kyriaki’s profile
progress bar (31/12/24):
429 | games |
59% | never played |
10% | unfinished |
18% | beaten |
14% | completed |
0% | won't play |
- ▶️ Playing Currently 4
- ⏸️ Need to get back to 5
- ⭐Priority Backlog 33
- 🧹 Achievement Cleanup 11
- 🎁 Gifts 48
- 🎁 PoP Gifts 3
- 🎁 Other Gifts 16
- 🍬 Short (2-8 hours) 33
- 🍰 Medium (8-15 hours) 32
- 🥧 Long (15-25 hours) 27
- 🍨 Very Long (25+ hours) 26
- 🎮 Beaten on another platform 17
- 👴 Oldest backlog games 15
- PoP games (current + previous cycles) 28
- Favourite PoP picks (requests don't count) 6