Plan on first beating all my HOGS! jeffasl’s profile

I’m busying attacking my backlog.. and my first goal is to attack my backHOGS!

So here is a backHOGGER report!

Only have a few left!

Will report progress! Thanks for such a nice website to keep up with progress!

updated all the games I’ve completed in the last few months..
Completed many games and feel proud about it.

WOW this site is a big help in keeping track of playing games and making progress!

Beat 14 games in August and so far 7 this month!!

Finished the Musaic Box game so quickly! What fun was composing the pieces of music using logic of patterning! Cool concept!

WOW knocking out so many games! Love the way this website helps keep track of progress!!! Awesome job at the design of it….

Just played with the recently played games and updated.

Beat another 4 HOGS in last few days!


My goal is to first complete all my HOGS as I’m really good at them and they are the easiest to beat and thus make quick progress.

I’ve already completed about 6-8 HOGS in the last two weeks….

So for awhile I will be giving backlog backHOGGER reports!

Thanks for this avenue of keeping track of progress!

(BTW also trying to finish STATIS and DEAD SCHRONICITY)

2310 games (+26 not categorized yet)
90% never played
4% unfinished
1% beaten
5% completed
0% won't play