won on SteamGifts
88% (15 of 17) about 5 hours
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden
85% (17 of 20) about 6 hours
Action Henk Won on SteamGifts
85% (18 of 21) about 64 hours
Adventures of Shuggy
92% (12 of 13) about 17 hours
Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition
68% (30 of 44) about 13 hours
Always Sometimes Monsters Won on SteamGifts
90% (9 of 10) about 12 hours
Amnesia: The Dark Descent Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0% (0 of 18) 0 minutes
Analogue: A Hate Story Won on SteamGifts
43% (6 of 14) about 5 hours
Angvik Won on SteamGifts
66% (14 of 21) about 5 hours
Anomaly 2 Won on SteamGifts
44% (28 of 65) about 16 hours
Anomaly Warzone Earth
95% (40 of 42) about 25 hours
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign Won on SteamGifts
94% (37 of 39) about 8 hours
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition Won on SteamGifts
94% (17 of 18) about 32 hours
Artificial Defense Won on SteamGifts
87% (14 of 16) about 17 hours
93% (44 of 47) about 30 hours
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan Won on SteamGifts
86% (138 of 159) about 28 hours
Autonauts Won on SteamGifts
76% (20 of 26) about 87 hours
Avadon 2: The Corruption Won on SteamGifts
93% (28 of 30) about 87 hours
Avadon: The Black Fortress
76% (23 of 30) about 80 hours
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls Won on SteamGifts
97% (34 of 35) about 132 hours
Avernum: Escape From the Pit
85% (30 of 35) about 113 hours
Aviary Attorney Won on SteamGifts
about 9 hours
0% (0 of 10) about 1 hour
Barony Won on SteamGifts
22% (52 of 240) about 25 hours
58% (14 of 24) about 15 hours
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
68% (32 of 47) about 27 hours
Batman: Arkham City GOTY
75% (48 of 64) about 55 hours
88% (54 of 61) about 46 hours
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
80% (12 of 15) about 7 hours
Beholder Won on SteamGifts
56% (34 of 60) about 19 hours
Betrayer Won on SteamGifts
90% (19 of 21) about 12 hours
Between Me and The Night Won on SteamGifts
77% (14 of 18) about 4 hours
Bionic Dues Won on SteamGifts
46% (101 of 220) about 112 hours
BioShock Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters Won on SteamGifts
0 minutes
BioShock Remastered Won on SteamGifts
92% (60 of 65) about 34 hours
Bit Blaster XL Won on SteamGifts
94% (16 of 17) about 3 hours
BLACKHOLE Won on SteamGifts
86% (39 of 45) about 66 hours
Blazing Chrome Won on SteamGifts
66% (26 of 39) about 11 hours
Blood: Fresh Supply Won on SteamGifts
85% (17 of 20) about 24 hours
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Won on SteamGifts
73% (42 of 57) about 46 hours
Bloody Hell
81% (9 of 11) about 6 hours
Book of Demons Won on SteamGifts
84% (170 of 202) about 77 hours
Borderlands GOTY
77% (62 of 80) about 321 hours
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
81% (65 of 80) about 48 hours
91% (11 of 12) about 6 hours
90% (19 of 21) about 5 hours
Breath of Death VII Won on SteamGifts
about 8 hours
Brütal Legend
77% (46 of 59) about 21 hours
about 12 hours
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
88% (23 of 26) about 25 hours
Caster Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Multiplayer Won on SteamGifts
77% (38 of 49) about 34 hours
Chroma Squad Won on SteamGifts
76% (33 of 43) about 17 hours
Chrome Won on SteamGifts
about 18 hours
Citizens of Earth Won on SteamGifts
98% (49 of 50) about 46 hours
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink Won on SteamGifts
94% (18 of 19) about 4 hours
Colt Canyon Won on SteamGifts
75% (30 of 40) about 34 hours
CONSORTIUM 2014 Won on SteamGifts
61% (24 of 39) about 18 hours
