Elder Moloch's Asylum Elder_Moloch’s profile
Hello! I’m trying to reach at least 70% achievement ratio on Steam and finish at least some games. I prefer to play big games and I’m very slow, so not much progress in terms of assassinations expected. I’m also not very good with English, so sorry in advance.
* Completed
* Beaten
* Unfinished
* Never Played
* Won’t Play
* 10 / 10-9 / 9 / 9-8 = Favorite
* 8 / 8-7 / 7 / 7-6 = Liked
* 6 / 6-5 / 5 / 5-4 = Decent
* 4 / 4-3 / 3 / 3-2 = Sorta Bad
* 2 / 2-1 / 1 / 1-0 / 0 = Just Why
Mostly Yes - I find game quite appealing for most people or as some interesting representative in its genre.
Probably Yes - I guess that it may be appealing for most people or be interesting as part of genre.
Partly Yes - Some aspects are good enough to recommend this game.
Depends - Really depends from person to person and is more debatable game in its genre.
Not Really / No / Just Run - Games which aren’t good enough, are bad or awful.
Dead Game - Usually MP game.
Monthly March-November 2024 Report on progress
Doom 2016 was beaten - SnapMap and 2 MP achievements left.
The Town of Light was completed for "Play in March" event.
I didn't play many games outside of these. Also playing GTA V and GTA Online with my best friend currently on EGS. Started new Silent Hill, but never returned.

DOOM Review
Status: Beaten. SnapMap and 2 MP achievements left. Enormous time is due to modding game, since February.
About: Reboot of famous first person shooter about fighting demons on Mars. Extreme violence in a bundle.
- Very good graphics. Some physics.
- Interesting, but mostly linear level design with few exceptions.
- 13 relatively long levels.
- Plot is present.
- Immersive.
- Gory. Good dismemberment system.
- Fun gameplay. Loop "shoot, glory kill, restore health and ammo" is very good.
- Enough different enemies, which mix with each other well. Aggressive AI. Melee and ranged enemies. Infighting is well present.
- 3 fun and interesting bosses.
- Great upgrade system. Rune system, which grants different effects. Weapon upgrades and suit upgrades.
- Glory Kill system, which allows to perform different finish moves and restore health.
- Enough weapons with different niches
- Arcade Mode, which is basicaly New Game+. Snapmap ala custom maps+modding for it. Single player mods, which I work on.
- A lot of secrets wth very good system to search for them, including upgrades.
- Took me some time to finish it.
- High dynamic action. Requires quite a bit of tactical approach on high difficulty.
- Amazing soundtrack.
- Great performance/optimization apart from few minor cases. Medium requirements.
- Quite polished.
- Cheap, especially during sales/with bundle.
- Achievements. Most achievements are story based.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Plot mostly in log files.
- Game has better balance without upgrades.
- Checkpoint system.
- Graphical issues.
- Some level design is confusing. Also it's basically corridor like. Physics is present, but just a bit. Physics bugs.
- No destructible objects apart from barrels.
- Could be more enemies and could be more variety for those.
- 2 out of 3 bosses are weak.
- Some upgrades/Runes are overpowered/underpowered.
- Platforming isn't fun, since may lead to instant death. Enough instant death areas.
- No melee weapons apart from melee attack and chainsaw, which is more like ability.
- Weapon niches aren't very good and some weapons are overpowered/underpowered.
- Kinda too easy on Easy/Normal/Hard.
- Difficulty on hardest difficulties is based on damage taken and perma death.
- Felt bored, when I played it first time.
- No cheats or anything by default. Only with mods. Mods aren't supported.
- At least 2 achievements require to play barely alive Multiplayer.
- There are places where you get stuck. Sometimes you fall through map to death due to a bug.
- Enemy bodies disappear short after being killed, which I assume for performance purposes.
- Only 3 save slots.
- Alt Tab leads to crash, with Vulkan API, if not in borderless mode.
- Less polished than Eternal.
- My mods.
- No Workshop and no DLCs for SP.
Summary: Among my favorite games, even with all cons.

The Town of Light Review
Important sidenotes: Already forgot most of the stuff about it.
Status: Completed.
About: Walking simulator about insane lady in facist Italy with some bugs.
- I found story interesting and it relies on reality. Quite sad story.
- Feels like a good looking walking simulator.
- Few interesting characters. Main character is very interesting.
- Surrondings, notes and recodings, which give info and trigger characters thoughts and give info about world.
- Mostly good quality of stuff in general.
- Liked design of a place.
- Different routes for plot.
- Requires some thinking.
- Autosave checkpoint system.
- Areas get unlocked after being finished.
- Relatively short.
- Nice graphics with atmosphere.
- Good sound and liked music.
- Mostly stable and only few bugs encountered.
- Medium weight.
- Cheap, especially during discounts or/and with bundle.
- Achievements. Most of them related to natural progression.
- Cards/Badges.
- No DLCs or other content.
- Facist Italy part is just there for sake of being there.
- No cheats or other bonuses.
- Story, while being interesting has boring implementation for me due to length factor.
- I'm not sure I like walking sims based on this game.
- Basically no mechanics.
- You trapped in one place.
- Different routes for plot are mostly same thing.
- A bit too long with all routes.
- Relative issues with performance and may have long loadings.
- Few painful crashes and freezes.
- Weight is a bit too high for such small game.
- Some stuff isn't obvious enough for my taste.
- Very repetitive after 1 playthrough.
- Movement is slow.
- A lot of corridor-like design.
- No Workshop.
Summary: Fine for 1 playthrough, if you won't get issues with performance and crashes/freezes. I'm not big fan of sad stories, but it's good in my opinion.

Mostly testing and modding.
1083.9 Hours playtime
1083.9 hours to previous 723 hours on alt account with modding. MP/Snapmap achievements left.
Unknown Hours playtime
Spent days playing Story Mode and even more playing Online with best friend.
Plan to play something of this later.
4.1 Hours playtime
Got few achievements and don't really want to return, but still want to get achievements.
7 Minutes playtime
I finished it few times before Steam and liked it a lot, but still want to replay it on Steam.
Monthly February 2024 Report on progress
Outlast and its DLC were completed.

Outlast Review
Important sidenotes: 4 for Insane difficulty and issues with it.
Status: Completed.
About: Famous 1st person stealth horror. You play as journalist, who investigates suspicous report about private asylum ran by shady corporation. Investigation turns into survival.
In DLC you play as whistleblower, who informed main character of a base game and tries to get out of asylum.
In both cases, you have camera to record and to see in the dark, you need to find solutions for different objectives and survive encounters with hostile enemies without ability to fight back and you may want to collect notes to know story better.
- I found story interesting and it even plays a bit with reality.
- Actually feels like a horror. Scary and intense. Very gory and violent.
- Enough interesting enemies and characters.
- Notes and recodings, which give info about both characters thoughts and info about world.
- Mechanic with batteries for night vision option for camera makes it more intense.
- Some obvious and not obvious ways to hide from enemies. Cat and mouse gameplay is very good here, in my opinion.
- Mostly good quality of stuff in general.
- Different activities and encounters.
- Some additional movement options. Infinite sprint.
- Locations are different enough, even though everything happens in 1 place. Like design of asylum. Like arena type places.
- Difficulty settings.
- Dynamic, require some thinking, but easy to learn due to simple mechanics.
- Autosave checkpoint system.
- Levels get unlocked after being finished.
- Good duration for Normal difficulty. Not too long, not too short. Took around 9+ hours for base and around 2 hours for DLC.
- Nice graphics with dark visual atmosphere.
- Good sound and liked music.
- Mostly good performance. Low/medium requirements.
- Mostly stable and only few bugs encountered.
- Has good DLC.
- Low/medium weight.
- Cheap, especially during discounts or/and with bundle.
- Achievements. Most of them related to natural progression.
- Cards/Badges.
- Autoregeneration. No medkits.
- Cheap, but often effective jumpscares.
- Doors close instantly with loud sound, while opening them can be different, though didn't see both affecting gameplay in any way.
- Collectibles related to achievements in general. After Postal 4 I got tired from these.
- No cheats (apart from editing .ini file) or other bonuses.
- Tropes are kinda too familar for such story.
- Characters stories aren't highlighted enough for my taste.
- Thoughts of main characters feel a bit raw and as result main characters feel a bit underdeveloped. Main characters don't talk.
- Mechanics a bit lackcluster/too simple.
- Violence and gore levels may be off putting for some.
- Reused faces of security and patients.
- Notes and recodings are not always obvious enough, so you may easily miss some and they are needed for few achievements, so either it's better to search and try to record everything, either use guide. Also recodings in some cases don't work from first try.
- 2 nitpicks: journal doesn't have indication, which section has new note. Notes need to be scrolled down to last one, if you didn't read them in time or pressed wrong section.
- Didn't find some batteries in base game start/middle part on Normal - they are very small and also sometimes hidden.
- A bit repetitive after few hours. Search for documents/recordings, Make/Find X objects to move further. Run away from enemies via corridors or hide, while trying to do some task. Encounters are quite similar too - basically all enemies can run, search and special enemies kill faster, while regular enemies a bit slower.
- Jumping is bad apart from predetermined places. In some cases you are also slowed down by injury.
- During speedruns it's clear that enemy teleport to a player.
- A lot of corridor-like design. Due to darkness or level design you may sometimes get cornered. Not always intuitive design for 1st run (but later it's more understandable). Stuck in object twice.
- Biggest minus. Hard difficulty related achievements. Hard (Insane) difficulty has no savepoints (even doesn't save progress, when you exit, so you need to finish in 1 session) and kills with 1-2 hits, while also having less batteries to carry and placed in the world (not an issue, though).
DLC Insane run. On my 1st try with DLC I was killed in one of the end game encounters - upsetting, but fair (didn't dodge enemy properly). Meanwhile, during my 2nd try, I died due to endgame QTE! Game didn't registered mouse shaking. 3rd run ended in the middle of a game due to game FPS dropping down to unplayable state after loading new level. Only from 4th try I was able to beat it and spent 4 hours for this.
Base game Insane run. 1st try and I got stuck in object in the middle of a game. 2nd try I died in 3rd chapter, since enemy noticed me in coplete darkness and slowing water, before I was able to notice him. 3rd try and I died in 2nd chapter, since was cornered and was unable to hide/run. 4th and 5th try I died near the end in same place, because jumping didn't register and I fell down. 6 try was successful. 7 hours for this.
With all that said, having no savepoints at all is generally a bad idea for a game with potential issues and relatively big length with unskippable dialogues and no big difference between playthroughs. After 2nd try in base/DLC (1st try on Insane) I basically remembered everything (apart from base game ending sections) and speedrunning game mostly navigating without night mode for camera. - Game is a bit too dark for my taste. Few minor visual issues in last section of base game were noticed.
- As said, FPS dropped once to unplayable state. Not registered QTE ruined 1 game and not registered jumps ruined 2. Stuck once on Insane and once on Normal. Game freeze sometimes after credits, when exiting game or when returning to main menu. Few minor visual issues.
- No Workshop.
Summary: While, I didn't like it, when tried it 1st time, I liked it a lot on my 1st full run on Normal and on Insane 1st runs. Meanwhile, further Insane difficulty tries ruined whole experience due to length, repetitiveness and issues including technical one. While I can't recommend it to everyone due to its genre and can't recommend to completionists/achievement hunters due Insane difficulty achievements, if you like horror with helpless pratogonists and cat and mouse gameplay it's great game on difficulties, which have saving system.

