Nicknames' Profile Nicknames’ profile
Heya! Welcome to my profile.
I mainly play games until I beat them and I rarely go for 100% completion unless it’s very doable (like in most HOGs case), also I try to put some bad play on words in the titles of my updates based on the games I played.
I currently manage 3 curator groups. Those are:
- A Curator in the Making (RPG Maker games)
- Lewd Games Reviewers (18+ games)
- Shining Bucks (under 5€ or heavily bundled games)
Feel free to take a look at them and follow them ^^
I also watch anime from time to time so feel free to check my list.
I’ll post my updates here from time to time (probably weekly, but I’m not sure if I’ll manage to stick to it). Also you can check my yearly progress here if you fell like it.
Spooktober? Nah, it was Lewdtober
Back in august I made a curator for NSFW games as a joke, but since the start of the month it gained more traction than I could have imagined and thus I started to focus more in this kind of games. In other words, expect this update (and future ones) to have 18+ games (as if I wasn’t doing that already XD)
It was a pretty good and short VN. The art was very nice, the plot was solid (even if I feel like there’s a bit of wasted potential there) and the “ara ara energy” was through the roof. It’s one of the few VNs I saw that has a custom UI which fits with the theme/setting. It also took me a bit to get used to Kiara’s VA but once I did I noticed how well her voice fitted the character. Overall I enjoyed this one quite a bit.
This one was quite a surprise, I expected it to be subpar at best but it turned out to be pretty good. The story was quite intriguing (a pity it ends with a massive cliffhanger) and the characters were lovable (except Shuri, fuck her). I can’t wait for the release of the full game!
PS: Mako best girl
At first glance the game looks like shit, and let me tell you it’s worse than that. While most of the game is a low-budget, low-effort, terribly dull walking sim game there’s one mission in particular that puts your patience to the limit. It’s so frustrating I named it “Sisyphus Simulator”.
In the end I uninstalled the game, because it wasn’t worth the trouble.
Another great VN by TofferTeam. This one is more yuri-oriented and has everything that made Kiara and my Ara Ara Adventure enjoyable. Also I think it’s one of the few games where I liked a secondary character more than the main ones, not because the main ones were bad but this character was just THAT good (plus the VA did a fantastic job). As you might have guessed I liked this one too.
Btw, talking about yurilicious VNs…
I played this one too and it was pretty funny (not laugh out loud funny but it made me chuckle quite a bit). You have to wonder how the main protagonist manages to fuck it up that much and still survive. Btw, it amazed me how they managed to include a HOG-like minigame (you have to search for a specific mushroom) in the VN, it was certainly unexpected.
I initially disliked this one at first, but it grew on me and ended up loving it. Like in many survival games you feel completely lost on the initial days (and the fact you have to press M to open the menu instead of using the cancel button doesn’t help), but it really shines as soon as you get the hang of it. It’s a bit light on NSFW content and has a few annoying bugs (nothing game-breaking thankfully) but it still was quite enjoyable.
I liked this one but I have a few reservations. On one hand the art was great (though I wish the horsemen looked more human and less… horsey…), the story was decent and the extras were quite nice, but on the other this game is way too short. It took me about 40 minutes to finish it and get all the achievements…
(on a silly note, I just realized I played quite a bunch of VNs this month)
Almost 2 years ago I said I was going to buy Melty’s Quest and unlock all the achievements. Well, now the day has come. I bought the game, I finished it and got all its achievements (actually I bought it in the last winter sale but I didn’t play it until now).
I enjoyed it as much as I did back then until I went for the happy ending route. There were a lot of things that bothered me in that one. For starters they really dumbed down Melty in every interaction she had with Roy (Roy being an absolute shithead doesn't help at all). I know Melty is not the sharpest tool in the shed but she always seemed to be a bit savvy.
Another thing that seriously bothered me was Ema’s substory. The last thing I wanted in this game was the NTR+Ugly Bastard combo, including the “rape her until she loves you” bit.
At least the 1.10 version added some extra battles which are quite challenging (especially if you aim to get the achievements). D.M.U. in particular was quite hard.
Of course I also played a few SFW games
I like the story of this game and it has a very unique concept, but it’s a bit unbalanced right now. Early mobs are way too tough, to the point they are a tad tougher than some minibosses.
It’s still in EA so I expect the game’s issues will be fixed by the time it’s out of it.
