Unfinished 298 games

Game Achievements Playtime
10 Second Ninja
17% (5 of 30) 8 minutes
12 Labours of Hercules
14% (3 of 22) 44 minutes
911 Operator
6% (1 of 18) 29 minutes
ABZÛ Need restrart
0% (0 of 12) 17 minutes
Age of Empires II
3% (8 of 294) about 2 hours
Age of Wonders III
14% (10 of 74) about 5 hours
Algo Bot
57% (11 of 19) about 4 hours
Anno 1404: Venice
about 1 hour
Anomaly Warzone Earth
12% (5 of 42) about 1 hour
Another Perspective
0% (0 of 8) 36 minutes
about 1 hour
? 8 minutes
6% (1 of 19) 12 minutes
0% (0 of 36) 41 minutes
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
0% (0 of 15) 28 minutes
4% (2 of 60) about 2 hours
? about 2 hours
Big Pharma
12% (3 of 25) about 8 hours
BioShock Infinite
2% (1 of 80) 42 minutes
Blackguards Need restrart
7% (3 of 45) about 10 hours
Blades of Time
0% (0 of 35) 7 minutes
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition
0% (0 of 22) 30 minutes
Blueprint Tycoon
7% (3 of 45) 28 minutes
Borderlands 2
? 33 minutes
Breach & Clear
0% (0 of 64) 9 minutes
Bridge Constructor Medieval
50% (7 of 14) about 3 hours
Bridge Constructor Playground
20% (4 of 21) 20 minutes
Bridge Project
0% (0 of 13) about 1 hour
Broken Age
3% (1 of 45) 38 minutes
Card Hunter
2% (1 of 50) about 1 hour
Castle Story
0% (0 of 12) 25 minutes
Chronicle: RuneScape Legends
12% (5 of 44) about 1 hour
14% (2 of 15) about 1 hour
Cities in Motion
3% (1 of 47) 26 minutes
Cities in Motion 2
8% (4 of 51) 22 minutes
Cities: Skylines
? about 20 hours
Company of Heroes 2
2% (5 of 452) about 1 hour
Concrete Jungle
24% (3 of 13) about 6 hours
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
0% (0 of 52) 30 minutes
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
3% (1 of 45) 20 minutes
Cosmic Express
0% (0 of 12) about 3 hours
Crazy Machines 2
about 2 hours
Crazy Machines 3
3% (1 of 41) 38 minutes
Crazy Plant Shop
0% (0 of 7) 18 minutes
? about 17 hours
Crusader Kings II
4% (5 of 161) about 21 hours
19% (8 of 44) 11 minutes
Cubemen 2
0% (0 of 59) 12 minutes
0% (0 of 12) 14 minutes
Cultist Simulator
? about 1 hour
Dark Souls III Need restrart
3% (1 of 43) about 3 hours
26% (8 of 31) about 1 hour
Defenders of Ardania
9% (1 of 12) 16 minutes
Democracy 3
5% (2 of 42) about 1 hour
Disciples III: Renaissance
9% (5 of 57) about 2 hours
8% (6 of 80) about 9 hours
Distant Worlds: Universe
0% (0 of 54) 18 minutes
Divide by Sheep
27% (5 of 19) about 1 hour
Don't Starve
about 3 hours
Doodle God
14% (3 of 22) 39 minutes
Draw a Stickman: EPIC Need restrart
2% (1 of 52) 12 minutes
0% (0 of 10) about 1 hour
Dungelot : Shattered Lands
16% (9 of 57) about 2 hours
Dungeon of the ENDLESS™
7% (2 of 33) about 4 hours
Dungeons of Dredmor
? 12 minutes
Eador. Masters of the Broken World
0% (0 of 56) about 3 hours
Edge of Space
5% (1 of 24) 27 minutes
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition
3% (2 of 93) about 8 hours
18 minutes
Epistory - Typing Chronicles Need restrart
4% (2 of 55) 21 minutes
2% (1 of 65) about 1 hour
Europa Universalis IV
? about 4 hours
9% (1 of 12) 24 minutes
Evil Defenders
19% (18 of 98) about 1 hour
? about 1 hour
0% (0 of 59) about 26 hours
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes
12% (6 of 54) about 2 hours
9% (8 of 93) about 1 hour
Football, Tactics & Glory
? about 1 hour
For The King
? about 1 hour
Fractal: Make Blooms Not War
about 1 hour
? about 10 hours
Frozen Synapse
0% (0 of 16) 16 minutes
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
43 minutes
Galcon Legends
17% (3 of 18) 39 minutes
Game Dev Tycoon
32% (11 of 35) about 5 hours
about 3 hours
Gardens Inc. – From Rakes to Riches Need restrart
about 1 hour
GemCraft - Chasing Shadows
2% (6 of 419) 16 minutes
Gems of War
? about 118 hours
11 minutes
Go Home Dinosaurs!
4% (1 of 26) about 1 hour
Grand Ages: Rome
15 minutes
Gremlins, Inc.
