Eternal Updates
Well, my backlog grew out of control on this sale so I better start clearing it out (or at least progress in my ABC Challenge)
This was quite a decent fanservicey match 3 game that required some strategy instead of matching gems mindlessly (especially on the later stages of the game, when just brute-forcing your way to victory with Fire Girl isn’t enough). Near the end of the game I felt like the AI was cheating because more often than not they placed their special tiles in the most inconvenient places.
Also I feel like they didn’t give too much thought to the achievements, because you get one for almost every little progress you do in the game (up to a certain point), and you get all the achievements by the time you finish ⅔ of the game.
I wanted to like this one because the game has a very solid skill-learning system (as well as some other gameplay-related features) and an anti-grinding system that makes your life a lot easier, but Darkend fails where a game should never fail; in being entertaining. What makes it so noticeable is how it becomes such a slog as soon as you attempt to get the side-quests done.
The story ranges from just ok to interesting depending on who is your main character. I personally liked Griselda’s story the most but I didn’t finish all of them. I was tired of the game after the second run.
Playing this game right after Darkend sure was interesting because both games are somewhat similar yet Eternal Senia was a blast.
Eternal Senia’s combat system reminded me quite a bit of Ys Origin; instead of pressing X or any other button to attack all you needed to do was to bump any foes and you just attack automatically. If I had to say something negative about this is how sometimes Senia keeps attacking your opponent if they doesn’t die with 1 or 2 hits, which it’s a death sentence against certain non-boss foes. Talking about the bosses, their hitbox is way too small. They are massive yet the only way to damage them is to hit them at the centre.
Story-wise it was very good. The story might not have been original but the execution was flawless (take some notes Darkend!).
All in all I’m surprised to find a free game this good. Anyone who likes ARPGs should try it.