Greetings! Yindy’s profile
So, it seems you managed to stumble upon my pile of shame.
I know, I’m a horrible, horrible, hoarder that lacks discipline, or maybe an attention span, I suppose. :)
The idea is to finish games before starting new ones… Though, I guess it doesn’t quite help me, at all, that I’ve also got a console/origin/uplay backlog that’s not shown here… Runs away to hide in a dark corner
I’ve decided to start keeping track of monthly progress bars to see if things actually change, and how they change.
Somewhere in July 2023
August 30
September 30
July 12th
September 2023 report
(Or the month where my bundle buying habit relapsed)

24.0 hours playtime
no achievements
Was started in august, was sure to finish it this month. But I got distracted once again by other games.

It was in a bundle. And idlers are my weakspot… Just to once again think they’re pointless, this one wasn’t even fun, and abandoned it. \
Got this in the steam summersale, and loved it.
An original lego game with actual voices and filled with lego humor.
You're an undercover cop and you have to catch Rex Fury. But things don't always go as planned, you go undercover, unlock different vocations and get in ridiculous situations.
It's fun, you should try it.
Growing up I loved the smurfs cartoons. Seen the more recent movies and they were pretty fun, too.
It's a cute, colorful platformer that starts out quite easy but gradually increases in difficulty with monsters to beat and obstacles to pass with your new abilities.
At first it was weird hearing the English names instead of the Dutch names, but got used to it pretty fast.
Overall a decent and enjoyable platformer
Won this game on steamgifts and instantly gave it a try.
And, thank god I'm out of highschool.
I remember liking the previous entries, but this one felt like a bit of a drag to me. Maybe because of the forced facebook interactions instead of just aim with a single person at a time, or I don't know. It just didn't click for me
A virtual who did it mystery told through an interactive movie.
The actors were quite good and the story was ok.
What I didn't like it being forced to play through it several different ways with different choices in order to find out who did it. Not enough clues? Sucks to be you, but you can't accuse anyone, even when you're sure they did it.
I'm missing 1 accusation, but couldn't bring myself to play trough it just for that person. And they didn't do it anyway
This game is fun! Compared a lot to rocket league, but minigolf instead of football.
I really like how you can play it in short bursts and, more importantly, wether you win or fail is entirely up to you. No frustrations with teammates doing stupid stuff.
A game that basically offers you a lot of heinous choices. Would you kill 1 child in order to save 5 people? for example.
There's a story about starting your job at a trolley inc corporation and climing the ladder to other functions. But, to be honest, barely paid attention to it.
Yet another fmv game. This time you're a detective, trying to solve a murder in a nightclub.
I liked it, played through it a few times to see the different endings.
I really, really, really should've played the demo first….
I like the concept and humor and hoped that is enough. But, it's a fps and I just hate fps games in general.
Will probably come back to try to finish it, but for now, I don't like it.
Now for the pretty progress bars:
Somewhere in July 2023
August 30
September 30
August 2023 report
After seeing a few other people do it, I’ve decided to give reporting at the end of each month instead of each individual game a try.
August has been quite a productive month.
- Decided to finally mark a few games as won’t play, seeing as I’m simply not skilled/patient enough/don’t like those games/am stuck/not interested.
- Tried a bunch of random games instead of sticking to the game I’m playing.
- Finished a couple of games that were unfinished for ages.
The progress bar progress overview
Somewhere in July 2023
August 30
I've got a weakness for cute anime games, especially the neptunia series because it's full of jokes, puns, and breaking the 4th wall.
In this game you play as the goddesses playing an online mmo. The goal is to beat the main story and, oh, save the gameworld while we're at it.
It's fun, but also quite grindy.
This game has been quite a ride: Started and stopped playing it quite a lot of time; including on the PS3 because I got frustrated.
It's an ok game, it's a lot of fun and I love disney.
However, Oswalds AI is at times so damned annoying, it rarely does what I want it to do which makes it quite frustrating.
