Beaten 422 games

Game Achievements Playtime
1979 Revolution: Black Friday Won on SteamGifts
58% (23 of 39) about 5 hours
57% (8 of 14) about 2 hours
A Hat in Time
37% (17 of 46) about 19 hours
A Plague Tale: Innocence Gifts
80% (28 of 35) about 15 hours
A Plague Tale: Requiem AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
88% (31 of 35) about 21 hours
A Raven Monologue
4 minutes
A Story About My Uncle Won on SteamGifts
86% (13 of 15) about 9 hours
75% (9 of 12) about 4 hours
Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom Won on SteamGifts
97% (34 of 35) about 13 hours
Adventure World Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
Aegis Defenders
87% (27 of 31) about 10 hours
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders Won on SteamGifts
84% (42 of 50) about 9 hours
Alan Wake Gifts
56% (38 of 67) about 19 hours
Alien: Isolation Won on SteamGifts
94% (47 of 50) about 24 hours
Along the Edge Won on SteamGifts
75% (21 of 28) about 6 hours
Amnesia: Rebirth
70% (29 of 41) about 8 hours
Angels of Fasaria: Version 2.0 Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 1) about 4 hours
Antichamber Won on SteamGifts
about 7 hours
76% (23 of 30) about 35 hours
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 60) about 39 hours
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
89% (44 of 49) about 51 hours
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
89% (44 of 49) about 49 hours
Atomic Heart AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
47% (32 of 69) about 28 hours
Aviary Attorney
about 9 hours
Awakening of Solutio Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Baba Is You AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
23% (4 of 18) about 9 hours
Balatro AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
20% (6 of 31) about 14 hours
Baldur's Gate 3 Gifts
74% (40 of 54) about 136 hours
Balthazar's Dream Won on SteamGifts
75% (15 of 20) about 5 hours
34% (8 of 24) about 12 hours
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition Won on SteamGifts
53% (25 of 47) about 13 hours
Batman: Arkham City GOTY Won on SteamGifts
29% (18 of 64) about 19 hours
Batman: Arkham Knight Won on SteamGifts
22% (24 of 113) about 26 hours
Batman™: Arkham VR VR Won on SteamGifts
84% (11 of 13) about 7 hours
Battle Chasers: Nightwar Won on SteamGifts
89% (43 of 48) about 40 hours
Battle Chef Brigade Won on SteamGifts
88% (22 of 25) about 20 hours
Bayonetta Won on SteamGifts
66% (33 of 50) about 22 hours
53% (15 of 28) about 17 hours
Bendy and the Dark Revival
48% (18 of 38) about 8 hours
Beyond Good & Evil
about 12 hours
Beyond: Two Souls Gifts
60% (27 of 45) about 17 hours
48% (22 of 46) about 19 hours
Black Future '88
65% (19 of 29) about 7 hours
Blacksad: Under the Skin AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
61% (24 of 39) about 17 hours
Blade Kitten Won on SteamGifts
60% (12 of 20) about 13 hours
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
60% (9 of 15) about 4 hours
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Gifts
68% (39 of 57) about 27 hours
Book of Demons Won on SteamGifts
41% (82 of 202) about 13 hours
Borderlands 3 AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
38% (30 of 81) about 63 hours
93% (28 of 30) about 15 hours
Call of Cthulhu Won on SteamGifts
79% (39 of 49) about 11 hours
Call of Juarez Gunslinger Won on SteamGifts
88% (23 of 26) about 15 hours
Call of the Sea
91% (31 of 34) about 7 hours
Case #8 Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Cat Quest
50% (6 of 12) about 13 hours
Catherine Classic Won on SteamGifts
54% (27 of 50) about 24 hours
Celeste AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
87% (28 of 32) about 35 hours
Chaos on Deponia Won on SteamGifts
97% (33 of 34) about 16 hours
Chernobylite Complete Edition AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
91% (32 of 35) about 16 hours
about 38 hours
about 2 hours
Cities: Skylines Won on SteamGifts
19% (24 of 127) about 10 hours
