Mad RoboPrincess escollo’s profile
I’m The RoboPrincess!
ABC challenge
I've heard cool kids are doing new challenge so I decide to join too. Here's my list.
- Rules are for pussies.
- Probably I'm gonna ignore order.
- And change games in the list.
- Also it's likely that I forget about this challenge in a couple of weeks.
- I wonder if this challenge will become a new feature.
- Maybe I shouldn't put some semi-random thoughts into the rule list.
Scavenger Hunt Completed
Well, this time it was kinda easy theme if you could convince Daerphen to accept some random screenshots as theme suited, he-he.
So here's mine:
Since Daerphen doesn't like dragons here's extra plane picture:
The Plane of Doom flies to meet its own doom
Resident Evil 5
For smart geographers: I know where Bermuda is located but since I was able to fool Daerphen about it that means it's ok.
Game used:
- Resident Evil 5. Tbh I beat it last month but in august I finally gained last singleplayer cheevo, so it's ok. Game still is great btw.
- Puzzle Agent & Puzzle Agent 2. Wonderful point-n-click adventures from Telltale. Unfortunately they don't make such games anymore :(
- What's under your blanket 2 !?. Buggy piece of junk.
- Anna's Quest. Pussy version of Deponia. But even if it lacks of dark humor and cynicism it's still a great game from Daedalic. This guys make really cool point-n-click adventures.
- Dishonored RHCP. Peasant version of Dishonored. I beat this game for the last month theme, but I still had some DLC left for this month. Interesting and exciting game in any way. Unfortunately Dunwall City Trials is boring as heck so I ain't gonna get all the cheevos.
Ok, thanks for reading, see you later.
HOG month
So as someone calls herself as HOG queen 'cause she beats too many HOGs, so I declare myself as anti-HOG roboprincess
Author is Moonyasha, she has no deal with this site or even Steam in any way, but she likes strange picture request from me
Well, totally I finished 36 titles or 42 games, there was 5-in-1 bundle and some trilogy. And my HOG month seems to be over 'cause I don't have any more HOGs unbeaten.
That's why I decide to write my personal wrap-up. I din't wrote posts for 3 months 'cause I'm lazy ass and I don't want to write everything right now 'cause I'm still lazy ass, so I just write about this month. You guys won't notice difference anyway.
Let's get HOG killing review started.
In general, I would like to note that I do not like HOGs. For me they are just lazy made point-and-click adventures. They have same puzzles, actors, stories. They just like lazy "copy-paste" from each other. Artifex Mundi make dozens of games per month with the same voice actress and I think I hear desperate in her voice about how she wants to run away from it but evil developers keep her tied up in the basement and force to record voice for more and more games. But maybe it's just my imagination, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So reason why I played so many games... well... that I'm not very smart person who takes part in challenges he even doesn't like.
Adam Wolfe is just The Best HOG I've ever seen.
Despite mystic mumbo-jumbo story is good and exciting. Characters are interesting and it's pleasant to hear voice acting. Art design is cool and inspired by nuar movies. Also I like music which reminds some movie OST.
This game is good not because it's HOG. This game is good by itself. Developers putted much work into game. Puzzles are integrated into the gameplay very smoothly and do not interfere with the disclosure of the plot.
It's excellent game and looks outstanding when compared with other HOGs.
Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome reminds me "Saw" movies. You play as person kidnapped by serial killer who plays with you and forces to solve riddles.
Protagonist investigated about this serial killer but now he just tries to save his girlfriend.
Gameplay is just regular HOG with some popular benefits like active map and decent hint system.
Game is good and I'm kinda surprised to see that regular HOG could be such interesting.</span>
Infected: The Twin Vaccine is just regular HOG.
There's nothing outstanding in this game, but for some reason I like it.
Story has no mystic mumbo-jumbo like most of the HOGs. It's about scientist who tries to find a little girl in abandoned city. There's infection which kills people quickly, that's why city is abandoned, and this girl could be the key for cure.
Downside is not very good art design so it was difficult to find active element, but all hail the hint system!
So it's simple enjoyable HOG.
So it's just regular HOGs. Some of them just terrible like Pahelika: Revelations, some of them just meh like Melissa K. I understand that many people like them but personally this isn't my genre.
Many of them require 2nd playthrough for 100% cheevos, but I ain't gonna bother myself with that.