All in all a happy disney game, and, it's finally completed. :)
Fun little 2d platformer
It's another 2d platformer. It's not bad, I just didn't like it.
Short little game where you have to figure out what happened to the owner of the phone you found. Surprisingly fun
I've reached the ending twice, so I consider it done, even though I don't have a lot of achievements
Played 1 round and the tutorial. Guess that makes it beaten.
Well, not much to say really. It's a coloring book 'game' with achievements.
Played it for a bit. It's endless, so I kinda consider it beaten.
This game is bad. Won it. Played a round. Nothing else to it, really.
Currently playing:
I thought this was done. Turns out it's not.
It's a fun rhytm game burried underneath lewt pictures of girls.
Not quite sure what to think about this game.
You're an unicorn, and have to figure out what happened to the unicorn island.
Been playing this game on and off since Early acces.
Cute little game
A crossover between puyo puyo and tetris.
I'm finally getting over my idle games addiction. Had a short fall back, but decided I really don't like idlers.
I've been playing this game on and off for years. Currently stuck at a stage where I've got trouble with the timing, so will probably be abandoned for a while again.
It's not a bad game, just not in the mood to play it I guess
So, I don't have a driving license for a very good reason.
Kept on hitting other stuff, drive against traffic, and what not.
Also lack the patience to sit through all the long routes
So, I don't have a driving license for a very good reason.
Kept on hitting other stuff, drive against traffic, and what not.
Also lack the patience to sit through all the long routes
Another 2d platformer I randomly tried.
This one just isn't for me
I want to finish this, I really do.
But after trying on and off for years I think it's time to admit I'm simply not skilled enough to do so.
Will probably keep on coming back in the hope of finishing it, someday.
I want to like this game, however, I dislike it for messing with my actual harddrivve and having to use my own programs in order to open files, instead of having it all done in-game.
A not-so-goodlooking mahjong game, I believe it's mainly aimed at kids.
The concept is great. It's an arkanoid like puzzle game.
However, in reality it takes forever to hit the last brick and I just lost my patience with it. Got plenty of better games to play.
This game is simply to hard for me. I admit defeat.
This game has been quite a ride: Started and stopped playing it quite a lot of time; including on the PS3 because I got frustrated.
It's an ok game, it's a lot of fun and I love disney.
However, Oswalds AI is at times so damned annoying, it rarely does what I want it to do which makes it quite frustrating.
All in all a happy disney game, and, it's finally completed. :)
I've got a weakness for cute anime games, especially the neptunia series because it's full of jokes, puns, and breaking the 4th wall.
In this game you play as the goddesses playing an online mmo. The goal is to beat the main story and, oh, save the gameworld while we're at it.
It's fun, but also quite grindy.
Despite being awful at driving/racing games and shooters, this game was quite fun. I liked it a lot more as expected, just not interested enough to actually play the dlc.
You play as an undercover cop that joins a Triad through your childhood best friend. Get morally conflicted between being a cop and a triad.
Lot's of fighting, racing, stealing cars.
A fun, relatively easy 3d platformer with a really catchy soundtrack.
Had a lot of fun with this game: It's fun, levels are quite short. A game that cheered me up when I was feeling down
This game is a fun in-between stuff game.
The rounds are short and fast. It somewhat reminds me of the mario party mini games, but without a playerbase.
Luckily you can fill the online rounds with bots to help with that.
The I’ve-just-completed-an-awesome-game-and-now-I-dont-know-what-to-play feels.
This game has been on my radar since release but, well, I don't have a playstation 4 (nor 5). After it came to pc I just found it to expensive, especially with my existing backlog of games…
During the summer sale, I finally bought it and have been playing it since.
I really enjoyed myself, despite being a walking disaster with a bow and arrow/aiming. (Which is why I pretty much never play shooters.)
Luckily, there was this thing called story mode and have been able to melee most monsters, except those damned birds and a few bosses, that is.
The story: It felt surreal to have Aloy running around with her bow and spear against machine animals. To see a culture worshipping the old ones/machines/AI while it's something that's starting to be so present in our lives.
