Summary of previous years (2019-2015 and before) and current progress
Summary of the things, I've done for past years on Steam, before BLAEO.
2019 was a bit more about Achievement/Completionism.
Monstrum was finally fully finished: Fiend was too spooky so it took some time to play vs him and if I recall correctly there still 1 note missing.
Postal was fully finished for second time even though Linux Achievement was SAMed and I reset achievements on accident and regained them manually.
There was some more "a bit here, a bit there" progression for other games as well - not full though.

Monstrum Review
Status: Fully Finished, but didn't find 1 note.
About: Big ship, 3 random monsters, 3 ways to escape. Good luck.
- Plot is somehow present.
- Partly procedure-generated ship, which increases replayability.
- You face 1 out of 3 unkillable monsters which have different behavior patterns.
- 3 ways to escape.
- Fun AI.
- Atmospheric ship and monster design.
- I actually find it scary, especially facing against Fiend.
- Dynamic. Requires tactics and thinking.
- Game time can be short or long depending from random factor and how fast you will escape.
- Fine graphics.
- Fitting music and nice sound design.
- Fine audio.
- Medium requirements.
- Stable.
- Low weight (even though a bit high for conten it provides).
- Cheap, especially during discount.
- Achievements. Relatively easy to get.
- Cards/Badges.
- Permadeath and no difficulty settings, which some may like and some may not.
- No cheats or other bonuses like DLCs, Workshop to expand replayability.
- Basically nothing to do apart from hiding, reading/listening to notes and escaping.
- Relatively poor optimization, especially visible when game session is long enough.
- Audio notes are too loud.
- Game feels a little bit raw due to some minor bugs.
- If I recall it correctly I still didn't find 1 letter, but I know for certain it's there.
- No difficulty settings, but that's intended.
Summary: Quite spooky horror with interesting approach. If you are a fan of horrors - it may be worth a try.

Postal Review
Status: Completed, but 1 achievement was SAMed.
About: You play as Dude and there is something in the air, earth is hungry and you had your last straw. Guns don't kill people - they need assistance.
- Was cheap and now it's free.
- Has sort of story.
- Interesting dark visuals and sound design (mostly during level screens) create grim stylish atmposphere.
- Different modes, enough maps, ranged weapons (and explosives and M16 with infinite ammo) and targets for them. Cheats.
- Gameplay could be fun for a while at least for harder difficulties.
- Difficulty affects gameplay in advanced ways (more enemies with different weapons etc).
- Long enough, but not too long.
- Good performance. Low requirements.
- Don't remember ant bugs.
- Has build-in free expansions.
- Low weight.
- Achievements. Some are interesting or nod at gameplay basics.
- Had Cards (with being free Badge still achievable, but Cards are not farmable).
- Often Crashes (Win 7).
- Some people may dislike violent concept.
- Heavily outdated graphics (at least in case of characters).
- Repetitve gameplay with not much sense.
- Unhandy and weird controls.
- Very outdated visuals and quality of audio.
- Some achievements are too grindy or not very readable (like no Civilian Kills). Getting all achievemnts is long.
- One achievement required to have Linux, which in my case means either install additional system or emulator or SAM. I used last one.
- Has improved analog (Postal Redux).
- No Workshop.
Summary: Since this game is free now, it could be really worth a try. Crashes may be annoying and gameplay a bit repetitve, but for slow progression after hard day may fit well in my opinion. 1 achievement require specific OS may be an issue, though.
P.S. I finished it twice, since I deleted all achievements apart from "Linux" one with SAM on accident. But…I regret nothing.
Finished Postal 2 on Steam, although I finished it many times, while having CD of it.