Finally achieved average 70% achievements on Steam. Cheesing a bit here and there and only with 13 games, but still.
I won Xcom 2 on SteamGifts in PlayingAppreciated group and played it for a while.
20.5 Hours playtime
SG PA win in February. Still didn't finish. Very interesting, but makes me tired fast.
10.6 Hours playtime
Played on alt account to make screenshots for my old mods for it. Was surprised that i have 723 hours there. Now moving to main with it.
49.1 Hours playtime
Finally completed 20.02.2024, even though was forced to use cheese for bugged achievements. Previous post updated.
728.6 Hours playtime
Finally got 150 collectibles achievement 20.02.2024, after 11 months of searching! Would probably use guides for such next time. 1 still left, but seems bugged for me.
Plan to play something of this later.
20.5 Hours playtime
SG PA win in February. Still didn't finish. Plan to beat in March.
1.9 Hours playtime
SG win. Didn't play at all. Plan to play for "Games played in March" event.
4.1 Hours playtime
Got few achievements and don't really want to return, but still want to get achievements.
7 Minutes playtime
I finished it few times before Steam and liked it a lot, but still want to replay it on Steam.
Monthly January 2024 Report on progress
All finished within January. Quite productive month for me in terms of gaming to my surprise. Only finished most of Goat Sim before it (apart from 2 DLCs) and got few achievements in Room 13.

BloodRayne Review
Status: Completed on Steam too. Played before had Steam. The only thing I didn't try are cheats in Steam version.
About: 3rd person shooter with melee fighting and even horror elements. You play as BloodRayne, who was turned into half-vampire against her will. She's searching for her vampire "father" to revenge herself and her family. In process joins Brimstone society, which fights vs occult things.
Rayne fights Nazis, monsters and vampires and tries to save the world during game.
- Has some unique story/plot, even though quite standard in terms of development. Interesting for 1st run, though.
- Melee (especially) and shooting are very satisfying. Melee also has few moves and kinda body part based. Good dismemberment. Has useful harpoon to reach enemies.
- A lot of different firearms and some explosives.
- Abilities, especially infinite slowmo.
- Different enemy types in each of 3 chapters (2 types of mutant humans one of which has different firearms or even explosive, 2 types of insect-like creatures+nests etc.). Infights.
- Interesting mini-bosses/bosses.
- Most enemies are medkits long before DOOM reboot.
- Some minor platforming. Water being a hazard for half-vampire is interesting. Not taking fall damage apart from jumping into abyss like places (which is deadly).
- Levels sometimes allow to choose, where to go first. Some destructible elements.
- High dynamic action. Requires some tactical approach in some cases.
- Difficulty settings.
- Old graphics, but still looking nice in terms of vibe.
- Like soundtrack. Kinda memorable for me, even though it's mostly electronic music.
- Not very long (took ~9 hours to fully finish). Maybe a bit short for my desire to play it longer.
- Cheats. Don't disable achievements (didn't try, though).
- Ability to switch to older version.
- Not restricted saving system in terms of slots.
- Low requirements.
- Stabile and no bugs were encountered.
- Relatively cheap, especially with discounts/bundle.
- Achievements. All story driven.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Levels are a bit small/short, look a bit empty and game doesn't have many enemies per level.
- Faces look outdated.
- Most of low/mid-tier firearms are filler weapons helping with shooting, until you find stronger one.
- Target ability is quite useless.
- Since you rely on weaker and only humanoid enemies in terms of health, you may get in trouble without those.
- Health doesn't restore between levels, which may lead to very problematic progression, if you start with almost 0 HP.
- For some reason performance in Terminal Cut version is bad in some areas and has low FPS. Didn't have such issue on weaker PC with original game.
- Some difficulty spikes (hello Bridge or level before Beliar's eye or final boss fight, if you choose wrong target first).
- No Workshop and no DLCs (but that's because game is very old).
Summary: I really liked that game and played it many times before having Steam. Maybe I even underrated it in my rating. Really recommend, if you into melee fighting/shooters, like to fight different enemies and like vampires/occult stuff.

BloodRayne 2 Review
Status: Fully finished, but HP/Rage bars aren't fully upgraded and pistols aren't upgraded at all and didn't try cheats (maybe would try all of these things later).
About: 3rd person fighting/shooter with revenge plot. Continuation of 1st game with same base elements, but which work differently. More and stronger enemies, more moves, different approach to firearms, reliance on feeding finish moves, places to finish enemies instantly, upgrading system etc. More hardcore, more long.
- Has more present plot/story compared to 1st game, even though I consider both interesting for 1st run.
- A lot of different enemies, which mix with each other and armed differently. More enemies with melee weapons. A bit of infighting in the end part and can enthrall enemy for a while with Aura ability upgrade.
- Places with infinite amount of enemies, until task is complete, which allows to have fun.
- Nice mini-bosses and interesting bosses.
- Upgrade system in general.
- A lot of different places to instantly finish enemies, which increase you HP/Rage bars with more kills.
- More advanced platforming. You don't get instantly killed, when jumping even in deep water/abyss like spaces (just damaged and teleported instead).
- Way more melee moves. Some are quite brutal. Gore/dismemberment is even better. Harpoon is still there, but throws enemies instead of helping reach them.
- 3 abilities: Aura, Rage, Slowmo. All abilities are useful and all have 3 unique upgrades for each, which added with story progression.
- Rage bar doesn't require to be full anymore - just only filled enough for specific ability.
- Secret restoration rooms.
- Interesting, but more linear level design. Destructible objects.
- More chapters, which take place in more locations.
- Took me almost x2 time to finish it (23 hours).
- High dynamic action. Requires quite a bit of tactical approach in some cases.
- A bit better graphics compared to BR1. Way bigger and longer levels.
- Like soundtrack too.
- Good performance apart from few minor cases. Low requitements.
- New Game+ with all upgrades you got during previous game.
- Cheats. Don't disable achievements (didn't try, though).
- Ability to switch to older version.
- Relatively polished.
- Cheap, especially during sales/with bundle.
- Achievements. Most achievements are story based, but few require using new mechanics.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- New firearms approach: instead of a lot of different guns/explosives and imbalance between them, you have only 2 pistols, which shoot different types of ammo (unlocks from story progression) and waste ammo first and then HP, if run out of ammo. I have mixed feelings, because I basically never used them apart from cases, when they were kinda needed, due to achievements, HP/Rage upgrading and balance. Ammo amount is small by default and require special feeding moves to restore (and if I remember, they don't restore Rage bar). To upgrade them, I assume you need to kill more with them, but you also need to kill more with insta-killing things to upgrade you HP/Rage, so I chose HP/Rage over Pistols upgrade.
- I barely used upgraded versions of Aura ability, since apart from level 1 Aura one all abilities and their upgrades spend Rage bar points, but I give it a try in 2nd run, if I do it.
- Kinda hardcore at least for new players, especially without special moves/upgrades unlocked. No difficulty slider, which is kinda meh, but ok at the same time.
- Checkpoint system: mostly compensates for longer levels.
- Graphics still a bit outdated, especially in terms of faces.
- Some level design is confusing (example: platforming/insta killing things for enemies). Also it's basically corridor like.
- There are places where you get stuck (and thankfully die to restart from checkpoint), even in walls. Hello place where you need to destroy 4 engines with mini-boss attacks.
- Melee enemies may stunlock you hard, especially, if attack fast or few at the same time. Attack for feeding from the back may register as attack from the front, which leads to being thrown away and damaged, since melee enemies can block feeding. Enemies with ranged weapons are usually weak.
- Places with infinite amount of enemies are worth it only, if you want to upgrade a bit and restore HP/Rage/Pistols ammo. Otherwise, fights are pointless, even though only place, where you can actually fight without worry about upgrades.
- I was a bit confused how to deal with certain bosses, until figured it out. Mini-bosses may be a bit too hard and repetitve, while bosses a bit too weak. Last boss is straight disappointment.
- Nobody tells about upgrade system and you may miss it, like I did it with pistols.
- Places where to brutally (instanrtly) finish enemies are not highlighted by aura vision and enemies may miss them when thrown there/won't be killed. 2 achievements rely on this and if you want to upgrade HP/Rage bars you would need to kill a lot of enemies like this, instead of fighting them (or in most cases feeding on them), which leads to a bit weird gameplay. Feeding and insta-killing them at the same time is possible with few, though. Also enemies after certain numbers in specific area stop to count and stop to increase your meter (I assume, same fair for Pistols upgrades). Thankfully, 1 achievement require only 50 kills and another one can be achieved during 3rd chapter.
- Platforming may be a bit annoying and may be a bit too slow for cases, when enemies nearby. Also in at least 1 case it was a bit bugged and Rayne jumped in wrong direction. And I don't get a point in sticking to city lights. Also you may fall down sometimes in platforming sections when feeding, because Rayne jumped away from victim, so you need to either jump towards wall or perform only certain finish moves.
- Only few melee moves are impressive and only special attacks/moves matter, so I basically used mostly same moves, which I liked most of a game.
- Enemy bodies disappear short after being killed, which I assume for performance purposes.
- All Rage upgrades are barely useful apart from fighting mini-bosses/final boss.
- Secret rooms aren't very intuitively placed and require Aura vision to see/enter.
- Took me longer than should be, only due to hardcore elements or some poorly impelemented things or even due to bugs/quasi-crash.
- Checkpoint saves don't work, when you exit game - only start level from the beginning.
- Restriction on save slots. You would overwrite almost half of the saves in 32(+ending save) levels game.
- Windows button disables application activity in panel (while it still kept in task manager), which makes game unplayble until relaunched (which with checkpoint not saving is real pain).
- New game+ may not start upon relaunching, so you need to keep save with ending to re-enable it.
- Less polished than BR1. Some bugs mentioned above, but these issues aren't only one (there are also minor level design issues).
- My guide with info, tips and tricks for this game.
- No Workshop and no DLCs (but that's because game is very old and quite good with base content).
Summary: While I definitely can't put it on par with BR1, even with all anger, frustration and mixed feelings, which I had during game...I must admit, I enjoyed it. I can't recommend it to everyone due to mentioned issues and more hardcore approach, but still liked it and with learning it a bit more and juicy Game+ I may even want to replay it someday.