Control Ultimate Edition Won on SteamGifts
58% (39 of 67) about 21 hours
Cookie Clicker
67% (432 of 637) about 328 hours
Cornerstone: The Song Of Tyrim Won on SteamGifts
60% (6 of 10) about 13 hours
Coromon Won on SteamGifts
44% (35 of 80) about 24 hours
Corpse Party AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
82% (14 of 17) about 17 hours
Cross of the Dutchman
83% (26 of 31) about 7 hours
Curse of the Assassin Won on SteamGifts
81% (26 of 32) about 8 hours
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die Won on SteamGifts
50% (39 of 78) about 9 hours
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
81% (31 of 38) about 43 hours
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Won on SteamGifts
86% (33 of 38) about 45 hours
DarkBase 01 Won on SteamGifts
about 7 hours
DarkEnd Won on SteamGifts
43% (11 of 26) about 12 hours
Days Gone Gifts
77% (47 of 61) about 53 hours
71% (45 of 63) about 55 hours
Death's Door AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
70% (17 of 24) about 12 hours
45% (26 of 58) about 16 hours
94% (18 of 19) about 10 hours
Detroit: Become Human Gifts
85% (41 of 48) about 20 hours
Devil May Cry 4 (Special Edition) Gifts
12% (5 of 42) about 13 hours
Devil May Cry 5 Won on SteamGifts
50% (27 of 55) about 20 hours
Devil May Cry HD Collection Gifts
56% (56 of 99) about 29 hours
Disco Elysium Won on SteamGifts
32% (14 of 45) about 45 hours
Disgaea PC Won on SteamGifts
73% (22 of 30) about 31 hours
Dishonored Won on SteamGifts
25% (20 of 80) about 13 hours
Divinia Chronicles: Relics of Gan-Ti Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 60) about 2 hours
DmC Devil May Cry Won on SteamGifts
37% (21 of 58) about 16 hours
DOOM Won on SteamGifts
30% (16 of 54) about 16 hours
DOOM Eternal Gifts
52% (26 of 50) about 30 hours
Dragon Age II
about 5 hours
Dragon Age: Origins Won on SteamGifts
about 38 hours
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
about 4 hours
Dragon Age™ Inquisition Gifts
44% (30 of 69) about 51 hours
73% (31 of 42) about 34 hours
DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
63% (36 of 57) about 61 hours
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Won on SteamGifts
52% (31 of 59) about 63 hours
Draugen Gifts
84% (11 of 13) about 3 hours
DreadOut Won on SteamGifts
66% (28 of 42) about 11 hours
Dreamfall Chapters Gifts Won on SteamGifts
64% (38 of 59) about 31 hours
Drew and the Floating Labyrinth Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Driftmoon Won on SteamGifts
48% (8 of 17) about 9 hours
80% (24 of 30) about 5 hours
Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
47% (25 of 54) about 17 hours
Dusk Diver 酉閃町 Won on SteamGifts
40% (15 of 38) about 8 hours
Dying Light Won on SteamGifts
30% (23 of 78) about 30 hours
Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
47% (30 of 65) about 26 hours
82% (28 of 34) about 37 hours
Earthlock: Festival of Magic
0% (0 of 25) about 4 hours
Eastshade AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
88% (16 of 18) about 11 hours
Eidolon Won on SteamGifts
about 14 hours
Eldest Souls
54% (27 of 50) about 19 hours
Elegy For A Dead World Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 3) about 1 hour
ELEX Gifts Won on SteamGifts
98% (49 of 50) about 54 hours
Elsinore Won on SteamGifts
about 16 hours
Enter the Gungeon Won on SteamGifts
62% (34 of 54) about 46 hours
Epistory - Typing Chronicles Won on SteamGifts
76% (42 of 55) about 14 hours
61% (8 of 13) about 2 hours
Evil West AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
about 12 hours
Fable Anniversary Won on SteamGifts
78% (39 of 50) about 21 hours
Fallout 4 Won on SteamGifts
50% (42 of 84) about 51 hours
Far Cry 5 Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 72) about 30 hours
Far Cry 6 AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 99) about 28 hours
Far Cry New Dawn Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 50) about 14 hours
Fashion Police Squad HB Monthly/Choice
