Beaten 204 games

Game Achievements Playtime
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek
84% (16 of 19) about 5 hours
A Castle Full of Cats
88% (31 of 35) about 2 hours
A Hat in Time
60% (28 of 46) about 24 hours
A Little to the Left
84% (55 of 65) about 7 hours
A Plague Tale: Innocence
77% (27 of 35) about 11 hours
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden
75% (15 of 20) about 3 hours
Ace of Words
72% (13 of 18) about 6 hours
Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine Won on SteamGifts
75% (15 of 20) about 7 hours
Alice's Patchwork
77% (14 of 18) about 13 hours
Alice's Patchworks 2
83% (15 of 18) about 6 hours
90% (10 of 11) about 1 hour
And Yet It Moves Won on SteamGifts
30% (9 of 30) about 7 hours
Anodyne Won on SteamGifts
66% (4 of 6) about 7 hours
Aperture Desk Job
33 minutes
56% (41 of 72) about 26 hours
Appointment With FEAR
70% (21 of 30) about 6 hours
Armikrog Won on SteamGifts
about 8 hours
Assassin's Creed Origins
62% (42 of 67) about 58 hours
Assassin's Creed® III Won on SteamGifts
about 15 hours
71% (25 of 35) about 5 hours
Balthazar's Dream
65% (13 of 20) about 2 hours
Barbie™ Dreamhouse Party™
about 10 hours
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
72% (34 of 47) about 19 hours
Batman: Arkham City GOTY
35% (22 of 64) about 11 hours
Batman: Arkham Knight Won on SteamGifts
57% (65 of 113) about 32 hours
BattleBlock Theater
56% (17 of 30) about 17 hours
Besiege Won on SteamGifts
? about 13 hours
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
47% (12 of 26) about 8 hours
65% (17 of 26) about 5 hours
93% (42 of 45) about 13 hours
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
78% (45 of 57) about 27 hours
Boot Hill Heroes Won on SteamGifts
69% (36 of 52) about 10 hours
91% (11 of 12) about 6 hours
64% (11 of 17) about 12 hours
Broken Sword 1 - Shadow of the Templars: Director's Cut (2009) Won on SteamGifts
about 10 hours
Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered (2010) Won on SteamGifts
0% (0 of 27) about 6 hours
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
34% (4 of 12) about 3 hours
Brütal Legend
24% (14 of 59) about 6 hours
Californium Won on SteamGifts
87% (7 of 8) about 3 hours
Castle of Illusion
50% (6 of 12) about 2 hours
Cat Quest
58% (7 of 12) about 9 hours
90% (29 of 32) about 29 hours
69% (9 of 13) about 4 hours
Chronicles of the Witches and Warlocks
69% (9 of 13) about 2 hours
CLANNAD Won on SteamGifts
59% (13 of 22) about 57 hours
Critical Mass Won on SteamGifts
30% (8 of 27) about 3 hours
Default Dan Won on SteamGifts
26% (7 of 27) about 1 hour
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™
17% (13 of 81) about 10 hours
Deus Ex: The Fall Won on SteamGifts
43% (12 of 28) about 5 hours
DLC Quest
90% (20 of 22) about 2 hours
Doodle God
95% (21 of 22) about 7 hours
DRAGON QUEST HEROES™ Slime Edition Won on SteamGifts
62% (31 of 50) about 24 hours
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Won on SteamGifts
39% (23 of 59) about 25 hours
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
89% (17 of 19) about 10 hours
DuckTales Remastered
65% (13 of 20) about 4 hours
Dwarfs!? Won on SteamGifts
51% (15 of 29) about 3 hours
Dynamite Jack Won on SteamGifts
84% (11 of 13) about 3 hours
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
88% (16 of 18) about 6 hours
Emily is Away <3
93% (14 of 15) about 8 hours
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
92% (26 of 28) about 3 hours
F.E.A.R. Won on SteamGifts
about 10 hours
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Won on SteamGifts
about 10 hours
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point
about 5 hours
F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate
about 6 hours
Faerie Solitaire
83% (25 of 30) about 7 hours
Faerie Solitaire Harvest
56% (25 of 44) about 8 hours
Faerie Solitaire Remastered
90% (27 of 30) about 12 hours
Ferrum's Secrets: where is grandpa?