Goat Simulator Review
Status: Completed. Didin't finish some quests in Waste of Space without rewards and some quests didn't register there - otherwise, finished fully.
About: Funny absurd 3rd person game, where you play as a goat. You can goof around and entertain yourself with different activities. For such game has surprising amount of content. Rating so low due to my experience with Waste of Space DLC alone.
- A ltitle bit of funny plot in FLC/DLCs. Funny quests.
- Interactions with world by jumping, licking, hitting with a head and Baa-ing at it. Also can go ragdoll or walk on front legs. Slowmo ability is present.
- Relatively big 3 levels (+3 in DLCs) with well packed content per meter.
- Long enough to play 40+ hours with base game+FLC for completionist.
- Engaging, if you're into goofing around.
- Dynamic. Require some thinking.
- Graphics is fine for indie game. Fun glitchy physics.
- Performance is good apart from Waste of Space and Requirements are low.
- Stability is fine. Even though game crashes sometimes - it saves your progress. Again - with Waste of Space as an exception.
- Bugs in this game probably a feature, rather then downside. Waste of Space - exception.
- 3 DLCs+1 FLC.
- Has Steam Workshop.
- Doesn't weight much.
- Quite cheap, especially with discount/bundle.
- Achievements. Some are quite unique and fun.
- Cards/Badges.
- Fine music, even though may be a bit repetitive.
- Doesn't have difficulty settins, but usually don't need it.
- Objects appear right before your eyes nearby. As said, graphics just fine for indie game. Physics is too simplistic. Goat/NPCs physics is a bit too glitchy.
- Some tasks usually related to achievements may be hard or too grindy.
- Progress doesn't save offline - only online mode.
- Walking on front legs is a bit problematic with slowmo.
- Achievements require DLCs to 100%. And again, some achievements are very tedious/grindy and some are hard.
- Waste of Space DLC as a whole for me. Very luck dependant factor, I guess, but it was a Nightmare. For more info there is my Review for it with 13 (!) severe issues I encontered. Generally speaking, if not for this DLC, rating and recommendation would be higher.
- Got a badge level 1 long time ago, since it was cheap back then.
Summary: Fun game, which I would recommend to anyone, who wants to goof around a bit. Won't recommend it to those, who want to finish game fully/get all achievements - otherwise, if you don't care about it, don't recommend only Waste of Space DLC due to luck factor and chances of getting horrible experience.

Room13 Review
Status: Completed. 1 boss never spawned for 76 hours. I didn't watch all pictures in the end (only 2) and didn't check most faces abilities vs bosses.
About: 2D a bit rogue like shooter game with, to my surprise, quite a bit of content. Kill enemies, pick up meat, pick up Blood Jar 3 times, finish level, pick up rewards, stay or travel to next room. Pick up 3 mysterious keys for Room13.
- A tiny bit of plot shown after picking up masks of bosses.
- Around 29 faces, which affect gameplay, 32 weapon upgrades - all may be randomly hidden in boxes after round is finished and start to appear after conditions are met. Some are quite interesting and useful. Game allows to get secondary weapon too and use explosives.
- 3 regular enemies, 13 rooms (which can go dark) with 12+ traps and 13 bosses (with minions). Bosses are interesting to fight against.
- A bit random with starting rooms, hidden weapon upgrades and masks, which add replayability.
- A bit addictive loop/time killer.
- Dynamic. Require some thinking.
- Liked visual approach.
- Easy to learn, a bit harder to master.
- Simplistic level design and mechanics, which makes it easy to get involve.
- Could take quite a bit of time to check everything.
- Very good performance and very low requirements.
- Good stability.
- Only 70-80MB of storage space.
- Very cheap price, especially during discount.
- Achievements. All progression oriented.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Audio is just ok. Barely present, but present for everything needed, including boss fights music.
- Has melee weapons, but due to very low durability of them and fists not dealing damage, barely used them.
- No Workshop. No cheats or any other bonuses. No DLCs.
- Visuals and general content approach may be too simple for some.
- Plot almost doesn't exist.
- There are actually 32 faces, but 2 boss faces are bugged and lead to freeze and as said - didn't encounter 1 boss ever.
- Quite few weapon upgrades are useless or even bad. One weapon build (with MiniGun) and 2 masks (with a lot of HP) are no brainers for me and melt hordes/bosses like nothing.
- Conditions for opening upgrades are kill X amount of enemies, survive X rounds per 1 Game/Career.
- 1 trap is a bit too hard for my taste. Some bosses may be hard, if not having good face and weapon upgrades.
- Most of the time you would fight hordes, try to survive, get best stuff and basically you won anything, if you won't get screwed by faces deactivation after few rounds.
- All achievements are binded to progression. Few quite grindy and 2 (kill 50000 Undead and die 1000 times) are very grindy, even with taking into account that there are ways to get these easier.
- No saving system for game. More than that, if you don't finish it or won't die, game progess won't count (for example in case of exiting game or getting freeze).
- There were performance issues with Shark mask ability.
- Quite a bit of bugs for such small game. 2 mentioned with bosses masks and 1 with opening weapon supply box near door lead to freezes. There is a way to get stuck in falling animation (basically dead) and fall through lowest floor (stuck - restart).
- Could be frustrating sometimes due to bugs or randomness factor.
- My guide with info, tips and tricks for this game.
Summary: Quite underrated game in my opinion. Recommended, if you like simple indie games/shooters with simple gameplay and like to experiment a bit with upgrades/fight bosses.
Plan to play something of this later.
4.1 Hours playtime
Got few achievements and don't really want to return, but still want to get achievements.
7 Minutes playtime
I finished it few times before Steam and liked it a lot, but still want to replay it on Steam.
2023 Report on progress
I played mostly Postal series during 2023 (P2/P3/P4).