CONSORTIUM Remastered Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0% (0 of 39) 0 minutes
Corporate Lifestyle Simulator Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Crawl Won on SteamGifts
43% (19 of 45) about 19 hours
CreaVures Won on SteamGifts
100% (21 of 21) about 6 hours
Cry of Fear
about 13 hours
Crying Suns Won on SteamGifts
63% (50 of 79) about 39 hours
Cthulhu Saves the World Won on SteamGifts
about 22 hours
Cyber Hook Won on SteamGifts
86% (19 of 22) about 24 hours
Dad Quest Won on SteamGifts
93% (30 of 32) about 15 hours
Dark Arcana: The Carnival
73% (14 of 19) about 3 hours
Dark Future: Blood Red States Won on SteamGifts
83% (30 of 36) about 42 hours
Dark Sector
about 11 hours
Darksiders Won on SteamGifts
83% (36 of 43) about 31 hours
Darksiders Warmastered Edition Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 43) 0 minutes
DARQ Won on SteamGifts
64% (11 of 17) about 5 hours
Dead Effect Won on SteamGifts
80% (49 of 61) about 12 hours
Deadly Days Won on SteamGifts
79% (42 of 53) about 32 hours
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut Won on SteamGifts
81% (49 of 60) about 37 hours
Death Skid Marks
93% (28 of 30) about 33 hours
Deep Dungeons of Doom
91% (42 of 46) about 16 hours
Defense Zone 2 Won on SteamGifts
69% (65 of 93) about 43 hours
Defy Gravity
87% (7 of 8) about 6 hours
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 45 hours
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut Won on SteamGifts
84% (50 of 59) about 71 hours
Die Young: Prologue
0% (0 of 23) about 2 hours
DiRT 3 Complete Edition
50% (30 of 60) about 37 hours
88% (71 of 80) about 92 hours
DmC Devil May Cry Won on SteamGifts
68% (40 of 58) about 26 hours
Dracula: Love Kills Won on SteamGifts
84% (28 of 33) about 8 hours
Dreamscaper: Prologue
47% (6 of 13) about 8 hours
Dungeon of the ENDLESS™
49% (16 of 33) about 35 hours
Dungeons of Dredmor
73% (91 of 123) about 184 hours
Dust: An Elysian Tail
90% (27 of 30) about 21 hours
Dwarfs!? Won on SteamGifts
93% (27 of 29) about 14 hours
Dyscourse Won on SteamGifts
83% (26 of 31) about 10 hours
Eets Munchies
57% (8 of 14) about 1 hour
Eidolon Won on SteamGifts
about 27 hours
Elegy For A Dead World Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 3) about 2 hours
Eliza Won on SteamGifts
100% (1 of 1) about 7 hours
Else Heart.Break() Won on SteamGifts
about 18 hours
about 21 hours
Endless Fables: The Minotaur's Curse Won on SteamGifts
72% (24 of 33) about 4 hours
Endless Sky
about 97 hours
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood Won on SteamGifts
80% (29 of 36) about 6 hours
Enigmatis 3: The Shadow of Karkhala Won on SteamGifts
91% (31 of 34) about 5 hours
Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek Won on SteamGifts
90% (10 of 11) about 8 hours
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition Won on SteamGifts
72% (42 of 58) about 15 hours
Estranged: The Departure
85% (12 of 14) about 3 hours
Eventide 2: The Sorcerers Mirror Won on SteamGifts
96% (29 of 30) about 5 hours
Eventide: Slavic Fable Won on SteamGifts
92% (23 of 25) about 4 hours
Everhood Won on SteamGifts
44% (34 of 78) about 9 hours
EXAPUNKS Won on SteamGifts
81% (13 of 16) about 75 hours
F.E.A.R. Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters Won on SteamGifts
0 minutes
F.E.A.R. 3
68% (34 of 50) about 32 hours
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0 minutes
F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0 minutes
Fable - The Lost Chapters
about 30 hours
Faerie Solitaire Won on SteamGifts
93% (28 of 30) about 14 hours
Faerie Solitaire Remastered
86% (26 of 30) about 16 hours
FALLBACK Won on SteamGifts