This one is a short and decent puzzle game. It’s neither too hard nor too easy and it’s also quite intuitive. It’s really short tho, which makes it a decent way to pass time when you have 10~15 spare minutes (+ it’s free).
On another note, I think I’ll stick to post once a month with a list of all the games I played (like I did in this one). Trying to stick to 1 post every 2 weeks got a bit tiring lately
Hidden PoP Games
The month is getting closer to the end so I better finish some PoP games if I don’t want to “pay”. Luckily for me I got a good helping of HOGs, which means it’s HOG time! \o/
I’m usually wary of HOGs made by anyone but Artifex Mundi because I had a few bad experience with them (for example, "Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can" was boring AF and “Black Swan” was a buggy mess near the end) but this one was a pleasant surprise to me.
While the plot is kinda cliche and can be summed up as "a murderer kidnapped the MC’s girl and he has no choice but to try to rescue her by himself" it does something no other HoGs do. In most games of this kind you have to suspend your disbelief when it comes to everything looking like a puzzle or things being conveniently placed, but here it’s completely justified because the villain lured the MC to his manor and he’s toying with him the entire time.
Talking about the villain, I think both the writers and the VA did a fantastic job. He’s completely nuts and the way he taunts the MC and toys with him reminds me of the Joker.
The art in this game is fantastic. The backgrounds and the characters are very detailed and they overall look great (including Oscar’s err… “works of art”).
The game has a few issues though. Sometimes the hints are a bit unreliable because they point you to a puzzle even though you’re clearly missing some necessary pieces to solve it.
Also it’d have been awesome if there was a way to fast-travel in the game. There’s so much backtracking it gets tiring after a while, and in the later stages it’s kinda easy to get lost.
Last but not least I found the ending of the extra chapter a bit anticlimactic.
In short, I really liked it.
This one was your usual supernatural HOG. There’s not much to say except I liked it. It was creepy to the point I think I’ll be wary of lakes next time I play another HOG and the art helped to make it look spookier.
I’m also glad they added the fast travel option because there’s a lot of backtracking here, but I wish the map was a bit more detailed. It tells you there’s something in X place but it doesn’t specify where. This is specially jarring when you reach the manors, which have quite a few rooms and you can’t tell which room you have to go to without either searching blindly or using the hint button.
Until the next post!
Solenars Edge and Last Evil
A few days ago I got a request to review Solenars Edge 2, but since it’s a sequel I opted to play the prequel first. After all, it’s free to play.
Boy, this game was so bad I understood almost right away why it was free. The maps of the buildings were so huge they felt empty and the maps of the outside and the dungeons were made in a way that looked like a road or like an actual labyrinth, not like a forest or an actual dungeon would look like.
Another thing that drove me nuts was the inability to go back once you entered a building, a dungeon, or just got out of a city. Unless the dev overlooked that detail I can’t fathom how they looked at it and thought “yup, this is how it should be”.
The story is kinda generic, but the prologue was executed a bit poorly. I mean, I get the intention is to make it as short as possible but it was as cohesive as Gibiate’s plot. The rest of the story was executed better but it still wasn’t good enough to make up for the aforementioned issues.
There were some things I liked tho. For example, some cosmetic elements like the menus and health bars looked quite good.
All in all, I think this was one of the few games which I decided to just drop and play the sequel instead of powering through it.
This one was a pretty big improvement over its prequel. This time the maps were done competently and most of the issues I had with the first game were solved.
The art was also improved. It moved from using the RTP for almost everything to custom-made ones, and they look very good. I miss the health bars from Solenars Edge Rebirth though.
It’s not problem-free though. There are a few typos in the game and I’m not fond of the way the story is split into chapters. Also I find those side-quests in which you have to use a different team a bit random, as in they appear in the game as if I should know who they are already (unless they also appeared in Rebirth, in which case I said nothing :X)
TL;DR: It’s an ok game. Play it only if you like the Solenars Edge saga
I also got Last Evil because a review I read sparked my curiosity, and I don’t regret buying it at all.
To be fair I was unsure whether to buy this game or not at first, but playing a pirat... err... a “test copy” of the game for 10 minutes was all I needed to get rid of any doubts I had about it. I’m not exaggerating when I say this is probably the best NSFW game I’ve played so far.