Postal 4 Review
Status: Almost finished. Game was fully played many times and I miss only 2 achievements.
About: Continuation of the Postal series on UE4 engine. 1st/3rd person shooter with some parody/comedy elements. Some may like it or not. Has a bit less edgy content than P1/P2 and less polished/has less weapons, than P2, but still provides fun for me in open world.
- Has some plot and humor.
- Way bigger location based open world to explore, compared to P2. Locations are also way bigger, some are also way different.
- A lot of pick ups scattered everywhere across town, which can be picked over and over again, since respawn each time game fully re-loaded/player re-entered location.
- Nice arsenal, including unique weapons (melee and ranged).
- Nice variativity of items, which have different functionality.
- Bigger variativity of NPCs in general. Different enemies/enemy groups are present. Bosses. Dismemberment. Infights.
- A lot of missions through Monday-Friday chapters, same as in P2. Same as in P2 days can be started separately, when unlocked. Duration of missions and variativity of tasks drastically increased.
- Has infinite sprint, scooters and karts.
- Pacifist playthrough is way more improved, has few significant effects on gameplay compared to P2 and even has own ending.
- Has secrets, a lot of mini-missions, few mini-quests, a lot of collectibles all with rewards.
- Difficulty settings. Some diffuclty settings affect game in advanced ways (NPCs have different weapons or change behavior), same as in P2.
- Ability to customize your game before starting it.
- Not very dynamic outside of missions, but that's not a point of a game. Doesn't require much thinking.
- Not that long to beat and not that long to complete (even though way longer, than Postal 2/3), if to be lucky with 1 achievement and use guide for another one.
- Unlimited saving system+autosaves and checkpoint saves.
- Has a lot of different cheats.
- Improved effects/graphics. Physics for objects is more present. Destructible objects.
- Has 3 radio stations (rock, talking radio and electronic music). Good free (!) soundtrack (Rock radio OST one).
- More stabile compared to P2.
- Achievements. Most achievements aren't problematic to achieve.
- Some achievements have interesting conditions.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Cheaper with bundles.
- Addicting time killer for me.
- Medium/a bit high weight (17+GB), but even a bit low for game sizes.
- Plot and humor are mostly not my cup of tea (toilet and sex related humor and a bit too over the top plot).
- Open world is a bit too big and empty, even with a lot of pick ups, respawn system for NPCs/items and vehicles.
- I still like more design for P2 town.
- Most pick ups are not that valuable (bottles of water etc.). Pick ups for imprortant stuff like weapons may change their places during days a bit too much.
- Arsenal is less present and unique compared to P2.
- Some items are poorly present in a game (special ammo for example).
- NPCs behavior is a bit worse compared to P2 in different aspects. Enemies may appear less in open levels, since they rely on special spawn system.
- Variativity of NPCs isn't that remarkable as in P2.
- Some missions are tedious. Maybe game is a bit too long for content it provides, but not sure. Mini-missions mostly kill X targets with X weapon. Mini-quest are barely present.
- Highest difficulty settings require you to run through levels, since NPCs AI can see with their backs, while being hostile to player and NPCs respawn infinitely on open levels.
- Ability to customize game turns off achievements.
- Visual style is kind of miss for me, even though not bad. Physics for NPCs bodies is worse than in P2 (2003 game).
- Requires good upgraded PC for good performance.
- A bit less stabile, than P1, but not a big issue.
- Way more bugs and issues.
- A bit expensive without discount for me.
- 1 achievement requires to find 160+ dolls across big map (there is a guide for this, but I tried to find it on my own and failed - didn't find 3).
- Development is still in progress: Enhanced Mode, Co-op, Workshop are in plans.
- My guide about earliest/constant picks, vending machines and skins.
- My guide about getting behind barriers and shortcuts (partly outdated).
Summary: While I can't recommend this game to everyone, due to concept, potential achievement problems and still prefer P2 more, I find this game interesting and like it more and more with each update, since I see Devs really try to improve it and put a lot of effort in it.

Postal III Review
Status: Finished with all 3 endings few times. Edited: got all bugged achievements 20.02.2024, even though used cheese for that. Stats updated.
About: Continuation of the Postal series on Source Engine. 3rd person shooter with some parody/comedy elements. Considered worst in the series, by some, but I would say some may like it or not. Has a bit less edgy content than P1, less polished/has less weapons, than P2 and has lackluster open world, which works only in specific mode after you beat a game, since main part of a game is mission driven.
- Has some plot and humor.
- Nicely build and looking town.
- Nice arsenal, including unique weapons (ranged and melee).
- Big variativity of NPCs in general. Different enemies/enemy groups are present. Bosses. Dismemberment. Infights.
- Enough missions.
- Has sprint and segways.
- Sort of dynamic (but not always and dynamic isn't great), but that's not point of a game. Requires some thinking for pacifist/other niche achievements.
- Unlimited saving system+autosaves. Chapter and path selection, when unlocked.
- Has some cheats.
- Relatively short.
- Improved effects/graphics and physics compared to P2.
- Good free (!) Soundtrack.
- Fine performance (though heard some people had issues). Relatively low requirements.
- Surprisingly not a lot of bugs.
- Cheap, especially during discounts.
- Achievements. Some achievements have interesting conditions.
- No Workshop, no Cards/Badges.
- Relatively low weight (even though 13+GB are high for such game).
- Town is partly accessible only in free roam mode, which is accessible after beating a game. Buildings in most cases aren't accessible. Rare pick ups. No days changes. Game is mission driven.
- Plot and humor are kinda not my cup of tea, but I wouldn't call them bad.
- Weapons work poorly, especially melee one.
- No items. HP restores automatically after some time.
- NPCs have poor dialogues variativity.
- Missions are quite repetitive and are "deal with X amount of NPCs", "escort NPC to a place" type of missions.
- Segways are meh and not that needed. Sprint is very limited. Can't jump apart over specific objects, but can take cover instead.
- No dfifficulty settings. Can be a bit hard with pacifist run. No cheat menu or customization.
- Physics may be a tiny bit buggy.
- Quite often crashes/freezes for me in some places, which may even force to restart from previous non-corrupted save.
- Enough achievements are still bugged and require cheese/cheating to get them.
- Unskippable credits.
Summary: Kinda mediocre game, which was recently a bit improved, but still require quite a bit of polishing, which may even not happen due to original Dev team not exist anymore. I can't recommend this game to everyone, due to concept, issues with achievements and still prefer P2 more, but you can try it, if you interested in Postal series and don't mind relatively short game with specific plot/humor.
I played a bit of CS:GO, checked CS: 2 and tested Postal 2 a lot for my guides. Probably played a little bit of something else, but I don't remember what exactly.
1040.6 Hours playtime
167 of 167 or 1 of 1 Achievements
All achievements were wiped out. All old Workshop maps don't work. And new improvements are just ok. Such a shame.
2022 Report on progress
Got some progress with Don't Starve and Total War: Warhammer. Don't Starve adventure mode was finished with cheat, since I didn't want anymore hardcore survival and just wanted to get through and unlock characters (don't know, if would try to get through legitimately). Total War: Warhammer first campaign for vampires was finished legitimately - 8 races still left.

Don't Starve Review
Status: Adventure Mode was finished (with cheats). Didn't play Hamlet and there are 2 characters left to unlock.
About: Single player rougue like survival game with cozy atmosphere and optional hardcore survival.
- Has sort of Story Mode.
- Has some plot.
- Good selection of items, weapons (melee and ranged) and structures to craft.
- World settings are very diverse. You can make tiny world with nothing or huge one with everything. Caves with 3 layers as good additon.
- Quite a lot of different enemies and neutural creatures with different behaviors. Bosses. Infights.
- Enough unlockable characters with unique traits.
- Progression system.
- Has rougue like mechanics and survival elements.
- Relatively dynamic (depends from world settings and randomness). May require a lot of thinking/tactical planning (depends from same factors).
- Autosaving progress, whenever you exit and during day.
- Has some sort of cheats.
- Basically infinite, apart from story mode, which is probably relatively short.
- Good and addicting time killer.
- Pleasant cartoonish visuals.
- Good sountrack and interesting decision to make characters voices be the instruments (base game OST).
- Stability and only minor bugs/niche crash.
- 3 DLCs, which add even more content. 2 are new worlds and 1 is expansion for base game. 1 of 2 new worlds can be set to be an expansion for base game.
- Has Steam Workshop with many mods, which improve game even further.
- Quite low weight, even with all DLCs.
- Cheap, especially during sales or/and with bundle.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Require mods or wiki or even both to keep track of some stuff, like days, meals etc., if you don't have great memory.
- May be quite repetitive and starts to lose survival part, when upgrading bases a lot after time.
- May be hard for new players, if to select standard world or unfriendly world settings.
- Saving system is quite restricted and require mod to unlock way more slots.
- Some may not like simplistic graphics.
- Reign of Giants DLC is kinda required for full experience of base game, since it has 2 more seasons (Spring and Summer).
- No achievements.
Summary: Quite interesting game for me, which I heavily recommend for those, who like cartoonish/survival/rougue like games.

