
Report #25
Hello again. It seems that I kinda keep up with posting, even if they are small and ugly. This one will be smaller than ussual.

Nothing much to report for March.
Kinda abandoned HL2 in my work breaks as I bought the battle pass of apex legends and all my focus is on it at the moment to get to the top rewards of it till the season end. More on the origin side, managed to finish Fe. Also managed to finish the dlcs of Witcher 3, made all side quests for my run, but didn’t bother with all side-activities( all the question marks in Skellige are killing me). Also finished first part of the Euro Truck Simulator 2 event(the 10 transports from the cities) and as a side note today also finished the 5 different destinations( as just today it unlocked, each destinations being active 3 days). Also started Crysis 3 and Styx: Masters of Shadows. Also small progress on the road to 100%-ing the steam achievements of Clicker Heroes.

For the current plan the plan will be focus on damn apex battle pass and in between finish some of Origin games where managed to snatch 2 months in the giveaways from march. As I mentioned untill now managed to beat Fe, and started Crysis 3( still haven’t played Crysis Warhead, have it on steam, maybe will finish soon as well) where I managed to finish like 2-3 missions so far. The plan will be to finish it, and as well finish Unravel( have progressed somewhere around half of it some years ago when I got one month of origin acces), Unravel 2, A Way Out( after I find a partner, cries in forever alone), story of fifa 17 so I can play the story of 18 and 19 as well, but these 2 I own so not much rush with them. And probably if will have more time left, which most likely won’t have, maybe give a try to Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and Dragon Age Inquisition. Regarding the Clicker Heroes, with some luck will be able to finally finish with it this month( have 10 revives left and around 20 buries left). Also will focus on doing one transport for each destination that is yet to come of the ETS2 event just for the sake of it(the event will go up till mid May if I remember right).

This was all for this month(it ended a bit longer than what I expected). Happy gaming and see you the next time.


Oh I’m guessing apex is good if you brought the battle pass. Keep seeing it around and my brother apparently really enjoys it more then fortnite which is hard to believe when I still see him playing that more but who am I to argue over playing it. Also curious to see A Way Out pop up on this site twice in such a short time, I watched 1 video on it but I never heard about the game away from that 1 video so never expected to come across 2 people talking about so close together


A bit more paced than the others brs that are out there( played few matches of the black ops IIII during the beta and one match of pubg during one lan, in which I didn’t understood anything) this seems a bit more simplified as well….and about a way out, dunno…maybe because the origin access giveaways? didn’t heard the game being too hyped, but wanted and still want to try it and didn’t got any chance for it yet, hoping that this month it will change


Wow, I’m exhausted reading that– sounds like a lot of gaming progress for one month! :)


not really….just me having issues arranging my thoughts in a decent order…tl;dr finished fe, dlcs of witcher 3 and a lot of apex, started crysis 3 and some postponed games, and the plans with trying to focus on the origin access games for current month


Oooo thank you so much for mentioning about the ETS2 event, would have totally missed it otherwise :) time to go do some trucking now :)