90% (27 of 30) about 22 hours
Fallout Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0 minutes
Fallout: New Vegas
82% (62 of 75) about 376 hours
58% (7 of 12) about 10 hours
Fidel Dungeon Rescue Won on SteamGifts
52% (13 of 25) about 14 hours
Fire: Ungh’s Quest Won on SteamGifts
88% (24 of 27) about 3 hours
Five Dates Won on SteamGifts
100% (15 of 15) about 7 hours
Flesh Eaters Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 9) about 6 hours
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel Won on SteamGifts
78% (22 of 28) about 18 hours
Foretales Won on SteamGifts
60% (25 of 41) about 28 hours
FTL: Faster Than Light
0% (0 of 51) about 77 hours
Game Of Mafia Won on SteamGifts
93% (15 of 16) about 1 hour
GemCraft - Chasing Shadows Won on SteamGifts
99% (415 of 419) about 128 hours
Gemini: Heroes Reborn Won on SteamGifts
95% (20 of 21) about 7 hours
Gene Shift Auto Multiplayer
90% (36 of 40) about 43 hours
Ghostrunner Won on SteamGifts
51% (23 of 45) about 17 hours
Gladio and Glory
about 8 hours
Glowfish Won on SteamGifts
92% (23 of 25) about 12 hours
Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~ Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 85) about 4 hours
Going Under Won on SteamGifts
86% (20 of 23) about 27 hours
Gorky 17
about 19 hours
Gothic Playable Teaser
92% (23 of 25) about 4 hours
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan Won on SteamGifts
89% (26 of 29) about 6 hours
Grim Legends 3: The Dark City Won on SteamGifts
86% (31 of 36) about 5 hours
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride Won on SteamGifts
79% (19 of 24) about 6 hours
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
66% (40 of 60) about 20 hours
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
76% (23 of 30) about 19 hours
Guns of Icarus Online Multiplayer Won on SteamGifts
13% (107 of 849) about 73 hours
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure Won on SteamGifts
75% (40 of 53) about 19 hours
Hack, Slash, Loot
72% (13 of 18) about 26 hours
100% (11 of 11) about 11 hours
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy Won on SteamGifts
77% (27 of 35) about 30 hours
about 12 hours
Half-Life 2 Won on SteamGifts
45% (31 of 69) about 20 hours
Half-Life 2: Episode One
92% (12 of 13) about 4 hours
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
? about 7 hours
Half-Life: Blue Shift
about 3 hours
Half-Life: Opposing Force
about 6 hours
Hammerwatch Won on SteamGifts
89% (34 of 38) about 45 hours
Hand of Fate Won on SteamGifts
62% (33 of 53) about 37 hours
Hard Reset
97% (112 of 115) about 46 hours
Heaven Dust Won on SteamGifts
64% (22 of 34) about 6 hours
Hero Siege Won on SteamGifts
30% (27 of 93) about 53 hours
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok
44% (20 of 46) about 25 hours
Hitman: Codename 47 Won on SteamGifts
about 23 hours
HOARD Won on SteamGifts
62% (80 of 129) about 11 hours
Hotline Miami
91% (32 of 35) about 15 hours
House of 1000 Doors: The Palm of Zoroaster Collector's Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
How to Survive Won on SteamGifts
45% (19 of 43) about 18 hours
Hue Won on SteamGifts
92% (12 of 13) about 7 hours
HuniePop Won on SteamGifts
65% (13 of 20) about 22 hours
ICY: Frostbite Edition Won on SteamGifts
88% (16 of 18) about 15 hours
Incredible Dracula: Chasing Love Collector's Edition Won on SteamGifts
94% (32 of 34) about 20 hours
Indie Game: The Movie Won on SteamGifts
71% (5 of 7) about 6 hours
Infested Planet Won on SteamGifts
100% (36 of 36) about 20 hours
Insurgency Multiplayer
41% (41 of 100) about 46 hours
73% (33 of 45) about 16 hours
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered Won on SteamGifts
