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#3 - Summer Sale 2017 Purchases
In order to avoid forgetting what games I purchased during the sale, I decided to use the magnificent features of BLAEO and create a list for tracking my progress with these games.
This time, I am very decided to not let them gather dust in my library, like I previously did with games purchased during other sales… (◕︵◕)
I also created a small poll regarding buying games during sales.
Zup! 5
0 minutes playtime
0 of 2130 achievements
Dreamcage Escape
0 minutes playtime
0 of 4 achievements
Machine Hunt
0 minutes playtime
0 of 1106 achievements
Leaving Lyndow
0 minutes playtime
0 of 7 achievements
Zen vs Zombie
0 minutes playtime
0 of 10361 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 24 achievements
Blind Love
0 minutes playtime
0 of 6 achievements
Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler
0 minutes playtime
0 of 15 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 29 achievements
Atlantic Quest 2 - New Adventure -
0 minutes playtime
0 of 18 achievements
Flix and Chill
0 minutes playtime
0 of 23 achievements
Four Sided Fantasy
0 minutes playtime
0 of 11 achievements
The Terminal 2
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
City Play
0 minutes playtime
0 of 20 achievements
Deep Space Waifu
0 minutes playtime
0 of 69 achievements
WayOut 2: Hex
0 minutes playtime
0 of 40 achievements
Elven Legend
0 minutes playtime
0 of 31 achievements
Elven Legend 2: The Bewitched Tree
0 minutes playtime
0 of 28 achievements
HunieCam Studio
0 minutes playtime
0 of 16 achievements
The Treasures of Montezuma 5
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 16 achievements
Nice Slice
0 minutes playtime
0 of 30 achievements
Claws & Feathers 2
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 15 achievements
Mosaic: Game of Gods
0 minutes playtime
0 of 24 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 5 achievements
Meow-Jong Solitaire
0 minutes playtime
0 of 14 achievements
Lily's Day Off
0 minutes playtime
0 of 19 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 23 achievements
0 minutes playtime
0 of 21 achievements
Garden Wars
0 minutes playtime
0 of 22 achievements
Pixel Puzzles Junior
3 hours playtime
50 of 50 achievements
Dumb Chicken 2: One Way Out
0 minutes playtime
0 of 41 achievements
#2 - June Games
June's theme got me all excited, since there's nothing else I love to play more than HOGs. I quickly started to make a list of HOGs that I would like to play and I kept adding and adding to it until it became rather big (30 games). I was fully aware that I wouldn't have time to play even half of these, but I kept the list as it was for future reference and for providing an overview of what my top picks were. At the beginning of the month, I set my target to complete 6-7 of these. In the end, turns out that my approximation was quite right, since I managed to complete only 8 of the 30 listed initially.
I find it difficult to review HOGs, even if it's only a 2-senteces review, concisely describing the game. Most of them have pretty much the same puzzles, wrapped in different graphics though. "Same meat, different gravy"...
Nevertheless, I've noticed over years that the style changed a lot - the games are now more story-oriented, collectibles have been added and the HOG scenes have been largely diversified. They remain for me the games I enjoy playing the most - because of their casual and relaxed nature (although I must admit that collectibles stress me out a bit - but that's only because I want to go for 100% in each HOG I play).
Agent Walker: Secret Journey
4 hours playtime
16 of 16 achievements
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
9 hours playtime
22 of 22 achievements
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink
6 hours playtime
19 of 19 achievements
GRAVEN The Purple Moon Prophecy
5 hours playtime
19 of 19 achievements
Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery
7 hours playtime
12 of 12 achievements
The Dreamatorium of Dr. Magnus 2
2 hours playtime
15 of 15 achievements
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova
4 hours playtime
10 of 10 achievements
Scarlett Mysteries: Cursed Child
6 hours playtime
13 of 13 achievements
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt (Artifex Mundi) - The story is centered around a detective who tracks down a murder suspect. You are equipped with a forensic kit that you can use to compare samples or fingerprints from the crime scenes. Quite nice, but not extraordinary. I'm always happy to play a HOG in which non-collected collectibles are in some way indicated on the screen. I wish more HOGs would have this feature. Or would that make them even more easy and casual as they are?
