Cece09’s profile

January 1/2

Half-Life 2

Coloring Game 4

192.1 hours
410 of 410 achievements

This is just a massive game. Its their biggest game so far and while there is 1 art pack the rest were fine to me. There wasn't any massive picture that require more then 4 lanes

Half-Life 2

Dust: An Elysian Tail

27.0 hours
30 of 30 achievements

I remember trying this game out ages ago and not really caring for it but I finally gave it a proper chance and you know what I can see why its loved. Once I spent a day into it I came to actually enjoy the gameplay and started to get actually into the story

Half-Life 2


6.9 hours
11 of 11 achievements

Honestly I have no idea what to say about this game. I played it ages ago then dropped it and replaying it didn't change my opinion. Weird things happen for the sake of funny especially that ending where idk what was even going on. I only cared for 1 person and it was one of the side characters you don't see until like the half way point

Half-Life 2

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered

9 hours
34 of 34 achievements

I mean there's not much to say here if you played the original you will like this cuz its the same thing except with bugs. I definitely did hit some like 2 sentences didn't get spoken, eyes rolled up at 1 point and the blue hair was wishy washy at the end but that's all in the last episode for me. I wouldn't say they were game breaking or bad enough to hate on the game. Of course if you haven't played them then yeah get the original but if you own this game don't just ignore it cuz you might come across a minor bug or 2

Half-Life 2


32 hours
no achievements

I liked this game for the 1st 2 episodes. It's a bit messy but its all good fun to me but then its sequel is sold as dlc and I have no idea what was happening. It took me 10 hours to get through those endings and I can't tell you anything that happened. You can't even take photos when the ui is down so the text has to be there and there's this stupid gacha type thing to find bonus what if scenes but fast forwarding a day didn't always work so it took a bit of tinkering with time and days in order to find them all

Half-Life 2

Pale Cachexia

4.3 hours
5 of 5 achievements

Funny thing about this game is that when I first played it I was sick so I dropped it but then I picked it up 2 days ago and I was sick again but I wasn't dropping it this time. If you played the other games from the devs they normally focus on yaoi while this is just a sad story about a girl slowly dying and never knowing what is real and what is not. Its definitely worth checking out if you like more darker type games

Half-Life 2

The Uncertain: Light At The End

5 hours
24 of 30 achievements

Originally planned to 100% this but then I failed an achievement that unlocks at the end and I'm not playing this game for a 3rd time. Maybe if I didn't encounter bugs I would be willing to see how I went wrong with making people like me but nah to that. I preferred the original uncertain, I didn't care to much about anything in this version

Half-Life 2

ValiDate: Volume 1

13.2 hours
68 of 68 achievements

I originally played this game a while ago and did 1 route but you know what its not to bad, I do hope for the other acts to come out. You basically go on a linear route of characters and when you get the good end it moves onto the next person. Its not your normal visual novel since it just carries on, so if you slept with that person in the good end that is what happens in everyone elses route. Some people don't even date just stay friends despite what the title of the game tells you. You even get to see the people age up. Now the way it doesn't skip properly is quite annoying but apart from Emhari its quite easy to tell what ending is what, with her though the bad and good change at the end instead of straight away

Half-Life 2

Zeliria Sanctuary

10.1 hours
43 of 43 achievements

I never intended to get this game as I played the free happy new year zeliria and just didn't care to much. But it goes for cheap enough and you know what I wanted to see it as it is. Sadly it has its content cut for the steam version with no way of fixing it. When it was possible to fix the content back it had a bug in the code so it didn't work properly anyway. I mean I'm sure I will play the sequel if it releases but only on a big sale

Well this is my 1st actual report of the year that isn’t just a recap of last year. I will be posting around the half way point of each month as I said I wanted to post more then a month each time. Here we got 4 games that were in progress and dropped. 1 win. 2 sequels and just dust

2024 Report

22% (708/3181)
16% (524/3181)
61% (1949/3181)
23% (822/3551)
15% (546/3551)
61% (2183/3551)
24% (919/3771)
15% (562/3771)
61% (2290/3771)
27% (1080/4001)
16% (633/4001)
57% (2288/4001)
25% (1122/4431)
14% (625/4431)
61% (2684/4431)
33% (1462/4436)
17% (755/4436)
50% (2219/4436)

It’s very interesting seeing all my stats together cuz while I did make great progress at one point it kinda went down in the remaining months. I started the year off with 132 and I hit a record in the middle with 220. But I mean 1 month in this year had 0 at all but my main goal wasn’t for lots of games played. I did 521 this year, less then last year and 1 less then the one before that so I kinda wish I did just 1 more XD

I am a little disappointed in my top games of the year. From the top 12 I pick 10 to make it look nice in this view so it was basically only 11 this time and while what is sleeping in my room isn’t my preference I also didn’t want sound of drop to get it when it was an old game. I also find it a bit weird to have 2 yakuza games but 1 month was just yakuza and that took place after I picked the 1st kiwami previously.

