PS2 Nostalgia

14.6 hours

Just a nice quick remaster from an era where game mechanics were unpolished (and sometimes incoherent), but were often heaps more charming because of it

For the unfamiliar, Destroy All Humans is probably closest to something like GTA, except with about 5 separated areas instead of one giant one. It's more angled towards the "cause chaos until the cops come" side, as just your presence already causes panic (you're an alien after all). There's some mind control and disguise powers to avoid this happening, which are fun to play with. Otherwise it's your expected third-person vaporising and anal-probing, or mass destruction in your saucer

Like other open-worlds, the main story is a narrative draped over these mechanics, providing interesting challenges - or ideas for your own chaos when you eventually get back to free-roaming

Good palette cleanser before the new month starts