Postal 2 Review
Status: Completed.
About: You play as Dude, who started his new life in Paradise, Arizona. Time to buy some milk and not get in troubles.
- Has sort of story and own approach to satire.
- Sort of open world (with loading screens and only for Monday-Friday) for both original game and Paradise Lost DLC.
- Significant weapon arsenal (melee, ranged, explosives) and items to play with - some of them are quite unique.
- Enough items.
- A lot of different NPCs and few animal types. Enemy groups. Bosses. Infights. Gore and dismemberment (even for player) - can be turned off.
- A lot of secrets of different sizes.
- Like town design a lot and that all buildings can be entered (in M-F/PL).
- Pacifist route.
- Difficulty settings could affect gameplay drastically in advanced ways (NPCs arsenal and other stuff).
- Can select days, when unlocked.
- A lot of cheats. Enhanced and Class Modes, which affect gameplay significantly.
- Dynamic depends from your actions. Requires tactics and thinking on harder difficulties.
- Not very long, but I like it.
- Visuals are somehow within its own style. Some physics and destuctible objects.
- Sound design and OST are nice.
- Low requirements. Good performance (apart from no fog).
- 1 build-in free DLC and 1 DLC, which add even more content.
- Has Steam Workshop, even with few interesting big mods.
- Relatively low weight (especially for content).
- Cheap, especially with discount or/and bundle.
- Achievements. Some are fun, interesting or nod at game basics.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- A bit outdated and may seem quite empty in terms of pick ups compared to some other open world games.
- Fun, but not for everyone, especially in context of potential violent nature and "entertain yourself" gameplay.
- Some minor mechanics aren't important to the point that you probably won't use them for anything apart from achievements.
- Some weapons quite a bit imbalanced (some are weak, some are no brainer).
- Some cutscenes aren't skippable.
- Restricted saving system.
- Sometimes crashes, which in case of Postal difficulty achievements led to very annoying experience to the point that some levels just refused to load and game required more older saves (Win 7).
- Some bugs, including being permanently stuck in world elements.
- DLCs (built-in Apocylpse Weekend and separate Paradise Lost) are weirder to the point that last one ended being like Fallout.
- Build-in AW DLC isn't open world; PL DLC has enough own issues (like NPC spawns etc).
- Has MP (probably dead) and Co-Op mod.
- My bascially ultimate Monday-Friday guide for Postal 2.
- My supplement guide for getting behind barriers.
While I can't recommend this game for everyone, due to concept, it's among my most favorite games.
It has enough flaws on its own, but if you are fine with it on a concept level - it may bring you fun or at least stuff to screw with.
- You could go Postal here, after long hard day without issues for others.
- You could buy milk and ask to sign a petition - just like in real life.
- People falling and they can't get up.
- It keeps your brain safe, while eating your face.
- Sun is shining and birds are singing, what could go wrong.
Special Delivery Love Letter:
I played it since I launched demo on one of game magazine CDs and I still periodically play it.
This game helps me or at least just doesn't require much from me to get involved into when I'm angry, sad or sick.
I know most (if not all) of its secrets and locations probably better, than my own neighborhood locations.
Sure, more experience with more games makes it look empty and outdated (even compared to 2003 game standards), but there are just games, which are "yours" regardless of their downsides and Postal 2 is definitely "my guilty pleasure" type of game for me.
Fully finished Abzu and Neighbours from Hell and it was fun.

ABZÛ Review
Status: Completed.
About: Swim with fishes, discover secrets, relax - whole gameplay.
- Has some plot/story.
- Relatively easy to complete both base game and achievements.
- Visuals and Aestetic are gorgeous.
- Has small additional activity.
- Slow and relaxing almost in each and every aspect. No thinking needed apart from getting into story and finding secrets.
- Pleasant sound.
- Low/medium requirements. Good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs.
- Low weight (even though a bit big for content it provides).
- Cheap, especially with discount.
- Achievements (most are story driven).
- Cards/Badges.
- Short.
- Not much to do apart from main progression and small additional activity, if you don't plan just to relax.
- No additional content, no Workshop, no DLCs.
- No difficulty at all.
Summary: Nice game to relax and to enjoy, but quite fast to finish and small in terms of doing anything apart from swimming with fishes and progressing through main plot.

Neighbours From Hell Review
Status: Completed.
About: You play as a guy, who has issues with neighbour and who wants to make revenge.
- Relatively funny and fun.
- Engaging and entertaining.
- Somehow easy to complete.
- Kinda of dynamic. Requires some tactics and thinking.
- Took 12+ hours to complete.
- Low requirements. Good performance.
- Good stability, no bugs encountered.
- Very low weight.
- Cheap, especially with discount.
- Repetitive.
- Basically only requires to do specific activities in specific way.
- Kinda short.
- Oudated grapics. Only specific items to interact with. Only 1 small house.
- No saving system (apart from saving progress per level), difficulty settings, cheats/additional content, DLCs (there are 2 games continuing it), Workshop, Achievements, Cards/Badges (though, game is old).
- Audio is present.
Summary: Played it before long time ago. Not much to say on top about this game, apart from that game was engaging enough to fully complete it and I felt sorry for this neighbour after some time.
Fully finished Lucius. Was a bit tedious.

