mordsmiez’s profile

Hey there!
I joined on September 6th, 2021 because my bargain hunting had gotten worse and it was (and still is) time to defeat my evergrowing backlog. Since I’m bad at choosing and the size of the backlog doesn’t help, I devised a simple strategy: throwing dice! I “choose” most of my games this way. If I am not in the mood, they go back on the pile for the time being. I am also dogmatic about playing games series in order. And I do like playing classics :)

Genre-wise, I like RPGs, roguelikes and farming/life sims like Harvest Moon (and let’s face it, watching numbers go up aka idle games), and I spend quite some time irrationally hunting achievements and cuddling my two cats:)

**Click here to see my progress over the years!**

6th September 2021
6% (18/291)
4% (13/291)
37% (109/291)
52% (150/291)
0% (1/291)
1st September 2022
20% (113/572)
3% (19/572)
20% (115/572)
56% (319/572)
1% (6/572)
1st August 2023
23% (157/681)
4% (27/681)
18% (124/681)
54% (367/681)
1% (6/681)
4th October 2024
27% (218/796)
5% (39/796)
17% (136/796)
50% (395/796)
1% (8/796)

Resolutions for 2025 [End of year stats]:

  • Reducing the pile of unfinished + never played games to 64% [2021: 83%; 2022: 75%; 2023: 69%; 2024: 67%]
  • Increasing the total number of completed games to 270 [2021: 39; 2022: 130; 2023: 191; 2024: 228]
  • Increasing Completionist score to 64% [2021: 47.5%; 2022: 58.3 %; 2023: 61.5%; 2024: 62%]

Log #35 - February 25

29% (239/831)
5% (41/831)
16% (136/831)
49% (406/831)
1% (9/831)

Backlog growth: +5

Assassinations of the past weeks:

  • Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

    71.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Archipelago

    1.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Tulips & Windmills

    0.3 hours playtime

    5 of 5 achievements

  • 100 Romantic Cats

    0.1 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Along the River During the Qingming Festival

    3.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • TOEM

    5.6 hours playtime

    48 of 48 achievements

Log #34 - January 25

28% (234/826)
5% (40/826)
16% (136/826)
49% (407/826)
1% (9/826)

Backlog growth: +7

Assassinations of January:

I don’t feel like writing much about them, I think they were all free? Favourite was FIND ALL: Christmas. I think the Find All games are a bit nicer than the average HOGs.

That’s it from me, until next month!

Log #33 - December 2024 + End of Year Report

28% (228/819)
5% (40/819)
17% (136/819)
50% (406/819)
1% (9/819)

Backlog growth: +5

Assassinations of December:

Röki: This one was a really nice point-and-click game! While it’s generally not my favourite genre, this one I really liked. It is set in Scandinavia and you are on a quest to save your brother who was abducted by a monster. It’s not very hard and the solutions are all based in logic, so I was able to progress along at a nice. steady pace. Unfortunatelty, I missed a few achievements… If you’re into point-and-click/adventure games. I definitely recommend it.
Idle Gem Quest: Clicker game that I picked up for a few cents. That was definitely too expensive^^ I wouldn’t recommend it even if it was free. Still, once started, the completionist in me had to see it through.
Garden Life. Cozy Simulator: A simulator game where you grow flowers and other plants in a community garden, you can harvest and sell flowers, craft bouquets and fulfill orders from townsfolk. There is a bit of a story mixed in, which felt a bit low effort and failed to capture me in any way. Still, the garden was very pretty and I had fun collecting all the different varieties of plants. It’s not complicated in any way and I found it to be very relaxing. If you’re into this sort of game, check it out.
Instinct War: Very short game that I picked up for a few cents. It’s a dungeon-tile-game. I did not understand all of the mechanics (sometimes tiles were changing and I don’t know why), but still could reach 100% in under an hour. No recommendation from me.
Biomutant: Finally gotten around to complete a longer game again. I think it’s a solid game and don’t quite understand the hate it has gotten. Maybe it was a case of high expectations that weren’t met? In the beginning I had a lot of fun exploring the world, fighting and looting. That being said, it overstayed it’s welcome a bit. At a certain point, my character was strong and I had strong equipment, so finding more loot was completely uninteresting to me about 1/3 into the game. The characters and story were very bland and did not captivate me at all. “Puzzles” with one exception weren’t puzzles. Still, the world was very pretty, and it was a good game for turning your brain of, questing and killing stuff in a variety of ways. Recommend to check it out/pick it up on a discount.

Okay, with that out of the way, let’s have a look at my goals for the year:

  • I wanted to reduce the pile of unfinished and never played games from 69% to 65%, but I managed only a decrease to 67%.
  • I also wanted to up my total number of completed games to 240 (from 191 last year), but I only reached 228 completed games.
  • Finally, I wanted to increase my completionist score to 64% from last year’s 61.5%, but I only reached about 62%.

