My classification Crizyz’s profile
Completed means finished the main story line and beaten means either there is no end to it, or I played enough of the game for my enjoyment, or it’s a (mostly) multiplayer game that I have played to my hearts content.
The main difference between “won’t play” and “beaten” in regard to games I haven’t finished is whether I enjoyed the game or not.
Dead multiplayer only games automatically fall in the “won’t play” category.
April update
This is gonna be a quicky, as otherwise I keep postponing it.
Did a fair bit less than I wanted to, but then again, I feel a bit mentally distracted.
- Narco Terror
6.1 hours playtime
- Fortix
2.5 hours playtime
- Renegade Ops
8.5 hours playtime
- Grand Theft Auto IV
66.6 hours playtime
no achievements
Stats are total stats.
Narco Terror
Oh god, the camera angles at times…
It’s a fun game for a bit, typical action hero twin stick shooter I suppose. But the way the camera moves around sometimes is quite frustrating. There are times where you literally can’t see what you’re doing.
Played this for the ‘X is a play a game you won on SG month’ challenge on SG discussion thread. Short one, but actually had quite some fun with it, more than I expected.
Simple but satisfying game for me.
Renegade Ops
Another somewhat short twin stick shooter this month. At the non easy difficulty feels a bit grindy, so switched to easy. But there you cannot unlock anything, as in ‘build your character’. Maybe a mode in between would have been nice (or I just suck at these type of games).
Had fun for the time I played it but just like Narco Terror not something I’m likely to play again in the foreseeable future.
Grand Theft Auto IV
First non SG win I beat in April. Played plenty of it, now finally completed the story on PC.
I have a strong feeling Episodes From Liberty City will be featured in my next update.
For this month? I’m not sure yet. At the moment I feel like playing whatever comes in my path and not giving it too much thought. EFLC is probably what I will beat next.
March update
First off, games from the March is a “play a game you won on Steamgifts” month - Marching on challenge on SG. Did 3 out of the 4 games I wanted to do from there.
- Enemy Front
15.4 hours playtime
- Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army
10.9 hours playtime
- War in a Box: Paper Tanks
3.6 hours playtime
- This War of Mine
4.4 hours playtime
Stats are total stats.
Enemy Front
Well, this was kinda screwed. I had played this game a couple of years ago and thought I never finished it. So I played it for the challenge. Everything felt quite familiar as expected, but that was up until the end. Turns out, I actually played through the whole game but somehow never got the achievements of completing the game. So I figured, hey, that one’s not completed…
So, in the end, I just replayed a not so memorable game all over again because of it. Would have much rather spent the time playing this on another game.
7 hours and 7 achievements from this month.
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army
Hmmm well, what to say about this one. Played it before on a blue monday but never really got into it. Grinding through this one was a bit of a challenge. Mostly because it’s just extremely repetitive. Shoot a zombie, shoot another zombie, shoot even more zombies, shoot a zombie running at you with an explosive… Shoot an undead skeleton! I guess this would be a lot more fun playing with some others, similar to Left 4 Dead (apparently you can even play as the characters from that game). But as opposed to that game. When you play solo, you are completely solo, no AI to go with you.
8 hours and 7 achievements from this month.
War in a Box: Paper Tanks
The core mechanic of Tower Defense is not really my thing I guess. Maybe if it looks visually appealing, but this game definitely doesn’t. Played it over halfway into the levels and then tossed it aside.
This War of Mine
Hardly touched it this month, so that’s going into April!
Then some other games worth mentioning.
- Orwell
6.0 hours playtime
- Ampu-Tea
1.3 hours playtime
- Deponia: The Complete Journey
4.7 hours playtime
- Grand Theft Auto V
1071.2 hours playtime
Stats are total stats.
Really nice game, glad I won it on SG. Played the first two days or so of the game right after winning the game, finished it this month.
I have to be honest here, the first time I started the game I thought what the heck is this, and not in a good way. Visually it looks like not much effort was put in, but can’t tell if it is intentional. It’s very easy to look past though when playing the game as it’s quite obvious the story and interaction with it is its core selling point.
Ugh, not my cup of Tea… Not playing this again. Just an annoying game for the sake of being annoying.
Deponia: The Complete Journey
This just makes you smirk, pretty funny if you can appreciate the humour. I’m finding the puzzles a bit hard so I tend to often look them up, as I’m fine using a bit of a guide. The story progression is what I enjoy in this game. Played a bit through the story, think I’m still in the first installment of the three. Definitely taking this one into April.
Grand Theft Auto V
Bit of an oddball here. I’ve played the singleplayer quite a bit on xbox 360. Both on my own account and on my friends’.
Played most missions multiple times in different playthroughs, my friend has a habit of restarting quite often, and I have a habit of playing with him often. 100%ed the game or really damn close to on my own account, sure that I helped my friend get his to 100% by going through all the tedious bits.
When I got the game on PC I played singleplayer a bit, but most of my hours are spent on Online.
So if there’s any game you could consider as having been completed, it’s this game. Yet I do think it deserves a mention this month as I’ve played through most of the storyline on PC and finished it. Making my way through the collectibles to have this one completely finished as well. Although I finished the storyline technically in April, the session I finished it in started in March, no need to nitpick here. ^ ^
So for April I have Deponia: The Complete Journey and This War of Mine planned to finish.
Not sure if I’m gonna keep updating here each month but time will tell.
Edit: Oh, you can actually have the BLAEO generator fill in the stuff for you, that would have saved some time if noticed earlier…
I am blatantly copying Carlmundo’s (and possibly others) system as I don’t care much about getting all achievements in games. If I really want to go the extra mile to find extra’s apart from the main story line, I will, regardless of achievements.
So completed means finished the main story line and beaten means either there is no end to it, or I played enough of the game for my enjoyment, or it’s a (mostly) multiplayer game that I have played to my hearts content.
The main difference between “won’t play” and “beaten” in regard to games I haven’t finished is whether I enjoyed the game or not.
Dead multiplayer only games automatically fall in the “won’t play” category.
Also, damn, this categorisation in itself already requires some dedication. :D
Finally got everything out of ‘uncategorised’ after a full day of checking… Still gotta filter a bit the ‘unplayed’ games… But that’s for another time.
1185 | games |
56% | never played |
4% | unfinished |
5% | beaten |
5% | completed |
30% | won't play |