88% (70 of 79) about 44 hours
Jotun: Valhalla Edition Won on SteamGifts
37% (13 of 36) about 6 hours
Journey of a Roach Won on SteamGifts
83% (15 of 18) about 7 hours
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth Won on SteamGifts
92% (38 of 41) about 19 hours
Kero Blaster Won on SteamGifts
10% (1 of 10) about 7 hours
Killing Floor Multiplayer
50% (142 of 285) about 101 hours
King's Bounty: The Legend
about 140 hours
Kingdom Rush Won on SteamGifts
94% (70 of 74) about 29 hours
Kingdom Two Crowns Won on SteamGifts
58% (27 of 46) about 43 hours
Kingdom: Classic
82% (28 of 34) about 18 hours
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Won on SteamGifts
92% (39 of 42) about 19 hours
Lakeview Cabin Collection Won on SteamGifts
70% (28 of 40) about 15 hours
Late Shift Won on SteamGifts
75% (15 of 20) about 5 hours
Layers of Fear (2016)
45% (12 of 27) about 6 hours
Left 4 Dead 2 Multiplayer
42% (42 of 101) about 45 hours
Legend of Grimrock
87% (35 of 40) about 46 hours
Legendary Won on SteamGifts
about 7 hours
Legends of Eisenwald Won on SteamGifts
53% (24 of 45) about 81 hours
92% (12 of 13) about 4 hours
Little Nightmares
41% (9 of 22) about 4 hours
47% (13 of 28) about 15 hours
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut
about 6 hours
Lovecraft's Untold Stories Won on SteamGifts
94% (33 of 35) about 70 hours
Luxor Evolved Won on SteamGifts
87% (29 of 33) about 14 hours
about 20 hours
Mafia II (Classic) Won on SteamGifts
52% (35 of 67) about 20 hours
Mafia II: Definitive Edition Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0% (0 of 67) 0 minutes
43% (37 of 88) about 24 hours
Mark of the Ninja
76% (29 of 38) about 36 hours
Match Three Pirates! Heir to Davy Jones Won on SteamGifts
93% (14 of 15) about 20 hours
Metro 2033
79% (38 of 48) about 38 hours
Metro: Last Light Complete Edition Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0% (0 of 70) 3 minutes
MINERVA: Metastasis
about 4 hours
Mini Ninjas Won on SteamGifts
about 12 hours
69% (9 of 13) about 29 hours
Monster Slayers Won on SteamGifts
90% (20 of 22) about 59 hours
about 1 hour
Mount & Blade: Warband Won on SteamGifts
91% (73 of 80) about 202 hours
Neon Abyss Won on SteamGifts
71% (25 of 35) about 32 hours
Niche - a genetics survival game Won on SteamGifts
87% (27 of 31) about 43 hours
Nidhogg Won on SteamGifts
75% (9 of 12) about 6 hours
Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call Won on SteamGifts
82% (24 of 29) about 5 hours
Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones Won on SteamGifts
96% (31 of 32) about 7 hours
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
60% (9 of 15) about 4 hours
Nomad Survival
88% (103 of 116) about 31 hours
Nova-111 Won on SteamGifts
90% (9 of 10) about 11 hours
Nubarron: The adventure of an unlucky gnome
about 4 hours
Nuclear Throne Won on SteamGifts
44% (19 of 44) about 52 hours
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas Won on SteamGifts
98% (62 of 63) about 19 hours
Odallus: The Dark Call Won on SteamGifts
82% (24 of 29) about 19 hours
Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest - Episode 1
46% (11 of 24) about 5 hours
Of Orcs And Men Won on SteamGifts
91% (41 of 45) about 19 hours
83% (5 of 6) about 1 hour
Omikron - The Nomad Soul
about 20 hours
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One
83% (10 of 12) about 8 hours
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two
83% (10 of 12) about 9 hours
One Finger Death Punch Won on SteamGifts
61% (94 of 152) about 10 hours
One Way Heroics Won on SteamGifts
74% (44 of 59) about 25 hours
Open Sorcery Won on SteamGifts
59% (34 of 57) about 9 hours
Orcs Must Die!