GRAVEN The Purple Moon Prophecy (Orchid Games) - Maaan, that was a huge lot of collectibles! 70 main collectibles plus 40 shards to gather, the latter needed for the story progress. I'm always stressed that I will miss one of them for the achievements (it happened several times with other games, which meant that I had to do an extra playthrough). The Steam guide (praise the person that created it) mentions only the main 70 ones. For the other 40, I had to double check the locations. I'm not enirely sure if I managed to find them all, but at some point a NPC popped in front of me and handed me in the missing ones. Pretty cool, but I still wonder if that was scripted or not... How many did you manage to find? I think I got around 26 or 27 of the required 40...
Scarlett Mysteries: Cursed Child (Artifex Mundi) - One of the shortest and the easiest HOGs I've encountered so far. The reviews praise the story, but for me it represented the least interesting part of the game. Maybe because it's a ghost story - a child is haunted by the ghost of her mother - and I don't dig ghosts, especially ones that have a diformed shape (head).
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova (Artifex Mundi) - Despite the positive reviews, I didn't enjoy it that much. However, it's the first HOG I played that had 2 possible endings. The idea is nice, but the implementation rather bad. There is a choice at the ending scene, but no option to save before it so that you see both of the endings. Also, nothing from the whole gameplay affects the ending (it's not a 'choices matter' kind of game).
Lost Grimoires 2 (Artifex Mundi) - The novelty that the series brings is the alchemy process - you have a grimoire of alchemy recipes and you are required to collect all the ingredients needed for crafting a recipe. The crafting itself is done through a 'connect adjacent gems' kind of game that has to be completed in a certain amount of moves. Lost Grimoires 2 is very similar in design with it's predecessors, both of them being good HOGs :)
Agent Walker: Secret Journey (Artifex Mundi) - The game setting is not something that appeals to me - WW2; despite that, playing the game was an enjoyable experience. As Agent Walker, you are tasked to find and destroy an ancient relic - the mythical Spear of Destiny - before a supernatural enemy gets hold of it and uses it to rule the world.
The Dreamatorium of Dr. Magnus 2 (Two Desperados) - After Lost Grimoires 2, this was the HOG that I enjoyed the most this month. The story was interesting enough - you must collect 5 crystals in order to help an inventor find and rescue his kidnapped girlfirend. However, I don't think I've ever encountered a worse voice acting as the perfomance of the main character. Listening to her annoyed me to bits, until i decided to turn off the volume and play without sound.
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink (Artifex Mundi) - I don't know if this was inspired by Syberia games (which I loved a lot), but it sure brings up memories of playing them. The story is very different, but you still have to deal with all sorts of mechanisms and automatons in solving the bunzzles, which is rather fun.
In June, I decided to dedicate myself entirely to the HOG theme and not to start anything new. After I aquired the Animality DLCs, I played a bit of the game in order to progress with the achievements, but that's pretty much it. I didn't finish it in June, but I did so right after July started.
This means that I still have the unfinished games from May and from that batch I selected a few to play in July.
Right now, I'm still trying to evaluate if I have enough time to take part in this month's theme. On the other hand, finding a game that fits the theme turned out to be a rather difficult task for me. The games I would want to play this month are under 20 hours each. Also, because of my schedule, I would be able to do longer gaming sessions only during weekends; that is, if I want to still have an immersive gaming experience.
For now, I decided to make a small list of games I would like to "attack" this month, in place of the monthly theme. Some of them are really fresh (purchased during the sale) while others are remnants of May's unfinished games.