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek
3 hours playtime
19 of 19 achievements
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden
3 hours playtime
14 of 20 achievements
Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends
6 hours playtime
15 of 15 achievements
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink
4 hours playtime
19 of 19 achievements
Crystals of Time
4 hours playtime
no achievements
Dark Arcana: The Carnival
3 hours playtime
12 of 19 achievements
Dracula's Legacy
3 hours playtime
16 of 16 achievements
Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition
86 minutes playtime
no achievements
Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek
5 hours playtime
11 of 11 achievements
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood
4 hours playtime
32 of 36 achievements
Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk
4 hours playtime
11 of 11 achievements
Frankenstein: Master of Death
5 hours playtime
20 of 20 achievements
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
5 hours playtime
18 of 24 achievements
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
5 hours playtime
29 of 29 achievements
Grim Legends 3: The Dark City
4 hours playtime
36 of 36 achievements
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
10 hours playtime
no achievements
House of 1,000 Doors - Family Secrets
4 hours playtime
no achievements
Left in the Dark: No One on Board
3 hours playtime
13 of 13 achievements
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition
7 hours playtime
18 of 32 achievements
Mythic Wonders: The Philosopher's Stone
4 hours playtime
24 of 24 achievements
Namariel Legends: Iron Lord Premium Edition
2 hours playtime
no achievements
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
4 hours playtime
9 of 15 achievements
Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call
3 hours playtime
26 of 29 achievements
Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones
5 hours playtime
30 of 32 achievements
Pahelika: Revelations HD
2 hours playtime
11 of 18 achievements
Paranormal State: Poison Spring Collector's Edition
9 hours playtime
20 of 20 achievements
Portal of Evil: Stolen Runes Collector's Edition
4 hours playtime
20 of 20 achievements
Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness
3 hours playtime
22 of 22 achievements
Red Crow Mysteries: Legion
2 hours playtime
no achievements
Sacra Terra: Angelic Night
3 hours playtime
no achievements
Twisted Lands Trilogy Collector's Edition
5 hours playtime
no achievements
Voodoo Whisperer Curse of a Legend
2 hours playtime
no achievements
A Story About My Uncle is wonderfull game.
It's short, but excellent platformer. There is no combat, only lots of sorta jumping. Story is simple, but interesting and decent.
It's just about a boy who wanted to find his uncle. He saw some strange places, frog people and even a monster.
If you want just to beat game once, game would be easy and short, but if you want every cheevo it could be a pain in the ass.</span>
Mid March Post
Happy Pi Day, btw. Or was it yesterday? Nah, I never was good in math anyway.
It's a middle of the month and according to my own shedule I must write a post. Since for now I'm full of hatred and depression at the same time I don't want to do anything include this same post. As if I ever felt differently, heh... But at least some useless HTML practicing would take me bussy a little bit so it's worth it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Let's get tabseption started.
Another World is a short masterpiece from beginning of 90s. It has simple plot and basic gameplay but it use them on 100%.
There are no 2 similar levels, I mean they are all completely different. You run from animals, explore caves, solve puzzles, clamber in vents, kill enemies in 2D shooting, take a part in a tank battle.
Back in the days it was one of the hardest platformer, but difficult wasn't in pixel accuracy or clicking gamepad until you break your fingers. Difficulty was about finding out what to do to survive, cause game situations always changes. Today with youtube it's too easy to find playthrough and beat game in no time.
But still it's excellent game.
12 is Better Than 6 is top-down shooter. It's like Hotline Miami when you or enemies will die from single shot, but it takes place in Wild West and has interesting art design which looks like ink on paper.
Protagonist is former bandit who turns against himself almost everyone in Texas in his tries to return his lost memory. Plot isn't very complex, but its okay and enjoyable.
Gameplay is similar to Hotline Miami and you will die a lot. But it's normal since you will restart in no time and levels are really short. Kinda interesting feature is old weapons where you should always pull a cock before make a shot.
Game is good and I kinda surprised that russian indie developers can make such decent thing. Yes, I know that russians can make good indie games, but it keeps surprise me.
Dyscourse. I had to play it due to March event and it is outstanding game.
