Beaten 173 games

Game Achievements Playtime
1 Moment Of Time: Silentville
83% (36 of 43) about 5 hours
50% (7 of 14) about 15 hours
38% (3 of 8) about 1 hour
3 Coins At School
about 6 hours
9 Clues 2: The Ward
69% (27 of 39) about 6 hours
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek
84% (16 of 19) about 2 hours
A Girls Fabric Face
23% (2 of 9) about 1 hour
A Story About My Uncle
0% (0 of 15) about 2 hours
ABC Coloring Town
about 4 hours
28% (6 of 22) about 3 hours
Adrenaline adventure
about 2 hours
Alan Wake
41% (27 of 67) about 9 hours
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
50% (6 of 12) about 4 hours
Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends
80% (12 of 15) about 6 hours
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
0% (0 of 18) about 7 hours
37% (4 of 11) about 2 hours
Anna - Extended Edition
29% (10 of 35) about 2 hours
? about 16 hours
Bayou Island - Point and Click Adventure
37 minutes
Beach Bounce
100% (10 of 10) about 3 hours
100% (24 of 24) about 8 hours
Blackbay Asylum
about 3 hours
22% (7 of 32) about 2 hours
Bleeding Border
100% (6 of 6) about 6 hours
72% (8 of 11) about 2 hours
Bloodbath Kavkaz
65% (26 of 40) about 6 hours
Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome
about 2 hours
Brink of Consciousness: The Lonely Hearts Murders
about 2 hours
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
33% (32 of 98) about 167 hours
Call of Duty: World at War
about 64 hours
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
47% (12 of 26) about 10 hours
Castle of Illusion
50% (6 of 12) about 3 hours
CastleMiner Z
20% (6 of 31) about 13 hours
Chronicles of the Witches and Warlocks
61% (8 of 13) about 4 hours
94% (18 of 19) about 5 hours
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
47% (36 of 78) about 6 hours
Dead Island
28% (13 of 48) about 10 hours
Dead Island Riptide
43% (15 of 35) about 12 hours
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
44% (22 of 50) about 22 hours
Deadfall Adventures
46% (23 of 50) about 9 hours
40% (11 of 28) about 3 hours
Detective Grimoire
100% (9 of 9) about 5 hours
Dinner Date
21 minutes
Dinosaur Hunt
? about 6 hours
Disillusions Manga Horror
about 3 hours
DmC Devil May Cry
38% (22 of 58) about 10 hours
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time
100% (12 of 12) 1 minute
DOOM 3: BFG Edition
27% (17 of 65) about 8 hours
Doorways: Prelude
39% (5 of 13) about 1 hour
Doorways: The Underworld
40% (2 of 5) about 2 hours
Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition
about 3 hours
Duke Nukem Forever
82% (51 of 62) about 12 hours
Dying Light
? about 118 hours
Elves Adventure
about 2 hours
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
about 27 hours
F.E.A.R. 3
34% (17 of 50) about 12 hours
? about 46 hours
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
about 4 hours
Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise
29 minutes
Gone Home
0% (0 of 10) about 1 hour
Grand Theft Auto V
55% (43 of 77) about 561 hours
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
0% (0 of 29) about 3 hours
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
70% (17 of 24) about 6 hours
about 15 hours
Half-Life 2
? about 9 hours
Hand of Fate
16% (8 of 53) about 9 hours
Hitman: Absolution
65% (31 of 47) about 5 hours
28% (13 of 47) about 4 hours
Homefront: The Revolution
32% (23 of 74) about 13 hours
Hotline Miami
29% (10 of 35) about 5 hours
HunieCam Studio
56% (9 of 16) about 5 hours
5% (1 of 20) about 7 hours
Infected: The Twin Vaccine - Collector's Edition
about 2 hours
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
42% (7 of 17) about 3 hours
about 3 hours
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
35% (20 of 58) about 6 hours
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
about 5 hours
Kiai Resonance
50% (12 of 24) about 4 hours
Killer is Dead
36% (17 of 48) about 8 hours
Kimulator : Fight for your destiny
about 7 hours
Layers of Fear (2016)
45% (12 of 27) about 3 hours
