Summary of previous years (2022-2020) and current progress
Summary of the things, I've done for past years.
Almost all were beaten/finished in 2022, apart from Stubbs and Alice Mcgee, which were finished in 2021 and F.E.A.R. 2, F.E.A.R. 3, which were partly finished somewhere in 2019-2015.
Edited 01.02.2024: updated some info.

Counter Strike: GO Review
Status: Completed. Played versus bots.
About: You play as Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist. Plant/defuse bombs, protect/rescue hostages or just kill opposing team.
- Was cheap and now it's free.
- Fine and engaging AI. Well fights between bot teams.
- Interesting shooting implementation, good amount of weapons (even knife for melee), interesting differeces between sides and their goals.
- Progression for MP.
- Quite polished level design with minor exceptions.
- Good and addictive time killer.
- Easy to learn, hard to master.
- Quite dynamic and tactical.
- Can use cheats when playing vs bots/not in official games.
- It took a ton of time to get all achievements, before CS:2 appeared. Currently only need to play 1 match. Don't know about ranks and other activities.
- Pleasant graphics. Some phyisics.
- Fine audio, which helps positon things and players.
- Didn't require good PC during CS:GO phase (still was needed at least medium PC).
- Stable.
- Mostly not bugged.
- No DLCs, but maps and other stuff updated/replaced with new periodically.
- Has Steam Workshop with maps.
- Achievements. All achievements could be achieved with bots.
- Some achievements are fun.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Possible to win skins to use/sell, if to play vs players.
- Basically no story apart from small elements.
- Not much content without Workshop.
- Very MP oriented, which is a shame for me, since I'm not into MP games usually.
- Could be frustrating sometimes due to how bots and aiming work in this game.
- Had performance issues with big amount of bots. CS:2 seems to require better PC and had issues with FPS even on my recent PC.
- Some bugs and issues - mostly with bots.
- Takes too much space compared to content it provides.
- Some achievements were too grindy.
- Got a badge level 5 long time ago, since it was cheap back then.
Summary: Not much to say on top. It is what it is. Not something great, but not something bad. Definitely good time killer as you could see based on my hours in this game. Some people make career playing this and I just enjoy beautiful maps, interacting with AI and sound from headshots.

Doom Eternal Review
Status: Base game, DLCs and Horde Mode were finished. MP achievements left.
About: You play as Doom Guy, who has anger issues, lots of guns and don't like demons. Enjoy your vacation in Hell.
- Has some interesting plot (mostly hidden in notes).
- Very satisfying, addictive and aggressive combat loop.
- Good continuation of the series overall.
- Very diverse enemy roster with different behavior patterns. Bosses. Dismemberment (even for the player) and generally very gory, especially due to finish moves.
- Nice amount of weapons, abilities, upgrades.
- Diverse locations.
- Has lots of secrets.
- Online progression for SP with rewards increases replayability.
- Good time killer.
- Difficulty settings, which aren't too straightforward.
- Very dynamic, tactical and requires some thinking.
- Auto saving system with checkpoints.
- Has fun Horde Mode and cheats.
- Long enough and quite replayable.
- Very good looking graphics and level art design.
- Very cool Soundtrack.
- Medium requirements with solid optimization.
- Very stable.
- Didn't notice bugs.
- DLCs, which expand game further.
- Mostly story driven achievements with some challenges.
- Cards/Badges.
- Almost no physics - as result locations feel a bit static.
- No Workshop (mods accessible via other sites, though).
- A bit expensive (though, not with discounts).
- Last levels of base game and DLCs were a bit tedious.
- Platforming may be a bit annoying, especially in base game ending and 1st DLC.
- DLCs and Horde Mode swarm with enemies in tight arena spaces, which is also a bit annoying.
- Bodies almost instantly disappear (can be changed with mod).
- Basic melee is useless.
- Infigts are useless, since enemy don't deal damage to each other.
- Some secrets are a bit too hard to find.
- A little bit hard for the first playthough even on Easy.
- Replayability may be not that rewarding, if online progression would stop to exist.
- Takes a lot of space.
- Some achievements require people to finish.
- Has MP, where possible to play as the Slayer or as one of the demons.
Summary: Adrenaline packed action, which requires some thinking. Nothing more, nothing less. For me it was really fun and very solid, even though I stilll enjoy Doom 2016.