My goal didn’t really work out this year. It was the focus on my pop games which I failed miserably at, hell I didn’t even do a single game this round. I had it downloaded but everything just got overwhelming. I didn’t do at least a series a month and while there was a few long games I wouldn’t class the amount a victory or being the right long games

This year though I hope to do what I set out to do in 2024. I don’t want to be touching anything short (purposely) until at least the summer sale. I got a tv coming my way soon so hopefully there will be less distractions by playing in fullscreen mode. Maybe I’ll see about doing my reports again not on a monthly cycle but back to a weekly thing so its not an endless rut of maybe I’ll play something right before the end or maybe I won’t

Anyway this comment section has gotten way to long so I hope anyone who bothered to go through this much text are happy with their results and that this year turns out better, in real life and in games

27% (1080/4001)
16% (633/4001)
57% (2288/4001)
25% (1122/4431)
14% (625/4431)
61% (2684/4431)

December 2024


Completed: 6
Achievements: 38,326
Perfect: 976
Average %: 88


Well like the previous months before me this month was spent cleaning up some more games. I still got a bunch to do of course but I will be definitely focusing on some newer games next month like my latest win

Late edit as I forgot my progress bar and I’m honestly confused because how did I activate so much? I mean I knew I activated a few bundles from dailyindie which were going for the cheap like the 19/29p type but I didn’t spend alot of money there to make up that amount. I focused on long games for my sale so I didn’t end up with over 100 there. I also don’t remember going on a free game spree so what happened!? I mean now I look at them yeah I guess it added up without me realising it and because I focused on completing old games I wasn’t making any real progress. But I know when the time comes I can get rid of them super quickly so while it looks super bad its also not gonna put to much of a pressure on my backlog either you know

Favourite game of the month is easy, college kings was the newest possible game here but its also just a good game. I’m so glad that when they brought out season 2 they gave the dlc free to everyone as I might’ve not bothered otherwise but now I know I want the 2nd season and will get it when they finish the game

November 2024


Completed: 4
Achievements: 37,571
Perfect: 958
Average %: 87


Well its been another busy month of completing some more old games and finally tackling resident evil. Also as you can see the 2005 version looks a bit wonky, the generator doesn’t pick it up as its own game. It just has the remake added twice instead but I figured out how to change it to normal.

Anyway the remake re4 is of course the best of the month. Even if I hadn’t done mad father before I was pleasantly surprised by the game. I never got to try out the original 2 or 3 to see what was different. I know 2 is liked but 3 is hated. It was like a whole different game, barely anything was the same I’m honestly shocked. I mean the only real remakes I’ve played before hand was final fantasy 3 but that’s because the pixel version doesn’t even have characters so of course it was totally different while also being pretty much the same just extra content

October 2024


Completed: 11
Achievements: 37,178
Perfect: 953
Average %: 87


Well this has been a productive month, I have gone back and completed a lot of games. Like resident evil here, crown of leaves. Finished up achievements like floating farmer, what is sleeping. Plus the ones not marked down here as I did them earlier this year like the almost gone, apocalipsis.

Considering a bunch here are from completing them its kinda hard to pick a favourite. So I guess what is sleeping in my room. I mean I wouldn’t class it near to my favourite game but it was a very interesting game when I completed it. It probably won’t be on my top 10 of the year but from the 1st time completion side its better then the other few

September 2024

24% (919/3771)
15% (562/3771)
61% (2290/3771)
27% (1080/4001)
16% (633/4001)
57% (2288/4001)


Completed: 7
Achievements: 37,283
Perfect: 937
Average %: 86


Well I ended up winning cosmic shake on the 22nd which gave me a big boost to play the other spongebob and then my secret santa ys games. This was also the month I finished every single sakura game but in 7 days we get another one which is good I need more for my collection

Late edit to bring up my progress bar. Completely skipped my mind and while my never played didn’t really go down at all with the extra games I got I still made an extra 4% in 3 months

Favourite of the month could go to pretty much every single game here but I’ll give it to the bikini bottom spongebob. Cosmic shake was great but I enjoyed the different fighting styles with patrick and sandy. I do also see that there is a patrick game coming out very soon it clearly was destined to win

August 2024


Completed: 16
Achievements: 37,180
Perfect: 932
Average %: 87


Good month here. We got some big games, some pop games and tomorrow will be my final set of sakura games! I almost didn’t complete the letter here, it requires like 300x going through that ending chapter. Plus you still have all the other branches its insane but I pushed through and did it

My favourite game of the month goes to dragon star, it was a great jrpg even if people made it seem like you didn’t have to grind as much, since even on easy they were so insanely high to me and I was fighting everything multiple times

July 2024

  • I Did It ALL for the COOKIE!

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements


    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • I got CUCKED by a FUTANARI

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • I got GOONED by a FEMBOY

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • I got STICKY with a FEMBOY

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements


    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • I made a FEMBOY SQUIRT!