75% (15 of 20) about 7 hours
Fine Sweeper
89% (17 of 19) about 6 hours
Fortix Won on SteamGifts
83% (10 of 12) about 5 hours
Fractal: Make Blooms Not War Won on SteamGifts
about 7 hours
Frankenstein: Master of Death
85% (17 of 20) about 4 hours
Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
Freedom Fall
60% (14 of 23) about 3 hours
Goat Simulator
57% (73 of 127) about 15 hours
Golf With Your Friends
? about 13 hours
Gomo Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
81% (9 of 11) about 2 hours
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition
48% (26 of 55) about 22 hours
Grand Theft Auto V Won on SteamGifts
26% (20 of 77) about 46 hours
Graveyard Keeper
50% (62 of 125) about 41 hours
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride Won on SteamGifts
66% (16 of 24) about 5 hours
64% (11 of 17) about 3 hours
Growing Pains
55% (5 of 9) about 2 hours
52% (22 of 42) about 2 hours
Haiku, the Robot
97% (39 of 40) about 8 hours
Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition
96% (76 of 79) about 52 hours
Hylics Won on SteamGifts
about 3 hours
Hyper Light Drifter Won on SteamGifts
40% (9 of 23) about 11 hours
iGrow Game Won on SteamGifts
about 8 hours
Imagine Me
58% (7 of 12) about 2 hours
InCell VR Won on SteamGifts
57% (4 of 7) about 1 hour
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
about 6 hours
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
95% (23 of 24) about 9 hours
Just Cause 3 Won on SteamGifts
41% (27 of 66) about 28 hours
Kingdom of Aurelia: Mystery of the Poisoned Dagger
about 1 hour
Koi-Koi Japan [Hanafuda playing cards]
94% (33 of 35) about 24 hours
Layers of Fear (2016) Won on SteamGifts
34% (9 of 27) about 4 hours
LEGO® Batman™ 3: Beyond Gotham
48% (33 of 70) about 10 hours
LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2
60% (45 of 75) about 17 hours
LEGO® MARVEL's Avengers Won on SteamGifts
54% (38 of 70) about 26 hours
LEGO® The Incredibles
62% (32 of 51) about 14 hours
LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™
70% (34 of 48) about 16 hours
76% (10 of 13) about 5 hours
Little Nightmares
54% (12 of 22) about 6 hours
Lost Ember
90% (30 of 33) about 5 hours
Lost in Random™
85% (34 of 40) about 9 hours
Lume Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
Mad Max Won on SteamGifts
43% (21 of 49) about 25 hours
Magical Diary: Horse Hall
53% (14 of 26) about 3 hours
Mail Time
91% (21 of 23) about 2 hours
Man in a Maze: Deathmatch Won on SteamGifts
50% (4 of 8) about 2 hours
Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition
89% (25 of 28) about 5 hours
Mark of the Ninja: Remastered
50% (19 of 38) about 8 hours
Max Payne Won on SteamGifts
about 10 hours
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Won on SteamGifts
about 9 hours
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
66% (18 of 27) about 7 hours
about 2 hours
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
34% (3 of 9) about 5 hours
Mondrian - Abstraction in Beauty Won on SteamGifts
74% (29 of 39) about 3 hours
32% (32 of 100) about 55 hours
My Paper Boat Won on SteamGifts
61% (8 of 13) about 2 hours
My Time at Portia
50% (46 of 91) about 64 hours
Night in the Woods
64% (20 of 31) about 15 hours
Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones
71% (23 of 32) about 4 hours
NightSky Won on SteamGifts
46% (10 of 22) about 3 hours
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
29% (9 of 32) about 5 hours
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Won on SteamGifts
about 17 hours
Offspring Fling! Won on SteamGifts
40% (4 of 10) about 6 hours
OlliOlli World
55% (30 of 54) about 12 hours
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
48% (27 of 57) about 13 hours
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