It started like a cute game about aircrash survivors but things drastically changed when characters start to die due to my own action. This game about choises and their consequences. Player have to decide whom to help, who deserve food, where to go to have more chances to survive. And characters constantly suffer and dying.
But also here is decent humor, deep characters, cute art style. 1st playthrough is short but I played many times to find different paths. This game is still way better in consequence of your choices than most Telltale games, despite there is no option to save all characters.
Downside is repetitive actions. When I tried to find different routes I had to repeat same things over and over again. But, tbh, it's not that bad.
Outlast is another game from the same March event.
Everyone already know what it's about, so I don't wanna bother to much to describe it. I liked plot and kinda liked stealth.
Game isn't scary, especially when I understood how AI work and used it. I expected more after reading others opinion. Even insane playthrough isn't so difficult if you use some tricks.
I don't have DLC so I didn't get all of the cheevos. So in general it's okay.
Goocubelets. Ok, they are puzzle games and they are kinda enjoyable. But I don't like them. I tried to beat them but soon it became too boring, so I skipped it till the end for the cheevos. If you want easy 100% game - feel free to try. But if you want decent puzzle game I wouldn't recommend them
And I even don't wanna bother to make screenshots.
These are just free VNs. And I don't like VNs at all. It's not my kind of games. And beating free games doesn't affect my backlog at all. They are just easy for 100% cheevos. Shame on me.
100% Orange Juice
It was the third game from March event. I wanted that game and was happy when I won it from Ambidot. But I read about it and decide it would be difficult to complete it and put it into backlog for a while.
And I was challenged to beat it, so I played a lil' bit and... I don't like. Tbh, I hate it.
There is no normal story or even decent tutorial. Good games use rule "easy to learn, hard to master", but not this one. I had to read manuals and guides just to understand what the fuck is going on. Whole game is based on pure luck and it has really frustrating gameplay. So to complete it I have to grind and pray for Great God of Random. And I don't wanna waste my time on this.
Sorry, when I won it I really hoped that it would be great game, but now I only hope that developers will die from ass cancer. And their relatives. And pets too.
So for now I don't have any plans as usual. Month theme doesn't fit me. I don't say it's bad. I think it's just great, but I don't like such kind of games so I skip it.
I tried to create list of games that was on my wishlist, but still I don't know what to pick next.
Also I wanna say that I played all 3 games from March is "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month challenge. Feel free to suggest me another 3 games if you want.
February Report
Playing God Eater and Boy Blob pretty meh. finished lots of crappy games, I’m the best!
Btw, I've heard that cool kids now using tabs within tabs, so let's try this out.
This games has too many pros and cons >/<
I like story, mechanics, setting. The combat system is complex and flexible. Monster killing is addictive. Music is kinda strange, but okay.
But characters are mediocre. They are just typical bunch of schoolkid with weapons twice bigger then them and stupid pathetic dialogs. Just like regular persons from some shitty shounen anime. The combat system is overcomplex, 4xmpl I don't fully understand how to use bullet settings so I just used pre-set from internet.
And grinding... God-damn bloody grinding... Grinding is the heart of the game. I had to kill the same monster on the same locations over and over again. So I even didn't finish all the side missions, 'cause it's too boring.
So if you like monster hunting, typical anime about schoolkids and shitty grinding, this game is for you :P
The Silent Age
This one is really good point-n-click adventure. Puzzle are logical and not hard. If you stick somewhere you should just look around and that's all. Story is intriguing and time loops look sensible. Also art design and music are nice and enjoyable. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes PnC adventures. It's way better than regular crappy HOGs.
A Boy and His Blob
Well, this game has many pros. Art is good-looking, music is great, story is interesting enough, main concept is original. But gameplay actually suck very hard. Game is too slow, protagonist looks like disabled for platformer game and controls are terrible.
Maybe it's just the first game from this developers so they just didn't know how to polish game? I don't know I'm too lazy to google it.
And it's sorta tendency when platformer has good design, idea and art but crappy controls. That was in Never Alone, Contrast, The Purring Quest... That's kinda sad =(
Papo & Yo
It is a nice game. But that's a problem 'cause people told how great it is. I don't think this game is outstanding, it's just nice game with cute story.
It's about boy who made imaginary world to cope with his aggressive alcoholic father. And in the end boy 'threw' his father away because boy realised that he couldn't help his dad.