7 hours playtime
484 of 484 achievements
Thimbleweed Park
6 hours playtime
4 of 33 achievements
Clouds & Sheep 2
2 hours playtime
7 of 25 achievements
20 minutes playtime
0 of 6 achievements
Sisters in hotel
0 minutes playtime
0 of 7143 achievements
Drop Alive
0 minutes playtime
0 of 9 achievements
3 hours playtime
13 of 36 achievements
Lily's Day Off
0 minutes playtime
0 of 19 achievements
Pixel Puzzles Junior
3 hours playtime
50 of 50 achievements
Hell Girls
7 minutes playtime
0 of 92 achievements
Deep Space Waifu
0 minutes playtime
0 of 69 achievements
HunieCam Studio
0 minutes playtime
0 of 16 achievements
#1 - May Games
This is the my first post here and therefore I would like to share with you how happy I am to be part of this community. Reading through your posts is a very nice experience for me, I love how much care each of you put into formatting and sharing your personal experiences related to the games you recently played.
For me May hasn’t been such a wonderful month in terms of completing games. As compared to the previous two months, in which I managed to have around 45 games overall completed, this month I managed to 100% only 7 of them. Being away from my PC for a week, combined with some other personal issues and my decision to invest more of my time into Steam-related organisatorical activities, I had less energy to play games to completion.
Odyssey - The Next Generation Science Game
6 hours playtime
7 of 7 achievements
My Name is You
3 hours playtime
14 of 14 achievements
The Dark Tales of Katarina
5 hours playtime
27 of 27 achievements
Happy Empire
59 minutes playtime
10 of 10 achievements
2 hours playtime
8 of 8 achievements
2 hours playtime
1 of 1 achievements
The Last Photon
2 hours playtime
388 of 388 achievements
Odyssey - The Next Generation Science Game - I was excited to play this game, since I am a huge fan of the Myst series. But like every other game that advertises itself as a 'Myst-like game', it turned out to be only a very pale immitation of the original. The feeling that being the lone survivor on an island gives you, the graphics, the music and the style are somewhat similar to Myst, however the puzzles and the whole gameplay is quite different. It's not a bad game per se, but it's just not the Myst experience I was hoping for. If you decide to play it, you need to know that 90% of the time will be spent on reading a journal which will provide all the necessary information to solve the puzzles – it is even highlighted in yellow, so that you can skip the story parts and scientific explanations. However, skipping these ruins the whole game experience because the game's main purpose is to thoroughly explain a few science concepts like planetary rotation, astronomical concepts, pendulum theory, physics concepts. If you're a person that loves to find out the inner mechanisms of the universe, then this game is right down your alley, since it explains all of these in a very nice and understandable way, and in addition to that gives you puzzles to solve using the new-found knowledge, which sometimes are merely machines that exemplify these theories.
My Name is You - I'm not sure if this should be called a visual novel or not. On one hand, there's no gameplay apart from reading and choosing story branches. On the other hand, there aren't any backgrounds or pictures that change, and definitely not anime chicks with big... let's say eyes. Nevertheless, the game offers a variety of possible endings, some of which have an achievement associated. One playthrough takes around 10 minutes and always ends with a unique song. For me, it was really nice to listen to all of them.
Happy Empire - A pretty bad attempt at making a time management game, the only nice thing about it being the cute graphics and easy achievements. It has potential, but in its state it's pretty boring and buggy.
The Dark Tales of Katarina - I'm not even sure what this is or where the story goes... Probably not gonna touch it again, even if they decide to add new achievements.
The Last Photon - This game encountered a lot of bad feedback after the devs decided to jump on the trend of 'cheap & easy cheevos' and replace the hardcore platforming achievements with 300+ achievements obtainable at the cost of only holding down a button. It's a game I've always wanted to try, so it seemed to be an appropiate moment to try it. Conclusion: the achievements ruined the whole game; however I wouldn't have had the skills to finish it 100% anyway.
Exteria - Awful. Don't touch it please. Bad graphics, bad controls, bad gameplay.
Project:surviving - In its state, a joke of a game. 1 cheevo for spending 10 minutes cutting trees and crafting stuff from the wood.