I don't know. I just got the feels.
This game has so much potential. It's fun to play, but it has some major downsides:
- in early acces since 2017 and there don't seem to have been any updates
- Controller layout plays awkward
- keyboard works, but it displays the controller triggers
- Only 'fun' mode available whenever you play a new song - which comes down to 2 or maybe 3 different buttons, quite repetitive.
It's still fun to kill a few minutes, however.
It has a bug where you can't get past the intro on ultra wide screen resolution.
And, frankly, I can't be bothered to change my computers resolution for a single game.
It gives an error path not found or something similar.
It's an interesting experience. You walk around on an island, slowly uncovering a story which has a few twists.
Short game, took me about an hour.
Kinda regret nog playing it years sooner.
If I beat games I just bought, does it count as a backlog?
So, the steam’s summer sale was here, and even though my library is massive I’ve still bought a few games.
The games I bought:
Super lucky’s tale + New super lucky’s tale
Lego city: Undercover
Puyo puyo Tetris battle
Horizon: Zero Dawn.
I've been eyeing this game since release and finally decided to buy it in the sale. 'Only' 20% off, but definately worth the price tag, even though it's short.
You play as a cat, what starts out really cute turns into a post apocalyptic world.
There's some platforming, but it's mainly a puzzle game where you have to find stuff in order to do/unlock more stuff.
A friend and me where looking for games to play as couch co-op on de Switch, after beating Yoshi's crafted world together.
So, we ended up downloading the demo of New super lucky's tale, even though it wasn't co-op.
I immediately fell in love with the whimsical artstyle and the music.
So, instead of buying it on the switch I bought it during the steam sale, because it got bundled with the previous game.
Its a cute little platformer. I do believe the requirement of clovers for a few boss battles was a bit high but I used the dlc clover's to finish it.
All in all it was a fun little game.
Immediately started new super luckys tale right after, but levels are to similar/the same so its on hold.
Final Fantasy XV beaten.
…And I just don’t like it.
To start: I don’t like/get the combat system. It just didn’t click for me.
The endless car rides to get from A and B where to much, it felt like an overkill over which you had no control.
The story just didn’t do it for me, either.
But. hey, at least I’ve beaten it! True, mainly due to easy mode and getting infinite revives on noctis, but still.
I gave it a fair shot, it’s just not my kind of game.
Which is a shame, I really wanted to like it.
It’s been a while.
After starting my studies I kinda lost the time to spend on gaming.
After catching covid, my concentration/motivation to do, well, anything really.
Fortunately, I’m done with my studies, I’m starting to get my concentration, focus, and will to actually play games back, too.
Forgive me for not making pretty posts, I kinda forgot how to do that stuff, too.
[b]Pikuniku and Hogwarts Legacy [/b] are, together with pokemon Violet, the first games I’ve beaten this year.
It’s up to me to make sure they’re not the last ones.
Guess what? My backlog got backlogged!
Oh well… It’s an impossible pile anyway, so I figured I’ll just play what I want to play and stop if I don’t like a game. Sounds actually pretty normal and healthy, right?
Shadows of Mordor (Again)
So, I’ve played through shadows of mordor once again… AFter my first playthrough I got so disappointed by the final boss battle I completely lost my interest in the dlc. With shadow of war also in my backlog, I wanted to play through mordor once again to remind myself the story. The celebrimbor dlc is so worth it!
Well, I’ve bought every possible island/slot and got all the weapons, that counts as green, right? I do like it, but I’m just feeling done with it, even though there’s always more stuff to do.
Alchemist Adventure
I’m hooked to this, one of the few games I bought instantly after it hitting early acces. Sure, there are still some bugs and the game ain’t complete yet, but it is just so much fun
3899 | games (+6 not categorized yet) |
80% | never played |
6% | unfinished |
5% | beaten |
2% | completed |
6% | won't play |
- Won on SteamGifts 77
- Endless 12
- Batch 1 5
- Puzzle 9
- Batch 2 5
- To buggy :( 2
- Batch 3 4