Story wasn't touching for me and ending wasn't so heart breaking. Maybe it's because I'm not a good person or maybe because I lived through such situation IRL.
Game is nice and cute but nothing more.
List of good ones
Portal 2. So finally I finished it with last hug ^____^
The Purring Quest. Good short platformer with bad controls, but I still like it.
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast . I realised that I had never played this demo so I fixed my mistake =D
Cube Runner. Nice non-endless runner.
The Collider . Nice kinda endless runner.
Hare In The Hat . It's okay, but I don't have DLC for 100% cheevos.
VVVVVV. Hard platfomer with 8-bit design. If it's too hard you always can turn on immortal mod. Despite I really like this game I just can't get all cheevos =(
Portal 2
16 hours playtime
51 of 51 achievements
The Purring Quest
3 hours playtime
23 of 23 achievements
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
25 minutes playtime
no achievements
Cube Runner
3 hours playtime
41 of 41 achievements
The Collider
3 hours playtime
24 of 24 achievements
Hare In The Hat
4 hours playtime
16 of 34 achievements
4 hours playtime
12 of 19 achievements
Not so very good ones
Why did I finish them? 'Cause they are easy '+1' to beat ( .__.)
Dungeon of Zolthan. Meh
Beast Blaster. Crap.
Cyber City 2157: The Visual Novel. Turd.
Darkness Assault. Poop.
Elegy For A Dead World. It's not a game. You just write stories in given patterns. I wrote 3 about poop and marked as beaten. Tbh, nobody got any cheevos in this game legally.
Job the Leprechaun. Mediocre.
Make it indie!. Shit.
Nyctophobia. Terrible shit.
One Way To Die: Steam Edition. I don't understand english good enough to play this game, so I clicked randomly until I got all cheevos..
Wild Island Quest. Dung.
Dungeon of Zolthan
4 hours playtime
18 of 18 achievements
Beast Blaster
4 hours playtime
19 of 19 achievements
Cyber City 2157: The Visual Novel
4 hours playtime
no achievements
Darkness Assault
3 hours playtime
15 of 15 achievements
Elegy For A Dead World
17 minutes playtime
0 of 3 achievements
Job the Leprechaun
2 hours playtime
3 of 3 achievements
Make it indie!
44 minutes playtime
9 of 9 achievements
3 hours playtime
11 of 11 achievements
One Way To Die: Steam Edition
45 minutes playtime
17 of 17 achievements
Wild Island Quest
2 hours playtime
10 of 10 achievements
Month stats
Ok, it's just table this time.
Played | Beaten | Completed | Added to Backlog | Achievements |
32 | 29 | 26 | 27 | 399 |
So in february I added not as many games as usual, but there are some SG wins from my wishlist: GemCraft - Chasing Shadows, The Purring Quest , VVVVVV, Another World. I've already done 3 of them ^___^
Also I have won 500 games on SG! Yay! If you still don't blacklist this greedy leecher you could easily find link to my SG profile for that.
February Middle Month Post
Ok, I'm trying make a post every 2 weeks and it seems pretty nice schedule for me. If anybody actually give a damn about my posts since I strongly doubt it.
Lonely whining
At first, I wanna whine a little bit. It's Valentine outside. Couples get dating, enjoy each other and feel happy in many ways. And I'm kinda lonely. No, seriously I am. And I think I need at least a hug. Just one single hug. From my friend or somebody who I could call that way. It would just couple of minutes but still I wanna find that person. Just one hug in Portal 2 for last achievement. 'Cause I've already got everything else and already hug there 2 my steam-friends. Thanks, btw, RobotDucky and hablausted for help with cheevos! Also give a hug to RobotDucky as he has the same problem with last cheevo. Btw, hablausted isn't on this site and probably never read this post but whatever.
So I just need anybody who has Portal 2 to add me to friend list on Steam an make in-game gesture "hug". That's all will take about 5 minutes if you have this game installed. After you can put me back into your blacklist again ^____^
Edit: Ok, guys, it's done, I've already got a hug. Thanks to Errise for help and Nobody for suggestion for help! And thanks others for offers! You are nice persons!
Also I would like to play Castle Crashers with somebody and it would be great opportunity since this game in month theme. But anyway let's get back to my progress in this month
Current games
Well I play some weird games. GOD EATER RESURRECTION and A Boy and His Blob. They are good but...