88% (24 of 27) about 30 hours
Out There Somewhere Won on SteamGifts
91% (33 of 36) about 5 hours
75% (9 of 12) about 15 hours
Overlord Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters Won on SteamGifts
0 minutes
Overlord II Won on SteamGifts
about 24 hours
Ozymandias Won on SteamGifts
98% (51 of 52) about 96 hours
PAC-MAN 256 Won on SteamGifts
90% (9 of 10) about 8 hours
Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition
62% (28 of 45) about 20 hours
Path of Exile
8% (10 of 127) about 29 hours
Pawnbarian Won on SteamGifts
34% (6 of 18) about 8 hours
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil Won on SteamGifts
96% (30 of 31) about 6 hours
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders Won on SteamGifts
96% (30 of 31) about 4 hours
Pickers Won on SteamGifts
92% (37 of 40) about 9 hours
Pikuniku Won on SteamGifts
78% (11 of 14) about 6 hours
Pinball FX3
14% (15 of 110) about 76 hours
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic Won on SteamGifts
92% (51 of 55) about 75 hours
Pixel Piracy Won on SteamGifts
93% (29 of 31) about 20 hours
PixelJunk Eden Won on SteamGifts
77% (47 of 61) about 18 hours
Plague Inc: Evolved Won on SteamGifts
59% (139 of 234) about 49 hours
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition Won on SteamGifts
74% (37 of 50) about 64 hours
Plebby Quest: The Crusades Won on SteamGifts
92% (98 of 106) about 173 hours
Poker Night at the Inventory Won on SteamGifts
85% (17 of 20) about 4 hours
Pony Island Won on SteamGifts
90% (18 of 20) about 4 hours
Popup Dungeon Won on SteamGifts
86% (56 of 65) about 139 hours
34% (5 of 15) about 4 hours
Portal of Evil: Stolen Runes Collector's Edition Won on SteamGifts
80% (16 of 20) about 6 hours
74% (20 of 27) about 4 hours
Precursors Won on SteamGifts
about 34 hours
about 9 hours
Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt
about 1 hour
Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again Won on SteamGifts
83% (20 of 24) about 15 hours
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 30) about 11 hours
81% (30 of 37) about 24 hours
PUSS! Won on SteamGifts
85% (18 of 21) about 12 hours
Puzzle Agent 2 Won on SteamGifts
96% (50 of 52) about 4 hours
Q-YO Blaster Won on SteamGifts
87% (14 of 16) about 6 hours
Realms of the Haunting Won on SteamGifts
about 20 hours
Rebel Galaxy Won on SteamGifts
91% (34 of 37) about 52 hours
Relic Hunters Zero: Remix
81% (36 of 44) about 18 hours
Retrowave Won on SteamGifts
95% (42 of 44) about 5 hours
99% (100 of 101) about 12 hours
Ring of Pain Won on SteamGifts
73% (102 of 138) about 65 hours
Risen Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 50) 0 minutes
Risen 2 - Dark Waters
69% (34 of 49) about 64 hours
Risk of Rain (2013)
80% (12 of 15) about 22 hours
RIVE Won on SteamGifts
65% (29 of 44) about 20 hours
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
79% (23 of 29) about 9 hours
Rollerdrome Won on SteamGifts
61% (13 of 21) about 16 hours
Rollers of the Realm Won on SteamGifts
65% (21 of 32) about 17 hours
RUNE II: Decapitation Edition Won on SteamGifts
95% (20 of 21) about 23 hours
RymdResa Won on SteamGifts
88% (71 of 80) about 14 hours
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters Won on SteamGifts
0 minutes
Sacred 2 Gold
about 133 hours
Saints Row 2
about 37 hours
Saints Row: The Third
