  • Pixel Puzzles: Japan
    Pixel Puzzles: Japan

    14 hours playtime

    26 of 26 achievements

  • Quell

    6 hours playtime

    35 of 35 achievements

  • Thomas Was Alone
    Thomas Was Alone

    6 hours playtime

    35 of 35 achievements

  • A Date in the Park
    A Date in the Park

    71 minutes playtime

    9 of 9 achievements

  • Beyond Eyes
    Beyond Eyes

    4 hours playtime

    10 of 10 achievements

5 more completed games! First 3 are a part of the monthly theme:

Pixel Puzzles: Japan

I like jigsaw puzzles in general but I didn’t really like this game. Is it a mobile port or something? Resolution is low. Music/sound quality is bad. Trying to grab the piece you need can be frustrating because instead of letting you take what you want the game “suggests” the best piece. It is an easily abused system. If you stack all the pieces together they come out in correct order from left to right. I tried to avoid doing that as much as I could because that felt like cheating. The worst part: you cannot save progress so you have to complete each puzzle in one sitting >.<


Quell is a very nice relaxing puzzle that I enjoyed. Plenty of achievements and easy to get 100%. You don’t even need to use any guides. You earn coins for completing levels and you can use these coins to unlock a solution for a particular level if you are stuck. It’s more fun to try to find a perfect solution yourself though. I am definitely going to play the other 2 Quell games in the near future.

Thomas Was Alone

This game is absolutely incredible. I loved everything about it. Music and narration are awesome! I wrote a short review here. If you have not played it yet, just do it! D:<

A Date in the Park

One may think that I should be concentrating on my huge backlog instead of playing free to play games but this one kept popping up on Steam’s store page so I decided to check it out. I was pleasantly surprised. For a free-to-play game this one is a pretty decent p&c adventure. About an hour long.

Beyond Eyes

Got this as a gift from a great friend 3 days ago. Decided to play it right away. It is not on this month’s list and I think it should have been. It is extremely relaxing. This game was good. I enjoyed it. :)
My Review, Screenshots, Gameplay Video.


” you can use these coins to unlock a solution for a particular level if you are stuck,” – That’s what the coins are for?!?! Well at least now I know for when I go to finish up Quell Memento :P


lol Yes, there is a button in the top left corner (or “X” if you are a weirdo like me and playing with xbox controller). You can unlock perfect solution for 2 coins and jewel location for 1 coin. At least this is how it was in this game :P You end up with so many coins that it becomes too tempting not to use them from time to time :3


Works in the other two as well. :) Would assume in the new one as well, but still don’t own it. :’(


It is not on this month’s list and I think it should have been. It is extremely relaxing.

You could always suggest it. Still a week left for it to be added if someone agrees with you. :)


Are games still being added? I suggested something a week ago and got a +1 but the game wasn’t added to the list so I assumed it’s too late :o
I’ll still try.


Oh I have no clue… I assumed it was an on-going thing but I could wrong.
Well still worth a shot, I guess.


Read your review for thomas was alone, I knew the voice in the trailer sounded like Danny Wallace!! His work with Shaun Hastings was great, I imagine he made a great narrator in that game


Oh yes, narration is a huge part of this game and it is indeed very good :)