64% (16 of 25) about 6 hours
FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
about 15 hours
FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
about 16 hours
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
94% (65 of 69) about 109 hours
76% (74 of 97) about 110 hours
Five Dates Won on SteamGifts
73% (11 of 15) about 8 hours
Foregone AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
92% (46 of 50) about 13 hours
Forgotton Anne AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
87% (29 of 33) about 9 hours
Gal*Gun: Double Peace Won on SteamGifts
82% (32 of 39) about 15 hours
Game of Thrones Won on SteamGifts
62% (31 of 50) about 21 hours
Gamedec - Definitive Edition AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
83% (44 of 53) about 12 hours
Gazing from beyond Won on SteamGifts
86% (13 of 15) about 10 hours
Ghost of a Tale Won on SteamGifts
60% (12 of 20) about 30 hours
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
90% (27 of 30) about 14 hours
Ghostrunner Gifts
34% (15 of 45) about 8 hours
Goat Simulator Won on SteamGifts
20% (25 of 127) about 6 hours
GOD EATER 3 AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
78% (25 of 32) about 28 hours
Gotham Knights AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
46% (28 of 61) about 26 hours
Gray Dawn Won on SteamGifts
94% (17 of 18) about 8 hours
Greak: Memories of Azur
95% (23 of 24) about 14 hours
GreedFall Gifts
71% (45 of 63) about 31 hours
Green Hell AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 68) about 14 hours
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero
81% (9 of 11) about 2 hours
Hades Gifts
39% (19 of 49) about 35 hours
about 15 hours
Halls of Torment AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
38% (186 of 500) about 29 hours
Hard West Won on SteamGifts
82% (29 of 35) about 19 hours
Hitman Won on SteamGifts
22% (15 of 69) about 19 hours
HITMAN™ 2 Won on SteamGifts
7% (10 of 146) about 16 hours
93% (41 of 44) about 8 hours
Hob Gifts
62% (23 of 37) about 11 hours
Hollow Knight AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
34% (21 of 63) about 21 hours
Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
48% (38 of 80) about 31 hours
House Won on SteamGifts
47% (14 of 30) about 6 hours
House of 1,000 Doors - Family Secrets
about 6 hours
How To Survive Third Person Won on SteamGifts
59% (16 of 27) about 12 hours
htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary Won on SteamGifts
83% (20 of 24) about 18 hours
HunieCam Studio Won on SteamGifts
93% (15 of 16) about 5 hours
Hyper Light Drifter Won on SteamGifts
78% (18 of 23) about 22 hours
I Can't Escape: Darkness Won on SteamGifts
58% (7 of 12) about 6 hours
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 1 Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
If Found
100% (15 of 15) about 5 hours
Immortal Redneck
77% (34 of 44) about 26 hours
78% (18 of 23) about 7 hours
Injustice™ 2 Won on SteamGifts
7% (5 of 74) about 11 hours
55% (16 of 29) about 9 hours
Isbarah Won on SteamGifts
97% (37 of 38) about 39 hours
Judgment AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
63% (30 of 47) about 66 hours
Just Cause 3
47% (31 of 66) about 31 hours
Katana ZERO Won on SteamGifts
72% (16 of 22) about 5 hours
Kena: Bridge of Spirits AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
90% (37 of 41) about 19 hours
Killer Frequency AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
92% (25 of 27) about 8 hours
about 2 hours
Kingdom Come: Deliverance HB Monthly/Choice PoP - Very Long (25h+) Won on SteamGifts
37% (30 of 82) about 52 hours
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning
76% (53 of 69) about 74 hours
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™
50% (30 of 61) about 41 hours
Knights and Bikes
72% (26 of 36) about 14 hours
Kona Won on SteamGifts
74% (26 of 35) about 8 hours
L.A. Noire Won on SteamGifts
73% (44 of 60) about 26 hours
Last Epoch AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
