All owned 193 games

Game Achievements Playtime
A Story About My Uncle
0% (0 of 15) 0 minutes
Age of Wonders III
0% (0 of 74) 0 minutes
Alan Wake
58% (39 of 67) about 21 hours
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
34% (4 of 12) about 5 hours
Alien: Isolation
0% (0 of 50) 0 minutes
Alpha Protocol finished - no achievements order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
about 19 hours
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
0% (0 of 7) 0 minutes
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
0% (0 of 18) 4 minutes
34% (8 of 24) about 20 hours
Beat Cop
0% (0 of 32) 0 minutes
Beholder order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
34% (20 of 60) about 16 hours
0 minutes
BioShock 2
0% (0 of 68) 0 minutes
BioShock 2 Remastered
0% (0 of 53) 0 minutes
BioShock Remastered
0% (0 of 65) 0 minutes
Blood: Fresh Supply
0% (0 of 20) 0 minutes
Borderlands 2
? 0 minutes
Borderlands GOTY finished outside of steam
0% (0 of 80) 0 minutes
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
0% (0 of 80) 0 minutes
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
? 0 minutes
Brütal Legend
6% (3 of 59) about 2 hours
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) Won on SteamGifts
0 minutes
Call of Juarez finished - no achievements
about 11 hours
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
65% (17 of 26) about 19 hours
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood finished - no achievements
about 10 hours
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
0% (0 of 49) 0 minutes
Cities: Skylines
? 0 minutes
Company of Heroes 2
0% (0 of 452) 0 minutes
Counter-Strike 2
? 0 minutes
Crusader Kings II
0% (0 of 161) 0 minutes
Cry of Fear
0 minutes
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
0 minutes
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single Player
0 minutes
Day of the Tentacle Remastered order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
100% (58 of 58) about 8 hours
Dead Space (2008)
35 minutes
Deponia: The Complete Journey
0% (0 of 105) 0 minutes
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition finished - no achievements
about 69 hours
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
0% (0 of 49) 0 minutes
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
71% (42 of 59) about 79 hours
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link
50% (5 of 10) about 7 hours
Deus Ex: Invisible War finished outside of steam
about 1 hour
DiRT Rally
0% (0 of 170) 0 minutes
DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition
0% (0 of 16) 0 minutes
0% (0 of 54) 0 minutes
Dota 2
about 2094 hours
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour currently playing order of backlog assassination Won on SteamGifts
55% (15 of 27) about 9 hours
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
85% (17 of 20) about 44 hours
Duke Nukem Forever
42% (26 of 62) about 13 hours
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
0% (0 of 100) 0 minutes
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
28% (26 of 93) about 53 hours
Europa Universalis IV
? 0 minutes
Fallout finished outside of steam
0 minutes
Fallout: New Vegas
0% (0 of 75) 0 minutes
Far Cry finished - no achievements
about 34 hours
Far Cry 2
35 minutes
For Honor
0 minutes
FTL: Faster Than Light finished - no achievements
0% (0 of 51) about 364 hours
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
100% (48 of 48) about 13 hours
0% (0 of 40) 0 minutes
Grand Theft Auto III order of backlog assassination Won on SteamGifts
0 minutes
0% (0 of 60) 0 minutes
Grim Fandango Remastered
0% (0 of 47) 0 minutes
Guacamelee! Gold Edition order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
73% (44 of 60) about 23 hours
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
0% (0 of 30) 0 minutes
Half-Life finished - no achievements
about 2 hours
Half-Life 2
? about 14 hours
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
0 minutes
Half-Life 2: Episode One
53% (7 of 13) about 4 hours
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
? about 5 hours
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
16 minutes
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
0 minutes
Half-Life: Blue Shift finished - no achievements
about 3 hours
Half-Life: Opposing Force finished - no achievements
about 7 hours
Half-Life: Source finished - no achievements
about 14 hours
Hard West
0% (0 of 35) 0 minutes
0% (0 of 69) 0 minutes
0% (0 of 47) 0 minutes
Hotline Miami
65% (23 of 35) about 21 hours
I Am Alive
about 2 hours
0% (0 of 100) 0 minutes
Jotun: Valhalla Edition
0% (0 of 36) 0 minutes
Kathy Rain
0% (0 of 20) 0 minutes
Killer is Dead
0% (0 of 48) 0 minutes
Kingdom: Classic
0% (0 of 34) 0 minutes
Layers of Fear (2016)
0% (0 of 27) 0 minutes
Legend of Grimrock order of backlog assassination Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 40) 17 minutes
Lethal League
0% (0 of 23) 0 minutes
Life Is Strange order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
83% (50 of 60) about 23 hours
0% (0 of 13) 0 minutes
about 2 hours
Memoria order of backlog assassination
74% (23 of 31) about 13 hours
Metro 2033
42% (20 of 48) about 17 hours
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
0 minutes
0 minutes
0% (0 of 13) 0 minutes
One Finger Death Punch order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
58% (89 of 152) about 20 hours
0% (0 of 27) 0 minutes
Out There: Ω Edition order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
89% (57 of 64) about 44 hours
0% (0 of 12) 0 minutes
0% (0 of 14) 0 minutes
26% (15 of 58) about 28 hours
Party Hard order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
100% (27 of 27) about 22 hours
? 0 minutes
PAYDAY: The Heist
0% (0 of 56) 0 minutes
Penumbra: Black Plague
0 minutes
Penumbra: Overture
about 2 hours
Penumbra: Requiem
0 minutes
Pillars of Eternity order of backlog assassination Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 48) 0 minutes
