Spooktober? Nah, it was Lewdtober
Back in august I made a curator for NSFW games as a joke, but since the start of the month it gained more traction than I could have imagined and thus I started to focus more in this kind of games. In other words, expect this update (and future ones) to have 18+ games (as if I wasn’t doing that already XD)
It was a pretty good and short VN. The art was very nice, the plot was solid (even if I feel like there’s a bit of wasted potential there) and the “ara ara energy” was through the roof. It’s one of the few VNs I saw that has a custom UI which fits with the theme/setting. It also took me a bit to get used to Kiara’s VA but once I did I noticed how well her voice fitted the character. Overall I enjoyed this one quite a bit.
This one was quite a surprise, I expected it to be subpar at best but it turned out to be pretty good. The story was quite intriguing (a pity it ends with a massive cliffhanger) and the characters were lovable (except Shuri, fuck her). I can’t wait for the release of the full game!
PS: Mako best girl
At first glance the game looks like shit, and let me tell you it’s worse than that. While most of the game is a low-budget, low-effort, terribly dull walking sim game there’s one mission in particular that puts your patience to the limit. It’s so frustrating I named it “Sisyphus Simulator”.
In the end I uninstalled the game, because it wasn’t worth the trouble.
Another great VN by TofferTeam. This one is more yuri-oriented and has everything that made Kiara and my Ara Ara Adventure enjoyable. Also I think it’s one of the few games where I liked a secondary character more than the main ones, not because the main ones were bad but this character was just THAT good (plus the VA did a fantastic job). As you might have guessed I liked this one too.
Btw, talking about yurilicious VNs…
I played this one too and it was pretty funny (not laugh out loud funny but it made me chuckle quite a bit). You have to wonder how the main protagonist manages to fuck it up that much and still survive. Btw, it amazed me how they managed to include a HOG-like minigame (you have to search for a specific mushroom) in the VN, it was certainly unexpected.
I initially disliked this one at first, but it grew on me and ended up loving it. Like in many survival games you feel completely lost on the initial days (and the fact you have to press M to open the menu instead of using the cancel button doesn’t help), but it really shines as soon as you get the hang of it. It’s a bit light on NSFW content and has a few annoying bugs (nothing game-breaking thankfully) but it still was quite enjoyable.
I liked this one but I have a few reservations. On one hand the art was great (though I wish the horsemen looked more human and less… horsey…), the story was decent and the extras were quite nice, but on the other this game is way too short. It took me about 40 minutes to finish it and get all the achievements…
(on a silly note, I just realized I played quite a bunch of VNs this month)
Almost 2 years ago I said I was going to buy Melty’s Quest and unlock all the achievements. Well, now the day has come. I bought the game, I finished it and got all its achievements (actually I bought it in the last winter sale but I didn’t play it until now).
I enjoyed it as much as I did back then until I went for the happy ending route. There were a lot of things that bothered me in that one. For starters they really dumbed down Melty in every interaction she had with Roy (Roy being an absolute shithead doesn't help at all). I know Melty is not the sharpest tool in the shed but she always seemed to be a bit savvy.
Another thing that seriously bothered me was Ema’s substory. The last thing I wanted in this game was the NTR+Ugly Bastard combo, including the “rape her until she loves you” bit.
At least the 1.10 version added some extra battles which are quite challenging (especially if you aim to get the achievements). D.M.U. in particular was quite hard.
Of course I also played a few SFW games
I like the story of this game and it has a very unique concept, but it’s a bit unbalanced right now. Early mobs are way too tough, to the point they are a tad tougher than some minibosses.
It’s still in EA so I expect the game’s issues will be fixed by the time it’s out of it.
This one is a short and decent puzzle game. It’s neither too hard nor too easy and it’s also quite intuitive. It’s really short tho, which makes it a decent way to pass time when you have 10~15 spare minutes (+ it’s free).
On another note, I think I’ll stick to post once a month with a list of all the games I played (like I did in this one). Trying to stick to 1 post every 2 weeks got a bit tiring lately
Oh, lewd seems pretty good to me xD
Keep up the good work ^^
Thanks! ^^ There are definitely more to come in the next post