Last Evil is a game about a succubus who swore revenge against humans for raping and murdering her fellow demons because you know, humans are bastards and all that stuff. To do so she infiltrates herself in a heavily-guarded dungeon where the great demon was sealed and aims to unseal him. As you can see the story is kinda simple, but to be honest we are not here to read an epic tale that’d inspire us and move us to tears, we are here to play a PLOT-driven game that’d “move our friend to tears” (if you know what I mean ;) ).
The game mechanics are similar to any other card battle game. Here you have offensive, defensive, and status inducing attacks that use either mana or lust (which increases painstakingly slowly btw). Once you win a battle you can choose whether to fuck your opponents to obtain a good chunk of “essence” (yes, it’s what you think it is and it’s used a the ingame currency) at the expense of dropping your lust to 0 or just do a quick extract, which will barely give you some essence but your lust will remain intact. You obtain exp once the round is over (regardless of whether you beat the game or got defeated) based on how many enemies you beat as well as other bonifications (and you obtain skill points to spend in the case you levelled up) but well, you can imagine what happens to the poor succubus if she loses =P
The art and animation is well done, though I’d appreciate some variety on the basic enemies’ designs. They all look so similar to each other you feel like you’re always banging the same dude (or their twin brothers =P). Also the slimes’ animation glitches a bit when you try to bang them a second time in the same scene.
All in all this is an excellent game you should buy, be it for the lewds or the actual gameplay.
PS: Shopkeeper best girl
That awkward moment you start a very long game thinking it’d take no longer than 52 minutes to beat
For some odd reason I read in Howlongtobeat this game was 52 minutes long when this game (according to the site) was actually 52 hours long. But I’m glad I gave it a try, because it turned out to be good.
The story, while being the usual “Kid has to save the world from an evil villain”, adds enough changes to keep it fresh. For example, the aforementioned kid behaves like well… a kid. He’s impulsive, rude and a bit bratty (though he’s not as annoying as one would expect).
Gameplay-wise I liked the inclusion of a system similar to the Materia system in FFVII. It makes it easier to either compensate for a character’s weakness or maximize their strengths. I also liked how, instead of learning skills as you level up, you obtain PP which you can later spend on learning skills, and you can unlock more skills if you learn certain skills and your level is high enough (I’d have loved if there was a short in-game tutorial that explains this though, because I spent about an hour unaware of its existence).
All in all Forever Home is a hidden gem everyone who likes JRPG should consider playing, it’s cheaper than a cup of coffee to boot!
I also played Pieces of my Heart, which is a lewd jigsaw puzzle I bought impulsively (remember guys to never let your little brain decide which game to buy =P)
Like many early access games this game has a few issues (imo it feels like it was released a tad too soon) but so far it’s a fine game. It’s nice to finally see a lewd jigsaw game that actually has some work behind and it’s not like any of those low-effort jigsaw H-games, even if story-wise it’s not as good as Huniepop (to put an example).
And that’s all for now. See you in the next update!
Eternal Updates
Well, my backlog grew out of control on this sale so I better start clearing it out (or at least progress in my ABC Challenge)
This was quite a decent fanservicey match 3 game that required some strategy instead of matching gems mindlessly (especially on the later stages of the game, when just brute-forcing your way to victory with Fire Girl isn’t enough). Near the end of the game I felt like the AI was cheating because more often than not they placed their special tiles in the most inconvenient places.
Also I feel like they didn’t give too much thought to the achievements, because you get one for almost every little progress you do in the game (up to a certain point), and you get all the achievements by the time you finish ⅔ of the game.
I wanted to like this one because the game has a very solid skill-learning system (as well as some other gameplay-related features) and an anti-grinding system that makes your life a lot easier, but Darkend fails where a game should never fail; in being entertaining. What makes it so noticeable is how it becomes such a slog as soon as you attempt to get the side-quests done.
The story ranges from just ok to interesting depending on who is your main character. I personally liked Griselda’s story the most but I didn’t finish all of them. I was tired of the game after the second run.
Playing this game right after Darkend sure was interesting because both games are somewhat similar yet Eternal Senia was a blast.
Eternal Senia’s combat system reminded me quite a bit of Ys Origin; instead of pressing X or any other button to attack all you needed to do was to bump any foes and you just attack automatically. If I had to say something negative about this is how sometimes Senia keeps attacking your opponent if they doesn’t die with 1 or 2 hits, which it’s a death sentence against certain non-boss foes. Talking about the bosses, their hitbox is way too small. They are massive yet the only way to damage them is to hit them at the centre.
