First of all, thanks for adding me to the group, it has given me that needed motivation to sit through and play some games. Apart from my usual schedule of playing Path of Exile and CS:GO i decided to sit down and start completing a few games.
Portal - Main story completed
So yes, i am a bit late to the party. I found the Valve complete pack for a rather cheap and tempting price, and considering i only owned 1 game i thought, why not. Rather short story, beaten in under 2hrs (that’s me being terrible at puzzle games) but very unique and interesting. Loved the concept of portals and using them to clear obstacles, make crazy jumps and defeat enemies. Had a lot of fun and will try to go for rest of the achievements when i can.
Timberman - Completed?
This is one of those games which i just cannot categorise. It is a casual game about chopping trees and getting a high score. Addictive, simple and fun. However since there is no story i cannot categorise it. At the same time unlocking all the achievements could be the only way for me to beat the game, which seems rather difficult considering every person i meet in multiplayer cannot get past the initial 50 points and it will be very difficult getting the rest of the multiplayer achievements. Hoping this will just come in time and i’ll find people who can help me unlock those last few achievements.
XCOM Enemy Unknown - Started
I am not the biggest fan of strategy/turn based games and this one is definitely one of the harder ones i personally played. I am giving it a try and try to play through the game and see how things turn out.
Half Life - Started
Yet again, Valve complete pack comes into play. One of the most popular games. It is very difficult i must say. Feels like everything can kill me in just 2 hits and my hits aren’t even registering. Surprisingly i went for the hardest difficulty like i do with every other game, but i might tone it down so i can at least finish the game.
Grim Dawn - Started
Another game which i started and currently enjoying it slowly. Similar to Path of Exile, a great ARPG which i also cannot categorise as “Done” as you can essentially play through the game and keep playing. Once i finish all the acts i will call it done. I am really enjoying this game too.
Hell Yeah! - Started
Another game i started this month. Just got past the first boss and will try to finish the game by the end of the month. Fun platformer with some humour set in hell. Not the easiest platformer i played but it’s definitely fun.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Started
A bit of a cheat but i decided to add it in anyway. Started playing through the story mode but i am too focused on just casual and online battles that i really don’t know when i will finish the main story. It’s a fun fighting game. Wouldn’t say it’s my favourite though. Tekken will always have a place for that. But it’s a fighting game based off an Anime so it brings out my inner “Weeb” if that’s even what i would like to call myself.
Started playing through these games in the last week or so and maybe will get at least some of them finished. Work can get in the way but it’s almost Christmas so i will have some time off to grind this backlog.

Welcome to BLAEO, good luck with your backlog!
I used to play PoE, been thinking about starting again but it’s probably a completely different game now with all those updates and content O.o

Thanks :) Finally have some motivation. PoE isn’t THAT different. It’s more challenging end game in my opinion though. Got hooked on PoE after CS:GO started to become less fun and more grind. CoD this year is also dead. More time to work on my backlog.

Welcome aboard. :)
I swear to god I’ve been meaning to play XCOM for like a year, but keep putting it off because I don’t have all the DLC yet. Knowing my luck I’ll sooner play the Plus version for Vita the way this is going. Also, I got Grim Dawn recently. Haven’t played but heard good things about the game and if it’s anything like Titan Quest it’s gonna be at least solid.

I almost forgot that game existed. Used to play Titans Quest quite a long time ago. XCOM starts off pretty slow but once the actual game starts it’s definitely fun. Grim Dawn is a great game too. I still prefer Path of Exile but Grim Dawn has an appeal of its own and is still a good ARPG. It’s a bit slower paced though.
Just my 2 cents: I’d call Timberman beaten when I get all the singleplayer achievements (chop X, unlock characters) and completed when I have 100 % achievements.
Quite a lot you’ve got done in a week! o.0 Impressive.
I wouldn’t really say i done a lot :D Most of my time was spent playing PoE anyway. Had a few days off from work so i tried to use them. I will have 2 weeks off soon and will try to get a few more done.