Left 4 Dead
17% (12 of 73) about 8 hours
Left 4 Dead 2
? about 72 hours
Life Is Strange
25% (15 of 60) about 24 hours
16% (2 of 13) about 4 hours
Little Inferno
? about 8 hours
Lost Planet 3
50% (25 of 50) about 13 hours
about 2 hours
Mafia II (Classic)
47% (31 of 67) about 14 hours
Magic 2015
57% (20 of 35) about 19 hours
about 3 hours
Massive Cleavage vs Zombies: Awesome Edition
80% (8 of 10) about 2 hours
Master Reboot
55% (11 of 20) about 6 hours
Medal of Honor
34 minutes
Millionaire Manor
about 2 hours
Mirror's Edge
about 2 hours
Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call
65% (19 of 29) about 4 hours
Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones
75% (24 of 32) about 7 hours
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
53% (8 of 15) about 3 hours
50% (11 of 22) about 4 hours
No Time to Explain
12% (1 of 9) about 1 hour
No Time To Explain Remastered
0% (0 of 9) about 4 hours
about 3 hours
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
32% (10 of 32) about 2 hours
On A Roll 3D
54% (13 of 24) about 5 hours
Only If
30% (3 of 10) about 2 hours
57% (8 of 14) about 5 hours
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf
about 4 hours
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
19% (20 of 107) about 6 hours
Pajama Sam in No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside
about 9 hours
Papers, Please
39% (5 of 13) about 3 hours
? about 290 hours
PAYDAY: The Heist
15% (8 of 56) about 15 hours
Pink Hour
13 minutes
Planet of the Eyes
50% (7 of 14) about 2 hours
Plug & Play
14 minutes
68% (17 of 25) about 6 hours
Police: Destruction Street
about 1 hour
71% (64 of 89) about 38 hours
Pretentious Game
37 minutes
Puzzles At Mystery Manor
about 6 hours
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
33% (17 of 53) about 4 hours
Quantum Conscience
100% (4 of 4) about 3 hours
60% (36 of 60) about 20 hours
Rambo The Video Game
12% (4 of 34) about 3 hours
Resident Evil 5
35% (24 of 70) about 16 hours
100% (7 of 7) about 1 hour
Rocket League
? about 437 hours
Rusty Lake Hotel
? about 2 hours
Saints Row IV
90% (66 of 73) about 66 hours
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
32% (14 of 45) about 10 hours
Saints Row: The Third
34% (28 of 83) about 29 hours
Sally Face - Episode One
20% (7 of 35) about 4 hours
Serious Sam 3: BFE
49% (30 of 62) about 9 hours
Shadow Warrior
23% (21 of 92) about 5 hours
66% (8 of 12) about 3 hours
Sleeping Dogs™
29% (17 of 59) about 12 hours
Slender: The Arrival
39% (8 of 21) about 5 hours
Sniper Elite V2
45% (21 of 47) about 6 hours
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
45% (17 of 38) about 5 hours
Sniper: Ghost Warrior
5% (1 of 24) about 1 hour
Sparkle 3 Genesis
0% (0 of 32) about 4 hours
Spec Ops: The Line
62% (31 of 50) about 4 hours
Star Trek Won on SteamGifts
37% (18 of 49) about 6 hours
12% (3 of 26) about 3 hours
Super Duper Party Pooper
100% (26 of 26) about 4 hours
65% (17 of 26) about 5 hours
Teddy Floppy Ear - Kayaking
about 10 hours
The Evil Within
24% (17 of 71) about 20 hours
The Lost Valley
about 2 hours
The Magical Silence
100% (1 of 1) about 2 hours
The Novelist
about 2 hours
The Ship
about 5 hours
The Ship Single Player
about 2 hours
The Ship: Remasted
? about 2 hours
The Spirit Underneath
about 2 hours
the static speaks my name
8 minutes
The Typing of The Dead: Overkill
72% (24 of 33) about 7 hours
The Walking Dead
0% (0 of 48) about 3 hours
The Wolf Among Us
88% (31 of 35) about 8 hours
They Breathe
13% (1 of 8) about 1 hour
Thirty Flights of Loving
about 1 hour
Thrillville: Off the Rails
about 16 hours
Tomb Raider
20% (10 of 50) about 9 hours
UberSoldier II
about 5 hours
VCB: Why City (Beta Version)
71% (15 of 21) about 3 hours
VERGE:Lost chapter
about 3 hours
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide
32% (34 of 108) about 30 hours
Weird Park Trilogy
about 5 hours
White Mirror
about 4 hours
26 minutes
Wolfenstein: The New Order
52% (26 of 50) about 8 hours
Wooden Floor
about 1 hour