
February 2023 Update

Next update (works only on profile page)

Overall backlog progress :

26% completed
62% beaten
12% won't play

Side note

Disappointing month. I tried Costume Quest 2 and Death Stranding as they were free on Epic. And I’m really happy how DS turned out. I thought I may not like this game, but now I see I would feel like I wasted money if I’d go after hype and buy it. That’s why demos were nice. And why devs don’t give demos anymore. Make hype, persuade people into buying pre-orders, allow reviews to be released only on or after game release (best if they can show only dev-supplied footage to cover bugs and crashes). And know that average person will spend in game only few hours, so why bother about them. Fans will go and praise game anyway.

I did beat Mad Experiments and Anthem but those were at least “playable till end”. I would not want to pay more than few eur for Anthem though.

I’m playing Encased and damn, this feels like trash bin lurker simulator. At least I found it’s possible to enable cheats, so with 2x game speed it’s easier to forgive time wasted on long animations and slow walking.

I used icons from this page, to show gaming platform in my post:


Wait, you finished all your games on Steam? :slscream:


Yes :blobevil:

I get now one extra, but for a bit I had zero!


Crazy :slscream: