Beaten/Completed in 2019 18 games

FaeVerse Alchemy

Endless/No story Poor Won on SteamGifts
10 of 39 achievements (26%)

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

Done - I'll get the achievements I promise Outstanding
38 of 52 achievements (73%)

Minion Masters

Endless/No story
21 of 38 achievements (55%)

The Elder Scrolls: Legends

Endless/No story
no achievements

True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 1

Acceptable Done - I'll get the achievements I promise Won on SteamGifts
27 of 30 achievements (90%)

Adam Wolfe

Done - 100% Exceeds Expectations
26 of 26 achievements (100%)

Alex Hunter - Lord of the Mind

Done - No Achievements Poor
no achievements

Glass Masquerade

Done - 100% Exceeds Expectations
32 of 32 achievements (100%)

Grim Legends 3: The Dark City

Acceptable Done - 100%
36 of 36 achievements (100%)


Beaten/Completed in 2021 Done - 100% Exceeds Expectations
24 of 24 achievements (100%)

Blush Blush

Acceptable Endless/No story
8 of 19 achievements (43%)

Cadria Item Shop

Endless/No story Poor
7 of 56 achievements (13%)

Hustle Cat

Done - 100% Exceeds Expectations Won on SteamGifts
12 of 12 achievements (100%)

Odysseus: Long Way Home

Done - No Achievements Poor
no achievements

Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness

Done - 100% Dreadful Received as Gifts (excl. SteamGifts)
22 of 22 achievements (100%)

Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom

Done - 100% Poor
13 of 13 achievements (100%)