Main Quest #176 - 16 August 2023
This was pretty fun and oficially the longest game I’ve played, whatever that says about my gaming habits. Initially I was going for 100% but after 50 or so hours I dropped that idea and focused only on the quests (main, side and relationship). I still ended up 92% of challenges and level 38, which was quite a lot for the time.
The ending was a bit predictable and I tend to dislike the big ones with the passage of time, but it’s Hogwarts and a lot of fun nonetheless. I enjoyed the characters and the relationship quests as well, they bring the world together and I hope we see more of them in the sequel, in which hopefully they’ll decrease the amount of collectables and focus a bit more on the story and whatnot.
I ended up dropping Death Stranding (on Epic), I wasn’t finding it fun enough to keep playing.