
Six Series 24.1

For more flexibility and readability, I've decided to post about my assassinations in groups of six for a while.

Game Pass
37 hours
23/48 achievements (48%)
2022 JRPG Pixel Graphics
≥ 15 hours
2019 Adventure Action
Game Pass
6 hours
21/37 achievements (57%)
2024 Horror Story Rich
Game Boy Advance
6 hours
2004 Beat'em Up Side Scroller
11 hours
5/32 achievements (15%)
2022 Archery Action-Adventure
6 hours
2017 Racing Pixel Graphics

Posting every six games is a great idea!! Although probably that would make me post slower than currently (once a month) haha
Also nice to see how you incorporate non-Steam games. I play a lot on other libraries such as EGS, itch, and GOG, and always think on how to incorporate them in my posts. Good inspiration!


I’ve been a BLAEO member for over 8 years so I’ve seen and tried a lot of ways to post. Regular updates are nice but I have rushed games in the past just to be able to include them in an update and I hated it after the facts.
With this new system, I can just take my sweet time. When the 6 games are beaten or dropped, I publish my post.