A few days ago, I wanted to make a giveaway of Creature Clicker - Capture, Train, Ascend!, therefore I decided to give it a try first. Most of the achievements flow like crazy (I managed to get the majority of them in a few hours of playtime), but it's the last bit that worries me to no ends – I wonder how long it will take me to get the last few achievements...
Clouds & Sheep 2 is such a sweet game! I'm definitely gonna continue playing it.
Everything and Thimbleweed Park are really nice games, I've played them during a Steam group event and streamed them for the audience. I will most assuredly come back to them in a few weeks.
Hidden Folks is not a HOG per se, but it still requires you to find all sorts of entities based on their descriptions. I plan on integrating it in the June challenge and hopefully complete it this month.
Tumblestone seems to me like a game that will never end. So many levels! ...and not easy at all. It will probably take me a lot of time to finish, but it's a nice time waster when you have nothing else to do.
Creature Clicker - Capture, Train, Ascend!
93 hours playtime
471 of 480 achievements
Clouds & Sheep 2
2 hours playtime
7 of 25 achievements
3 hours playtime
13 of 36 achievements
Thimbleweed Park
6 hours playtime
4 of 33 achievements
Hidden Folks
5 hours playtime
2 of 5 achievements
20 hours playtime
6 of 28 achievements
HOGs!!! HOGs everywhere! Being a HUUUGE fan of HOGs, imagine my joy when I saw the monthly theme. Right away, I hopped into selecting a few HOGs to play this month. It seems that I overdid it a bit in my excitement, since in the end it turned out to be a pretty big list. I will definitely not manage to complete all of these, but I'll keep the list as it is for future reference.
Agent Walker: Secret Journey
0 minutes playtime
0 of 16 achievements
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
2 hours playtime
0 of 22 achievements
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink
2 hours playtime
0 of 19 achievements
Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows
82 minutes playtime
0 of 30 achievements
Dark Heritage: Guardians of Hope
0 minutes playtime
0 of 25 achievements
Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends
2 minutes playtime
0 of 15 achievements
Chronicles of the Witches and Warlocks
0 minutes playtime
0 of 13 achievements
Contract With The Devil
0 minutes playtime
0 of 19 achievements
Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond
1 minute playtime
0 of 28 achievements
Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter
2 minutes playtime
0 of 15 achievements
Demon Hunter 3: Revelation
0 minutes playtime
0 of 24 achievements
Enigmatis 3: The Shadow of Karkhala
1 minute playtime
0 of 34 achievements
Eventide 2: The Sorcerers Mirror
11 minutes playtime
0 of 30 achievements
Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Puppet Thief
0 minutes playtime
0 of 17 achievements
GRAVEN The Purple Moon Prophecy
0 minutes playtime
0 of 19 achievements
Grim Legends 3: The Dark City
1 minute playtime
0 of 36 achievements
Inbetween Land
0 minutes playtime
0 of 27 achievements
Hidden Folks
5 hours playtime
2 of 5 achievements
Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery
2 hours playtime
0 of 12 achievements
Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness
0 minutes playtime
0 of 22 achievements
Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past
2 hours playtime
0 of 15 achievements
Queen's Quest 3: The End of Dawn
2 hours playtime
0 of 18 achievements
The Dreamatorium of Dr. Magnus 2
0 minutes playtime
0 of 15 achievements
Shtriga: Summer Camp
2 hours playtime
0 of 8 achievements
The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent
0 minutes playtime
0 of 24 achievements
The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times
0 minutes playtime
0 of 26 achievements
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
10 hours playtime
0 of 31 achievements
Time Mysteries: Inheritance - Remastered
0 minutes playtime
0 of 10 achievements
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova
1 minute playtime
0 of 10 achievements
World Keepers: Last Resort
2 hours playtime
0 of 8 achievements
9627 | games (+18 not categorized yet) |
95% | never played |
1% | unfinished |
0% | beaten |
4% | completed |
0% | won't play |