

  • Aliens: Colonial Marines

    23 hours playtime

    31 of 60 achievements

2/5 I completed the Stasis Interrupted DLC. Not all that great. Probably worse than the main storyline if that’s even possible. Got it because I’m a pretty big Alien fan. Huge letdown. It supposedly connects the dots for the main campaign and tries to make sense of the crap story they churned out, but it fails miserably. Not even fun to play but mostly frustrating. Pass.


You lasted a lot longer than me…
I’ve been a big fan of the Alien franchise since I was 9.. but I just could not stand Colonial marines. 19 min was enough for me


Hilarious thread. Thank you for pointing it out to me. There are some good moments in the game, but definitely not worth the headache of actually playing it.


I remember this game being one of the biggest disappointments of 2013, and it’s sad considering how much potential they had with this franchise.