about 21 hours
Layers of Fear (2016)
41% (11 of 27) about 5 hours
Legend of Kay Anniversary Won on SteamGifts
76% (19 of 25) about 14 hours
LEGO® The Hobbit™ Won on SteamGifts
47% (18 of 39) about 9 hours
LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™ Won on SteamGifts
42% (20 of 48) about 10 hours
Like a Dragon: Ishin! AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
58% (33 of 56) about 39 hours
Little Nightmares
37% (8 of 22) about 10 hours
Little Nightmares II AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
80% (28 of 35) about 10 hours
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time Won on SteamGifts
96% (24 of 25) about 53 hours
70% (34 of 48) about 25 hours
82% (19 of 23) about 8 hours
Lords of the Fallen Won on SteamGifts
48% (34 of 72) about 53 hours
Lords Of The Fallen
66% (37 of 56) about 24 hours
Lost Ember Gifts
51% (17 of 33) about 13 hours
Lost in Random™ Gifts
90% (36 of 40) about 16 hours
Lovecraft's Untold Stories Won on SteamGifts
20% (7 of 35) about 10 hours
LUMBERMANCER Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Mad Max Won on SteamGifts
55% (27 of 49) about 34 hours
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
63% (54 of 85) about 49 hours
Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle : School Girls Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Maid of Sker
50% (15 of 30) about 12 hours
Mainlining Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
Marvel's Avengers - The Definitive Edition AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
48% (24 of 50) about 27 hours
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
94% (56 of 59) about 20 hours
Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
65% (51 of 78) about 25 hours
Mediterranea Inferno
54% (6 of 11) about 3 hours
Mega Man 11 AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
48% (24 of 50) about 7 hours
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
34% (20 of 60) about 12 hours
Metro: Last Light Redux Won on SteamGifts
65% (32 of 49) about 15 hours
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Won on SteamGifts
45% (33 of 74) about 57 hours
Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star
47% (6 of 13) about 3 hours
77% (21 of 27) about 9 hours
Mirror's Edge
about 10 hours
MO:Astray AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
88% (23 of 26) about 20 hours
6% (6 of 100) about 35 hours
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
52% (25 of 48) about 49 hours
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
15% (7 of 49) about 8 hours
Monster Sanctuary AKATSUKI HB Monthly/Choice Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 41) about 14 hours
Monsti Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Moo Lander Won on SteamGifts
73% (33 of 45) about 11 hours
Moonlighter AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
41% (27 of 67) about 24 hours
mr.President Prologue Episode Won on SteamGifts
50% (5 of 10) about 1 hour
Murdered: Soul Suspect
62% (30 of 48) about 13 hours
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Gifts
55% (30 of 54) about 18 hours
Mutazione Won on SteamGifts
75% (15 of 20) about 11 hours
NaissanceE Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Neko Navy Won on SteamGifts
70% (14 of 20) about 4 hours
Neon White AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
88% (56 of 63) about 26 hours
NeuroVoider Won on SteamGifts Won on SteamGifts
52% (20 of 38) about 14 hours
New kind of adventure Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Nex Machina
39% (15 of 39) about 5 hours
Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom Won on SteamGifts
57% (36 of 63) about 56 hours
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... Won on SteamGifts
65% (31 of 47) about 43 hours
Night in the Woods Gifts
61% (19 of 31) about 18 hours
Noitu Love 2 Devolution Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Northgard Won on SteamGifts