Story-wise it was very good. The story might not have been original but the execution was flawless (take some notes Darkend!).
All in all I’m surprised to find a free game this good. Anyone who likes ARPGs should try it.
June Report
I originally planned to post something 15 days ago, but uhm… let’s just say I neglected the backlog quite a bit ^^;
This game was as fun as its wild. The story is dumb in a funny way, the characters are quite entertaining (like a certain panty ) and the combat is very solid, to the point I’d love if this got a multiplayer mode and ~~becomes an eSport~~
I honestly didn’t expect to enjoy a Batman game as much as I did, it was pretty much perfect. I was tempted to 100% it but I didn’t have the patience to try to do it ~~and the PoP deadline was getting a tad too close~~
Another game I played for PoP and liked quite a bit. For a top-down shooter it sure tries to make the player be as stealthy as possible, since the guns make enough noise to get you swarmed by enemies after the first shot (and good luck trying to reload fast).
I liked the story but I felt the ending was really abrupt, like when you plan to make one long game but late in production decide to split it in two parts and there’s not much time to make an open ending for the first part.
I liked it as much as the first installment. The puzzles were slightly easier this time since most of them have the same shape, but some of them still were quite challenging.
This game kinda disappointed me. The puzzles were solid but they got repetitive at times (which is to be expected when you notice some maps are being reused!) and the story was quite lacking. The ending also felt a bit cheap, mainly because there’s little difference between them, and both happen to be bad endings. I also played the R18 version and the only difference was the addition of some torture traps and guards which will try to err… “restrain” your character.
Stop the Presses! I got a request in my curator group
Well, this was seriously unexpected since my group is super small and I barely started. Actually I got the request a few weeks ago but the dev asked me to not make any reviews until the game was released. The game in question was Deeproot Manor.
At first I was a bit hesitant to accept the request since I’m bad with horror games, but I though the simple graphics would make it easier to deal with to me, after all I managed ot beat Ino without issues. 5 minutes was all it took to realize how wrong I was.
The game’s atmosphere is really well done and you can feel the tension as soon as you get in the manor. It doesn’t help one bit that it plays with your expectations, there are times when everything is building up to a jumpscare, and you brace for it… but in the end there’s no jumpscare. The puzzles are also well-thought and you can tell they put effort on them.
In the end I was too much of a wuss to finish it but I liked what I played. Horror fans will definitely enjoy this one
Locked-down Updates
I’m having a lot of free time lately due to the pandemic, which of course means it’s time to do some backlog cleaning
This was certainly different. Instead of playing the hero who saves the village you play the demon who terrorizes it… except it’s all staged and they are all actors (plot twist: They are tricked to believe they are). The jokes were excellent and I appreciate what they did with the gameplay. Instead of letting you grind mindlessly if you can’t beat an enemy it forces you to adopt a different strategy.
I have mixed feelings about this game. On one hand the gameplay is solid for the most part (except a certain bug that rarely happens but is a tad annoying, and how much luck you need to finish the last level) but on the other the story is quite bad and the english translation feels like it has been machine translated from russian. To make things worse the achievements are bugged.
The art was fine but it was very limited and I wasn’t particularly a fan of the H-scenes (specially since the game freezes during the scene that plays after beating the 6th level).
I didn’t like this one. While the combat was interesting it ultimately felt wasted because there’s the grand total of 1 fight in this game, and the outcome is more or less similar. To make matters worse you have to watch (or should I say hear? after all it’s an audio with a still image in it) a 10-minute epilogue for each ending if you want to 100% it (which is a huge waste of time).
I was aware I was about to play a really good game and it still managed to blow me away. The art was awesome and the story was great, even if the characters speak in an incomprehensible language. There are also plenty of twists, some of them are predictable and others not so much. I’m still surprised the elder brother ended up dying at the end of the game. I didn’t see that coming.
I couldn’t help but compare it with Chtulhu’s Saves the World and honestly, it’s way inferior. There’s barely any room for strategizing in any random fight because by the third/four turn the monsters will be powerful enough to be able to wipe out your party, and it gets a lot harder in the second half. Funnily enough the boss fights didn’t feel as hard as the random mobs. One thing I liked about the game is there’s a finite amount of random encounters, which makes exploring easier once you beat them all (you can still fight mobs if you want, but they don’t appear randomly anymore).