93% (78 of 83) about 69 hours
72% (72 of 100) about 48 hours
Sanctum 2
82% (41 of 50) about 64 hours
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
78% (26 of 33) about 13 hours
Saturday Morning RPG Won on SteamGifts
93% (81 of 87) about 19 hours
ScourgeBringer Won on SteamGifts
85% (36 of 42) about 20 hours
Sector Six
92% (129 of 140) about 24 hours
Semblance Won on SteamGifts
92% (13 of 14) about 6 hours
Serial Cleaner
96% (27 of 28) about 9 hours
Serious Sam 2 Won on SteamGifts
about 16 hours
Serious Sam 3: BFE
64% (40 of 62) about 26 hours
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter Won on SteamGifts
57% (20 of 35) about 23 hours
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell Won on SteamGifts
93% (28 of 30) about 36 hours
Shadow Warrior Won on SteamGifts
93% (86 of 92) about 36 hours
Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)
about 12 hours
Shadowrun Returns Won on SteamGifts
about 22 hours
Shape of the World Won on SteamGifts
84% (22 of 26) about 6 hours
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol
67% (35 of 52) about 12 hours
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies
94% (47 of 50) about 18 hours
Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0 minutes
Silicon Zeroes Won on SteamGifts
69% (9 of 13) about 20 hours
SIMULACRA Won on SteamGifts
70% (17 of 24) about 7 hours
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
69% (47 of 68) about 47 hours
Size Matters Won on SteamGifts
96% (55 of 57) about 6 hours
Skulls of the Shogun Won on SteamGifts
41% (11 of 27) about 19 hours
Slime-san Won on SteamGifts
56% (48 of 85) about 61 hours
Slipstream Won on SteamGifts
93% (27 of 29) about 11 hours
Space Elite Force Won on SteamGifts
93% (28 of 30) about 5 hours
Spec Ops: The Line Won on SteamGifts
92% (46 of 50) about 9 hours
Spirit of the North
91% (22 of 24) about 6 hours
Splasher Won on SteamGifts
74% (35 of 47) about 19 hours
Splatter - Zombiecalypse Now Won on SteamGifts
94% (34 of 36) about 16 hours
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Won on SteamGifts
61% (35 of 57) about 63 hours
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ Won on SteamGifts
about 53 hours
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
92% (25 of 27) about 51 hours
SteamWorld Dig
70% (17 of 24) about 10 hours
SteamWorld Dig 2
82% (28 of 34) about 17 hours
SteamWorld Heist Won on SteamGifts
57% (27 of 47) about 25 hours
Stories: The Path of Destinies Won on SteamGifts
91% (34 of 37) about 8 hours
Strider Won on SteamGifts
86% (26 of 30) about 15 hours
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Super Bit Blaster XL
100% (17 of 17) about 3 hours
Super Meat Boy
25% (12 of 48) about 26 hours
Swords and Soldiers HD
36% (9 of 25) about 7 hours
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Won on SteamGifts
84% (16 of 19) about 57 hours
System Shock 2 Won on SteamGifts
about 25 hours
System Shock: Classic Beaten outside of Steam & Remasters
0 minutes
System Shock: Enhanced Edition Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 6) about 28 hours
Tacoma Won on SteamGifts
91% (11 of 12) about 4 hours
Tails Noir: Prologue
about 1 hour
Terrorhedron Won on SteamGifts
74% (35 of 47) about 12 hours
The Bard's Tale Won on SteamGifts
94% (48 of 51) about 33 hours
The Binding of Isaac