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • I'll Do It Tomorrow

    0.3 hours playtime

    2 of 3 achievements

  • Interview with the Horny Ghost

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Kiki & Ana - The Child

    0.7 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Koncolos: Prologue

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Lake Minnewaska

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Legacy - Witch Island 2

    2.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Love Alchemy: A Heart In Winter

    0.9 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Loving Life

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Magic Encyclopedia: Moon Light

    2.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Mind's Eye: Secrets of the Forgotten

    1.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • MindMindMind

    0.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Mirror Mysteries 2: Forgotten Kingdoms

    1.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • My Bestie is a Femboy Streamer

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • My Cashy Side Job at Lost&Found in the Subway of Million-Person City

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements


    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements


    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Neverout

    3.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • OnCall

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Pizza Ghest

    2.3 hours playtime

    6 of 9 achievements

  • Return NULL - Episode 1

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Seeds of Paradise

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Shadows: Price For Our Sins

    3.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Solomon's Link

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Sucker for Love

    3.8 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Tales From The Dragon Mountain: The Strix

    1.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Tales From The Dragon Mountain 2: The Lair

    5.8 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Aquarians

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Evolving World: Catalyst Wake

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Femboy Next Door Thinks I'm Cute

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Fog: Trap for Moths

    2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Hole Town

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • the jester's revenge

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Orchard of Stray Sheep

    8.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • The Slaughter: Magdalene

    0.0 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Tick Tock Isle

    0.9 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest

    1.8 hours playtime

    19 of 20 achievements

  • tomorrow won't come for those without ██████

    0.5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Twilight Story - A Quiet House

    0.1 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • UC Love

    1.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Universe For Sale - Prologue

    0.5 hours playtime

    0 of 3 achievements

  • Welcome, Get Out!

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Where Angels Cry 2: Tears Of The Fallen Collectors Edition

    2.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Where the Music Dies

    1.7 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Whimsy

    0.3 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Who Are You?

    0.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Who is the Defendant: Deliberately Rough

    0.2 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Zarathustra - Cybergeddon

    1.6 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Zeitz Machz √Rhapsody

    0.4 hours playtime

    no achievements


Completed: 220
Achievements: 36,550
Perfect: 921
Average %: 87


I am totally not in the mood after doing this dang report. I was fine with it taking an hour or 2 but then I finished it only to find out I missed 1 game. Luckily I kinda knew where it had to be with my no achievement games but it took me over 30 minutes of finding it out only for it to end up being the game that achievements are broken for so it was already in my bad books!

As always while it looks like alot based on my hours total, it comes to about 1 hour per game but of course you can see many were less then 10 minutes with a few like ice age giving me a whole lot more hours. In fact ice age was my longest at 9 hours. This is to be my final speedrun, it is time to focus on my pop and gifts. I get to have fun replaying saints row 3 and finally trying out the newest game which I believe made people appreciate saints row 4 at the end of the day

My favourite of the month is a tough one. Heart of the woods was an amazing game and those chanimk yaois become my new favourites of them. However I got to give it to carpe noctem. I absolutely loved it when I played the game and I think considering its not from a dev I knew I liked already it has to just take the title. There are nice free games out there but typically they don’t reach that super loved it level which carpe did and I would love to see more from them

June 2024

23% (822/3551)
15% (546/3551)
61% (2183/3551)
24% (919/3771)
15% (562/3771)
61% (2290/3771)


Completed: 0
Achievements: 35,436
Perfect: 848
Average %: 86


I mean there’s not much to say here is there. I didn’t play nothing other then a tiny bit of colouring pixels and cleaning up my yugioh game which I completed but I already put that down this year. So I can’t name my favourite like usual since again nothing was done. Honestly the fact I even got a tiny sliver of progress these 3 months is insane

Anyway there is news for my gaming the rest of the year. I am doing my last speedrun in July to get through my sale games, this will also be a hog month so 31 minimum I’m hoping to achieve. From August I will solely focus on long games and pop. I have set my self a personal challenge of doing like 5 of the games otherwise I have to pay regardless of which ones I did. I really slowed down once the website became a thing that I ended up taking a break twice but the pickers work hard choosing games for me and they like picking the same games that I kept avoiding so lets do it! Away from pop my focus will be ys and legends of heroes, I’m not sure on which will be 1st just both were secret santa gifts so them first. Then digimon, fairy fencer f and nier. From there I have no clue, maybe yakuza since I got a good start of them and maybe buy the newest game for winter sale but we will see

May 2024


Completed: 9
Achievements: 34,836
Perfect: 840
Average %: 85


I pretty much spent this whole month just cleaning up achievements in games, it probably will continue on to the next month as well so it probably won’t be to much again. However with the sale happening at the end I will probably do another big month in july to make up for all the new games and then I will focus on those damn pop games! Maybe I’ll put a challenge down and be like I’ll still pay anyway if I can’t do at least 5 of them

My favourite of the month will go to bear with me. I always say I don’t want to really pick games I’ve done before and that leaves me with aarklash and that’s a no. I do need to go back and complete the original game, I don’t think I did when I played it before and that’s how there’s so many missing achievements. So yeah its a nice little game and the black and white look to it doesn’t destroy it for me
