Slowly going through that backlog Unfurl’s profile
Passing Grades: Outstanding; Exceeds Expectations; Acceptable
Failing Grades: Poor; Dreadful; Troll
Other stuff & how I classify games:
- I mark games as Beaten if they have achievements and 1) I've finished the story; 2) I've played 10+ hours if there's no story.
- I mark games as Completed if 1) I got all achievements; 2) they have no achievements and I've finished the story, or played 10+ hours if there's no story.
- I mark games as Won't Play only if I tried them and 1) they don't work anymore or I have a remastered/updated version I can play instead; 2) I didn't quite like them enough to finish; 3) they are utter garbage.
Ongoing projects:
Bad ABC - giving a chance to crappy games, mostly in vain (rated Mixed or lower, or removed from Steam)
HOG ABC - when I get that Sunday vibe to play something casual, I might as well do it with purpose (list made according to Hidden Object tag on Steam)
A Journey Through Time as explained here
SG win (starting from oldest wins): Monaco
Game gifted by friends (going through the list in ABC manner): Alan Wake
HB Monthly/Choice game (starting from oldest purchases): Black Mesa
Game NOT on Steam (PS4, GOG, EA, Ubisoft, Battle.Net, Epic, Humble, in that order, ABC manner): A.D. 2044 (GOG)
Bad ABC: HardCube
HOG ABC: Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition
A Journey Through Time: Heli Heroes
Random game / something unfinished / replay for achievements: N/A
26 January 2025 | S25E05 - A Moment in Time: 2001
My Journey Through Time brought me to Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel released in 2001. After playing Fallout and watching the playthrough of Fallout 2, I have to give this only Acceptable rating, and that's just for the game being set in the same universe, and for actually being playable in 2025. The game is repetitive, buggy and contradicts a lot of lore established in the first two games. I found myself rushing through the game as fast as I could. I read online about the problems related to its development and release, so I kind of understand why the game turned out the way it did. I also saw this game being compared to Jagged Alliance 2, and yeah, I wish Fallout Tactics was either more like Jagged Alliance 2, or more true to Fallout and Fallout 2. Now it's somewhere in between and it doesn't really work.
A Journey Through Time progress:
25 January 2025 | S25E04 - Full-release replay
Cyber Manhunt 2: New World - The Hacking Simulator 
17 January 2025 | S25E03 - Replay for achievements
17 January 2025 | S25E02
The story was excellent, as well as the sound, visuals and other creative decisions. I was hoping for more filler cases - every case progresses the main plot, so the game feels too short. Don't get me wrong, it's still well worth its price. There's plenty of room for a sequel, I'd love to see more of the story.
6 January 2025
I tried to pick this up in order to reach Fallout Tactics later in the franchise for my A Journey Through Time challenge. However, Fallout 2 doesn’t run on my PC even though I tried all the fixes I could find online. The 4 hours of playtime was just me forgetting to exit the game client as I tried to find the solution. Instead, I watched a whole 40-video-long walkthrough by Oxhorn (which I highly recommend if anyone's interested), and well, I liked the first game's story better, although this one's still great. IMO the story and side content of the first game was just consistently good, while in Fallout 2 it's more of a rollercoaster, possibly due to the game having much more side content which was of varying quality (e.g., I couldn't care less about everything and everyone in New Reno and San Francisco). I'm in love with the game's world and its lore though, and looking forward to playing the rest of the franchise (which hopefully runs without a hitch on my PC going forward).
3 January 2025 | S25E01
So I picked this up in order to reach Fallout Tactics later in the franchise for my A Journey Through Time challenge.
What can I say, this game's a classic I've never played before. The lore & the story, as well as the storytelling, are truly remarkable for 1997. I hated absolutely everything about the game mechanics so I followed a step-by-step guide just to get through it. Still a fantastic game for its time.
30 December 2024 | S24E09 - Replay
Missed Geralt a lot, replayed the whole thing to completion once again. That brings my total number of games beaten / completed in 2024 to…9. Very unproductive year for gaming as I had a ton of work, little to no energy for anything else, and shifted some of my free time to learn about aviation instead.
22 September 2024 | S24E08
Finished the story, played some of utopia mode, of course I intend to spend a couple hundred hours more in this game (at least). All of the reviews everywhere emphasize that this is a different game compared to Frostpunk so I'm not going to get into that but I absolutely loved the changes. I know some people hate it because somehow they expected that the sequel will be more-of-the-same-ol'-Frostpunk (HOW? There were beta gameplay videos everywhere…). The way I see it, now I have two excellent games to play, set in the same amazing post-apocalyptic universe. I don't have any actual review of the game. It's beautiful, it's full of nice little details and references, you have to make hard choices, you're constantly so pissed at your population that you can EASILY justify making fascist choices. And then take a step back and realize what you did. The city did not fall. But was it worth it?
8 September 2024 | S24E07 - Replay to grab some more achievements
Dead In Vinland 
Extreme Conditions + True Viking was brutal and I had to restart 10 times at least, but finally made it… Only 3 achievements remain which I'll probably come back to in 2 more years or so.
26 August 2024 | S24E06 - Replay to Completion
I finally did it - got all the achievements before Frostpunk 2 is released, and it was one hell of a journey. This game will forever stay in my heart & mind as one of my favorite games and a comforting place to visit when everything else fails to keep my interest (or when it's way too hot or too cold outside). Can't wait for the sequel, I'm sure I'll barely get any sleep that weekend and will scream at my monitor in desperation once again.
3473 | games |
86% | never played |
5% | unfinished |
3% | beaten |
4% | completed |
2% | won't play |
- Bad ABC 28
- HOG ABC 24
- 1987-2024: A Journey Through Time 38
- Won on SteamGifts 154
- Received as Gifts (excl. SteamGifts) 163
- Humble Monthly/Choice 800
- Beaten/Completed in 2025 5
- Beaten/Completed in 2024 9
- Beaten/Completed in 2023 25
- Beaten/Completed in 2022 36
- Beaten/Completed in 2021 29
- Beaten/Completed in 2020 28
- Beaten/Completed in 2019 18
- Beaten/Completed in 2018 16