
Report #3 - Multiplayer progress


119.6 hours, 5 of 5 achievements

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I played Deathgarden shortly after it went F2P in November of 2019. Game was made by creators of Dead by Daylight, but I haven't played that game even until today, so I can't make any good comparisons.

Still, we have a multiplayer only game about 5 survivors facing a hunter in an arena. Survivors were sneaking around while trying to activate the exits, while hunter was doing as his name would suggest - hunting.

Gameplay was obviously deeper than that with parkour, detection, hiding, running, counters to certain plays, various gadgets and skills and a GLORIOUS 2v10 mode that for some reason was always fun to play despite being chaotic opposite to the usual stealthy and nervous 1v5 hide and seek.
All in all, game had that something that made it fun.

Unfortunately, devs decided to go back and focus on their cash cow - Dead by Daylight, and this game started steadily losing population. Even though I have almost 120 hours of gametime in it, in later months the chief part of gameplay was waiting for enough people to start a match at all, sometimes just 10 minutes, sometimes even 30.

Still, the game was one of my favourites and I miss it.


62.6 hours, 11 of 11 achievements

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Oh man, what an experience. I had been eyeing this game for a while, but it was news of the servers shutting down that prompted me to give it a shot while I still could. And so I did, starting on January 4th, 2023, with only a week until the game's shutdown on January 11th.

I was fresh after moving, so with my desk still unassembled I played the game on a giant cardboard box for 63 hours in about 5 days all for that sweet, sweet 100%. Surely you understand, 12 hours of gaming a day leaves little time to assemble a working desk…
So worth it, and yet, it was an exhausting sprint marathon of gaming.

Still, this mad dash left me with very jumbled memories of the game. I remember so little, 6 classes, multiple elements and their special skills, and rest of it being mostly run of the mill Fortnite-like Battle Royale formula.

Oh well, at least I had fun with it. Probly wouldn't play much more of it though, even if I could. I had my fill and then some.

Winning Putt: Golf Online

32.2 hours, 11 of 37 achievements

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Winning Putt was a simple golfing game me and my friend used to hop in on every Friday to talk over. Gameplay was so mindless that it did not cause any trouble with thinking about other stuff and talking in a way that made sense.

Pick a stick (range), direction of shot, power and try to hit the sweet spot of accuracy.

It was however a F2P MMO-ish game, and once Bandai Namco realised it wasn't bringing in the cash, they cut off the servers.

It has this silly grindy achievement that I'm sure I would have never managed to complete without some sort of autoclicker, since it would take me around 600 days of gametime to finish according to my current gametime to cheevo progress ratio. Still, I'm sure I'd have completed the rest of the content if it was possible, but since it's not, see ya my first golf game. I'll miss you. o/

Servers shut down = won't play

Gloria Victis

0 hours, 0 of 79 achievements

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Not much to say here. An MMO game I got from a bundle in 2022 - and game shut down in 2023. I was busy with other stuff back then, so there was no chance for me to play it. I don't really regret it, it feels like a grindfest and I saw some other complaints about it in the reviews.

Servers shut down = won't play

This is a long overdue report, with games I’ve been done with since at least a year. It’s also a reminder to play your multiplayer games when you can. Devs and publishers rarely care about making an option for the players to set up their own servers and run the game even after official support is gone…

Total: 10 (+4)
Completed: 6 (+2)
Beaten: 0
Won’t play: 4 (+2)

SG wins: 2
Gifts: 0
Multiplayer: 7 (+4)
Games I want to play: 0
Series I want to play (games): 0
Series I want to play (series): 0

Done everywhere
Total: 11 (+4)
Steam: 10 (+4)
EA: 0
Uplay: 0
GOG: 0
EGS: 1
Amazon: 0
Blizzard: 0
Mobile: 0
Other: 0

2024: 1/60 (all games from this post were done in 2023 or before)


Congratulations on all of your assassinations!!! ᓚᘏᗢ
Deathgarden Bloodharvest is such an edgy name, sorry it’s dying and multiplayer only. What are your gaming plans for July?


Deathgarden Bloodharvest is such an edgy name

Haha, never noticed it, but damn, you are right… ^_^;

My July gaming plans are as grand as the chances to fail at them spectacularly! \o/
Basically, I hope to do 4 SG wins that start with S to make an SSSS tier blaeo post…
Then I hope to finish some previously started games, touch some gifted stuff and maybe finish one more of these pesky multiplayer games (LASERS, which I already started today and met 2 friendly people! \o/)

Altogether, 11 games might not feel safe with me in the same room this month.
If someone asks where I touched them, they’re all gonna point at the Play button.