GOD EATER RESURRECTION has many pros and cons. Story is decent and interesting but dialogues are dull. Gameplay is variable and complex but grinding is killing me T_T
A Boy and His Blob has great arts and music but crappy controls. Let's hope that I'll have passion to finish it.
25 hours playtime
19 of 33 achievements
A Boy and His Blob
5 hours playtime
1 of 21 achievements
Finished games
Just easy-to-finish ones. Some HOGs, VN, etc. And, to be honest, I don't like HOGs or VNs, I just like easy games and I should be ashamed for this >_>
So I'm too lazy to describe all of them, so I just say that these games are meh and I don't really like them. And let's be clear it's just my crappy impression. If you actually like them I respect your opinion =)
Break Into Zatwor
3 hours playtime
7 of 7 achievements
Frosty Kiss
16 minutes playtime
6 of 6 achievements
64 minutes playtime
7 of 7 achievements
The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne
55 minutes playtime
5 of 5 achievements
Time Mysteries: Inheritance - Remastered
4 hours playtime
10 of 10 achievements
Time Mysteries 2: The Ancient Spectres
5 hours playtime
11 of 11 achievements
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
3 hours playtime
11 of 11 achievements
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior
2 hours playtime
2 of 2 achievements
2nd and Last January Report
Soon it'll be flushed away with the same posts, but at least I tried
I really like Batman: Arkham Asylum, so the very 1st game that I bought on Steam was Batman: Arkham City. But it was meh and that fact surprised me very much. Story looks shorter, city is very small, developers added ridiculous challenges and too hard achievements. Oh yeah, cheevos. 2nd most hated by me cheevo is in this game. It is 'Perfect Freeflow 2.0'. I tried advices, video guides, cheats and nothing helped. The only thing that really helped is about 50 goddamn tries. >/<
But game deffinitely has pros: story is interesting, combat system is still enjoyable, Riddler is still cunning. Good game, but not very much and after Arkham Knight I just decided finish all its crappy challenges and cheevos. Sigh.
That's game just wonderful! Plot is intriguing, music is marvelous, puzzles are interesting, characters are deep and evolving, design is beautiful. But at some point developers decided that the game was too good and they added robot puzzle at the end. Annoying shitty puzzle. Sigh. Without this puzzle game would be just 10 bakers out of 10.
Some month stuff
Also I finished MINERVA: Metastasis. If you are fan of Half-Life you've already know what it is. If you aren't than da-h just go and become one of them @,,@
Another thing about this month - I really tried to be on top in table during month's theme. Let's hope Revilheart'll fix table and I'll be 1st again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And I could ask for help in playing Portal 2, Borderlands 2 RU, Castle Crashers or BattleBlock Theater but people'll ignore me again so I wouldn't.
Played | Beaten | Completed | Added to Backlog | Achievements |
8 | 6 | 6 | 44 | 196 |
A Bird Story
3 hours playtime
1 of 1 achievements
Batman: Arkham City GOTY
61 hours playtime
64 of 64 achievements
Batman: Arkham Knight
82 hours playtime
113 of 113 achievements
Broken Age
24 hours playtime
43 of 45 achievements
MINERVA: Metastasis
2 hours playtime
no achievements
3 hours playtime
14 of 14 achievements
7,62 Hard Life
7,62 High Calibre
After Life - Story of a Father
Alien Shooter 2 - Conscription
Ball of Wonder
Battle Ranch
BoomTown! Deluxe
Crash Force
DiRT Showdown
DRAGON - A Game About a Dragon
GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst
Hello From Indiana
Let's Draw
Mahsung Deluxe
Maze Lord
ORION: Prelude
Puppy Dog: Jigsaw Puzzles
Putt-Putt: Pep's Birthday Surprise
Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan
See No Evil
Sleeping Valley
So Many Cubes
Subject 13
The Lords of the Earth Flame
Three Heroes
TRANSFORMERS: Rise of the Dark Spark
Twisted Lands Trilogy Collector's Edition
Ultimate Word Search 2: Letter Boxed
Voodoo Whisperer Curse of a Legend
Where's My What?
X-Com: UFO Defense
January Mid Month Report
♫ Hello Buggy, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again ♫
Tbh, I was gonna ignore monthly theme again and play Arkham Knight which I bought during winter sale but accidentally it fitted.