Total War: Warhammer Review
Status: Only 1 campaign finally finished, but there are some achievements for this campaign still. A lot of others (around 8) still needs to be finished.
About: I'm not big expert on strategy games or Warhammer Fantasy lore, but this game is a perfect mix of both for me. You can play as one of 9 or so factions with their own sub-faction leaders. Select your style (neutural/aggressive), if campaign allows it and take over your enemies, befriend your potential allies, vasalize those you can. Buildng and movement on a map is turned-based strategy and fights on the battlefields are in real time.
- Has some plot, which intoduces player to Warhammer Fantasy universe.
- A lot of content: factions, sub-factions, units (melee and ranged), building upgrades, character upgrades, gear elements for characters, magic scools, abilities and tons of stats as part of it. Gore with dismemberment/death animations.
- A lot of options, possibilities, how campaign could be continued. A lot of random elements.
- Engaging interesting AI, which has tendencies for different (sub-)factions, but still could surprise.
- Engaging gameplay both for map and battlefield, where you slowly build you Empire by taking over the world directly or when possible, through allies.
- Random mini tasks with rewards.
- Quite big map.
- Very dynamic during battlefield part (I even used slowing time/pause to react to AI). Very tactical/strategical based and requires a lot of thinking.
- Difficulty settings. Separate difficulty options for map and battlefield.
- Non-restricted saving system during map gameplay. No saves during battlefield gameplay, but that's not that needed. Autosaves.
- Can be quite long. Probably very long for completionist.
- Good and addictive time killer.
- Good graphics with detailed models. Quite cool models for fantasy elements/structures/creatures.
- Pleasant and fitting soundtrack (Vampire Counts OST).
- Requires medium PC. Decent performance (depending on settings selected).
- Stability and no noticeable bugs were encountered.
- A lot of additional DLCs with more content.
- Has Steam Workshop with many mods, which can expand content even further.
- Achievements. Most achievements are Single Player related. Most related to natural progression with taking over the world.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- No cheats or other bonuses, but this can easily be compensated with Workshop.
- Could be frustrating sometimes due to how some gameplay aspects work. May force you to reload previous saves to get better results in some situations.
- Taking via allies is always worse, than taking on your own, except for those cases, when you can't take territories due to restrictions for your faction, which ally can take.
- A bit hard to learn even on Easy/Easy and even harder to master, especially in case of real-time battles. May require some research.
- SSD is a must, if you don't want to wait for 10+ minutes to load into a game, battlefield and back to map each time. Don't recommend to turn everything to max on medium PC.
- Requires a lot of space on HDD/SSD (minimum 38GB, but probably way more).
- Become a bit more expensive with time (don't know current price, though). A lot of DLCs to buy - more expensive include full factions and cheaper additional, usually needed, units for 4 base factions. DLCs required to 100% achievements.
- Gore DLC is paid one.
- Some achievements are too grindy or require niche stuff. Some are Multiplayer related and require people to finish.
Summary: Very solid strategy game, which returned my love to strategies (even though I didn't try any others so far). Definitely recommend, if you into stategy/turn-based/real-time based games, like Total War series and like fantasy, especially Warhammer Fantasy. Great implementation of these aspects, in my opinion. Partly recommended only because strategy is quite niche genre.
P.S. Vampires beloved. <3
Slow progress - still progress.
539.6 Hours playtime
Hunted for Explorer Notes and Animal Dossiers. 60% were done.
743.9 Hours playtime
Finished long campaign for Vampires. Started new campaign for Empire and got a bit tired.
12.8 Hours playtime
Last chapter of story mode left, but don't want to return for now.
Monthly June 2022 Report on progress
Reached 60% ratio for achievements on Steam again and got 1000+ achievements in total.
Got a lot of progress with Left 4 Dead 2 new achievements and while I wasn't impressed with new campaign chapter, I found few mods which signifcantly improve bots and that brought up a lot of joy to playing it.
Also finished Alien Swarm and got a lot of achievements in it.

Alien Swarm Review
Status: Base Game was finished, same as most achivements achievable with bots.
About: Free game. You play as 1 out 4 Marines in missions swarmed with alien bug like parasites. Need to kill these aliens. Possible to play with bots.
- As been said it's free,
- Possible to play with bots.
- Big arsenal to select from.
- Different enemies presented.
- Progression system.
- 7 missions to play and each of them could be selected via console.
- Difficulty settings. Difffuclty affects game in advanced ways (more and more diverse enemies starting from first level).
- A bit dynamic and quite tactical. Require some thinking, when playing with bots.
- Short to finish, but seems to take way longer to get all achievements due to possible fails.
- Good performance, relatively low requitements.
- Seems to be stabile.
- Don't remember any bugs (not insect one).
- Low weight.
- Most achievements could be achieved with bots.
- Some achievements are interesting.
- Has some plot.
- Graphics and design are ok. Physics a bit present.
- Level design is fine. Harder in later levels.
- No Workshop. No Cards.
- Plot/story almost don't exist.
- Hard with bots above 4th level to the point that I couldn't finish last mission for long time and which makes big arsenal quite small.
- Small parasites could kill in seconds, can't be taken off and require medic assistance and/or special armor to counter (bots can't use this armor electric potential).
- Big armored bugs in tight areas.
- Big and small spitting bugs are hard counter to bots.
- Bots are not the smartest and sometimes get "stuck" in some areas trying to fight bugs or just for unknown reasons.
- After progression is completed there is not much things to do.
- Manual reloading system seems needless - distracts from shooter gameplay and makes you lose ammo clips when fail to reload (but this could be skipped, if to wait for reloading to finish automatically).
- Enemy presentation is not that diverse and not that big in numbers on difficulty Easy/Normal.
- No saving system.
- Audio/music kinda unremarkable and mostly just there.
- Most achievements are grindy and some would probably require people to finish, since bots are not enough for requirements.
- Doesn't show in Steam library after being deleted.
Summary: Interesting game, especially as it's free to try, but playing last missions with bots could be annoying.

Left 4 Dead 2 Review
Status: Almost Finished. 1 grindy achievement left, which I probably get soon and few which require people, I probably won't finish at all.
About: You play as 1 out 4 Survivors (8 characters) in zombie apocalypse. Need to survive futher, because why not. Ability to play for Zombies presented among Modes.
- Has some plot.
- Interesting Modes like Versus.
- Fine and engaging AI, which could be severly improved with same mods to the point that bots could finish campaign on their own.
- A lot of weapons (melee and ranged). Few items.
- Few unique enemy types and regular hordes. Mini-bosses.
- Good and addictive time killer.
- Quite diverse maps in big amounts.
- Diffiiculty settings.
- Easy to learn, hard to master.
- Very dynamic. Require some thinking. Tactical.
- Pleasant visuals and graphics.
- Like audio and rare music.
- Good performance. Relatively low Requirements.
- Good stability.
- Has Steam Workshop with many mods.
- Cheap, especially during sales or/and with bundles.
- Most achievements could be achieved with bots.
- Some achievements are fun and interesting.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Enough time to finish all campaigns. A bit too long to get all achievements due to grinding factor.
- No saving system, but game kinda doesn't need it, since MP oriented.
- Not a lot of bugs, but there are some abusive mechanics, if I remember it right.
- Very restricted arsenal/item capacity.
- Some achievements are too grindy.
- Could be frustrating sometimes due to how some gameplay aspects work.
- Takes quite a bit of space.
- Some achievements require people to finish.
Summary: Very solid game, but must admit that I like to play for Zombies, rather than for Survivors, since gameplay for Survivor side is partly your typical zombie shooter.
I finally got hungry for achievements and progress, but it wasn't for long and I got sated quite fast, since a lot of games and achievements require to grind or play for long to unlock them. Most interesting already achieved.
Summary of previous years (2022-2020) and current progress
Summary of the things, I've done for past years.
Almost all were beaten/finished in 2022, apart from Stubbs and Alice Mcgee, which were finished in 2021 and F.E.A.R. 2, F.E.A.R. 3, which were partly finished somewhere in 2019-2015.
Edited 01.02.2024: updated some info.

Counter Strike: GO Review
Status: Completed. Played versus bots.
About: You play as Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist. Plant/defuse bombs, protect/rescue hostages or just kill opposing team.
- Was cheap and now it's free.
- Fine and engaging AI. Well fights between bot teams.
- Interesting shooting implementation, good amount of weapons (even knife for melee), interesting differeces between sides and their goals.
- Progression for MP.
- Quite polished level design with minor exceptions.
- Good and addictive time killer.
- Easy to learn, hard to master.
- Quite dynamic and tactical.
- Can use cheats when playing vs bots/not in official games.
- It took a ton of time to get all achievements, before CS:2 appeared. Currently only need to play 1 match. Don't know about ranks and other activities.
- Pleasant graphics. Some phyisics.
- Fine audio, which helps positon things and players.
- Didn't require good PC during CS:GO phase (still was needed at least medium PC).
- Stable.
- Mostly not bugged.
- No DLCs, but maps and other stuff updated/replaced with new periodically.
- Has Steam Workshop with maps.
- Achievements. All achievements could be achieved with bots.
- Some achievements are fun.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Possible to win skins to use/sell, if to play vs players.
- Basically no story apart from small elements.
- Not much content without Workshop.
- Very MP oriented, which is a shame for me, since I'm not into MP games usually.
- Could be frustrating sometimes due to how bots and aiming work in this game.
- Had performance issues with big amount of bots. CS:2 seems to require better PC and had issues with FPS even on my recent PC.
- Some bugs and issues - mostly with bots.
- Takes too much space compared to content it provides.
- Some achievements were too grindy.
- Got a badge level 5 long time ago, since it was cheap back then.
Summary: Not much to say on top. It is what it is. Not something great, but not something bad. Definitely good time killer as you could see based on my hours in this game. Some people make career playing this and I just enjoy beautiful maps, interacting with AI and sound from headshots.

