
February Assassination #4

5.2 hours

My Steam Review - Consider leaving a thumbs up, it means a lot to me :)
It's hard to fault Little Inferno. It looks great, has awesome animations, menus are all polished, sound generally is really good, and the game has a very specific and well developed aesthetic style, which remains consistent all throughout the game. It's writing is mostly good, although it dives head first in a style of humor that might not appeal everyone, so it could be hit or miss.

And I get the kind of statement the game is trying to make, about consumerism, capitalism, lonely, environmental degradation, so on and so forth. But in trying too hard to make a statement, it starts to fail a bit as a game. I realized I was disengaging with the game when I started Alt-Tabbing to do other stuff while I waited my items to "ship". I actually like the gated progression of catalogs and items within catalogs, forcing you to experiment with everything and focus on combos, but the inflated prices and ever-rising shipping times start to become an annoyance really quickly, and that's where the game lost me. Also, some combos rely on English-centric puns and idioms, making them inacessible for ESL folks.

Overall, a game made by a competent team, but that misses its mark when it comes to gameplay and actually being enjoyable to play