kiwikuku’s profile
Hi, hello!
Doom is great! If you like fast paced shooters and some secret hunting it's a game for you. It also have multiplayer and map creation tool, but i am not a fan of mp games. Tried it, it was ok. Since last week all multiplayer dlcs are free, so maybe i will try playing it again.
Playing (slowly):
Cities: Skylines
20 hours playtime
17 of 76 achievements
4 hours playtime
no achievements
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
7 hours playtime
5 of 57 achievements
I don't know if you can even say "I completed/beaten Cities" so my goal is to have stable city with population over 100k. I've done that once, but sadly used some mods which blocked my achievements and after reaching 100k my city had some serious sewage problem. I am in progress of creating another city and it's going well. I also tried some of the new free to play game, Gigantic. It's not bad. It looks good, has slick interface and is another endless game I can't finish! Great selection from me so far.
And the last one, KotOR2. I loved first one, played it and finished in two weeks. This one i started in January and can't slog trough. I'll give it another hour or two and decide if it's worth playing.
Games to try:
Karma. Incarnation 1
16 minutes playtime
0 of 7 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 36 achievements
Jotun was for free and i bought Karma on steam sale. I'll try to play them next.
Hi, hello.
So i finished Limbo since my last post. All the buzz around this game made my expectations a little too high, but it’s still a good game. It has style and interesting puzzles. And it’s short.
Kinda beaten:
80 days is a cute, run-based games. I played it twice. I went around the globe in 80 days. I had fun. I don’t think i want to play it again.
Attack list:
3 hours playtime
3 of 51 achievements
Don't Starve
4 hours playtime
no achievements
Risk of Rain
11 hours playtime
7 of 15 achievements
Doom: I bought it couple days ago. So far, it feels great. I hope it’ll be that way all the way through.
Don’t Starve: My first win on sg! I’ll be honest. I played a lot of that game on pirated copy. I won it, tried to play more and was bored of collecting sticks and stones. I really want to try story mode. Maybe it will make me play it more. It’s probably going on the “won’t play” pile of shame but i’ll give it last try.
Risk of Rain: So, i saw last boss of Risk of Rain. It kicked my ass. Also I am not sure if this game has cloud saves. I’ll try to beat it again, but i don’t know if it’ll grab me again like it grabbed me first time.
So here’s my first post. I think i should explain why i marked some games with low playtime as beaten. Reason is simple. I played them offline, off steam etc.
Alpha Protocol
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
4 hours playtime
no achievements
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
Mafia II
1 minute playtime
0 of 67 achievements
Portal 2
4 minutes playtime
0 of 51 achievements
Zeno Clash
2 hours playtime
0 of 22 achievements
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
3 hours playtime
no achievements
I also own first episodes of 2 games:
Resident Evil Revelations 2
3 hours playtime
2 of 43 achievements
King's Quest
5 hours playtime
5 of 53 achievements
I’ve beaten both. RE: Revelations 2 didn’t grab my interest. King’s Quest is better and i probably buy rest of the episodes some day. For now i consider them finished.
214 | games |
5% | never played |
17% | unfinished |
48% | beaten |
2% | completed |
28% | won't play |