Doom Eternal Review
Status: Base game, DLCs and Horde Mode were finished. MP achievements left.
About: You play as Doom Guy, who has anger issues, lots of guns and don't like demons. Enjoy your vacation in Hell.
- Has some interesting plot (mostly hidden in notes).
- Very satisfying, addictive and aggressive combat loop.
- Good continuation of the series overall.
- Very diverse enemy roster with different behavior patterns. Bosses. Dismemberment (even for the player) and generally very gory, especially due to finish moves.
- Nice amount of weapons, abilities, upgrades.
- Diverse locations.
- Has lots of secrets.
- Online progression for SP with rewards increases replayability.
- Good time killer.
- Difficulty settings, which aren't too straightforward.
- Very dynamic, tactical and requires some thinking.
- Auto saving system with checkpoints.
- Has fun Horde Mode and cheats.
- Long enough and quite replayable.
- Very good looking graphics and level art design.
- Very cool Soundtrack.
- Medium requirements with solid optimization.
- Very stable.
- Didn't notice bugs.
- DLCs, which expand game further.
- Mostly story driven achievements with some challenges.
- Cards/Badges.
- Almost no physics - as result locations feel a bit static.
- No Workshop (mods accessible via other sites, though).
- A bit expensive (though, not with discounts).
- Last levels of base game and DLCs were a bit tedious.
- Platforming may be a bit annoying, especially in base game ending and 1st DLC.
- DLCs and Horde Mode swarm with enemies in tight arena spaces, which is also a bit annoying.
- Bodies almost instantly disappear (can be changed with mod).
- Basic melee is useless.
- Infigts are useless, since enemy don't deal damage to each other.
- Some secrets are a bit too hard to find.
- A little bit hard for the first playthough even on Easy.
- Replayability may be not that rewarding, if online progression would stop to exist.
- Takes a lot of space.
- Some achievements require people to finish.
- Has MP, where possible to play as the Slayer or as one of the demons.
Summary: Adrenaline packed action, which requires some thinking. Nothing more, nothing less. For me it was really fun and very solid, even though I stilll enjoy Doom 2016.

Stubbs the Zombie Review
Status: Completed on EGS.
About: You play as Stubbs ex-salesman, who resurrected from his grave and is very hungry. Thankfully whole city is his restaurant and each citizen is a meal. Love story presented.
- Has some funny plot/story.
- Fun and funny in general.
- Has own style both in terms of visuals and humor.
- Nice and unique abilities.
- Different weapons, abilities (melee, ranged and even ability to control hordes and mind controlling), enemy types (including 1 boss) and locations. A bit of dismemberment.
- Good locations.
- Difficulty settings.
- Fine dynamic. Doesn't require much thinking, but needs it in some cases.
- Long enough, but not very long at the same time.
- Cool Soundtrack (unfortunately used only in dance sequence in current non-CD version).
- Good performance. Low requirements.
- Stable. Don't remember any bugs.
- Low weight.
- Low price, especially during discounts (I got it even for free on EGS).
- No DLCs.
- No Workshop in EGS at least.
- Visually and gameplay wise a bit outdated. Almost no physics for world.
- Last levels are a bit weaker and less interesting.
- No achievements in EGS at least.
Summary: Fun to play and to replay periodically. Have it on CD and got it during giveaway on EGS. If you like zombie games or want to have some fun - this one may be worth a try.

Zombie Night Terror Review
Status: Completed, but few in-game goals weren't achieved and 1 achievement was SAMed due to a bug.
About: Control Zombie hordes, let them eat these juicy brains and produce more zombies.
- Has some plot and lots of references to some famous Zombie films and other stuff.
- Quite stylish for a black and white game.
- Rare and unique in its genre.
- Fun and funny.
- Quite unique abilities and few types of zombies to control (making good hordes), which unlocks with progression.
- Different locations and type of enemies. Bosses.
- Dynamic depends from level. Tactical - requires to plan your actions.
- May be a bit difficult (if you go for additional goals), but usually it's pleasant.
- Long enough.
- Very cool Soundtrack.
- Good performance. Low requirements.
- Stable and mostly few minor bugs were encountered.
- FLCs are integrated.
- Workshop (mostly dead, though).
- Low weight.
- Cheap, especially during sales (I got it as a gift from 1 person).
- Has achievements and additonal in-game goals. Some require additional actions.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- No difficulty settings (not very needed, though).
- Levels/chapters unlock with progression and no saving system during mission.
- Graphics may be too simple for some.
- Some in-game side goals are annoying, since they are restricted by time.
- No cheats or other bonuses.
- I've got a bug with 1 of the achievements and therefore can't finish it without SAM.
Summary: Zombie life ain't easy. Need to have brains, need to eat brains, need to brain brains. Quite fun game. Glad that I won it. But there issue with 1 achievement, so I must mention it.

American Alice Mcgee Review
Status: Completed.
About: Lunacy Part I. You play as Alice, who lost her family in a fire. Now she's in a mental hospital and need to put herself back together fighting through her Wonderland. Played via EA.
- Interesting and well implemented storyline.
- Unique weapons roster (melee and ranged).
- Different enemy types well presented in the world. Bosses. Dismemberment.
- Varied locations and good world building.
- Enough platforming and some secrets.
- Pleasant art style and unique level design.
- Difficulty settings.
- Good dynamic. Requires a bit of thinking.
- Has saving system.
- Long enough, but not too much.
- Cool Soundtrack.
- Low requirements. Good performance.
- Good stability. Don't remember any bugs.
- Low weight.
- Can be bought anywhere anymore. Unlockable with EA, if you have 2nd part (Steam has guide for it somewhere).
- Looks and plays a bit outdated. Almost no physics for world.
- Platforming could be really painful.
- No DLCs, bonus content, Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges, but that's not that needed in this very old game.
Summary: Lovely game, which has a little bit of this and that. Liked it a lot.

Alice Madness Returns Review
Status: Completed.
About: Lunacy Part II. You play as Alice: her Wonderland was corrupted and in danger, same as her sanity. You need to save it. Fighting, jumping and searching are part of a deal.
- Has quite interesting plot/story.
- Very user friendly platforming, secrets and fights.
- Beautiful and atmospheric in general and in level art design specifically.
- Unique enemies related to each chapter. Bosses. Dismemberment.
- Varied locations.
- Unique weapons (melee and ranged).
- Has some mini games.
- Nice gameplay aspects like costumes with effects or weapon upgrades.
- Difficulty settings.
- Dynamic enough, but has periods of chill. May require some thinking.
- Has memory and additional content collection. Saves costumes and weapons for basically New Game+.
- Long enough.
- Good graphics. PhysicX for different stuff.
- Nice music.
- Medium requirements and good performance with PhysicX exception.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs.
- Low/medium weight (8+GB).
- Cheap, especially with discount.
- Pre-last chapter is a bit unimpressive and feels too long.
- Mini-games, jumping, searching and slaying enemies could become boring at some point, since they have same repeating patterns.
- Weapon roster is poor.
- Enemy roster not that big and enemy encounters are scarce.
- Action part is generally a bit weak.
- No blood, if I remember it right. 1st had it.
- PhysicX heavily affects performance.
- Doesn't have cheats, DLCs, Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges, but not that needed, anyway.
Summary: Quite solid game overall. Has enough of everything to entertain and this everything has mostly fine quality. If it would be a bit shorter it would be a bit better.

F.E.A.R. Review
Status: Completed.
About: Solid first person shooter with smart AI, horror elements, slow mo and other stuff.
- Has some interesting plot/story.
- Combination of level design and AI still among the best in my opinion. AI considered among smartest. Some infigts.
- Few distinct enemy types. 1 relatively interesting boss. Dismemberment.
- Melee and ranged combat in this game still pleasantly good. Slowmo.
- Was kinda spooky when I played it for the first time.
- Fine arsenal.
- Slowmo and HP can be ugraded with secret injections.
- Difficulty settings.
- Very dynamic with slower horror elements areas. May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Not restricted saving system.
- Long enough, but not too long.
- Visual effects still hold to this day in my opinion. Good physics.
- Fine audio, remarkable music.
- Lower, than medium requirements and good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs (with exception of body physics bugs).
- 2 built-in DLCs, which increase amount of playtime.
- Low/medium weight.
- Cheap, especially with discount or/and with bundle.
- Arsenal is heavily restricted in terms of ability to carry it.
- I usually don't care about MP, but I liked this MP even though tried it only few times, until it was dead.
- Level design visuals aren't something very interesting to say at least, especially last chapters.
- DLCs are generally weaker, compared to a base game: Extraction Point DLC is too short and Perseus Mandate seems partly unfinished.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
Summary: Back in the days, when I played it on CD, I finished base game 60+ times. I was very big fan of this game and still enjoying it a lot.

F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin Review
Status: Base game was finished. Don't have DLC to finish it completely.
About: Continuation of a solid first person shooter with kind of smart AI, horror elements, slow mo and other stuff.
- Has some interesting plot/story.
- Melee and ranged combat in this game still pleasantly good. Slowmo.
- Few distinct enemy types. Same relatively interesting boss. Dismemberment. Some infights.
- Was kinda spooky when I played it for the first time (specifically School level).
- Looks better and more diverse in general compared to a first game.
- Difficulty settings.
- Very dynamic with slower horror elements areas. May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Not restricted saving system.
- Long enough, but not too long.
- Visual effects and varied good looking locations still hold well to this day in my opinion. Good physics.
- Fine sound design and music.
- Lower, than medium requirements and good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs (with exception of body physics bugs).
- Low/medium weight.
- In-game achievements.
- Cheap, especially with discount or/and bundle.
- Arsenal is heavily restricted in terms of ability to carry it.
- Level design and AI are weaker/less efficient compared to first game.
- Bloom, blur etc. can't be switched off.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, Steam (!) Achievements, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
Summary: Nice sequel for the first game. Some aspects become better, some worse, but overall still pretty good. Have desire to replay it someday.