14% (37 of 282) about 18 hours
NotTheNameWeWanted Won on SteamGifts
66% (26 of 39) about 5 hours
86% (76 of 88) about 63 hours
Odallus: The Dark Call Won on SteamGifts
82% (24 of 29) about 15 hours
Odysseus: Long Way Home Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Old Man's Journey
about 5 hours
Omensight AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
67% (23 of 34) about 7 hours
One Day For Ched Won on SteamGifts
40 minutes
One Wish Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition Won on SteamGifts
41% (23 of 57) about 15 hours
Ori and the Will of the Wisps Gifts
70% (26 of 37) about 20 hours
66% (18 of 27) about 10 hours
45% (23 of 52) about 23 hours
42% (5 of 12) about 19 hours
Oxenfree Won on SteamGifts
31% (4 of 13) about 5 hours
OXENFREE II: Lost Signals AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
85% (23 of 27) about 8 hours
75% (15 of 20) about 1 hour
Path of Giants
58% (10 of 17) about 2 hours
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
83% (25 of 30) about 6 hours
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Won on SteamGifts
30% (9 of 30) about 42 hours
Pillars of Eternity Won on SteamGifts
79% (38 of 48) about 68 hours
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
58% (32 of 55) about 60 hours
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
92% (46 of 50) about 47 hours
Pneuma: Breath of Life Won on SteamGifts
75% (9 of 12) about 6 hours
Pony Island Won on SteamGifts
75% (15 of 20) about 3 hours
40% (6 of 15) about 4 hours
Prey AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
65% (38 of 58) about 20 hours
93% (27 of 29) about 8 hours
Purrfect Date Won on SteamGifts
87% (28 of 32) about 10 hours
Pyre Gifts
60% (31 of 51) about 12 hours
RAD Won on SteamGifts
33% (12 of 37) about 14 hours
Remember Me Won on SteamGifts
84% (42 of 50) about 23 hours
Remnant II AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
36% (23 of 65) about 23 hours
Remnant: From the Ashes Won on SteamGifts
52% (26 of 50) about 26 hours
Remothered: Tormented Fathers AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
80% (8 of 10) about 7 hours
Reptilians Must Die! Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Resident Evil 0 Won on SteamGifts
53% (25 of 47) about 11 hours
Resident Evil 2 Won on SteamGifts
75% (33 of 44) about 28 hours
Resident Evil 3 Won on SteamGifts
65% (21 of 32) about 7 hours
Resident Evil 4 Won on SteamGifts
91% (11 of 12) about 22 hours
Resident Evil 5 Won on SteamGifts
67% (47 of 70) about 27 hours
Resident Evil 7
40% (23 of 58) about 20 hours
Resident Evil Village AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
55% (31 of 56) about 20 hours
Retool Won on SteamGifts
87% (7 of 8) about 7 hours
Returnal™ AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
71% (27 of 38) about 26 hours
RiME Won on SteamGifts
80% (25 of 31) about 12 hours
Rise of the Tomb Raider
19% (27 of 143) about 19 hours
Road 96
75% (9 of 12) about 13 hours
Robotex Won on SteamGifts
about 5 hours
Rooms: The Main Building Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
46% (15 of 33) about 13 hours
Rusty Lake Hotel
0% (0 of 23) about 6 hours
Ryse: Son of Rome
37% (27 of 73) about 11 hours
Sable AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
55% (31 of 56) about 18 hours
Sackboy™: A Big Adventure AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
44% (20 of 46) about 12 hours
Sakura Angels Won on SteamGifts
about 4 hours
Salt and Sanctuary Gifts
89% (33 of 37) about 26 hours
Scanner Sombre
about 1 hour
Scarlet Nexus Gifts
56% (30 of 53) about 26 hours
Schein Won on SteamGifts
90% (19 of 21) about 14 hours
School of Talent: SUZU-ROUTE Won on SteamGifts
about 9 hours
Secret of Mana Won on SteamGifts
83% (31 of 37) about 37 hours
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice Gifts
82% (28 of 34) about 37 hours
Shadow of the Tomb Raider AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
57% (57 of 99) about 30 hours
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