Stubbs the Zombie Review
Status: Completed on EGS.
About: You play as Stubbs ex-salesman, who resurrected from his grave and is very hungry. Thankfully whole city is his restaurant and each citizen is a meal. Love story presented.
- Has some funny plot/story.
- Fun and funny in general.
- Has own style both in terms of visuals and humor.
- Nice and unique abilities.
- Different weapons, abilities (melee, ranged and even ability to control hordes and mind controlling), enemy types (including 1 boss) and locations. A bit of dismemberment.
- Good locations.
- Difficulty settings.
- Fine dynamic. Doesn't require much thinking, but needs it in some cases.
- Long enough, but not very long at the same time.
- Cool Soundtrack (unfortunately used only in dance sequence in current non-CD version).
- Good performance. Low requirements.
- Stable. Don't remember any bugs.
- Low weight.
- Low price, especially during discounts (I got it even for free on EGS).
- No DLCs.
- No Workshop in EGS at least.
- Visually and gameplay wise a bit outdated. Almost no physics for world.
- Last levels are a bit weaker and less interesting.
- No achievements in EGS at least.
Summary: Fun to play and to replay periodically. Have it on CD and got it during giveaway on EGS. If you like zombie games or want to have some fun - this one may be worth a try.

Zombie Night Terror Review
Status: Completed, but few in-game goals weren't achieved and 1 achievement was SAMed due to a bug.
About: Control Zombie hordes, let them eat these juicy brains and produce more zombies.
- Has some plot and lots of references to some famous Zombie films and other stuff.
- Quite stylish for a black and white game.
- Rare and unique in its genre.
- Fun and funny.
- Quite unique abilities and few types of zombies to control (making good hordes), which unlocks with progression.
- Different locations and type of enemies. Bosses.
- Dynamic depends from level. Tactical - requires to plan your actions.
- May be a bit difficult (if you go for additional goals), but usually it's pleasant.
- Long enough.
- Very cool Soundtrack.
- Good performance. Low requirements.
- Stable and mostly few minor bugs were encountered.
- FLCs are integrated.
- Workshop (mostly dead, though).
- Low weight.
- Cheap, especially during sales (I got it as a gift from 1 person).
- Has achievements and additonal in-game goals. Some require additional actions.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- No difficulty settings (not very needed, though).
- Levels/chapters unlock with progression and no saving system during mission.
- Graphics may be too simple for some.
- Some in-game side goals are annoying, since they are restricted by time.
- No cheats or other bonuses.
- I've got a bug with 1 of the achievements and therefore can't finish it without SAM.
Summary: Zombie life ain't easy. Need to have brains, need to eat brains, need to brain brains. Quite fun game. Glad that I won it. But there issue with 1 achievement, so I must mention it.

American Alice Mcgee Review
Status: Completed.
About: Lunacy Part I. You play as Alice, who lost her family in a fire. Now she's in a mental hospital and need to put herself back together fighting through her Wonderland. Played via EA.
- Interesting and well implemented storyline.
- Unique weapons roster (melee and ranged).
- Different enemy types well presented in the world. Bosses. Dismemberment.
- Varied locations and good world building.
- Enough platforming and some secrets.
- Pleasant art style and unique level design.
- Difficulty settings.
- Good dynamic. Requires a bit of thinking.
- Has saving system.
- Long enough, but not too much.
- Cool Soundtrack.
- Low requirements. Good performance.
- Good stability. Don't remember any bugs.
- Low weight.
- Can be bought anywhere anymore. Unlockable with EA, if you have 2nd part (Steam has guide for it somewhere).
- Looks and plays a bit outdated. Almost no physics for world.
- Platforming could be really painful.
- No DLCs, bonus content, Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges, but that's not that needed in this very old game.
Summary: Lovely game, which has a little bit of this and that. Liked it a lot.

