
Backlog Assassination : Welcome to 2022

Hi everybody, it’s been a while isn’t it ? My last post was in September and it’s not that I didn’t want to challenge myself as I continued to do so and have my own list ready for this month, but the universe had decided that the end of 2021 would be a complicated one : My computer died, the preparation of my wedding turned into a disaster (the post office gave my wedding rings to someone else, the restaurant forgot our reservation, etc. This was a logistic nightmare), so I simply didn’t have the time to sit down and make a long post regarding what I was playing and I wasn’t playing much anyway as trying to solve the shit the universe was kind enough to send me.


Today is my first month being married to my partner and I only begin now to solve those issues left from before the wedding (they still didn’t pay back for our wedding rings) and those in between (I love it when suddenly the public service which is helping me to survive as an handicapped woman decides to cause issues by withdrawing 350€ from our landlord for no reason at all and ask me to give them 150€ as bonus because why not). BUT I also can finally begin to plan what I’m going to play this year. Yeah I’m speaking of year because there are some games in my list that I’ll never play or finish if I don’t give them priority.

9% completed
1% beaten
3% unfinished
86% never played
1% Won't play

Planned NON Assassination

This year I decided to make a big cleanse of my large library and decide which game I simply won’t play at all. It would be complicated to explain what went through my head when it comes to my wish to own some of them, but I simply don’t have the time to play bad games for the sake of finishing my backlog, so that pesky “won’t play” red mark will become larger by the end of this month and probably the next.
Those won’t play will still be in my library but won’t be there to stress me unless someone plead in their favor (I can be wrong and judging a game trash while it’s pretty cool).

I wanted to post this here as a reminder to myself and to everybody who will read that a game is supposed to be entertaining and not a duty, even less a chore. If you feel that way when it comes to launch a game, you should re evaluate what pushes you to play it in the first place.

I’ll resume my usual posts in February, for now I’m too busy celebrating my one month anniversary of marriage (is that something you do ? I decided that yeah) and reminding me to not rush myself. I have time and I should use it as I see fit.


Congratulations on your marriage! How exciting!!

Sorry to hear about the issues with your wedding - weddings are stressful enough as they are without all that :(

Good idea on dropping games you don’t want to spend time on. A year or two ago I went through and deleted about 200 games from my account as I knew I was just going to want to play them for the sake of playing them. Haven’t missed them at all!


That’s great, I’ll just hid them and add them to a special category while updating here to reflect my choices. There are some games which are so bland that after 5 minutes you know that you won’t want to play those more and I shouldn’t force myself to because it’s part of my games.

The wedding itself was nice, we were 12 so it was easy to relax and speak to everybody :)


With that hell you went through damn yeah is 1 month a celebration!


Yeah lol, that’s mostly a joke, we’re together since 13 years so when I went to kiss him for our “one month married anniversary” he looked at me like I was a fool (but he never says no when there is an opportunity to get a kiss).

Charles Nonsens

Happy monthiversary! Totally agree that games are meant to be enjoyed; there are enough chores in life that we don’t need to take on more. Hope you get all those problems sorted.


Some people eventually forget that a game is meant to be fun and get competitive or force themselves to play through things they don’t want to.


Congrats on getting married!

I’m very sorry for all the trouble though! I hope you still had a somewhat nice marriage! Happy first anniversary <3


The wedding itself was nice, no regret on that side ^^ !


Glad to hear it <3


happy anniversary! i hope you can solve those issues without any problems


For now no, I already had 2 different tickets and the last one said that they will contact me when they have further information. Bitch, you gave my wedding ring along of another letter, the dude who got them won’t come back saying “hey I got 2 rings in that tracked letter” and the last time I heard of them was December 7th.