I completed my first game since joining this group, Hexcells. It is an ok puzzle game, but do to the fact the puzzles were short and it was a short game, i didn’t quite get to enjoy it. It was ok for what it was, but now I’m moving on to the other games in the hexcell series.

they get longer; maybe you’ll enjoy the others more.

The difficulty in the second game pretty much picks up where the first ended, and I enjoyed that one more. I did enjoy the fist one very much, but I agree it would have been boring if it had been longer, and I would have hated if the second one would have “reset” the difficulty. I hope you’ll have more fun with the second and third :)

Since it’s your first post, welcome to the group! Haven’t played Hexcells games myself, but they seem like a nice way to spend a little time with puzzles. Hopefully you’ll find the sequels more entertaining!

congratz and welcome!
Congrats with your 1st backlog assassination and your 1st post.
thank you