Razortron 2000 is an easy to complete game.
Got it 'cause its look reminded me of those games from childhood. Well, it is very similar to them.
Run and collect fuel along the way to keep going. Avoid edges of the road and other cars.
Every car you unlock will also unlock its relative achievement (as you can see on the right, there are 9 of them) and you can unlock them by reaching a certain level/score or by travelling a certain (total) distance. This last method is by far the easiest, as total distance is cumulative of all your runs so you'll eventually unlock them. All except one: the X-1984.
To unlock this car you have to reach level 10 or score 50000 points in a single run. While trying to get this last car I realized something: this is not a racing game. It may look like one for the first levels but as you progress you won't be able to race anymore. Roads become narrow and traffic congested, leaving you no other choice than to tag along and wait for a good spot to overtake.
Quick, boring (and kinda chaotic) explanation of how points are given: 100 points per car and a +1 multiplier every 10 cars. This is true as long as you press the accelerator. As soon as you lift your footfinger from it, your "temporary" score gets added to the "final" score and reset, multiplier included. So, to reach 50000 points you'd have to overtake 95 cars withouth ever slowing down. My highscore was 27300 (already uninstalled so I'm not 100% sure) which are 69 cars.. still far from the goal.
I mean, look at store images, I was sold at this!
The only way to get that car, then, is to go slow. Well, if you are lucky and have superhuman-like reflexes, you could even score 50000 but if you slow down, averagely you'll have 5-10k points by the time you reach level 10.
The good thing is that the slower you pass over fuel stations, the more the fuel you get. And while going faster is easy to miss them, at a slower pace it's hard to miss them, balancing the fact that you need more time to reach the next one.
Oh, if you hit another car it's not over yet, BRAKE!! it's game-over only if you hit the road edges, otherwise you can continue the race once the car stops spinning.
All in all, I liked what I got. Was looking for a retro game and this is good in that field. Don't get it if you want a racer game. Not much to do after unlocking all the cars (which do not have different stats, they only change in-game colors), I see no point in an "endless runner" without a leaderboard.
Soundtrack is available as a free DLC. Tracks are not that great imho, one was better than the others but they became repetitive very soon. By the end of the game I had already silenced game music and was listening to mine. One day I was playing during a short break and Banana brain started; I felt "inspired/motivated", put song on repeat and got to level 10 on my 2nd/3rd attempt :)
Card City Nights is a game I started back in 2014.. boy, how flies time! :O
I stopped because I was stuck in a boss battle and activated the "I'll try later" mode after several attempts.. =P
Came back to it the other day, re-modeled my deck a bit and finished it with almost no difficulty.
If you like card games, this is good. Rules are few and quite easy, usually matches aren't very long and cards effects are various (some are a bit overpowered if you don't have adequate countermeasures.. but losing a match doesn't influences your progress in the story, so you can change decks at need)
They are developing Card City Nights 2, which should include a multiplayer section, thing missing in this first installment. Hope they'll make it good, 'cause multiplayer can be a pain if implemented badly (and relative achievements)
In the meantime, if you have irl friends and want to play this, there's a pdf available for free here that gives you the possibility to print out the cards to play :)
There's a lot1 to print though, and you need them colored, so you may want to look for a cheap printing place and/or to share expsenses between players.
meow :3
Back to the game:
If you've played (or just seen) Ittle Dew, you'll instantly notice the graphic resemblance. That's because they are from the same developer. Not only that, they also share the same type of humour :) and characters from IttleDew (and other Ludosity games) appear as characters on the cards.
Gaming-wise, it can be a bit boring/repetitive after a while,as you essentialy go somewhere, battle everyone and repeat. From this point of view it may be useful to not play it in one go or to play something else between (batches of) matches.
1. Worst case, you have to print 81 pages per deck: 1×board + 11 pages × common cards (and you can have up to 5 copies of a card in the deck) + 7×uncommon (up to 3 copies) + 4×rare (only 1 copy). Legendary are not included. These are only the fronts, if you want them good looking, you may want to print as many (not included) backsides too.↩
Racing game where you should run as slow as you can. Well, that’s something new :P
Yup =P
Last levels are more “traffic-jam simulator” =P