Spring 2023
Another Zelda game off my list! Playing with the nunchuck took a while to get used to but it makes the gameplay a little more immersive. I didn't get stuck much and the difficulty was just right.
Just as cosy as the first game in the series, it manages to renew what made the original so interesting and cosy. If you liked CT1, you're going to love this one too.
Surprisingly lengthy, Chorus scratched that Descent itch. Piloting is very smooth, the visuals are nice and the story, while not gripping, keeps being interesting until the end.
Definitely a hidden gem, it ticks all the boxes a good Adventure Time game should have: colorful visuals, simple yet interesting gameplay and a low difficulty. Completing it was a pleasure.
A game I picked pretty much at random, it was a neat game all the way through. The difficulty was just right and completing the side quests didn't feel like a chore.
I had this game in my library for a long time and, though the levels are quite linear, it didn't disappoint. I now get the cult following Bayonetta gets. Probably the most badass female character in the history of video games.
I never guessed a game with the game play as simple as this one could be that interesting. The space visuals are absolutely stunning and I really enjoyed how cryptic the whole experience is.
I didn't like this one much. The opening is really nice and quite scary I must admit but then the gameplay never evolves significantly. And the end was bad.
Oh man Twilight Princess was my first Zelda game. I’m not sure how its aged but I used to love it as a kid. Nice progress!
I guess it’s aged pretty well but from my understanding, the definitive edition of Twilight Princess is the Wii U HD version. For some odd reason, everything is mirrored in the Wii one.