First thing to mention is bad optimisation of this game. Rocksteady still didn't fix this Batman. Instead they just created new DLC like skins for Harley Quinn and Robin. If you have troubles with this game try to read some guides for optimisation like this one. It really helped me.
About game itself: it's kinda like GTA with Batman as protagonist. You have relatively small city, only one but very useful car/tank and many side quests. Combat system is still good but overcomlicated and sometimes it just pissed me off. For example, RMB can do many thing and often not what you want right now: instead of using some gadget Batman just made silent takedown, caused alert and I found myself among hot guns hungry to me. I miss Batman Arkham Asylum when it was simple and convinient.
But main pro of game is its plot. It's interesting, complicated and full of twists. That's why I bought this game in a first place.
Also I don't know should I try to complete Arkham City or not. Game has one of the shittiest cheevo I've ever met, but for now I at least know combat system good enough.
It's just simple top-down scrolling shooter. It's short, primitive, easy to complete and get '-1' in backlog. Nothing special.
It's bo-o-oring. Story is kinda cute, but narration is very slow and boring. At least game is short. If To The Moon is the same tedious game than I wonder why everybody likes it. Well, maybe I'll play it later. Much later.
Some other stuff
I have Portal 2 and I've never played multiplayer, so if anyone wants help with 'Professor Portal' cheevo - feel free to ask. I remind you description of it: 'After completing co-op, complete Calibration Course online with a friend who hasn’t played before'. Also I would like to play it in co-op and get cheevos too, but I'm kinda dumb and I don't know english so it would be complicated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And I would like to play Borderlands 2 but RU-version on ultimate difficulty. I'm 55-lvl Zero, so feel free to add me for that. Obviously only guys from RU+CIS can have that version.
Late 2016 Report
about Backlog Assassin who is actually not Backlog Assassin
As I mentioned before I had special goal in 2016. At the end of 2015 I had almost 500 games on Steam. So I made a goal to get another 500 and gain in total 1K+ games but without spending any moneys except those I got from selling cards. #PROFIT. And I made it...
Some stats
Month | Beaten/Completed | +Backlog | Most Satisfying Finish | Most Exciting Addition |
Jan | 2 | 35 | Ori and the Blind Forest | Who's Your Daddy |
Feb | 6 | 49 | Max Payne 3 | Binary Domain |
Mar | 6 | 46 | Portal Stories: Mel | Door Kickers |
Apr | 4 | 51 | Alien: Isolation | Darksiders Franchise Pack |
May | 7 | 67 | Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition | METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN |
Jun | 2 | 50 | Limbo | The Walking Dead |
Jul | 2 | 65 | METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN | Life Is Strange |
Aug | 8 | 25 | Spec Ops: The Line | Never Alone Arctic Collection |
Sep | 5 | 36 | The Vanishing of Ethan Carter | The Vanishing of Ethan Carter |
Oct | 12 | 57 | Deponia Doomsday | Deponia Doomsday |
Nov | 12 | 45 | - | Broken Age |
Dec | 6 | 33 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition | Batman: Arkham Knight |
When everyone tries to reduce their backlog as possible I raise it as I can. But did I change my mind after joining this wonderful community? Na-a-ah, I'm the same greedy person ;-P
Also I noticed that I have strange obsession in replaying different edition of the same games.
14 hours playtime
no achievements
BioShock Remastered
26 hours playtime
65 of 65 achievements
BioShock 2
42 hours playtime
68 of 68 achievements
BioShock 2 Remastered
27 hours playtime
50 of 53 achievements
Black Mesa
11 hours playtime
25 of 25 achievements
Original is non-steam mod,
so I can't show it here,
but I got every cheevos there too.
Borderlands 2
182 hours playtime
69 of 69 achievements
Borderlands 2 RU
9 hours playtime
32 of 69 achievements
22 hours playtime
43 of 43 achievements
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
23 hours playtime
43 of 43 achievements
4 hours playtime
19 of 19 achievements
Deponia: The Complete Journey
24 hours playtime
105 of 105 achievements
Ori and the Blind Forest
9 hours playtime
50 of 50 achievements
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
17 hours playtime
57 of 57 achievements
Resident Evil 4
49 hours playtime
12 of 12 achievements
There's also 2007 non-steam version
and I unlocked there everything,
even it doesn't officially support mouse >/<
Plans for 2017
Nah, screw them, I don't use plans.