Alice Madness Returns Review
Status: Completed.
About: Lunacy Part II. You play as Alice: her Wonderland was corrupted and in danger, same as her sanity. You need to save it. Fighting, jumping and searching are part of a deal.
- Has quite interesting plot/story.
- Very user friendly platforming, secrets and fights.
- Beautiful and atmospheric in general and in level art design specifically.
- Unique enemies related to each chapter. Bosses. Dismemberment.
- Varied locations.
- Unique weapons (melee and ranged).
- Has some mini games.
- Nice gameplay aspects like costumes with effects or weapon upgrades.
- Difficulty settings.
- Dynamic enough, but has periods of chill. May require some thinking.
- Has memory and additional content collection. Saves costumes and weapons for basically New Game+.
- Long enough.
- Good graphics. PhysicX for different stuff.
- Nice music.
- Medium requirements and good performance with PhysicX exception.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs.
- Low/medium weight (8+GB).
- Cheap, especially with discount.
- Pre-last chapter is a bit unimpressive and feels too long.
- Mini-games, jumping, searching and slaying enemies could become boring at some point, since they have same repeating patterns.
- Weapon roster is poor.
- Enemy roster not that big and enemy encounters are scarce.
- Action part is generally a bit weak.
- No blood, if I remember it right. 1st had it.
- PhysicX heavily affects performance.
- Doesn't have cheats, DLCs, Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges, but not that needed, anyway.
Summary: Quite solid game overall. Has enough of everything to entertain and this everything has mostly fine quality. If it would be a bit shorter it would be a bit better.

F.E.A.R. Review
Status: Completed.
About: Solid first person shooter with smart AI, horror elements, slow mo and other stuff.
- Has some interesting plot/story.
- Combination of level design and AI still among the best in my opinion. AI considered among smartest. Some infigts.
- Few distinct enemy types. 1 relatively interesting boss. Dismemberment.
- Melee and ranged combat in this game still pleasantly good. Slowmo.
- Was kinda spooky when I played it for the first time.
- Fine arsenal.
- Slowmo and HP can be ugraded with secret injections.
- Difficulty settings.
- Very dynamic with slower horror elements areas. May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Not restricted saving system.
- Long enough, but not too long.
- Visual effects still hold to this day in my opinion. Good physics.
- Fine audio, remarkable music.
- Lower, than medium requirements and good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs (with exception of body physics bugs).
- 2 built-in DLCs, which increase amount of playtime.
- Low/medium weight.
- Cheap, especially with discount or/and with bundle.
- Arsenal is heavily restricted in terms of ability to carry it.
- I usually don't care about MP, but I liked this MP even though tried it only few times, until it was dead.
- Level design visuals aren't something very interesting to say at least, especially last chapters.
- DLCs are generally weaker, compared to a base game: Extraction Point DLC is too short and Perseus Mandate seems partly unfinished.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
Summary: Back in the days, when I played it on CD, I finished base game 60+ times. I was very big fan of this game and still enjoying it a lot.

F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin Review
Status: Base game was finished. Don't have DLC to finish it completely.
About: Continuation of a solid first person shooter with kind of smart AI, horror elements, slow mo and other stuff.
- Has some interesting plot/story.
- Melee and ranged combat in this game still pleasantly good. Slowmo.
- Few distinct enemy types. Same relatively interesting boss. Dismemberment. Some infights.
- Was kinda spooky when I played it for the first time (specifically School level).
- Looks better and more diverse in general compared to a first game.
- Difficulty settings.
- Very dynamic with slower horror elements areas. May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Not restricted saving system.
- Long enough, but not too long.
- Visual effects and varied good looking locations still hold well to this day in my opinion. Good physics.
- Fine sound design and music.
- Lower, than medium requirements and good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs (with exception of body physics bugs).
- Low/medium weight.
- In-game achievements.
- Cheap, especially with discount or/and bundle.
- Arsenal is heavily restricted in terms of ability to carry it.
- Level design and AI are weaker/less efficient compared to first game.
- Bloom, blur etc. can't be switched off.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, Steam (!) Achievements, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
Summary: Nice sequel for the first game. Some aspects become better, some worse, but overall still pretty good. Have desire to replay it someday.

