
April update

This is gonna be a quicky, as otherwise I keep postponing it.
Did a fair bit less than I wanted to, but then again, I feel a bit mentally distracted.

Stats are total stats.

Narco Terror

Oh god, the camera angles at times…
It’s a fun game for a bit, typical action hero twin stick shooter I suppose. But the way the camera moves around sometimes is quite frustrating. There are times where you literally can’t see what you’re doing.


Played this for the ‘X is a play a game you won on SG month’ challenge on SG discussion thread. Short one, but actually had quite some fun with it, more than I expected.
Simple but satisfying game for me.

Renegade Ops

Another somewhat short twin stick shooter this month. At the non easy difficulty feels a bit grindy, so switched to easy. But there you cannot unlock anything, as in ‘build your character’. Maybe a mode in between would have been nice (or I just suck at these type of games).
Had fun for the time I played it but just like Narco Terror not something I’m likely to play again in the foreseeable future.

Grand Theft Auto IV

First non SG win I beat in April. Played plenty of it, now finally completed the story on PC.
I have a strong feeling Episodes From Liberty City will be featured in my next update.

For this month? I’m not sure yet. At the moment I feel like playing whatever comes in my path and not giving it too much thought. EFLC is probably what I will beat next.


So do you use BLAEO’s “completed” to mean that you don’t plan on re-visiting the game, instead of the usual definition of “got all achievements”? Whereas maybe Beaten for you means you beat the main story but plan to replay/revisit at some point?

I liked Fortix and I didn’t have much trouble getting to 11/12 achievements, but that final achievement is a doozy! I gave up.


Eh no not quite. Guess I didn’t give my GTA IV classification much thought, been a bit distracted lately.:P

Completed means beaten, as I don’t complete any game achievements wise. Just not a thing I’m very interested in, although I ight keep an eye on them to see if there are any easily grabbeable ones. Beaten means played enough for my enjoyment/no ending (sandbox, multiplayer).
I’m guessing now I put it as beaten since GTA games are the only games I put some effort in to achieve 100% completion (although that is not structly achievement wise in GTA), although that’s inconsistent with how I marked GTA V.

Edit: changed it to completed.


Congratz !


It’s something at least! :D

Now I’m thinking of a pun that involves small hands but I can’t really come up with a clever one that isn’t lame. :P


Small hands big backlog x)


Small hands but big backlog on them. :)