47% (46 of 99) about 90 hours
The Final Station Won on SteamGifts
44% (10 of 23) about 6 hours
The First Templar Won on SteamGifts
92% (46 of 50) about 19 hours
The Frostrune
65% (13 of 20) about 2 hours
The Last Remnant Won on SteamGifts
about 94 hours
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
80% (37 of 46) about 19 hours
The Pale Beyond Won on SteamGifts
68% (32 of 47) about 13 hours
The Riftbreaker: Prologue Demo
about 3 hours
The Stanley Parable Won on SteamGifts
80% (8 of 10) about 2 hours
The Swapper
0% (0 of 10) about 8 hours
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
90% (47 of 52) about 102 hours
There Was a Caveman Won on SteamGifts
65% (13 of 20) about 8 hours
This Book Is A Dungeon Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
This War of Mine Won on SteamGifts
29% (17 of 59) about 17 hours
Tin Can Won on SteamGifts
85% (17 of 20) about 11 hours
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers Won on SteamGifts
86% (46 of 53) about 10 hours
Tiny Guardians Won on SteamGifts
81% (13 of 16) about 12 hours
Titan Attacks Won on SteamGifts
85% (40 of 47) about 6 hours
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
35% (40 of 115) about 142 hours
Tomb Raider Won on SteamGifts
62% (31 of 50) about 22 hours
Torchlight II Won on SteamGifts
73% (88 of 119) about 62 hours
Tower of Guns Won on SteamGifts
88% (15 of 17) about 13 hours
Transmissions: Element 120
81% (9 of 11) about 1 hour
90% (30 of 33) about 13 hours
Trine 2
90% (88 of 97) about 27 hours
Tropico 3
about 41 hours
Tropico 4 Won on SteamGifts
67% (47 of 70) about 41 hours
Two Worlds II HD
0% (0 of 66) about 57 hours
Two Worlds: Epic Edition
about 59 hours
Type:Rider Won on SteamGifts
83% (10 of 12) about 4 hours
Ultimate General: Gettysburg Won on SteamGifts
100% (3 of 3) about 10 hours
Unbox Won on SteamGifts
86% (13 of 15) about 15 hours
Underhero Won on SteamGifts
93% (41 of 44) about 20 hours
Unepic Won on SteamGifts
91% (52 of 57) about 41 hours
Unholy Heights Won on SteamGifts
65% (13 of 20) about 23 hours
Unicorn Tails Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Valfaris Won on SteamGifts
74% (26 of 35) about 14 hours
Vertical Drop Heroes HD
90% (27 of 30) about 13 hours
Victor Vran Won on SteamGifts
44% (39 of 90) about 45 hours
Viscera Cleanup Detail Won on SteamGifts
65% (56 of 85) about 52 hours
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage
92% (12 of 13) about 4 hours
War in a Box: Paper Tanks Won on SteamGifts
94% (18 of 19) about 8 hours
WASTED Won on SteamGifts
71% (15 of 21) about 22 hours
Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic
about 30 hours
Weird Park Trilogy Won on SteamGifts
about 14 hours
Westerado: Double Barreled Won on SteamGifts
72% (57 of 79) about 19 hours
wonShot Won on SteamGifts
85% (12 of 14) about 2 hours
WRATH: Aeon of Ruin Won on SteamGifts
86% (43 of 50) about 33 hours
X-Morph: Defense
80% (32 of 40) about 45 hours
Yoku's Island Express Won on SteamGifts
93% (29 of 31) about 12 hours
You Suck at Parking® - Complete Edition Won on SteamGifts
68% (17 of 25) about 39 hours
Zeno Clash Won on SteamGifts
95% (21 of 22) about 10 hours
Zeno Clash 2
89% (17 of 19) about 15 hours
Zombie Driver HD Won on SteamGifts
88% (91 of 103) about 13 hours
ΔV: Rings of Saturn Won on SteamGifts
86% (78 of 90) about 110 hours