
March 2021 Beaten - Completed & Played Games

I skipped february since all february and first half of the March went to one game and that is Nioh 2. It was a highly anticipated game for me and it delivered. It is not really different from the first game but it was already a good formula and they made it better. In the first Nioh bosses felt underwhelming for me but this time they are pretty good. There also really cool new weapons but i cant help playing with kusarigama again. :p I definetly recommend this series to souls like fans but i cant recommend Nioh 2 to people who didnt play first one since game assumes you already played it.
Second game game is long waited WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY. This game was a gift to me but boy it was a hell to play. I only liked the base combat mechanic of this game. I didnt like anything else. Map desing is linear and repetetive, story is boring as hell, i didnt encounter any new “mirage” after 10 hour of gameplay all of them was recolor of some others and characters are probably there to give some people “oh look final fantasy characters in chibi” vibe. I am a bit guilty with this game since gave me a kinda fake ending and i took. It is game’s faulth making me battle last boss 2 times already. I dont care about the third time… Yeah stay away unless you are a big fan of final fantasy games.
Third is a newly released game. Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth- was at early access for a while and i was waiting it to get realeased and it did a couple of days ago. It is a very well done metroidvania with episodic approach. It was already very well recieved but it was even better than i expected. Very solid and polished gameplay, kinda interesting story not much, fast paced and fluid character movement to make backtrack easier. A bit downside for me, i found the game a bit easy for my taste and it is fairly short too, ~6 hours of gameplay time. I definetly recommend it.

  • Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition
    103 hours playtime - 63 of 88 achievements
    24 hours playtime - 13 of 49 achievements
  • Record of Lodoss War -Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-
    6 hours playtime - no achievements
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Flashes of FF XIII


Haha oof that world of final fantasy 1 star, I guess it goes farther into the backlog but I did buy it so I will play it one day still! xD