It appears I failed all my yearly goals which is really just fine. I had fun gaming and living life and that’s what really matters. Still, I like having some goal posts for next year, which will be:

  • Reduce unfinished and never played games to 64%
  • Total number of completed games: 270
  • Completionist score: 64%

That’s it from me. And even though the future in general doesn’t look incredibly bright at the moment, I hope 2025 is going to be a good year for all of you <3.

Log #32 - November 2024

28% (224/814)
5% (39/814)
17% (136/814)
50% (406/814)
1% (9/814)

Backlog growth: +17

It appears I picked up some games during autumn sale^^

Assassinations of the past weeks:

Dex was really good! A short cyberpunk rpg, which I recommend checking out!

See you next month!

Log #31 - October 2024

28% (220/797)
5% (39/797)
17% (136/797)
49% (394/797)
1% (8/797)

Backlog growth: +1

So, this was an exciting month for me IRL: I ran a half-marathon, spent two weeks in China to watch a friend get married and started a new full-time job that I am actually excited about. Naturally, I did not get much gaming done, but at least I also added only 1 game to my backlog!

Assassinations of the past month:

Magic Archery: A short and cool incremental game. I liked the pixel style graphics, which reminded me of the “kingdom”-series. It was very short for an incremental and I would have actually liked it to be a bit longer :)
Secret Order 8: Last one of this HOG series, I think. At least it’s the last one of the bundle I bought. It was pretty much the same as the previous games.

That’s it from me, see you next month!

Log #30 - September 2024
This month marks my 3rd BLAEO anniversary. So let’s have a look on my stats back then and today!
6th September 2021

6% (18/291)
4% (13/291)
37% (109/291)
52% (150/291)
0% (1/291)

September 2024

27% (218/796)
5% (39/796)
17% (136/796)
50% (395/796)
1% (8/796)

Wow, my library has really grown these past three years! xD But my completion rate is way up compared to 3 years ago, which really gives me a sense of satisfaction. Let’s see what the next year has in store for me! =)

This September, I did not get a whole lot of gaming done, but let’s see the Assassinations of the past weeks anyway:

Void Scrappers Prologue: Short demo of a survivors-like game set in space. Not much to do or unlock in the demo and after 1.5 hours I felt like I had seen everything and reached as far as the game would let me. I’m considering picking up the main game depending on its price and amount of content.
Monument Valley: Short, enjoyable puzzle game that utilises optical illusions. The majority of the puzzles were very easy.
Supraland: Very nice, creative puzzle-platfomer with a bit of fighting on the side. My favourite game this month by far. I had a great time searching for all possible upgrades and exploring the world. The mix of puzzles were overall the right amount of challenging for me (not too hard, with a few challenging ones mixed in:)). I fully completed the main game, but there is a DLC which is a standalone that I plan to pick up at some point (even though reviews say it isn’t as awesome as the main game).
Epistory: Typing Chronicles: Nice, short typing game. Story was a bit meh, but wasn’t really important for me to enjoy the game. I definitely liked the art style of the game. I’m afraid I am too bad at typing to get every achievement, so I am setting it aside for now.

That’s it from me, until next month! :)

Log #29 - August 24

27% (216/789)
5% (37/789)
17% (131/789)
50% (397/789)
1% (8/789)

Backlog growth: +5
Assassinations of August:

Spirits of Baciu: Prologue: Short demo for a point-and-click game, while that is not my favourite genre, it was short and enjoyable and had a nice art style.
Ralph and the Blue Ball: Short and cute HOG which is based on a real dog!
Hidden Robo Cats: Short, easy cat HOG.
100 Space Cats: Short, easy cat HOG. The better one out of the two I played this month.
Hidden Cats in Jigsaw Puzzle: Not a cat HOG! It’s a short and easy jigsaw puzzle game, the free version includes several Paris inspired scenes.
Hidden through time: Very high quality HOG! Includes user made levels. I started this quite some time ago but never completed everything until now! Really liked it and might pick up the DLCs and the sequel when they’re on sale.
Alba: A wildlife adventure: Really liked this game, you play Alba, a young girl visiting her grandparents on a mediterranean island who sets out to save the local wildlife. I really like the topic and the mix of fixing and cleaning up stuff and exploring the island to find all the different animals. If anyone knows about similar games, please let me know! :D

I have also started to use my steam deck for emulation this month, which is easy to set up and has been a lot of fun so far! I beat the original Legend of Zelda for NES and am looking for the next challenge, so let me know about some of your old school favourites, please! :)

That’s it from me, see you next month <3

Log #28 - July 24

27% (209/784)
5% (37/784)
17% (131/784)
51% (399/784)
1% (8/784)

Backlog Growth: +9
Assassinations of July:

This month was pretty good, as I got quite a few games done!

