Mmm… Forgot to mention I finished Fortix 2 as well. Didn’t 100% it and have no intentions of doing so, but did mange to complete the game. :)
Started [the sequence], but that’s not going so well at the moment.
Current games in the play queue:
Beyond Good and Evil, Rabi-Ribi, Shadowrun: Dragonfall, The Spatials, Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries, Goblin and Coins, Mega Man Legacy Collection, Valley…
and whatever else I decide to distract myself with :)

Well, it’s a little bit late, but I want you to know that I finished MGS5:PP and gain every cheevos! If you don’t remember, it was the main reward from your Berlin Subway Event which I won as bloody ninja leecher. Thanks again!

That’s awesome! :D Glad you enjoyed it :D
Played Fortix not so long ago, also have no intention of getting 100% (just missing “Complete in Impossible Mode”) - is it the same in Fortix 2?
also, your hot springs emoji kinda looks like poop