F.E.A.R. 3 Review
Status: Solo part of a campaign was finished. Need someone to get all coop achievements.
About: Continuation of a continuation of a first person shooter with some horror elements.
- Has some interesting plot/story.
- Shooter and melee combat elements are still good. Slowmo.
- Few distinct enemy types. 1 relatively interesting boss. Dismemberment. Some infights.
- Nice visuals and diverse level design. Good physics.
- Horror elements and AI are present.
- Good looking locations.
- Difficulty settings.
- Very dynamic with slower horror elements areas. May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Long enough, but not too long.
- Lower, than medium requirements and good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs (with exception of body physics bugs).
- Low/medium weight.
- Achievements. Mostly SP story oriented, but some are challenge related.
- Cheap, especially with discount or/and with bundle.
- Arsenal is heavily restricted in terms of ability to carry it.
- Okayish sound design and music.
- Horror elements not so strong as in previous games.
- AI and level design are even more weaker compared to previous games.
- Some achievements require people for Co-op.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, DLCs, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
Summary: Good shooter, but not so good triquel of F.E.A.R. Still like it.

F.E.A.R. Online Review
Status: Never played and can't be played at all.
About: Online sidekick for F.E.A.R. series. Dead on arrival.
- It's possible to find and launch main menu.
- Guess, thanks for try and effort.
- Had Cards/Badges.
- Dead game almost from start and now hidden and truly dead.
- No bots to play with.
- No access to maps in Solo, if I recall it correctly.
Summary: I think it's safe to say that Alma won't appreciate such game.

Unreal Gold Review
Status: Completed.
About: You play as a prisoner, who escaped from spaceship and get on unfriendly planet. It's time to get out.
- AI and plot/story are present.
- Few types of enemies. Dismemberment.
- Quite pleasant combat.
- It's fun to fight versus bots to a point of an addiction.
- Has built-in expansion, which I played when I was a kid.
- Has lots of secrets.
- Has nice arsenal.
- Good time killer.
- Difficulty settings.
- Dynamic. May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Remarkable audio/soundrack.
- Low requirements and good performance.
- Stable.
- Had build-in expansion.
- Very low weight.
- Was cheap with bundle and discount.
- Horrible repetitive level design: I even watched playthroughs to progress futher.
- Campaign walkthrough felt tedious.
- No melee.
- Visuals are heavily outdated.
- Enemy roster not that big.
- Some bugs, one of which forced me to use cheats.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
- Not selling on Steam anymore.
Summary: Fine game overall, but mostly I enjoyed playing vs bots on some maps over playing a campaign. Nice time killer.

Unreal Tournament 3 BE Review
Status: Finished apart from Insane difficulty and Co-op. Played versus bots.
About: Multiplayer oriented sci-fi shooter. We'll show these dam' aliens! Campaign somehow presented.
- Different types of modes to play.
- Diverse arsenal and gory kills.
- Looks nice even for today standards, in my opinion.
- Relatively fine to play vs bots.
- AI is present and sometimes perform well.
- Fine time killer.
- Has game modes with vehicles.
- Difficulty settings.
- Partly dynamic (apart from big maps). May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Low requirements and good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs.
- Low/medium weight (probably a bit too big for content it provides, though).
- Was cheap with bundle and discount.
- Campaign is nothing, but same maps from online modes.
- Repetitive visual level design for some maps made me feel dizzy and lost even on some small maps.
- AI seems weird: it feels like bots are deaf, but also could see through walls sometimes. On top of that bots have different accuracy with different weapons - with some they are too good even on Easy, with some they are too bad even on Hard, which ironically makes AI worse, than one in Unreal Gold.
- No melee, if not to count kills with vehicles/teleportation.
- Insane difficulty for campaign is too hard and unfair, because periodically player's team has less bots, than opposing team.
- Some achievements require people to finish.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, DLCs, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
- Not selling on Steam anymore.
Summary: It's a fine time killer and could be even fun to play vs bots.
Slowly progressing to reach average 70% achievements/game on Steam