F.E.A.R. 3 Review
Status: Solo part of a campaign was finished. Need someone to get all coop achievements.
About: Continuation of a continuation of a first person shooter with some horror elements.
- Has some interesting plot/story.
- Shooter and melee combat elements are still good. Slowmo.
- Few distinct enemy types. 1 relatively interesting boss. Dismemberment. Some infights.
- Nice visuals and diverse level design. Good physics.
- Horror elements and AI are present.
- Good looking locations.
- Difficulty settings.
- Very dynamic with slower horror elements areas. May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Long enough, but not too long.
- Lower, than medium requirements and good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs (with exception of body physics bugs).
- Low/medium weight.
- Achievements. Mostly SP story oriented, but some are challenge related.
- Cheap, especially with discount or/and with bundle.
- Arsenal is heavily restricted in terms of ability to carry it.
- Okayish sound design and music.
- Horror elements not so strong as in previous games.
- AI and level design are even more weaker compared to previous games.
- Some achievements require people for Co-op.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, DLCs, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
Summary: Good shooter, but not so good triquel of F.E.A.R. Still like it.

F.E.A.R. Online Review
Status: Never played and can't be played at all.
About: Online sidekick for F.E.A.R. series. Dead on arrival.
- It's possible to find and launch main menu.
- Guess, thanks for try and effort.
- Had Cards/Badges.
- Dead game almost from start and now hidden and truly dead.
- No bots to play with.
- No access to maps in Solo, if I recall it correctly.
Summary: I think it's safe to say that Alma won't appreciate such game.

Unreal Gold Review
Status: Completed.
About: You play as a prisoner, who escaped from spaceship and get on unfriendly planet. It's time to get out.
- AI and plot/story are present.
- Few types of enemies. Dismemberment.
- Quite pleasant combat.
- It's fun to fight versus bots to a point of an addiction.
- Has built-in expansion, which I played when I was a kid.
- Has lots of secrets.
- Has nice arsenal.
- Good time killer.
- Difficulty settings.
- Dynamic. May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Remarkable audio/soundrack.
- Low requirements and good performance.
- Stable.
- Had build-in expansion.
- Very low weight.
- Was cheap with bundle and discount.
- Horrible repetitive level design: I even watched playthroughs to progress futher.
- Campaign walkthrough felt tedious.
- No melee.
- Visuals are heavily outdated.
- Enemy roster not that big.
- Some bugs, one of which forced me to use cheats.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
- Not selling on Steam anymore.
Summary: Fine game overall, but mostly I enjoyed playing vs bots on some maps over playing a campaign. Nice time killer.

Unreal Tournament 3 BE Review
Status: Finished apart from Insane difficulty and Co-op. Played versus bots.
About: Multiplayer oriented sci-fi shooter. We'll show these dam' aliens! Campaign somehow presented.
- Different types of modes to play.
- Diverse arsenal and gory kills.
- Looks nice even for today standards, in my opinion.
- Relatively fine to play vs bots.
- AI is present and sometimes perform well.
- Fine time killer.
- Has game modes with vehicles.
- Difficulty settings.
- Partly dynamic (apart from big maps). May require tactics and some thinking fighting on higher difficulties.
- Low requirements and good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs.
- Low/medium weight (probably a bit too big for content it provides, though).
- Was cheap with bundle and discount.
- Campaign is nothing, but same maps from online modes.
- Repetitive visual level design for some maps made me feel dizzy and lost even on some small maps.
- AI seems weird: it feels like bots are deaf, but also could see through walls sometimes. On top of that bots have different accuracy with different weapons - with some they are too good even on Easy, with some they are too bad even on Hard, which ironically makes AI worse, than one in Unreal Gold.
- No melee, if not to count kills with vehicles/teleportation.
- Insane difficulty for campaign is too hard and unfair, because periodically player's team has less bots, than opposing team.
- Some achievements require people to finish.
- No cheats, other bonuses, Workshop, DLCs, Cards/Badges, but that's fine for this old game.
- Not selling on Steam anymore.
Summary: It's a fine time killer and could be even fun to play vs bots.
Slowly progressing to reach average 70% achievements/game on Steam
Summary of previous years (2019-2015 and before) and current progress
Summary of the things, I've done for past years on Steam, before BLAEO.
2019 was a bit more about Achievement/Completionism.
Monstrum was finally fully finished: Fiend was too spooky so it took some time to play vs him and if I recall correctly there still 1 note missing.
Postal was fully finished for second time even though Linux Achievement was SAMed and I reset achievements on accident and regained them manually.
There was some more "a bit here, a bit there" progression for other games as well - not full though.

Monstrum Review
Status: Fully Finished, but didn't find 1 note.
About: Big ship, 3 random monsters, 3 ways to escape. Good luck.
- Plot is somehow present.
- Partly procedure-generated ship, which increases replayability.
- You face 1 out of 3 unkillable monsters which have different behavior patterns.
- 3 ways to escape.
- Fun AI.
- Atmospheric ship and monster design.
- I actually find it scary, especially facing against Fiend.
- Dynamic. Requires tactics and thinking.
- Game time can be short or long depending from random factor and how fast you will escape.
- Fine graphics.
- Fitting music and nice sound design.
- Fine audio.
- Medium requirements.
- Stable.
- Low weight (even though a bit high for conten it provides).
- Cheap, especially during discount.
- Achievements. Relatively easy to get.
- Cards/Badges.
- Permadeath and no difficulty settings, which some may like and some may not.
- No cheats or other bonuses like DLCs, Workshop to expand replayability.
- Basically nothing to do apart from hiding, reading/listening to notes and escaping.
- Relatively poor optimization, especially visible when game session is long enough.
- Audio notes are too loud.
- Game feels a little bit raw due to some minor bugs.
- If I recall it correctly I still didn't find 1 letter, but I know for certain it's there.
- No difficulty settings, but that's intended.
Summary: Quite spooky horror with interesting approach. If you are a fan of horrors - it may be worth a try.

Postal Review
Status: Completed, but 1 achievement was SAMed.
About: You play as Dude and there is something in the air, earth is hungry and you had your last straw. Guns don't kill people - they need assistance.
- Was cheap and now it's free.
- Has sort of story.
- Interesting dark visuals and sound design (mostly during level screens) create grim stylish atmposphere.
- Different modes, enough maps, ranged weapons (and explosives and M16 with infinite ammo) and targets for them. Cheats.
- Gameplay could be fun for a while at least for harder difficulties.
- Difficulty affects gameplay in advanced ways (more enemies with different weapons etc).
- Long enough, but not too long.
- Good performance. Low requirements.
- Don't remember ant bugs.
- Has build-in free expansions.
- Low weight.
- Achievements. Some are interesting or nod at gameplay basics.
- Had Cards (with being free Badge still achievable, but Cards are not farmable).
- Often Crashes (Win 7).
- Some people may dislike violent concept.
- Heavily outdated graphics (at least in case of characters).
- Repetitve gameplay with not much sense.
- Unhandy and weird controls.
- Very outdated visuals and quality of audio.
- Some achievements are too grindy or not very readable (like no Civilian Kills). Getting all achievemnts is long.
- One achievement required to have Linux, which in my case means either install additional system or emulator or SAM. I used last one.
- Has improved analog (Postal Redux).
- No Workshop.
Summary: Since this game is free now, it could be really worth a try. Crashes may be annoying and gameplay a bit repetitve, but for slow progression after hard day may fit well in my opinion. 1 achievement require specific OS may be an issue, though.
P.S. I finished it twice, since I deleted all achievements apart from "Linux" one with SAM on accident. But…I regret nothing.
Finished Postal 2 on Steam, although I finished it many times, while having CD of it.

Postal 2 Review
Status: Completed.
About: You play as Dude, who started his new life in Paradise, Arizona. Time to buy some milk and not get in troubles.
- Has sort of story and own approach to satire.
- Sort of open world (with loading screens and only for Monday-Friday) for both original game and Paradise Lost DLC.
- Significant weapon arsenal (melee, ranged, explosives) and items to play with - some of them are quite unique.
- Enough items.
- A lot of different NPCs and few animal types. Enemy groups. Bosses. Infights. Gore and dismemberment (even for player) - can be turned off.
- A lot of secrets of different sizes.
- Like town design a lot and that all buildings can be entered (in M-F/PL).
- Pacifist route.
- Difficulty settings could affect gameplay drastically in advanced ways (NPCs arsenal and other stuff).
- Can select days, when unlocked.
- A lot of cheats. Enhanced and Class Modes, which affect gameplay significantly.
- Dynamic depends from your actions. Requires tactics and thinking on harder difficulties.
- Not very long, but I like it.
- Visuals are somehow within its own style. Some physics and destuctible objects.
- Sound design and OST are nice.
- Low requirements. Good performance (apart from no fog).
- 1 build-in free DLC and 1 DLC, which add even more content.
- Has Steam Workshop, even with few interesting big mods.
- Relatively low weight (especially for content).
- Cheap, especially with discount or/and bundle.
- Achievements. Some are fun, interesting or nod at game basics.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- A bit outdated and may seem quite empty in terms of pick ups compared to some other open world games.
- Fun, but not for everyone, especially in context of potential violent nature and "entertain yourself" gameplay.
- Some minor mechanics aren't important to the point that you probably won't use them for anything apart from achievements.
- Some weapons quite a bit imbalanced (some are weak, some are no brainer).
- Some cutscenes aren't skippable.
- Restricted saving system.
- Sometimes crashes, which in case of Postal difficulty achievements led to very annoying experience to the point that some levels just refused to load and game required more older saves (Win 7).
- Some bugs, including being permanently stuck in world elements.
- DLCs (built-in Apocylpse Weekend and separate Paradise Lost) are weirder to the point that last one ended being like Fallout.
- Build-in AW DLC isn't open world; PL DLC has enough own issues (like NPC spawns etc).
- Has MP (probably dead) and Co-Op mod.
- My bascially ultimate Monday-Friday guide for Postal 2.
- My supplement guide for getting behind barriers.
While I can't recommend this game for everyone, due to concept, it's among my most favorite games.
It has enough flaws on its own, but if you are fine with it on a concept level - it may bring you fun or at least stuff to screw with.
- You could go Postal here, after long hard day without issues for others.
- You could buy milk and ask to sign a petition - just like in real life.
- People falling and they can't get up.
- It keeps your brain safe, while eating your face.
- Sun is shining and birds are singing, what could go wrong.
Special Delivery Love Letter:
I played it since I launched demo on one of game magazine CDs and I still periodically play it.
This game helps me or at least just doesn't require much from me to get involved into when I'm angry, sad or sick.
I know most (if not all) of its secrets and locations probably better, than my own neighborhood locations.
Sure, more experience with more games makes it look empty and outdated (even compared to 2003 game standards), but there are just games, which are "yours" regardless of their downsides and Postal 2 is definitely "my guilty pleasure" type of game for me.
Fully finished Abzu and Neighbours from Hell and it was fun.