Lucius Review
Status: Completed.
About: You play as Lucius - Devil spawn. Need to kill people in specific way, because reasons.
- Interesting theme. Has some plot.
- Indie, so smaller expectations.
- Mansion looks nice.
- Basically no difficulty.
- Slow. Requires minor thinking.
- Low requirements. Good performance.
- Stable and don't remember any bugs (apart from bad ragdolls).
- Low weight (still too big for content).
- Cheap, especially during sales or/and with bundle.
- Achievements. Most are story driven.
- Has Cards/Badges.
- Plot as obvious and boring as can be.
- Even after buying it with decent discount it felt not worth it slightly (maybe if I would buy it with current discount would worth it though).
- Basically whole game is in one mansion with only one goal - to kill few people with specific tools in specific places.
- Not that much to do - just driving on a plot rails.
- Side activities, which binded to achievements are minor and not that interesting.
- Looks and plays outdated.
- Short and repetitive.
- Achievements related to playtime require to play game, which is short and has almost no replayability for 20/40 hours and by this unreasonably increasing playtime over more shorter, but more worthwhile games (and you need to make character move - not only being idle) - I should just probably SAMed this achievement. It's among the worst and biggest minus.
- Achievements aren't that interesting in general and more about "do this X times".
- No cheats/additional content, DLCs (only continuing games), Workshop.
- Audio is present.
- Got a badge level 1, since I wanted to get some spooky badge.
Summary: Felt a bit like wasted time and money for me, but apart from time based achievements, I would say it's not completely bad. In any case Youtube playthroughs with it looked funnier, than it actually is.
Something-something, what I forgot about already. Also Evolve Stage 2 was sort of finished.

Evolve Stage 2 Review
Status: Sort of Completed. Played versus bots mostly (few matches vs players).
About: Dead assymetrical multiplayer game, where you play either as a monster or as 1 out of 4 humanoid characters. Didn't pass the evolution test.
- Was free, unlike Legacy Edition.
- Still possible to play vs bots, which have fine AI.
- Was fun when it worked.
- A lot of monsters, wild life, characters, abilities for both sides and all of them were quite interesting and unique.
- Fine progression system.
- Was quite rare with its 1v4 concept, when it launched.
- Pleasant graphics and atmospheric art design.
- Map design was enough for gameplay purposes.
- Original Legacy Edition still may have some players.
- Easy to learn, hard to master.
- Dynamic. Required thinking and tactical approach vs players.
- Took enough time (120 hours) to fully unlock/upgrade everyone.
- Medium requirements. Good performance.
- Stable and only minor bugs.
- Had Cards (maybe still possible to obtain).
- Eventually died and was closed, so no updates or new content.
- Balance and matchmaking issues.
- No P2P in Stage 2, unlike in Legacy version.
- DLCs for Legacy version were a bit expensive per content. Base game was also not cheap enough.
- No Workshop, no Achievements.
- Took too much space compared to content it provided.
- Audio is there.
- Got a badge level 1, since I wanted to save some memory about this game.
Summary: Was kind of fun, when it worked, but not so fun when it stopped working. Shame. Hope someday it would be resurrected. While I'm not very into MP games, this one was fun both vs bots and vs players.
Slowly progressing to reach average 70% achievements/game on Steam.
Aliens vs. Predator
21 hours playtime
35 of 50 achievements
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
733 hours playtime
166 of 167 achievements
Don't Starve
175 hours playtime
no achievements
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
33 hours playtime
no achievements
Goat Simulator
44 hours playtime
88 of 127 achievements
Golf It!
23 hours playtime
12 of 41 achievements
Grand Theft Auto III
33 hours playtime
no achievements
Just Cause 2
24 hours playtime
22 of 50 achievements
Left 4 Dead 2
90 hours playtime
62 of 101 achievements
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
35 hours playtime
61 of 107 achievements
Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
2 hours playtime
no achievements
594 hours playtime
20 of 152 achievements
Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition
147 hours playtime
47 of 57 achievements
21 hours playtime
31 of 63 achievements
Worms Clan Wars
8 hours playtime
6 of 14 achievements