⚔️ pagywosg 12 games

100 hidden frogs

🕑 Very short game (<2h) 🗓️ added 2021
100 of 100 achievements (100%)


🏆 SG wins 🕓 Short game (2-8h) 🗓️ added 2020
23 of 23 achievements (100%)

Mages of Mystralia

🏆 SG wins 💰 PoP 🕖 Medium game (8-15h) 🗓️ added 2020
30 of 30 achievements (100%)

Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart

🏆 SG wins 🕓 Short game (2-8h) 🗓️ added 2020
9 of 15 achievements (60%)

Planet of the Eyes

🏅 2X 🏆 SG wins 🕑 Very short game (<2h) 🗓️ added 2021
14 of 14 achievements (100%)

Railway Empire

❤️ WL 🏆 SG wins 🕘 Long game (15-25h) 🗓️ added 2022
38 of 128 achievements (30%)

She Sees Red

❤️ WL 🏆 SG wins 🕑 Very short game (<2h) 🗓️ added 2021
15 of 15 achievements (100%)

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

🏅 2X 🏆 SG wins 🕓 Short game (2-8h) 🗓️ added 2021
37 of 37 achievements (100%)

Undead Horde

🏅 2X 🏆 SG wins 🕓 Short game (2-8h) 🗓️ added 2021
24 of 24 achievements (100%)