4% (4 of 100) about 6 hours
Grey Goo
0% (0 of 35) 36 minutes
5% (2 of 42) 16 minutes
0% (0 of 11) 19 minutes
0% (0 of 38) 3 minutes
Hand of Fate Current game
33% (17 of 53) about 30 hours
Hearts of Iron III
11 minutes
Hearts of Iron IV
? about 1 hour
Hell Girls
21% (19 of 92) 22 minutes
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
15% (2 of 14) about 3 hours
Hexcells Plus
66% (4 of 6) about 3 hours
Hidden Folks
? about 1 hour
Highlands Need restrart
8% (2 of 27) about 1 hour
Hitman GO: Definitive Edition
20% (5 of 26) about 3 hours
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
0% (0 of 50) about 1 hour
Homeworld Remastered Collection Need restrart
3% (1 of 34) about 1 hour
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Need restrart
9% (4 of 48) about 1 hour
HunieCam Studio
7% (1 of 16) about 1 hour
Impossible Creatures
about 2 hours
32% (7 of 22) about 16 hours
Ironclad Tactics
0% (0 of 1) about 1 hour
about 1 hour
9% (3 of 36) about 1 hour
Kerbal Space Program
28 minutes
Kill The Bad Guy
12% (6 of 50) 22 minutes
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
1 minute
King's Bounty: Crossworlds
1 minute
King's Bounty: The Legend
about 3 hours
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North
0% (0 of 64) 1 minute
Kingdom Rush Frontiers
? about 1 hour
Kingdoms and Castles
17% (2 of 12) about 1 hour
Lara Croft GO
70% (12 of 17) about 6 hours
Last Days of Old Earth
5% (1 of 23) 31 minutes
Layers of Fear (2016)
4% (1 of 27) 29 minutes
Legend of Grimrock
0% (0 of 40) 37 minutes
Legend of Merchant
3% (2 of 89) 22 minutes
LEGO® Jurassic World
0% (0 of 49) 10 minutes
8% (1 of 13) about 1 hour
35% (9 of 26) about 1 hour
Little Nightmares
? about 1 hour
0% (0 of 27) about 1 hour
12 minutes
34% (11 of 33) about 8 hours
Mages of Mystralia
37% (11 of 30) about 29 hours
MagiCats Builder
0% (0 of 83) about 1 hour
13% (11 of 88) about 2 hours
about 1 hour
Majesty 2 Collection
27 minutes
25% (4 of 16) 37 minutes
Marvel Puzzle Quest
12 minutes
Meridian: New World
0% (0 of 83) 15 minutes
0% (0 of 18) 18 minutes
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™
2% (1 of 74) 24 minutes
Might & Magic: Heroes VI
about 6 hours
Mini Metro
? about 14 hours
27% (6 of 23) about 1 hour
6% (1 of 18) 35 minutes
Mushroom 11 Need restrart
6% (2 of 35) about 1 hour
Neon Space
29% (4 of 14) 14 minutes
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) Need restrart
? about 1 hour
Niche - a genetics survival game
0% (0 of 31) about 1 hour
? 29 minutes
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas Need restrart
23% (14 of 63) about 3 hours
Offworld Trading Company
3% (7 of 255) about 2 hours
Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator
12% (2 of 18) about 2 hours
Opus Magnum
20% (1 of 5) about 16 hours
Orcs Must Die! 2
4% (1 of 27) about 1 hour
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition Need restrart
22% (12 of 57) about 8 hours
83% (10 of 12) about 8 hours
0% (0 of 50) about 2 hours
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
5% (2 of 40) about 1 hour
Oxygen Not Included
? 25 minutes
4% (1 of 27) 19 minutes
Path of Exile
? 16 minutes
12% (4 of 34) about 1 hour
Planet Coaster
41% (13 of 32) about 26 hours
Planetary Annihilation
0% (0 of 19) about 1 hour
PlanetSide 2
about 1 hour
Poly Bridge
19% (4 of 22) about 3 hours
Prison Architect
? about 2 hours
Project Highrise
6% (5 of 88) about 1 hour
Puzzler World 2
0% (0 of 17) 17 minutes
2% (1 of 50) about 1 hour
Rebel Galaxy
0% (0 of 37) 35 minutes
10% (12 of 123) 28 minutes
Reigns: Her Majesty
0% (0 of 13) 8 minutes
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition
6% (2 of 38) about 2 hours
0% (0 of 43) about 23 hours
Rocket League
? 24 minutes
Sakura Dungeon
6% (2 of 37) about 2 hours
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
7% (2 of 33) about 1 hour
Scrap Mechanic
about 1 hour
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
5% (2 of 44) about 4 hours
16% (3 of 19) about 3 hours
ShellShock Live
? about 1 hour
17% (1 of 6) about 2 hours
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol
0% (0 of 52) 1 minute
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies
0% (0 of 50) 16 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
about 5 hours
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization
27 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords
3 minutes
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
? about 12 hours
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth
24% (21 of 90) about 14 hours
Sid Meier's Railroads!
