
Report #3 - August 6, 2018


Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (FPS, Sci-fi) - 7 of 13 achievements (53%)
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two (FPS, Sci-fi) - 13 of 22 achievements (59%)
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Half-Life 2: Lost Coast (FPS, Sci-fi)

Hope Valve develope HL3 and release it soon ^^


How did you enjoy them? Do they hold up against the test of time?


I enjoyed the level design with some puzzles. And the scare atmosphere of the game when Gordon (main character) have to go alone in small and dark place surrounding by enemies(like 80% -.- ). The story is nice but not end yet.
The graphics of Half-life 2 still nice, if you don’t like the graphics of Half-life 1, there is Black Mesa, a fan made Half-life with better graphics. And with all the fans around the world, I think the series do hold up against the test of time.
If you’ve never played this series, you should give it a try ^^


Thank you for your detailed answer :) Good to hear it’s still fun. Another game then I should play some time :D


It’ll be fun! Trust me ^^


As much as I want to believe… I sincerely doubt HL3 will ever actually happen, not the least of why being the lead writer for the HL games just posted a thinly-veiled, gender-bent portion of what part of it could have been. (for a brief overview and more of Mark’s thoughts, see this page, scroll down to ‘Afterthoughts’.)

It’s really bittersweet to think of this, but I think it’s over.


Half-Life 3 Card Battle Arena?

They did make one game so far, why not another? \o/


Thanks for your info. So it seems like zero hope for HL3, quite sad. But it’s ok, nothing we can do. The series will remain in our heart.


I think that’s a beautiful way to put it. It really will.