78% (29 of 37) about 16 hours
49% (13 of 27) about 4 hours
42% (5 of 12) about 8 hours
Party Hard
70% (19 of 27) about 8 hours
Party Hard 2
78% (32 of 41) about 9 hours
85% (29 of 34) about 7 hours
82% (28 of 34) about 26 hours
Plague Inc: Evolved
52% (122 of 234) about 22 hours
Please, Don't Touch Anything 3D
90% (20 of 22) about 5 hours
Plug & Play
10 minutes
80% (12 of 15) about 7 hours
Portal Knights
50% (20 of 40) about 28 hours
71% (74 of 103) about 13 hours
Puzzle Bots Won on SteamGifts
about 2 hours
29% (15 of 52) about 3 hours
Q.U.B.E. 2
49% (14 of 29) about 5 hours
Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness
68% (15 of 22) about 3 hours
Red Faction: Armageddon Won on SteamGifts
47% (27 of 58) about 8 hours
61% (8 of 13) about 8 hours
Rocket League
60% (53 of 88) about 7 hours
Rytmik Ultimate Won on SteamGifts
46% (5 of 11) about 1 hour
Saints Row IV
100% (73 of 73) about 62 hours
Saints Row: The Third
100% (83 of 83) about 49 hours
Scribblenauts Unmasked
92% (37 of 40) about 10 hours
Season Match
62% (5 of 8) about 2 hours
Smushi Come Home
88% (22 of 25) about 3 hours
Solitaire Beach Season
90% (19 of 21) about 25 hours
59% (16 of 27) about 4 hours
Spirits Won on SteamGifts
71% (10 of 14) about 6 hours
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™
76% (30 of 39) about 14 hours
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
84% (48 of 57) about 39 hours
78% (40 of 51) about 61 hours
? about 66 hours
Stealth Bastard Deluxe Won on SteamGifts
49% (13 of 27) about 7 hours
Sticky Business
83% (35 of 42) about 5 hours
70% (17 of 24) about 7 hours
Sudoku Quest
71% (25 of 35) about 10 hours
Super Duper Party Pooper
50% (13 of 26) about 6 hours
SUPERHOT Won on SteamGifts
35% (9 of 26) about 3 hours
55% (15 of 27) about 5 hours
60% (59 of 98) about 26 hours
Surgeon Simulator
52% (65 of 123) about 13 hours
78% (18 of 23) about 3 hours
Syberia Won on SteamGifts
about 11 hours
Syberia 2 Won on SteamGifts
about 12 hours
Tabletop Simulator Won on SteamGifts
? about 13 hours
Tales of Zestiria Won on SteamGifts
25% (14 of 56) about 45 hours
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
about 2 hours
The Beginner's Guide Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
The First Tree
57% (8 of 14) about 2 hours
The LEGO® NINJAGO® Movie Video Game
56% (28 of 50) about 8 hours
The Lonesome Fog Won on SteamGifts
16 minutes
The Messenger
87% (42 of 48) about 21 hours
The Quivering Won on SteamGifts
about 6 hours
The Room Three
60% (6 of 10) about 4 hours
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
about 4 hours
The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times
76% (20 of 26) about 3 hours
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
93% (30 of 32) about 2 hours
The Tenth Line
76% (16 of 21) about 11 hours
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day
93% (30 of 32) about 5 hours
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
98% (77 of 78) about 114 hours
The Wolf Among Us
91% (32 of 35) about 9 hours
There's Poop In My Soup
41% (9 of 22) about 4 hours
TrackMania² Canyon
about 406 hours
Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge Won on SteamGifts
34% (5 of 15) about 2 hours
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Won on SteamGifts
about 29 hours
Waking Mars Won on SteamGifts
94% (16 of 17) about 6 hours
Weather Lord: Following the Princess Collector's Edition
52% (63 of 120) about 6 hours
Wildlife Creative Studio Won on SteamGifts
about 1 hour
World's Dawn Won on SteamGifts
83% (25 of 30) about 18 hours
Wreckfest Won on SteamGifts
55% (11 of 20) about 30 hours
Yakuza 0
56% (31 of 55) about 21 hours
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
about 6 hours