Please, Don’t Touch Anything order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
86% (13 of 15) about 5 hours
Pony Island order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
100% (20 of 20) about 6 hours
0% (0 of 15) 0 minutes
Portal 2
0% (0 of 51) 0 minutes
0% (0 of 37) 0 minutes
Punch Club order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
100% (47 of 47) about 73 hours
Quake Champions
0% (0 of 52) 0 minutes
Quake Live
0% (0 of 58) 1 minute
60% (36 of 60) about 32 hours
0% (0 of 40) 0 minutes
Regions Of Ruin
0% (0 of 20) 0 minutes
Rune Classic order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
58% (17 of 29) about 15 hours
RUNNING WITH RIFLES order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
16% (7 of 45) about 7 hours
Saints Row 2
0 minutes
Sam & Max: Season One finished - no achievements order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Sam & Max: Season Two finished - no achievements order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse finished - no achievements order of backlog assassination
about 5 hours
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
0% (0 of 33) 0 minutes
Satellite Reign order of backlog assassination Won on SteamGifts
3% (1 of 40) about 2 hours
Serial Cleaner
0% (0 of 28) 0 minutes
Seven: Enhanced Edition
0% (0 of 35) 0 minutes
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun order of backlog assassination Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 44) 0 minutes
Shadow Warrior
47% (43 of 92) about 23 hours
Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)
0 minutes
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
100% (20 of 20) about 34 hours
Shadowrun Returns finished - no achievements order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
about 26 hours
Shadowrun: Dragonfall order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
84% (33 of 39) about 83 hours
Shadowrun: Hong Kong order of backlog assassination
80% (48 of 60) about 108 hours
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete finished outside of steam
0 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization IV finished outside of steam
0 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword finished outside of steam
0 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization finished outside of steam
0 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords finished outside of steam
0 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization V
25% (71 of 286) about 1485 hours
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
0% (0 of 68) 0 minutes
Skyshine's BEDLAM
0% (0 of 21) 0 minutes
Slain: Back from Hell order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
27% (8 of 30) about 12 hours
Spec Ops: The Line
68% (34 of 50) about 10 hours
Stories: The Path of Destinies
0% (0 of 37) 0 minutes
Stronghold Crusader 2 order of backlog assassination Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 81) 0 minutes
Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD
0 minutes
Stronghold Crusader HD
0 minutes
Styx: Master of Shadows order of backlog assassination Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 33) 0 minutes
Subterrain order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
93% (45 of 48) about 96 hours
System Shock: Classic
0 minutes
System Shock: Enhanced Edition order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
83% (5 of 6) about 23 hours
System Shock® 2 (Classic)
0 minutes
Tales from the Borderlands order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
100% (35 of 35) about 12 hours
Team Fortress Classic
0 minutes
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
0 minutes
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
0% (0 of 41) 0 minutes
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
48% (17 of 36) about 15 hours
The Darkness II order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
48% (24 of 50) about 10 hours
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind finished - no achievements order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
about 318 hours
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
0% (0 of 75) 1 minute
The Expendabros
0 minutes
The Flame in the Flood
0% (0 of 36) 0 minutes
The Red Solstice
0% (0 of 73) 0 minutes
The Room order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
100% (5 of 5) about 5 hours
The Ship
0 minutes
The Ship Single Player
0 minutes
The Stanley Parable order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
70% (7 of 10) about 3 hours
The Swapper
0% (0 of 10) about 7 hours
The Walking Dead
83% (40 of 48) about 15 hours
The Walking Dead: Michonne
0% (0 of 21) 0 minutes
The Walking Dead: Season Two
0% (0 of 40) 0 minutes
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
0% (0 of 52) 0 minutes
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
0 minutes
The Witness order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
50% (1 of 2) about 47 hours
This Is the Police order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
60% (6 of 10) about 60 hours
This War of Mine
? about 14 hours
To the Moon
0% (0 of 1) 0 minutes
Tomb Raider
0% (0 of 50) 0 minutes
Total War: SHOGUN 2
0% (0 of 106) 0 minutes
Tropico 4
58% (41 of 70) about 125 hours
Turmoil order of backlog assassination SG wins taken down Won on SteamGifts
? about 21 hours
0% (0 of 70) 0 minutes
Unreal Gold
0 minutes
Unreal II: The Awakening
0 minutes
Unreal Tournament 2004
0 minutes
Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition
0% (0 of 57) 0 minutes
Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition finished outside of steam
0 minutes
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior
0% (0 of 2) 0 minutes
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood German Edition
0% (0 of 50) 0 minutes
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
10% (8 of 85) about 4 hours