
September 2023

Well, last month was a blast. RDR2 was really damn good, so good in fact i barely played anything else that month haha, but i guess that’s just a testament to it’s quality, rarely do i play games that hook me so much that i have to finish them before doing anything else :)
Anyway, not much of an update this month but onto the games:

Currently playing

Nothing atm



  • Red Dead Redemption 2

    58 hours playtime

    20 of 51 achievements

  • Burnout™ Paradise Remastered

    15 hours playtime

    16 of 56 achievements

  • Q-YO Blaster

    61 minutes playtime

    10 of 16 achievements

Stats (September 05, 2023)

2548 games
88% never played (2250)
4% unfinished (92)
3% beaten (67)
1% completed (13)
5% won’t play (126)


No thoughts on Q-YO Blaster? I’ve been interested in that one ever since I found out about it through SG giveaways.


It’s not really worth talking about, it’s a short, quite generic shmup, with decent music and nice art. If i didn’t suck at it, i could probably complete it in under 20 mins, not really worth buying imo, but if you win it then it’s worth a try, it’s not long after all.