Lake: A slice-of-life game in which you take a vacation from your stressful programming job in the big city to take over the post delivery job from your dad and deliver letters and parcels in your small, pituresque hometown. I felt like this premise did not make much sense xD. You meet some town characters and can romance two people. Your car radio plays like three different songs on repeat which quickly becomes a bit annoying. Many people seem to like the game, judging from the reviews and while it wasn’t entirely bad, it was not my cup of tea.
Open World Game: The Open World Game: It’s a parody on open word games in which you basically move around the map to collect everything there is to collect. The thing is: I had fun so I guess I am kind of a sucker when it comes to these kinds of collecting/completionist-mechanics… who would have guessed?
Gorcs Forge: Really short, bad resource management game. It actually has achievements, I don’t know why they aren’t shown on BLAEO. Some of them are nearly impossible, since the game is kind of bugged. So I decided that I am done with one playthrough.
Devious Dungeon: A simple and short rogue-like platformer. Good timewaster for an afternoon when you don’t want to think too much!
The Secret Order 7: Second to last entry of this HOG/puzzle series. If you know one of the games, you kind of know them all, but I was entertained for the duration of the game!
Omno: A short exploration/light puzzle game. I had fun playing and liked the atmosphere and the ending :)
Cell to Singularity: Finally completed one of my incrementals. This one has evolution as a topic and is quite educational if you read the texts. The mechanics are very simple, so there wasn’t much decision-making or thinking required :D
Cattails: A harvest moon-like game in which you play a cat, so of course I liked it! I am still not completely done with the game, but I have finished the main quest (which could have been a little longer in my opinion).
Pewt ‘em up!: Free space invader clone. I finished a complete playthrough, but still have some achievements and a harder playthrough, plus an endless mode to go through!

That’s it from me, hope you all have a lovely summer!

Log #27 - June 2024

26% (202/775)
5% (35/775)
17% (132/775)
51% (399/775)
1% (7/775)

Backlog growth: +13
Assassinations of June:

I did not complete too much this month. Admittedly, I am kind of hooked on incremental games at the moment and those are often very long-term kind of projects. Anyway, onto the games:

Arali: Super short, super basic game, in which you fight against monsters utilizing 2 different fighting moves to free some tree spirits or something(?). It’s free and it works, so I can’t really complain, but I also would not call it interesting.
The Inheritance of Crimson Manor: Mystery puzzle game! I liked that it was basically puzzle after puzzle and the story was told via letters you find across the house. Puzzles were more on the easy side, I would say, but not so easy they were boring. The hardest part for me was to remember which room contained which puzzle, clue or chest and so on, especially later in the game when you open up more and more rooms.
101 Cats Hidden in Dubai: Standard cat HOG, slightly below average for this kind of game, I’d say.
Idle Research: Technically, I “completed” this 1.5 years ago, but the dev just removed an impossible achievement, so now it’s officially completed, yay! If you like incrementals, I recommend to check this one out. It’s not too long (by incremental standards) and I found it to have a nice flow of unfolding mechanics and no major road blocks.

That’s it from me, hope you’re having a nice July wherever you are :)

Log #26 - May 2024

26% (198/762)
5% (35/762)
17% (132/762)
51% (390/762)
1% (7/762)

Backlog growth: +10

Assassinations of May:

  • The Secret Order 6: Bloodline

    3 hours playtime

    28 of 28 achievements

  • 101 Cats Hidden

    0.0 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Wild Animals - Animated Jigsaws

    22.5 hours playtime

    34 of 34 achievements

  • LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 1-4

    12.7 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • 100 Istanbul Cats

    0.1 hours playtime

    100 of 100 achievements

  • Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition

    60.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Gothic II: Gold Classic

    42.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

Secret Order 6: Another one down in the series, two to go!
101 cats hidden: Typical cat HOG, relative low quality.
Animated Jigsaws: Wild animals: Jigsaw puzzles with animated fotographs, you have to complete every picture in several sizes for full completion.
Lego Harry Potter: Year 1-4: I probably would have liked this game as a young teenager, but now not so much. The humour was not my thing and it was pretty easy.
100 Istanbul Cats: Nice, typical cat HOG.
Dragon Age: Origins: Already talked about it in last month’s post. I have finished the Awakening DLC, so I consider it as completed now.
Gothic 2: Gold edition: Another classic down! Really liked it, but the ending was kind of anti-climatic? I played the classic edition in this playthrough and will return to it for night of the raven at some point.

That’s it from me, happy gaming everyone!