86% (38 of 44) about 25 hours
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Won on SteamGifts
70% (31 of 44) about 18 hours
Shape of the World Won on SteamGifts
35% (9 of 26) about 2 hours
Shining Resonance Refrain AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
74% (35 of 47) about 36 hours
Shu Won on SteamGifts
80% (34 of 42) about 11 hours
Signs of the Sojourner Won on SteamGifts
36% (5 of 14) about 5 hours
65% (28 of 43) about 21 hours
Silver Chains Won on SteamGifts
75% (12 of 16) about 5 hours
68% (20 of 29) about 7 hours
Slay the Princess — The Pristine Cut AKATSUKI Gifts PoP - Medium (8-15h) Top priority
20% (25 of 131) about 7 hours
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition Won on SteamGifts
39% (23 of 59) about 21 hours
Slime Rancher Won on SteamGifts
25% (14 of 57) about 4 hours
Smile For Me
70% (17 of 24) about 9 hours
79% (35 of 44) about 22 hours
Songbringer Won on SteamGifts
59% (22 of 37) about 15 hours
Songs of Araiah: Re-Mastered Edition Won on SteamGifts
about 7 hours
Sonic Mania Won on SteamGifts
28% (5 of 18) about 10 hours
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Won on SteamGifts
46% (23 of 50) about 18 hours
Spec Ops: The Line Won on SteamGifts
90% (45 of 50) about 12 hours
Spirit of the North
83% (20 of 24) about 9 hours
Stairs Won on SteamGifts
60% (9 of 15) about 5 hours
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ Gifts Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 39) about 22 hours
State of Mind Won on SteamGifts
97% (33 of 34) about 18 hours
Still Wakes the Deep AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
70% (26 of 37) about 6 hours
Stilstand Won on SteamGifts
40 minutes
Stories: The Path of Destinies Won on SteamGifts
86% (32 of 37) about 7 hours
Stray Cat Crossing Gifts
about 3 hours
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
44% (43 of 98) about 23 hours
Submerged Won on SteamGifts
40% (4 of 10) about 4 hours
Summer Pockets Won on SteamGifts
80% (12 of 15) about 49 hours
Super Chibi Knight Won on SteamGifts
94% (68 of 72) about 10 hours
31% (8 of 26) about 9 hours
34% (9 of 27) about 5 hours
Tails of Iron AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
66% (24 of 36) about 13 hours
Tales of Symphonia Won on SteamGifts
31% (12 of 39) about 71 hours
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Won on SteamGifts
67% (36 of 53) about 106 hours
Tales of Zestiria Won on SteamGifts
27% (15 of 56) about 43 hours
Temtem AKATSUKI HB Monthly/Choice Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 47) about 35 hours
The Adventure Pals
93% (29 of 31) about 23 hours
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
about 1 hour
The Banner Saga Won on SteamGifts
74% (29 of 39) about 12 hours
The Bluecoats: North vs South Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
The Church in the Darkness AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
46% (22 of 48) about 7 hours
The Crown of Leaves Won on SteamGifts
45% (19 of 43) about 11 hours
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
47% (14 of 30) about 9 hours
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
30% (9 of 30) about 9 hours
The Defenders: The Second Wave Won on SteamGifts
66% (8 of 12) about 4 hours
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
77% (58 of 75) about 135 hours
The Flame in the Flood Won on SteamGifts
34% (12 of 36) about 12 hours
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
47% (14 of 30) about 41 hours
The Great C
36 minutes
The Heiress Won on SteamGifts
about 9 hours
The Henry Stickmin Collection
46% (37 of 82) about 2 hours
The King's Bird Won on SteamGifts
53% (7 of 13) about 9 hours
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd Won on SteamGifts
57% (15 of 26) about 44 hours
The LEGO® Movie - Videogame Won on SteamGifts
54% (26 of 48) about 13 hours
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
17% (15 of 89) about 18 hours