9 minutes
Signs of Life
? 7 minutes
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
0% (0 of 68) about 1 hour
Skulls of the Shogun
4% (1 of 27) about 1 hour
Slay the Spire
? about 9 hours
Small World
19 minutes
25% (2 of 8) 23 minutes
Sorcerer King
35% (14 of 40) about 7 hours
Space Engineers
? 28 minutes
Space Hulk
0% (0 of 28) 12 minutes
Space Run
24% (7 of 30) about 2 hours
Space Run Galaxy
0% (0 of 30) about 1 hour
5% (1 of 20) about 3 hours
0% (0 of 20) 19 minutes
15% (2 of 14) about 1 hour
Spoiler Alert
30% (3 of 10) about 1 hour
2 minutes
29% (2 of 7) 35 minutes
5% (1 of 21) about 1 hour
Star Crusade CCG
8% (2 of 28) 27 minutes
Stardew Valley
? about 3 hours
about 1 hour
SteamWorld Heist
3% (1 of 47) about 2 hours
? about 5 hours
46% (11 of 24) about 1 hour
Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD
1 minute
Stronghold Crusader HD
26 minutes
Styx: Master of Shadows
0% (0 of 33) 34 minutes
Super Hexagon
0% (0 of 6) 13 minutes
Super Sanctum TD
12% (3 of 27) 25 minutes
8% (2 of 26) about 1 hour
Supreme Commander
about 1 hour
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
5 minutes
Surviving Mars
? about 3 hours
Swim Out
7% (1 of 15) 43 minutes
13% (4 of 31) 20 minutes
Talisman: Digital Classic Edition
? 28 minutes
? 9 minutes
The Bridge
0% (0 of 20) 8 minutes
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
0% (0 of 75) 22 minutes
The Elder Scrolls: Legends
about 2 hours
The Great Jitters: Pudding Panic
about 1 hour
The Guild II
35 minutes
The Guild II - Pirates of the European Seas
3 minutes
The Guild II: Renaissance
2 minutes
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
3% (2 of 95) 19 minutes
The Talos Principle Need restrart
3% (1 of 40) 27 minutes
The Witness Need restrart
0% (0 of 2) about 4 hours
They Are Billions
0% (0 of 34) about 4 hours
This War of Mine
? 4 minutes
Thomas Was Alone
0% (0 of 35) 1 minute
Ticket to Earth
44% (22 of 50) about 12 hours
Time Clickers
5% (4 of 99) 7 minutes
Tiny Troopers
4% (1 of 25) 9 minutes
10% (1 of 10) 26 minutes
Toki Tori 2+ Need restrart
0% (0 of 38) about 1 hour
? 9 minutes
Total War: ATTILA
6% (7 of 118) about 1 hour
Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition
4% (1 of 30) about 2 hours
Total War: MEDIEVAL II - Definitive Edition
32 minutes
Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition
2% (1 of 71) about 1 hour
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition
6% (11 of 188) about 19 hours
Total War: SHOGUN 2
15% (15 of 106) about 60 hours
3% (5 of 185) about 13 hours
3% (4 of 152) about 14 hours
Triple Town
30% (3 of 10) about 3 hours
Tropico 3
15 minutes
Tropico 4
2% (1 of 70) about 4 hours
Tropico 5
5% (3 of 70) about 2 hours
Turbo Dismount
9% (2 of 23) 21 minutes
Two Digits
0% (0 of 13) 3 minutes
34% (4 of 12) about 1 hour
Ultimate General: Gettysburg
34% (1 of 3) 17 minutes
Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe
0% (0 of 11) 11 minutes
Unity of Command
10 minutes
? about 1 hour
Universe Sandbox Legacy
13% (2 of 16) 8 minutes
Valkyria Chronicles™
0% (0 of 20) about 3 hours
8% (2 of 28) about 2 hours
6% (1 of 17) 22 minutes
Victoria II
about 1 hour
4 minutes
Wallpaper Engine
30% (5 of 17) about 6 hours
Warbands: Bushido
43% (12 of 28) about 11 hours
? about 1 hour
Wargame: European Escalation
0% (0 of 29) 31 minutes
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Anniversary Edition
6% (4 of 73) about 2 hours
Warlock - Master of the Arcane
25 minutes
Warrior Kings: Battles
44 minutes
9% (5 of 58) 22 minutes
We Are The Dwarves
12% (4 of 34) 32 minutes
What's under your blanket !?
36% (5 of 14) 31 minutes
World of Goo
0% (0 of 8) about 5 hours
1 minute
Worms Armageddon
12 minutes
Worms Blast
43 minutes
Worms Crazy Golf
14% (4 of 29) 8 minutes
Worms Pinball
4 minutes
Worms Ultimate Mayhem
0% (0 of 38) 3 minutes
15% (13 of 88) about 24 hours
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Current game
22% (18 of 85) about 45 hours
You Must Build A Boat
17% (2 of 12) about 2 hours