I took the week off!
And I’m looking for a group/discord to chill out in and play whatevers other people want to play. I feel like I’ve been living under a rock lately (I’ve literally spoken to less than 5 people and commented less than 20 times here and on SG in the past month) and I should be more social.
Any suggestions?
I wish I can take the week off too D:
There’s an unofficial SG discord, I’m joined somewhat recently but it’s a nice place and there are a couple of regulars that keep the place alive (:
I don’t have any plans though ;-; I just decided to take a week off because work was making me tried and technically I have unlimited vacation (and I almost never take vacation)… Hopefully I don’t get bored out of my brain that week. :)
Ooh yeah, maybe I’ll give that a try. Thanks for the suggestion! <3
Whiffle ball! O: So cute (: Edit: It changed back just when I commented. BUT I SAW IT :P
Enjoy the break, sounds like a well deserved one (:
Whiffle balls are cute? You girls are silly. :o
I changed it as a joke (because I miss the ball all the time in Rocket League) but then people were asking who I was so I changed it back. D:
I googled whiffle, and it has a completely different meaning from whiffle ball ):
Wait, what did you find?
(of the wind) blow lightly in a specified direction.
“as we walked, air began whiffling down off Bald Peak”
a slight movement of air or the sound of such a movement.
a very short haircut worn by US soldiers in World War II.
It’s called a whiffle ball because it does a number 1 when you throw it.
That sounded really weird.
I found something similar to both number 1s. It’s cuteeee. The ball isn’t.
Hey its me, ur friend. Let’s play something :3
You can join us in The After Party if you’d like. We’re holding game nights three days a week on semi-random games. Tonight we are going to play some Post Apocalyptic Mayhem if you’d like to join.
Well it would be great if there’d be some more life on “our” discord, maybe you can activate some people :) Has been rather quiet apart from the occasional rocketleaguing :/ … well sadly I can’t really join you myself, I’ll have at least two more “exciting” weeks before I can lay back :(
Yeah - it’s very hard to have something “take off” - usually takes a really long time to build up. :)