March '18 - Report 1
Recently i’ve been playing a lot of console games, specially since my collection keeps growing (as well as my steam backlog), I know most of this games are old so reviews may be needless, but since i’ve been playing on PC since before the PS3 came out, i’m playing exclusive titles or games i haven’t bought for PC when ported (Like bayonetta).
I’m really excited as well, to look at my Final Fantasy Collection grow, i got in the mail original copies of FF7, FF8 and FF Collection, and with that i complete the main series games… now off to keep collecting spin offs…
As to what i’ve played recently:
Bayonetta - Beaten
I found this game to be a really fun action game in the vein of DMC, but with a lot of tongue in cheek jokes (really bad and cheesy as well), a huge ammount of gore and a ass-shots galore… I think the game takes the route of oversexualized females and crancks it up to eleven in a sense that it’s so nonsensical that it can’t be taken serously and more as a critique on the issue in general. I got to say the combat and controls are really tight as in any Platinum Games game and it’s quite fun to beat up angels… The torture attacks and the climax attacks with the Wicked Weave are quite awesome. Only gripe is that it’s not a game to play with your kids around…
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Episode 6)
Started this game a couple of days ago, and it feels like an oldschool Tomb Raider with a male character, but it doesn’t seem to add anything new to the “Indiana Jones genre”, except that the main character has even less compunction to kill anything that moves than Lara or Indy (he usually killed nazis so he had no reason to feel bad)… All in all a good game, but nothing to write home about… I’ll update when i finish it…
Well… that’s all for today, i’ll get back to you when i have something new to add…

Is Bayonetta a difficult game in your opinion?
I’m interested in it, but I’ve heard mixed reports on its difficulty.

I wouldn’t say Bayonetta is particularly difficult, but I like beat’em up games so I guess I’m used to it. The main thing to learn is how to dodge and make use of witch time. The combos are secondary and you can master them after. As long as you know how and when to dodge properly then you won’t have too much problem with the game difficulty.
Of course, the game might still be challenging here and there, it’s not a complete walk in the park (unless you play in easy) but that’s what gaming is all about, facing challenge and overcoming them. It’s a really fun game to play and learning how to play it is part of the fun as well. However, if you’re aiming at mastering the game, then it’s a completely different story and this will be really difficult. But if you only intend to beat the game, it’s not that hard I believe.
But anyway, gameplay wise, I don’t think there are many games that reach such level of fun and excitement in the beat’em up category. If you’re interested in the genre then it’s definitively worth a try. Should be pretty cheap on the old consoles (around 5€ here for X360 or PS3) and goes for 10€ on PC when on sale and it is totally worth it.

I think the game is not that difficult, in Normal difficulty (that’s what i played) the enemie’s damage is quite hard, and some enemies can kill you in 2 o 3 hits, even from full health, so dodging and witch time are mandatorym as adil said. Easy mode is just button mashing, since enemies do way less damage and your damage is multiplied hugely…
All in all, i think that the game requires a lot of skill, but nothing unnatainable (i’m not that good of a player… :P

And yay for finally beating Bayonetta! Glad to see more people enjoying the Witch!

Thanks! I really enjoyed the game, and the characters!
Bayonetta looks great, I need to buy that next sale! I tried and failed to win it too many times :P
As a long time Uncharted fan, Ill admit the first game is nothing beyond generic, but it only gets better and better each game :)