LOG #3
Hello, people. Almost two weeks since I post here. The reason is that is the Carnivals where I live, so I didn’t have that much time to play. Anyway, today I have time, so I might as well update.
16 hours playtime
14 of 38 achievements
Pony Island
3 hours playtime
13 of 20 achievements
Thirty Flights of Loving
43 minutes playtime
no achievements
This week I’ll mark Okhlos as finished, I’m unable to beat it in normal mode (far too many crashes and frezees), so Pacifist Run and Heracles Run should do, at least the pacifist run covers the main “story”. A shame I couldn’t do more, it’s a great game. Anyway, here you have a screenshot of me on the credits scene of the Pacifist Run. Good times, when the game didn’t chash that much. (Crappy)review time for the other two!
Pony Island: Really great meta game. It totally deserves all the praise it got, it may get a little repetitive. But it’s worth just because the story and the meta tricks it puts are impressive. Can’t say much more without spoiling! Just go and play it. (Not SteamGifts win)
Thirty Flights of Loving: This was an experience. A really cool one that must be seen if you have the time. It has two parts and I enjoyed the first one more than the second, but both are wild as hell.
Next thing… THIS!
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
4 hours playtime
0 of 27 achievements
Ys Origin
12 hours playtime
5 of 46 achievements
I’ll continue with The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, I’m reaching the part where my PSP playthrough ended, so I’m really excited to continue with the game. And why do I include Ys Origin if I already beat it? Because, I got a challenge on SteamGifts and I must beat the game again, but now with another character. Yay! Perfect occasion to replay this masterpiece.
I think I’ll try to maintain this updated every two weeks, since I don’t think I’ll beat those two games in a week (maybe Ys, but that’s not enough to deserve an update). Or each week if that week was eventful enough (if I win something else on SteamGifts or if I feel like playing my extense not SteamGifts wins backlog and I beat something). Well, with all that said, happy gaming to all of you!!
So the gauntlet has been thrown about Ys, huh? :D Good luck.
I’ve been struggling so much with Okhlos, I haven’t been able to pass Lemnos so far in normal mode. I should give a try to the Pacifist run, also the Spartacus run was pretty fun. I’m glad I was not the only one to experience crashes too, but the game overall is pretty fun :)
Oh yeah, that challenge where I should beat Devil Daggers 3 time XD
Oh wow, I’ve never played or owned any of the game you mentioned in your update. I hope you enjoyed them!