Sincerely, not real backlog assassin escollo.
And Another Shitpost. Monthly themed
I post too offen recently, but almost nobody give a damn about it anyway, so let's post last one about month event, 'cause likely I'll not beat anything this month anymore.
So there was Lost girl`s [diary]. Just free russian VN, where bunch of guys tell spoky stories to each other, I got bored after 5 minutes, so I skipped most of it.
And I kinda dislike VN at all, but still play them, 'cause they are easy to 100%. Shame on me ( ꆤ︵ꆤ)
Another picture to bring attention.
Also finally I beat Serious Sam 3: BFE! Hey-ho! I waited almost a year till december, 'cause there is in-game event that available only during Xmas. Gifts, decorations and xmas trees appear here. So 2 of my last cheevos were about decorating these trees. But 3rd was multiplayer one and I finally met some people who played in certain mode and agreed to help me. And I gained 'Last Man Standing' cheevo because of them.
Last monthly themed game was Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily. It is my last SG-win at the moment. Well, I won, activated and beat it within 1 day. It's a hidden object game and it's kinda meh. To be honest, it is the first HOG I ever played and if other games are like this one I'll dislike this genre at all. Story is simple, plot twists are pathetic, puzzles are mostly boring, but they are obvious and logical and this is very good for quest game. This game is short and simple and if you like quests you can spend an evening on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Skyrim. Finally completed. Again.
Sky in Sovngarde, I think it's Shor in a center.
You could notice I told few times before that I played Skyrim Special Edition, if anybody actually gave a damn, 4xmple, I didn't :-P.
So now it's competed! Yay! I actually did smth for month's theme!
Well, there is nothing to add. It's the same Skyrim as it was 5 years ago. It has same setting, mechanics, textures, even same bugs. Oh gosh, every Bethesda game has too many of them, mostly they are little but annoying. Skyrim Special Edition has better shadows and lighting but also increased system requirements. For me main difference is that you can't gain cheevos while playing with mods. That's meh.
If you want replay Skyrim, Special Edition is kinda good choice. But if you don't have any edition and want to play some, you should probable buy original one, 'cause it's cheeper and Special Edition doesn't have smth new besides DX12.
So my opinion: original Skyrim was a great game, that's why Skyrim Special Edition is great too, but you shouldn't buy it, buy original instead. If you want of course.
On this playthrough I made up some additional challenges for myself and tried to beat them. So here they are.
- Raise every skills up to maximum 3 times. Done. That's easy if you know mechanics.
- Do not use console. Fail. Thanks, bugs, I always can count on you. Bugs made some quests unbeatable so I had to use console.
- Raise vampire and werewolf skills to maximum during 1 trasnformation. Done. Well, that was 2 long massacres...
- Kill Alduin with Wooden Sword. Alduin is main boss. Wooden Sword is child toy, one of the weakest wepon. Done. Kekeke. I have strange sence of humor.
- Play all game on Legendary difficulty. Done. At the beggining it was extremely hard, but after power-leveling it became easy.
- Do not use for walkthrough. Fail. I'm too dumb and too curious for this.
- Rest just minor and boring. Done/Fail. From time to times.
Most of the game is boring repetitive process, so that was good idea to make some diversity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Alduin isn't so happy to see me. I wonder why...
Game is done, I'll return for some mods later, but I don't know what to play next. I still have a week for month's theme. Also I have too many games that were in my wishlist and still never played. But I just don't know. Also I still wonder how many points I'll recieve for Skyrim in month's theme if I started it last month.
As I said I've already beat Skyrim before, I even spent the same amount of time ;-P
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
256 hours playtime
75 of 75 achievements
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
256 hours playtime
75 of 75 achievements
2757 | games |
62% | never played |
1% | unfinished |
8% | beaten |
25% | completed |
4% | won't play |
- From wishlist 336
- abc 27
- Secret Santa 92
- Secret Santa 2024 14
- Gifts 37
- Humble Bundle Monthly 131
- Top 20 20
- Deva 45
- PoP Short 30
- PoP Medium 26
- PoP Long 25
- PoP Very Long 25
- Won on SteamGifts 1303