The story felt quite… aimless. There isn’t a clear goal in the game and instead is a succession of smaller goals (like explore the eastern ruins) until the game just ends. At least the humour was on point as it was in Chtulhu’s Saves the World.
Man, this game was quite good. It takes a bit of time to get used to it because there isn’t a level system like in most RPGS. Instead, you have to pick up stat and skill points scattered throughout the game to improve the character’s stats and learn new skills.
The plot was your usual “rescue the princess” plot with a spin and enough humor to keep it fresh. If you’re looking for a serious story with major plot twists look elsewhere, because there are none here.
Overall it was a very entertaining game even if it was a bit frustrating at first (doing things out of order sure can make things harder). It’s not a masterpiece but it sure can keep you entertained for a few days (especially since it has replay value).
Oh, and before I forget. If you ever decide to play it make sure to check the manual in your installation folder first. There’s vital info about the game and the different skills there.
I’m also playing Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, though I can’t play it for more than an hour a day because I end up with some mild headaches (Valravn’s realm didn’t help at all). I’ll finish it sometime though because I like the game quite a bit and I find the portrayal of psychosis in the game quite interesting.
What Do You Mean You Can’t Hit Your Opponents in Soccer?
The lack of sports due to the pandemic gave me an excuse to try this game (which a friend recommended to me 14 years ago)

Red Card is like your usual soccer game with the difference that rough play is allowed (I’d even say is a little bit encouraged). You can tackle, kick, punch, headbutt or even jump kick your opponents to the face (not even the referee is free from getting hit!). You also can do special shots but more often than not the keeper will be able to stop it (ironically it’s way more likely to score a goal with a normal shot from outside the box). The commentators make it even better, as they are often dissing the referee for not seeing the blatant fouls or the players for diving despite of how hard they got hit by their opponents.
That aside (and the fact you can unlock some fantasy teams like a team of apes or samurais) the game felts a tad basic. There aren’t many modes and once you unlocked everything there’s barely anything else to do there (and to add insult to injury you can’t use the unlocked teams in friendly matches).
All in all it’s a decent yet flawed game that’s good to play for shits and giggles with some friends for an hour or so.
Metal Updates
I haven’t had much time to play games lately but at least I somewhat managed to clear out my SG backlog a bit.
This is your typical top-down shooter game in which you have to kill waves of enemies before they kill you, but what differentiates this one over the other is how it tries to be as metal as possible (to the point it’s close to being a parody of itself). Both the aesthetics and the way the texts are written scream trve kvlt (because there’s nothing more metal than putting umlauts everywhere), it’s as bloody as one would imagine, and the soundtrack ranges from Power Super Metal to Blacker than the Blackest Black Metal. Sadly the game gets repetitive way too fast and there’s barely any difference between the playable characters (they all have the same skills) and the maps you can choose (the only difference between each map is the color of the floor). Also some achievements require a lot of grinding and I don’t have enough patience to try to unlock it
This game disappointed me quite a bit. I was expecting your usual JRPG and all I found was a super-linear game where all you do is to go fetch X item or meet X person, and the plot is as “exciting” as watching paint dry. The battles aren’t much better tbh. There’s barely any equipment you can get, all enemies do the same damage, and you do the same amount of damage to them. The only difference is the amount of HP they have and that doesn’t make them a harder foe, just more annoying.
But the worst of all is how easily you can get soft-locked in it. All it takes is to choose the wrong option in certain quests or save your game at certain parts of the game (like mid-quest like I did) and BAM! you get softlocked once you load your game and you can’t progress at all.
Seriously, fuck this game.
5522 | games |
76% | never played |
5% | unfinished |
6% | beaten |
4% | completed |
8% | won't play |
- Won on SteamGifts 202
- ABC Challenge 2018-2019 27
- 'Challenge me' games 5
- Very Short Games (<2 hours) 366
- Short Games (2-8h) 1099
- Medium Games (8-15h) 365
- Long Games (15-25h) 156
- Very Long Games (>25h) 124
- Might pick it up again later 42
- Endless 19
- Bugged/incompatible 4
- Not in English or Spanish 1
- Want to play the prequel first 12
- F2P/Gacha 1