Hi! So I’m pretty new around here…I actually joined (I blame tso184) just at the end of October, so this is my first “monthly report.” Please see my profile for more info.
All of the games I’ve played this month are listed here. I’d like to highlight some of them below:
Completed/Beaten games
The Walking Dead: Michonne
6 hours playtime
21 of 21 achievements
The Purring Quest
9 hours playtime
23 of 23 achievements
An Assassin in Orlandes
13 hours playtime
10 of 10 achievements
9 hours playtime
no achievements
Projector Face
6 hours playtime
5 of 5 achievements
6 hours playtime
4 of 4 achievements
Chaos on Deponia
20 hours playtime
27 of 34 achievements
Other notable progress
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
38 hours playtime
38 of 57 achievements
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga
30 hours playtime
no achievements
The Dream Machine
19 hours playtime
no achievements
Thoughts on this month's games
- I won all of the games I played this month on Steamgifts except for Tenrow, Chaos on Deponia, and Lego Star Wars Complete.
- I played all of these games with (e.g., with an audience of) my kids except for Tenrow, Walking Dead Michonne, and An Assassin in Orlandes.
- I love Ori and the Blind Forest. It will end up being the hardest game I’ve ever finished, surpassing A Story About My Uncle.
- I kinda suck at platformers, and neither of those games is easy, IMO. I even struggled at times with A Purring Quest! But the kids and I loved it.
- TWD Michonne was enjoyable…it did seem a bit….shallow? It didn’t seem like your choices affected your relationship with the players (e.g., “Samantha will remember that.”).
- Chronology was really a lot of fun. Great for the kids, but made me think, without being too hard. Polished.
- I played Tenrow start to finish during two of the World Series games…maybe Game 6?
- The kids and I have been playing Chaos on Deponia for a long time, in small chunks. We finally finished it! Now I can play Goodbye Deponia (an SG win), though I think I’ll do that solo so that it may go faster.
Plan for November
See my Attack Plan.
I hope to “beat” Ori and get all but a handful of achievements (I do not have the skill to 100% it). I ought to finish The Dream Machine and The Path. I don’t expect to have beaten Lego Star Wars Complete, but it’s possible. I hope to have completed Firewatch and hopefully Black Sails. Anything else is gravy!

First of all, welcome to BLAEO :) Really nice progress for your first month here, and nice attack plan. Good luck for december, I hope you stick around :)

Thank you, EBS! :)

As some would say, welcome to the madhouse.
You actually played a bunch of games even if you didn’t feature them so excellent job there. It’s progress regardless of completion rate. I look forward to hearing if Firewatch is as good as I’ve heard people say it is.

Thank you for the warm welcome!
I think I featured every game I actually played this month except for The Path. The rest are in my “Card Farmed Only” group. :)

Hi Trent,
Good to see you here as well :-) Quite good progress too!
As for your “Itching to play” list: The Room and Morningstar are both really nice and short games that you can play and finish if you have a couple of hours, so hope you can find some time to play those :-)

Not a bad idea…maybe I’ll work them in this month. I’m sure I could add more games to that list, too.

Hello and welcome. I blame tso184 for my presence here too :P
Is A Story About My Uncle THAT hard? I’ve wanted to play that game for a while now but the platforming always put me off. I didn’t know how hardcore platforming skills it requires. I should also mention that I am really bad at platformers and I don’t like them enough to practice to become better at them.

Thank you for the welcome!
I guess it’s all relative…depending on just how much one actually sucks at platformers. :) I found it quite hard. But some sections were easier (for me) when I switched from a controller to KB+M. By no stretch is it “hardcore” platforming…but it was hard enough for me that I really had to work at it. You can also read my review for more thoughts.

Thank you for the review, it was very informative :) Although I’ll admit that similar to what someone said under comments, it really scared me off even more :P

From what I can tell, you are a hardcore completionist– and quite talented! As I mentioned in my review, the achievements are difficult (basically getting through the levels quickly/efficiently or without dying). So if you’re doubting your platforming skills and want 100%, you may be best to skip it.
Or, you can make another Steam account for good games that you want to play but don’t want the “pressure” of preserving your Completion %. :)

Oh unfortunately I am not all that, really. But thank you for the kind words :)
I checked some videos of those perfect run achievements in A Story of My Uncle. Even if I managed the platforming (despite it being impossible for me to precisely grapple on those tiny rocks due to constant hand shakes), it looks like the main problem I will have with the game is motion sickness. I tried watching a 14-minute video of a certain chapter being done without falling, and I already started feeling dizzy and nauseous after the 3rd minute so I had to stop watching. This is the same reason why I can’t even get 100% on the first Portal game.
This is depressing, I really did want to play this game but I guess it won’t happen :( Thank you so much for all the help. :)

Anyone with a 91% completion percentage including 100% in games like HITMAN, Dishonored 2, etc., is pretty badass in my book. ;-)
I’m sorry about Uncle…I was going to suggest a video, but guess that’s a non-starter as well. :(
Maybe there’s a video of just the cutscenes or something so you can at least enjoy the story (although a quick check didn’t reveal one).

Aww thanks for even the mere thought of it :) I will check videos and fastforward to the story parts or find a detailed text that explains the story. ^^

Welcome! That’s a big amount of games you’ve played in a month, good progress. :) Enjoy your next games, hoping to hear more feedback from you in the future!

Thank you– looking forward to another monthly update!
Note: Chaos on Deponia and Lego Star Wars were largely played in previous months…but finally finished the former and still plugging away at the latter!
Hey! Glad we could both be newbies here :)
I love Ori and the Blind Forest so much. It’s one of the only games that I didn’t get angry at when I couldn’t beat a level over and over. The soundtrack, gameplay, and visuals just kept me motivated to keep going. Also I agree with Michonne. I just beat it tonight and then I went back to redo a lot of the choices. Everything pretty much plays out the same and almost none of the dialogue choices come back up again whether the character remembers or not.
Thank you for the welcome, fellow newbie!
Yeah, I die a lot in Ori, but it’s always fair. I had to take a break from the Ginso escape and revisit it– even though I watched a YT video for some tips. I suck.
In TWD1 (haven’t played S2 yet), characters would do different things and interact with you differently (or just plain die) based on your choices. I understand that TWDM is a smaller game, but that “smallness” is both in length (3 chapters instead of 5) and depth (less reactivity and player agency). Still fun enough, though. :)