ABZÛ Review
Status: Completed.
About: Swim with fishes, discover secrets, relax - whole gameplay.
- Has some plot/story.
- Relatively easy to complete both base game and achievements.
- Visuals and Aestetic are gorgeous.
- Has small additional activity.
- Slow and relaxing almost in each and every aspect. No thinking needed apart from getting into story and finding secrets.
- Pleasant sound.
- Low/medium requirements. Good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs.
- Low weight (even though a bit big for content it provides).
- Cheap, especially with discount.
- Achievements (most are story driven).
- Cards/Badges.
- Short.
- Not much to do apart from main progression and small additional activity, if you don't plan just to relax.
- No additional content, no Workshop, no DLCs.
- No difficulty at all.
Summary: Nice game to relax and to enjoy, but quite fast to finish and small in terms of doing anything apart from swimming with fishes and progressing through main plot.

Neighbours From Hell Review
Status: Completed.
About: You play as a guy, who has issues with neighbour and who wants to make revenge.
- Relatively funny and fun.
- Engaging and entertaining.
- Somehow easy to complete.
- Kinda of dynamic. Requires some tactics and thinking.
- Took 12+ hours to complete.
- Low requirements. Good performance.
- Good stability, no bugs encountered.
- Very low weight.
- Cheap, especially with discount.
- Repetitive.
- Basically only requires to do specific activities in specific way.
- Kinda short.
- Oudated grapics. Only specific items to interact with. Only 1 small house.
- No saving system (apart from saving progress per level), difficulty settings, cheats/additional content, DLCs (there are 2 games continuing it), Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges (though, game is old).
- Audio is present.
Summary: Played it before long time ago. Not much to say on top about this game, apart from that game was engaging enough to fully complete it and I felt sorry for this neighbour after some time.
Fully finished Lucius. Was a bit tedious.

Lucius Review
Status: Completed.
About: You play as Lucius - Devil spawn. Need to kill people in specific way, because reasons.
- Interesting theme. Has some plot.
- Indie, so smaller expectations.
- Mansion looks nice.
- Basically no difficulty.
- Slow. Requires minor thinking.
- Low requirements. Good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs (apart from bad ragdolls).
- Low weight (still too big for content).
- Cheap, especially during sales or/and with bundle.
- Achievements. Most are story driven.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Plot as obvious and boring as can be.
- Even after buying it with decent discount it felt not worth it slightly (maybe if I would buy it with current discount would worth it though).
- Basically whole game is in one mansion with only one goal - to kill few people with specific tools in specific places.
- Not that much to do - just driving on a plot rails.
- Side activities, which binded to achievements are minor and not that interesting.
- Looks and plays outdated.
- Short and repetitive.
- Achievements related to playtime require to play game, which is short and has almost no replayability for 20/40 hours and by this unreasonably increasing playtime over more shorter, but more worthwhile games (and you need to make character move - not only being idle) - I should just probably SAMed this achievement. It's among the worst and biggest minus.
- Achievements aren't that interesting in general and more about "do this X times".
- No cheats/additional content, DLCs (only continuing games), Workshop.
- Audio is present.
- Got a badge level 1, since I wanted to get some spooky badge.
Summary: Felt a bit like wasted time and money for me, but apart from time based achievements, I would say it's not completely bad. In any case Youtube playthroughs with it looked funnier, than it actually is.
Something-something, what I forgot about already. Also Evolve Stage 2 was sort of finished.

Evolve Stage 2 Review
Status: Sort of Completed. Played versus bots mostly (few matches vs players).
About: Dead assymetrical multiplayer game, where you play either as a monster or as 1 out of 4 humanoid characters. Didn't pass the evolution test.
- Was free, unlike Legacy Edition.
- Still possible to play vs bots, which have fine AI.
- Was fun when it worked.
- A lot of monsters, wild life, characters, abilities for both sides and all of them were quite interesting and unique.
- Fine progression system.
- Was quite rare with its 1v4 concept, when it launched.
- Pleasant graphics and atmospheric art design.
- Map design was enough for gameplay purposes.
- Original Legacy Edition still may have some players.
- Easy to learn, hard to master.
- Dynamic. Required thinking and tactical approach vs players.
- Took enough time (120 hours) to fully unlock/upgrade everyone.
- Medium requirements. Good performance.
- Stable and only minor bugs.
- Had Cards (maybe still possible to obtain).
- Eventually died and was closed, so no updates or new content.
- Balance and matchmaking issues.
- No P2P in Stage 2, unlike in Legacy version.
- DLCs for Legacy version were a bit expensive per content. Base game was also not cheap enough.
- No Workshop, no Achievements.
- Took too much space compared to content it provided.
- Audio is there.
- Got a badge level 1, since I wanted to save some memory about this game.
Summary: Was kind of fun, when it worked, but not so fun when it stopped working. Shame. Hope someday it would be resurrected. While I'm not very into MP games, this one was fun both vs bots and vs players.
Slowly progressing to reach average 70% achievements/game on Steam.
Aliens vs. Predator
21 hours playtime
35 of 50 achievements
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
733 hours playtime
166 of 167 achievements
Don't Starve
175 hours playtime
no achievements
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
33 hours playtime
no achievements
Goat Simulator
44 hours playtime
88 of 127 achievements
Golf It!
23 hours playtime
12 of 41 achievements
Grand Theft Auto III
33 hours playtime
no achievements
Just Cause 2
24 hours playtime
22 of 50 achievements
Left 4 Dead 2
90 hours playtime
62 of 101 achievements
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
35 hours playtime
61 of 107 achievements
Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
2 hours playtime
no achievements
594 hours playtime
20 of 152 achievements
Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition
147 hours playtime
47 of 57 achievements
21 hours playtime
31 of 63 achievements
Worms Clan Wars
8 hours playtime
6 of 14 achievements
884 | games |
88% | never played |
8% | unfinished |
1% | beaten |
2% | completed |
0% | won't play |
- Achievement hunting 7
- Achievement hunting (archive) 11
- In Progress Base (+Cards) 7
- In Progress (Cards+) Achievements 9
- In Progress (+Active Reserve) No additional Requirements 16
- In Progress (+Active Reserve) Require DLCs to finish 4
- In Progress (+Active Reserve) Require People to finish 15
- Active Reserve 18
- Finished Mostly Base (+Cards) 1
- Finished Mostly (Cards+) Achievements 8
- Want to play Tier 1 25
- Want to play Tier 2 0
- Want to play Tier 3 88
- My Games Base (+Cards) 25
- My Games (Cards+) Achievements 77
- My Games Unsorted Packs/Franchises 232
- Very Special Wins/Gifts 5
- Humble Bundle 28
- Special Gifts/Giveaways 35
- SteamGifts PA Wins 2
- SteamGifts Wins 9
- GrabtheGames Wins 2
- IndieGala 13
- Finished Fully Very Special Wins/Gifts 1
- Finished Fully Base (+Cards) 6
- Finished Fully (Cards+) Achievements 12
- Finshed SteamGifts 1
- Finished Fully FTP/Demos Base (+Cards) 1
- Played or Finished before 42
- Played or Finished before (In Progress/Reserve/Finished) 49
- Freebies Base (+Cards) 26
- Freebies (Cards+) Achievements 54
- FTP/Demos Base (+Cards) 39
- FTP/Demos Cards+Achievements 83
- FTP/Demos/Gifts/Freebies Danger Zone 21
- Unsorted/Nonfarmed 185
- Multiplayer potential issues General Group 61
- Dead Games (?) General Group 3
- SAM affected 2
- May require SAM or People to finish 1
- Want to play Filter (Safe) 82
- Want to play Filter (May be issues) 33
- Favorite 7
- Liked 34
- Decent 25
- Sorta Bad 1
- Just Why 1