The Longest Journey Won on SteamGifts
about 17 hours
The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
80% (17 of 21) about 1 hour
The Old City: Leviathan Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
The Red Strings Club Gifts
89% (17 of 19) about 10 hours
The Shapeshifting Detective
76% (16 of 21) about 10 hours
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf Won on SteamGifts
53% (15 of 28) about 5 hours
The Stanley Parable Won on SteamGifts
90% (9 of 10) about 2 hours
The Stillness of the Wind
about 4 hours
The Surge
52% (35 of 67) about 23 hours
The Surge 2 Won on SteamGifts
52% (30 of 57) about 25 hours
The Talos Principle
60% (24 of 40) about 19 hours
The Test
30 minutes
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
0% (0 of 14) about 3 hours
The VR Museum of Fine Art VR
9 minutes
The Walking Dead
15% (7 of 48) about 5 hours
The Walking Dead: Season Two Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 40) 0 minutes
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Won on SteamGifts
98% (51 of 52) about 38 hours
This War of Mine Won on SteamGifts
39% (23 of 59) about 22 hours
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Gifts
74% (29 of 39) about 21 hours
Through The Darkest of Times AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
50% (28 of 56) about 9 hours
Through the Woods Won on SteamGifts
77% (21 of 27) about 8 hours
Thymesia AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
71% (27 of 38) about 17 hours
72% (16 of 22) about 10 hours
Titan Souls
59% (16 of 27) about 5 hours
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
60% (33 of 55) about 46 hours
Tomb Raider
30% (15 of 50) about 17 hours
Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ English Edition Won on SteamGifts
66% (18 of 27) about 22 hours
Torment: Tides of Numenera Won on SteamGifts
82% (43 of 52) about 37 hours
Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded- Gifts
49% (22 of 45) about 72 hours
Transistor Won on SteamGifts
28% (9 of 33) about 4 hours
Trillion Won on SteamGifts
66% (24 of 36) about 18 hours
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
83% (31 of 37) about 6 hours
Twin Mirror
79% (19 of 24) about 7 hours
Two Worlds: Epic Edition
about 31 hours
Typoman Won on SteamGifts
80% (16 of 20) about 6 hours
Tyranny Won on SteamGifts
50% (35 of 70) about 41 hours
UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
37% (37 of 101) about 30 hours
Underhero Won on SteamGifts
86% (38 of 44) about 16 hours
Undertale Won on SteamGifts
about 14 hours
Unhack Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
0% (0 of 26) about 8 hours
Untitled Goose Game AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
52% (13 of 25) about 3 hours
Valfaris AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
68% (24 of 35) about 11 hours
Valkyria Chronicles™ Won on SteamGifts
55% (11 of 20) about 37 hours
Vampyr AKATSUKI Won on SteamGifts
82% (23 of 28) about 22 hours
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest
29% (11 of 38) about 3 hours
White Flower Won on SteamGifts
42 minutes
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
48% (8 of 17) about 2 hours
Wild Romance Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 12) about 5 hours
Wire Lips
about 1 hour
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Won on SteamGifts
27% (21 of 80) about 10 hours
Wolfenstein: The New Order Won on SteamGifts
40% (20 of 50) about 13 hours
Wunderdoktor Won on SteamGifts
86% (19 of 22) about 7 hours
Yakuza 0 Won on SteamGifts
72% (40 of 55) about 108 hours
Yakuza Kiwami
58% (32 of 55) about 43 hours
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Gifts
94% (56 of 59) about 77 hours
Yes, Your Grace
80% (28 of 35) about 11 hours
91% (32 of 35) about 21 hours
Ys Origin
56% (26 of 46) about 49 hours
Ys: The Oath in Felghana Won on SteamGifts
57% (19 of 33) about 31 hours
Zwei: The Arges Adventure
37% (8 of 22) about 22 hours
嗜血印 Bloody Spell Gifts
30% (18 of 60) about 7 hours